Τρίτη 25 Αυγούστου 2015


You are the one of the two sexes in humanity; following your offer to the hu-
manity, you provide the possibility, thanks to the Creator (there are not karmic

responsibilities for the nonchildbearing) to fleshless souls to get incarnated, to
gain experiences through their incarnation from all the expressions of the matter 
and to continue (those souls you give birth to) evolving in the Creation.
You are totally enlightened being with an utmost service paid to the humanity.
Let go all those that the Blacksoul one and his henchmen have trained you

about, like being the fair sex, that the courtesans are the most ancient occupa-
tion ever and that – mainly in Islam – not even your eyes must be visible pub-

Have you realized what kind of an unconceivable trap you have fallen into?
The one who has created you should appear in front of you and without the fear
of violence and guns, declare clearly to you:

1. I am the one who created you

2. I gave the order that you are used as the paddles of men

3. I am the one who gives the order to all the women of the humanity to dress
their entire body in shrouds.

4. I am the one who only allows to men – dudes to have the possibility to
watch the sun without wearing the uniform of a ghost.

Of course all the above are ironic questions addressed to the Blacksoul one.
You women of the humanity, alone, without Islam – burqa – virgins in heaven
– shrouds on the head and any kind of concession either as far as your dignity
is concerned or because you are the fair sex, or even the oldest occupation on
earth courtesans (prostitutes), or finally the peak of the stupidity and bullshit,
that the man is a polygamous being. And as a climax of all these, you don’t
have the ability to practice priestly duties. We have mentioned earlier the holy
task of the priestesses with the priests in the antiquity.
Through the labor of a Holy Mary (PANAGIA), the greatest spiritual being
who ever stepped foot on the planet, Jesus Christ, was incarnated.
Who do you actually believe is of a bigger value: The Holy Mary or Jesus

Is it possible you totally stupid pervert and servants of the Blacksoul one, au-
thorities of the entire planet, to downgrade the woman?

Give us an answer, you set up provocateurs, agents of the humanity, who is of
a higher value: the mother or the son, the Holy Mary or the Christ?
How dare you discriminate the man of the woman? Who has taught you this set
up divisiveness?

We could say that as far as the Christianity is concerned the man and the wom-
an are equally treated; what about the unbelievable religion – parody – farce –

Islam murderers, what do you actually do?
You dress up women like ghosts because what the Blacksoul who alone you
are serving is trying to do to the humanity for so many years now is to tempt
it. So you in your turn impose to women to get dressed in these unbelievable
Halloween costumes like if you created them (the women) and you are such
obscene and black servants of the Blacskoul one that you have reached the
point of removing their clitoris, while they are in their childhood.

You black servants of the Blacskoul one, do you think that God made a mis-
take when he placed a clitoris in his creation and then you came with the infi-
nite demons partying inside of you, to make up for his mistake by cutting this

organ off?
Who the hell has defined you as the representatives of the Creator? Who told
you that the clitoris is a mistake of the Creator on the woman? Who told you
that the man is polygamous?
Are you so sure about the straw you have inserted in the heads of those who
believe you, that any kind of stupidity you say to them, they shall believe you?
You women belonging to the humanity that evolves as all the forms of matter
on planet earth, do understand through the decoding of the knowledge that you
are divine creatures as all, with the sole exemption of the cloned humans – mu-

Since the moment that the decoding comes to your hands, you should totally
change the way you function, think, speak or act.
In case you wish to be involved in any kind of debaucheries or dirty thoughts
and acts, this is the result of your decision alone and nobody else’s. It is you
alone you shall decide if you will go for wearing helmets on your head (bur-
qua), you alone who will decide about possibly negative thoughts, words or

acts and finally you alone to decide if you would like to get monogamously
united to a priest or settle for being the pot for any black debauchery.
From now on and as long as the humanity will have the aspect it has nowadays,
we are telling you that the place of the woman in the humanity is of an uncon-
ceivable and priceless value. Follow this tutoring, follow this knowledge and
then all of you, in case you act properly, can be converted to PANAGIES (Ho-
ly Mary). And through your connection to your priest companion and imple-
menting all those things that have been known to you, to give birth, to have the

CHRIST inside of you, and to also transfer to your born children the wisdom
that is unbelievable at such levels. At this point you should once more focus on
the holy image of the Lifegiving Spring.

You clearly notice the secret of the secrets which due to the moments that your
planet is experiencing, is offered to you without any hidden knowledge.
So that the big secret you are noticing in the image is achieved, and by that we
mean the ark of the humanity, and to be more specific into the body of each

monogamous couple, once this functioned as a priest and a priestess monoga-
mously, the Christ is born through the Holy Mary (PanAgia).

Your role in the humanity is UNIQUE.
You are mother, you are wifepriestess, you are the trainer of the souls you will
give birth to and it is you from whom each child receiving your love –
knowledge – training, can be since its childhood transformed to a Christianised
There are no words. The divine honourable positions are those that the Creator
has provided to you. This is the truth.
All the rest that the religions – authorities have offered to you concerning your
position are 100% divisive, devilish, satanic, blacksouled.
We have until now made everything known to you. Until now you were in your
majority justified since from whom would you receive the truth and the

Nobody has placed you as his first priority. And what is more, in Islam you
aren’t placed not even on the second rank. While you know now the truth.

By touching this unsealing and having made known to all women of the hu-
manity which is her position in the creation, from now on and until the few

remaining time till the cataclysm takes place on your planet (extremely large
quantity of water), it is you alone who can take the decisions and no one else.
You are been offered 100% the possibility to take the fate of your evolution in
your hands, without any supposedly commitment from the nonexistent black
trainers of the entire humanity.

We have only one wish for you. Identify the divine inside of you and too simply 
demonstrate it in the way we have mentioned before.