Τρίτη 29 Οκτωβρίου 2019


We have mentioned too many times what the word freedom means for a human
person and we have explained that freedom is equal to the return to ether.
There has been an extended reference to the paths of all the forms, since the
moment they started from the light of the whole, the source of the whole, the
father, to be transformed from stone, to plant, to animal and finally to beings
with intelligence.

On this planet Earth the naming of the beings with intelligence is humanity.
Reaching now this big crossroad, the beings with intelligence as you know

very well must definitely weave a superior divine body so as to be able to con-
tinue on the path of the return towards the source of everything or the light of

the whole, or else God.
The humanity has a big ally called sun; the sun is light and of course it contains
photons, so it is the mind of the light.
On the other hand the humanity also has a big enemy called Moon; the Mon is
the darkness and it is a fake heavenly body and it is constantly (except for one
day) stealing away the light of the sun and presents it as its own. In the same
way, for millions of years now, it is stealing the souls of the humans, since the
moon has to do with water.

Planet earth is constituted by water at a ratio of 3⁄4 and thus the man is also con-
stituted by water by 75%.

The entire humanity is trapped because of the Moon, while all the humans due
to the Moon and to the fake authorities of any kind (with the Blacksoul one

being behind those), are constantly and endlessly trapped and have their psy-
chic energy stolen away by the Blacksoul one himself.

Each man who is incarnated on planet Earth, receives energy from the whole
light, thanks to his divine nature.
The Blacksoul one, as he lacks this connection to the Source through the water
of the Moon, is taking away this energy from all humans.
Now you are all aware of the fact that the Connection of the visible (matter,
human body) with the invisible (soul and spirit) only happens through the
mind. This is exactly how the moon interacts with the water.

He keeps on plunging the mind of humans into the water, called emotions, and
thus all the minds of humans are fed with emotions.

Love, hate
Laugh, cry
Happy, sad
I like, I don’t like
You are my friend, you are my enemy
And in general, anything that divides the human and cuts him off the source of
the whole and makes him individuality separated from the whole light.
The emotion is the one thing that is constantly supplied by the fake heavenly
body called Moon.
Apart from influencing the man in such an extent, in the same exact way its
position between the sun and planet earth is totally unjustified as far as the
laws of physic and its size are concerned.
Based on its size (almost the one third of the size of planet earth), it doesn’t
seem logical that it is a satellite of earth. Furthermore, its position does not jus-
tify its ability to cause a solar eclipse (for those who know, the sun exerts a

multiple gravity force to the Moon, compared to the force it exerts on earth).
All the above naturally certify the fake body of the Moon, which keeps on
playing with both the water on our planet and the water of humans.

There are many traditions about the moon like songs for kids, etc, but they ha-
ven’t told you from which God these have come.

The entire trapping of the humanity from the Moon is also demonstrated by

another word called “moonstruck” and this is the reason why you are quite of-
ten using this word in your everyday life (e.f. this man is moonstruck).

Pf course you are using this word when someone has performed acts that have
brought a huge pain and an extreme evil, but to come to this point of extreme

acts of any kind, the human beings are all the time trained into this “moonstrik-
ing” status.

The black training, which of course begins from the Moon, its function and its
power haven’t been desymbolized to you and of course you don’t know the
impacts that this whole moonlike training has to you.
In fact you have noticed that there are countries on your planet that include the
symbol of the moon on their flags, so you can understand when these black
minds placed it there, what they had in mind.
Moon means lies, it means stealing, it means I am nothing and I juts steal the
photons of the sun and present them as my own.
This is exactly how all your formal and nonformal trainers are functioning.

Without any self – awareness, without any connection to the sun, to the pho-
tons, to GOD, they keep on imposing to you laws that you must be under their

authority, lawabiding and that you must obey to all those things imposed by the
authorities; but unfortunately for the humanity, this approach has resulted to an
absolute misery and a limitless chaos.
This is the reason why we keep on insisting to the unsealing of this knowledge,

so that you manage to count on your own strength and yours alone and to no-
body else outside yourself.

Everything on planet earth until nowadays are lies of the Moon. The planet has
so far been inhabited only my lunar beings since all your trainers were just
moonstruck so far.

Now all of you are invited to be converted to solar beings, through the unseal-
ing of this knowledge.

Solar beings means that you have escaped he nets of the Moon reaching till the
earth, while you used to be trapped all the time in the astral body with all those

things we refereed to you above (cry, laugh, love, hate), but now you have wo-
ven your superior divine body, so the invisible net of the moon hasn’t trapped

you; during your last breathing you successfully passed this test and as a soul,

as an energy and as a clean spirit you have penetrated in the sun. So you auto-
matically turned into a solar being.

The means used and the path so that you are transformed into a solar being and
of course a solar mind have been taught to you by the greatest spirit that has
ever come down to planet earth, the spirit of Jesus Christ.
This is exactly what solar being or lunar being means,
The moon entraps you, the sun sets you free. You know both ways of the
aforementioned procedures.
In case that some of you wish to keep on existing as lunar beings for the few
time left, this is only your own choice; the results of such a choice are not
made known to you, just because you didn’t want to know them, you who kept
on being selfish, egoists, arrogant, pervert, crooked, faultfinder, shortsighted,
to cut a long story short, lunar beings.

Our beloved sister souls, for all of you who during those ultimate moments are
able to understand all that is known to you and start acting accordingly, the
road to freedom is now open so that you return to the source of the whole and
you connect again to the entire light and inhabit inside the father and the father

inside of you, as Jesus Christ the greatest of the greatest has always been men-

These my brothers are the socalled solar beings.