Τρίτη 25 Αυγούστου 2015


The Man on the contrary with the animals has a vertical spine (that consists of – not by chance – 33 vertebrae) while he also has a personal individual evolution – soul. The word ‘Man’ (= ‘Anthropos’ in Greek) is originating form the Greek words Ano (= upwards) and throsko (= a verb meaning moving, jumping), so it is a being that looks and moves upwards. This is not at all accidental and irrelevant to the fact that the man is gifted with a MIND. All the mammals possess a brain (man, dogs, cats, horses, dolphins) but of all the mammals the man is the only one who has a MIND. The Mind is another thing, the brain or else ‘head/wit’ is another thing. The Mind has the ability to create thoughts and of course the evolution of the thought is that it takes a form. The creative thinking preexists above all. On this planet, among all the Kingdoms that evolve (mineral, plants, animals, human), the man is the only one who possesses both a Mind and a creative thinking. Jesus Christ, that greatest master, during his teaching to his students, had clearly mentioned to them ‘You are in the image and likeness of the Father’. What he meant by that was that our Mind, that has a creative thought, is a part of the hypermind, being able of the absolute creative thinking. This is exactly how THE ABSOLUTE CREATIVE THINKING OF THE HYPERMIND is. Prior to the big bang, that the scientists are accepting as the creation of the universe, the thought of the Father preexisted, over all these that have taken place in the universes, having as upper and final scope all the created visible forms through His creative thinking, to end up again ‘INTO’ HIMSELF, at the end of the years. Your thought is born by you and no matter where it is going to be directed, it will end up back to you. This is the reason why when your thoughts are ac- 71 companied by much of egoism, malice and attachments (since you were taught this way), all of these will return back to you. This is the human mind. Depending on the way YOU are going to use it, it might become your biggest friend and ally or your biggest enemy. In the legends of the 12 Gods of Olympus, the Mind – biggest enemy, was symbolised with ZEUS (= DIAS, diairo in Greek means divide), and as the word itself implies, it is the Mind that Divides (Dias is the Greek word for Zeus), while the Mind – best friend of the man was symbolised by ZEUS (Zeuxi in Greek means Connection) and it is the Mind that connects the obvious (the matter – the human body) and the not obvious (the spirit and the soul being invisible), but also connects the inner to the exterior of the man, the life to the death and what is more, once it gets really high it becomes ZEUS THE OLYMPIAN. The mind that has been converted to OLYMPIAN ZEUS, is your biggest ALLY. It is not a likely accident thus, the fact that according to the legend, Athena, the daughter of Zeus and goddess of Wisdom, was born through the upper part of the head of Zeus, close to his eyebrows. The Blacksoul one knows very well that it is not for his own interest, in case you convert your Mind to Zeus and this is why he is encouraging you to turn it into your biggest enemy, DIAS (JUPITER), using the division (splitting) as his weapon. The total burying of the legend of the 12Gods has been done so that the humanity is being led to the darkness and shadow and never realises the power that can arise from the MIND itself. The mind is the most deterministic organ of the human evolution. It is the most important ‘key’. Since the mind is corruptible and follows each incarnation at the level of evolution where the human soul is, it is the only organ and that alone being able of doing anything: either send you down to Hades or lead you to Olympus. When people are complaining about having ‘psychological’ problems, this expression is wrong, because it is not the soul the one that gets sick, but the mind. The soul is eternal and incorruptible, while the mind is corruptible and temporary. The Blacksoul one has made the scientists talk about psychopathy or psychological problems, while the diseases mentioned by this science are clearly braindiseases (disease – communication problem of the mind) and nothing more.

These diseases are occurring because the mind, due to karmic responsibilities form previous lives or in the present incarnation, or due to the infinite problems produced by the world power system (political / religious), has been disarmed and experiences the absolute schizophrenia, another not at all random word, as it originates from the ancient Greek words ‘schizein’ (= splitting, DIVISION) and ‘phrena’ (= reasoning, mind/wit). The disease of the mind, owed to the division of the Mind, makes the man not being himself, as if someone else in inhabiting his body. This is the reason why the word ‘devil’ (= diavolos in Greek) is used, since he is the one who has slandered (= diavalo in Greek) the human Mind, through the global religious and political authorities of any apparent or undercover form.