Τρίτη 25 Αυγούστου 2015


The generations that are born in an already established barbaric system of buy – sell, are even more receptive to this situation based on the fact that even from their childhood they are acquainted with the transactions procedure. In the eyes of others, a person that possesses money and wealth is important and big high, while the same person if having no money is miserable and hopeless. The humans have such superficial criteria in their judging of their fellow men, only based on the material possessions. The Blacksoul one took good care to assure a variety for the financial systems of this planet, nevertheless though all of them had to be entrapping, while the benefits of ‘divide and conquer’ should be collected by him. People were fighting to defend the system each one of them thought was better or more efficient, ignoring the fact that all of them have been established for the evil of humanity. So, on the one hand we have the supporters of communism, that is the ‘leftists’ and on the other hand the supporters of the ‘buy – sell’ system of the free capitalism – cannibalism, that is the rightists, but the distinction does not finish there. He also implemented three more politics, the one being the middle road, in the centre, that is something between communism and capitalism, and the other two being at the edges, characterised by an absolute way of being imposed, the extreme right and the extreme left. In reality, those who desire these two situations, want to underline that what they want to impose, the do impose it no matter what. The system of ‘buy and sell’ was introduced from the Blacksoul one for trapping humans, while a system that would set them free would be a system characterised by communism, but not the communism as we know it, as the Blacksoul one has once more distorted it, but the communism over which Jesus Christ has spread the word. The communism as it was implemented until nowadays in the different countries was not the kind of communism the Christ has talked about, but instead it was the communism that the Blacksoul one has created so that there is a counterbalance in the capitalist system of the ‘buy and sell’. This communism has been in use in the exSoviet Union, and this is the reason why it has been directly related to the term ‘Eastern Bloc’, while as a political system it inherited the word ‘left’. The Noah’s flood in the Human Mind & the Return to GOD 76 The biggest cunning that the Blacksoul did to alienate the communist system, was its correlation to atheism. Thus, on the one hand the humans earned their daily bread, but they did not earn anything for their soul after their death. Their whole participation to the creation, in a human body is starting and ending in some loaves of bread. In the same way as with the other nets of the Blacksoul one, was also the case of the communism, where his henchmen in this mission, Lenin and Stalin, the supposedly visionaries of the humanity, after having been sponsored and promoted by shafts of dark dreamers and after having removed bulk of lives of their fellow men, they have imposed the Communism in a country of a huge geographic extent, the Soviet Union. There have been so many removals of human lives that the bodies of the dead were stacked the one over the other, making ‘hills’ of dead bodies. Hence, these visionaries, these strong personalities, drawn into their absolute egoism, have become the ‘gravediggers of the human evolution’. The karma that these two souls created, what they have gone and will go through, one cannot imagine. During those years, as nowadays, the Soviet Union possessed a very high tech technology as a country. It was also a very rich in natural resources country. And, while, its inhabitants had the opportunity to also enjoy the contemporary technology, instead they were living in the absolute impoverishment, whereas in the opposite rival western countries, that possessed the same technologies, the inhabitants were enjoying more tangible goods. Of course this situation had a scope. On the one hand, in the Eastern Bloc, there existed a political status that in theory reminded somehow the Christ’s teaching, as far as the sharing of food was concerned, but there was also a correlation to the atheism, and on the other hand in the west the inhabitants were enjoying the technology and the material possessions, in a larger extent than the inhabitants of the eastern bloc, although there was also a kind of atheism, another kind of it, due to the unlimited and exacerbated materialism.

All the politicians belonging to the various political systems, being either dictators, either fascistic or communists systems, either the socalled democracies, are resembling to humans….Nevertheless, the Blacksoul one, going through specific options, masonic lodges, tripartite committees, Bilderberg clubs, Illuminate, he selects them and changes them following such strict procedures that in the end they become the absolute servants of the Blacksoul one. Moreover, the highest the political position they long for, the Blacker in their soul they become. This actually means that they have no human feelings, they don’t feel love, they hate everybody, they turn every truth upside down, their egoism has no limits and if needed, in order to achieve their goal, they may even murder their own mother. Even the ones who perceive all these and tempt to resist to the set up political acting, by adopting anarchy, or by reacting using other extremist situations that overturn the facts by any means, are as well caught in the nets of the Blacksoul one, who only longs for one thing: the total ignorance of the humanity, by continuously spilling its own blood, either via supposedly peaceable political systems, either via set up wars, either via fanatic anarchists and extremists. All of those, although different or opposite with/to each other, have a common denominator: the ignorance, the useless waste of energy, without people being able to recognize the power that they possess inside of them due to their divine origin.