Τρίτη 25 Αυγούστου 2015


The location where the Blacksoul one’s based is China. It is a country where the ATHEISM is the official religion, because the regimes have intentionally and systematically promoted atheist ideas through the school programs and the Mass Media. 2,500 years ever since, in the country where Confucius was born, they are spiritually leading people to atheism. Atheism means that prior to your natural birth you were nothing, and after your natural death you are an absolute zero. As a consequence, when you have flesh, that is when your ‘existence’ inhabits a natural body, all that is left for you to deal with is matter, the shoes, the clothes, the rice, the absolute mental apathy. Their training is actually the guidance of humans – servants. The Noah’s flood in the Human Mind & the Return to GOD 82 Since the Blacksoul one acts in subtle way, backstage and not in the foreground, China had never had the role of the hyperpower that controls the destiny of the whole planet. It is only nowadays, during the eschatological years that the planet is experiencing for the last 100150 years, China has been obliged to come to the “surface”. Else, during the last 4,000 years there was always a statenation, being the “bogeyman” of the planet, the menace, something like the today’s USA. And in the era of the ancient Egyptians and in the era of the Persians, the Romans, the Byzantines, the Ottomans, China never played the role of the front man. John the Evangelist wrote 2,000 years ago that during the eschatological years a war will take place with a country possessing 200,000,000 soldiers. The country he was referring to was China, since it is the country that can afford that figure of soldiers. “Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates. So the four angels who had been prepared for this hour and day and month and year were released to kill a third of mankind. And the number of mounted troops was two hundred million; I heard their number” Apocalypse 9:15,16. The Blacksoul one enslaved the yellow tribe 17,000,000 years ago. It is the tribe whose members have similar looks, like the mineral, plant or animal kingdom. These are souls that are easy to be controlled, manipulated and enslaved and they follow orders. Taking as example the Greek race that although possessing few souls (population) always spawned leader revolutionaries like Leonidas, Kolokotronis, etc, then China, in proportion to its huge population should have spawned revolutionaries against the rotten governments torturing the population over the years. On the contrary, even nowadays, they are working like slaves, being stacked the one on the other, working for a dish of rice, and being induced to atheism. The Democratic Republic is a status of the type “having it both/all ways”, where the president has always been assigned as president before even born. Our intention is not to make some negative comment on the simple Chinese people. We come from the same seed of the one and only God – Creator, all populations on Earth, and the Chinese population included. We have no difference between each other. Behind this entrapment of the yellow race, the biggest masonic lodge of the planet, from which all the individual masonic lodges Bilderberg club, the tri- 83 partite committees, the Illuminate and all the authorities of planet Earth – are receiving orders, is hiding. All he authorities are coordinated by the biggest lodge of the planet, which is the Hong. Based on China the Blacksoul one has been controlling all the empires of the last 4,000 known years, while the humanity has been considering, from time to time that the Romans, the Egyptians, the Babylonians, the Byzantines, the Ottomans, the Americans, the Jewish, etc., have been the causes of their misery and sufferings. He was hiding very well behind all of them. And then he was making others “get things done”. He has set up the global “chessboard” in such a way that even the most skillful mind could never perceive what kind of game may be played on this planet. The conquest of Tibet did not take place that much for expansion reasons as for the Blacksoul one to be able to control a land where from the light was born through the teaching of Buddha. The enlightenment of humans had to be suppressed via a status where people live like robots, work all day, eat only rice, believe in atheism and are completely ignorant about their real freedom and their selfawareness. The banknotes, a powerful weapon of the Blacksoul one, appeared in China in the 7th century A.D. (it is not accidental that during the same period (610632 A.D.) the Quran is written (another powerful weapon of the Blacksoul one). During that period the Blacksoul one was inaugurating these weapons of destruction of the humanity and which were presented to humans though as ‘gifts’ and aids to make their life easier. The creation of banknotes was a tactic used so that China can control the humanity, but without the fact that it plays the role of the hyper power being obvious, at least until nowadays. The great mystic Alexander the Great, having been informed over all these, was aware that the serpents having arrived from the constellation Satania of Nebadon galaxy had enslaved 17,000,000 years ago the third subrace of the third root race that was inhabiting the planet and this was a yellow race, that is the contemporary Chinese. He also knew very well that China was the base of these serpents. He conducted a campaign from Greece, supposedly against the Persians. At those times, the Persian Empire was the bogeyman of the planet. However beating the Persians was not the sole scope of his campaign, since he The Noah’s flood in the Human Mind & the Return to GOD 84 also headed for the base of the Blacksoul one. The great mystic Alexander the Great was mainly against those who were oppressing and literally sucking the energy of the human evolution. Through this campaign and for his own reasons he tried to demonstrate the universality of the humanity. Since, many great masters, warriors, philosophers, great men or arts and letters have been born in the Greek race, and who were characterized by virtues, the marrying of Greek men with women from other countries intended to spread the Greek light to the world of those times. This dissemination of a superior civilization was based on the following ideology: 1) All the states together can live in peace, without differences between the populations, without conflicts, hatred and most of all without wars. 2) It has left behind the most important doctrine, “Every nonGreek is a barbarian”. This means that if someone is Greek but has no virtues, then he is barbarian, that is with no perspective of evolution and each nonGreek who has virtues is no barbarian, but Greek Following his victory against the Persians he reached the heart of Asia, the contemporary China, to chase completely away this defilement out of the planet. However the times were still early, the full limit of the time had not arrived yet and thus, the greatest spirit that has ever taught on this planet, Jesus Christ had – according to the divine plan – to come down and teach the humans. CONTEMPORARY STATUS OF CHINA Among all continents, the European continent might had the highest standard of living. The Blacksoul one took care that after the end of the Second World War, there would be divisions of the type ‘eastern’ and ‘western’ Bloc. The ‘western’ Bloc was experiencing the financial model of the free market, where the stronger wins, like the cannibals do, however in the ‘eastern’ Bloc everybody 85 had a meal, but in combination with the absolute atheism. The eastern Bloc, the exSoviet Union included too many countries, among which a part of Germany. After the 2nd world war, Germany was once again intentionally separated in two parts. The one part was attached to the Soviet Union and the other part to Western Europe. In this way Germany was punished because most of the people considered and still consider that this country is the reason that the second war has been caused. Nobody wondered though how it could be that, only 20 years until the launching of the second war in 1940, a country that had suffered huge losses from the First World War, could turn into a war machine and attack so many countries So, it was the Blacksoul one he, who funded its power and assigned to Germany the role OF THE BOSS AND OF THE SOCALLED ARYAN RACE. It was Germany thus that LED THE WAY WITH THE 2 WORLD WARS BRINGING THE CATASTROPHE TO THE HUMANITY, FUNDED BY THE NONEXISTENT MONEY OF THE BLACKSOUL ONE. The continuation of the BLACKSOUL OF CHINA AND GERMANY IS THROUGH THE FUNNY THING THAT WAS CALLED AFTER FOR THE HERDS AS EUROPEAN UNION (EU). The promotion of the Chinese products in the European countries without any taxes imposed on them, at the same moment that many European citizens are suffering from unemployment is another element proving that China is the base of the Blacksoul one. More analytically: In 1989, with the help of set up agents, as always, brought down the Eastern Bloc, the states that constituted the Soviet Union left and Germany became unified again. The Western Germany, together with other European countries had already created, and of course not for the sake of the citizens, a Union, named after the European Union. In the beginning, the member countries of the EU (European Union) were limited in number, while nowadays they amount up to around 27 countries. What is more, the total population of the EU is around 500,000,000. This means that instead of having the inhabitants of every European country separately consume what they produce in their own country, a Union has been established (the European Union), being like a huge – as far as geographical extent country, whose production and consumption would offer to its citizens, The Noah’s flood in the Human Mind & the Return to GOD 86 through a much more centralized control, the possibility to never deal with any problem of unemployment, food and shelter. As a consequence, the European Union, now counting a population of 500,000,000 people, is able of producing all the goods that the citizens need to consume. Nevertheless, its leaders – wolves, by imposing taxes and other similar planning based on agreements and controls, have put a brake on the production of Europe and in the same time they increased the consumption of Chinese products in Europe. How has this been achieved? Their superficial explanation for appearance's sake is the law of the free market – cannibalism. The truth is though that this has been achieved, mainly through the nonimposition of luxury tax on the Chinese products imported in Europe. The luxury tax is being imposed when a country wishes to prevent the import of a product that is not produced locally (in the same country), and since it wants to avoid that the citizens consume those products, instead of forbidding them to buy them, the country imposes such huge taxes on them that their price is too high making it almost impossible for the citizens to buy them finally. However, as curious as it seems, the leaders of the European countries intentionally don’t impose a luxury tax on the products that are imported from China. Thus, the European citizens found themselves unemployed on the one hand, and consuming the things they don’t even produce, on the other hand, because the immoral leaders of Europe delivered it to the Blacksoul one. Europe also provided the Chines with harbours and thus they are producing everything in an extremely low price. The European leaders could have contributed, with a very simple move, like to impose taxes on the products made in China, to an important decrease in unemployment, so that there is no European citizen without work, food and prosperity. As a matter of fact, there is an answer that can be given to these stupid arguments circulating, i.e. that the Chinese products are cheap, and this is the reason why they have been expanded all over the European Union, and not only, and the answer is the following: 87 From the moment that the same product costs e.g. 1 euro and you don’t have 1 euro, this product seems expensive. But if the same product costs 10 euros and you have at least 11 euros, then this product seems cheap. The substance of all the above is that the Blacksoul one, though the inexistent money and all the set up – political in this case – authorities, and having China as his base, has managed to have everything under his absolute control. The Americans having the role of the “policeman” of the planet and the unbelievable – where did it come from – fact of the Chinese having the American bonds under their control (know you know it), but also the energy, the drugs, the precious stones, the world international organizations (like E.U., UNO, NATO), etc., as well. Thus, the eschatological years are the ones you are actually experiencing. John has mentioned that a troop of 200 million soldiers “will kill a third of mankind” (Apocalypse, 9:15,16). Taking into consideration the contemporary analogy, the one third of the global population amounts nowadays to more than 2 billion humans!


The scope of the Blacksoul one is everyone and everything to be dependent on money, since this way he is achieving his upper goal that is the entrapment of people and the sucking of their energy. Thus, the money is the first stage for the achievement of the absolute control. The taxes are the second stage. They have made you believe that you must definitely pay taxes to the state and he who doesn’t do so, is a tax evader. The only reason that this set up status of money and taxes always existed is for having humans under control. And in order for you not be able to easily resist to this this status, another set up authority is arriving, the laws, imposing that who is paying taxes is legal while who isn’t paying is the tax evader. These have also been embraced by collection mechanisms or collection groups like the police, the tax police, the tax authority and you all live in an absurd situation. The Noah’s flood in the Human Mind & the Return to GOD 88 What is named after ‘state’ should be considered as a union (unification) of persons speaking the same language, and sharing the same culture and not as a bogyman standing over the citizens squeezing them with taxes and money. In the frame of this financial system of cannibalism, it is difficult that someone due to the burdensome taxes – is able of possessing a big financial prowess and this is exactly another extension of the control through the taxes. In case finally manages to become a great and important business man, meaning uncontrolled and dangerous for the global landscape, the masonic system takes care to either attract him or make him disappear. The central authorities of the countries should play the role of the coordinator, who gives the guidelines – orders, according to the production (agriculture, fishing), technology and humans resources possibilities, and not take advantage of the population to enhance their positions, collecting taxes – money from the simple citizens and the personalities that found their way to build up material wealth. Man has been alienated and isolated from his real nature in such an extent that he has forgotten that if it weren’t for the earth, the sun, the photosynthesis from the plants and the conversion of the seeds to fruits, he wouldn’t have any place on this planet, either by paying taxes or not. The money and the taxes and all the divisions that they create, like superior and inferior, rich and poor, ‘mine’ and ‘yours’, are creatures of the Blacksoul one and not of the unique God. This is the reason why if humans hadn’t accepted to participate in this ugly game with taxes, on their expense, the earth would not be destroyed but on the contrary it would keep on existing and providing them with the right conditions for food and shelter. Neither the sun would stop shining nor would the rain stop falling and the reproduction of animals either. The universe is a totally perfect organism inside of which each and every form function, plays its role, having as unique upper goal the return to the genitor Father – Mother – God – Creator. Instead of chasing them away so that this absurd status ends, or ignoring them as Buddha or Jesus Christ would have done, you are attentively and with devotion listening to them in the news and the mass media, and in informative shows on a daily and permanent basis, and they are causing you fear, terror, agony while you are also communicating these info the one to the other, letting the Blacksoul one rubbing his hands out of satisfaction, in the backstage. 89 Since you have been gifted with the utmost organ called MIND (creative thinking > form), how can you let yourselves be driven like the sheep to the slaughter? How can you ‘beat a dead horse’ as far as the words ‘money’ and ‘taxes’ are concerned and passively accept this status at your expense? In case the Blacksoul one hadn’t stupefied people with drugs, TV, harmful food, spraying, low level distraction, the nonexistent education, the set up authorities and religions and so many others, nobody would have approved of this cruel tax system. On the contrary, you have become his victims, his meek instruments, guided and manipulated marionettes to be driven wherever and made to do whatever he wishes and at the end, although you resemble to humans, you have been degraded to act worse than even animals. What is more, however, is that animals possess some hyperdeveloped senses and thus they can find ways to protect themselves, to hide, to attack whenever needed, at every circumstance. Man, on the other hand, whose mind has been cancelled, doesn’t even possess any of the above animal characteristics. He doesn’t control himself anymore, he doesn’t know how to protect himself, and he doesn’t even recognize the danger and / or menace.