Τρίτη 29 Οκτωβρίου 2019


By completing a huge cycle, we have arrived to what is called quotient.
It is that timing during which everything in the matter is ready to be upgraded,
while as far as these that are not ready to be upgraded are concerned, they will
follow the paths where they didn’t understand what they had to understand.
The entire creation is intelligence; all the forms in the creation have as their
upper goal to return to the source that is to God the Creator of the whole to the
light, to whom Jesus Christ used to call as father.
The kingdoms that don’t possess a mind, the kingdoms of the minerals, of the
plants and of the animals during those time periods, when reaching the timing
of the quotient, are being upgraded as a group and so this is why their forma
are identical (minerals, plats, animals).
But the quotient in the human kingdom, which has hypothetically joined the
beings with intelligence, is literally individual.
This means that each person separately is either upgraded or not.
This individual soul that each person possesses has to hypothetically be the
individual mind of each person that has led him to this return of his.


Of course you know the results as well as the one to blame for the humanity
having lost its way.
It is this dirty entity called the Blacksoul one and which just a few while before
the end took care to totally humiliate the human relations.
Having used all the official global authorities he intends to impose that apart
from the two sexes, the male and the female, it is normal that more sexes do
exist which of course have nothing to do with the father as Jesus Christ used to
invoke to.

Of course, no politicians nor any formal religion ever talks about, nor ever re-
sists to this degradation of the human relations. In fact they have abused all the

concepts of the words and they have humiliated anything ethical.
So, in case that a little boy (made a boy by God) or a little girl (made a girl by
God) go and defend whet goes without saying, i.e. that they are either boy or
girl, this is now characterized as racist.
So now what goes without saying, is considered as racist.
What is more, they encourage young boys to sexually try everything so that
they decide whether they finally want to be a boy or a girl.
So, the insanity has gone beyond any limit and this is called freedom for the

The Blacksoul one comes once more before the end to distort the human mind.

Of course this is something he has always done. But now just a little while be-
fore the end the distortion in the mind of the humans and the lecheries have

gone beyond any limit.

In the context of the human relations they will present to you every day sexual-
ly weird people, as if this is freedom (this is my body and I can do whatever I

want with it), but this is the absolute distortion or slandering, the absolute deg-
radation and finally the absolute anomaly that has been adopted by all the for-
mal global authorities of the planet. The acceptance of all these as a proof of

freedom of expression are translated according to the global gravediggers as
the lack of racism.

So, you who participate in all these are feeling happy and consider that it is for
your own sake; you also think that this is freedom but you just can’t imagine
how close you are to the end, the quotient and what this shall mean for you.
He has driven you as always, but now even more, to the absolute slandering of
the mind and of course you don’t understand anything.
The human relation from the authorities of the Blacksoul one have overpassed
any limit.
There are laws of the socalled government that allows to children above the
age of 12 years old to decide on their own without the consent of their parents
whether they wish to experience the euthanasia or not.
This means that a child aged 12 years old is in a status of deciding on his own
whether it wants to give an end to its life and this is encouraged by all the
global servants of the Blacksoul one, both politicians and religious leaders.
The pedophilia, the bestiality, the marriage at the age of 10 or 12, are allowed
throught he socalled laws of the state.

These are the awful things that the Blacksoul one and his servants are now im-
plementing on planet earth.

It’s not that he has completely cancelled the mind of humanity; he has also

reached the absolute end of driving humans to insane acts. Of course each hu-
man in his relationship is following everything that the official authorities indi-
cate him to do. And all these are sealed by the legalization of the justice, in pair

with the political and religious idiots.
So, now all human relationships are led to extreme situations and to endless
You can easily understand why we are noticing this timing as the quotient or
else the end of the times...

Having assured the full disabling of the human mind, the man and the human
relations are driven to incredibly extreme conditions.
The Blacksoul one having grabbed the entire technology in his own hands and
continuing to slander your mind is suggesting to you that you will be saved by
the artificial intelligence.
Had you ever, until now, heard the word mind, had you ever been taught what
the mind does to a person, and mostly the major question “who am I”?
Never of course.

But now out of a sudden, the humanity will be rescued by the artificial intelli-

Which artificial intelligence are we talking about? Is it the one created by hu-
man minds, the one that should make the life easier and have everybody enjoy

its benefits? But now on the technological peak, the entire humanity is tortured
over a piece of bread and a shelter.
Is this artificial intelligence going to save the humanity?
This knowledge is now transferred to the humanity almost instantly.
A very big part of the humanity has identified the truth form the lie.
Everybody knows now who is fooling and deceiving us and this is the reason
why the Blacksoul one with his servants (global authorities) are making efforts
to persuade the humanity that it will be saved by the artificial intelligence.
The reason he is trying to do this is just one.
He intends to close the mouth and stop everything that would set the humanity

free as well as to control the slightest information, to be able to continue trans-
ferring to the humanity his endless lies.

However, my beloved humanity, what is actually taking place on planet earth
is due to the fact that the father – as Jesus Christ calls him – has given the order
that everything is now revealed.
All of you possess a divine spark inside, you are divine beings, except for the
mutants and the clones.

The Christ inhabits inside of you, but also, through the training of the
Blacksoul one, the devil and your personal slanders as well.

It has been revealed to you who is now to blame for the slandering in your
mind but also and big accuracy, how you may become brothers with Jesus

In fact, nowadays you are more than brothers, we all are our own self, part of
the same unity, so based on all the revelations done according to the divine
plan, and in view of the end of planet earth, you can decide on your own if you
wish to follow God or the devil.

This is intended to happen through the artificial intelligence once more: to keep
the human mind totally disabled and as you have already perceived only an
activated mind can lead you to the connection with the source, the whole light,
the creator, the father.

An ultimatum to all those scientists who are dealing with the artificial intelli-
gence is to turn their instruments to the North Pole and they will soon realize

both them and all those involved in the lies offered to the humanity, what is
actually coming.