Τρίτη 25 Αυγούστου 2015


We shall make you understand everything thoroughly. What is spirit, soul, mind, body and of course who you really are. For a lot of reasons we must start from the word “spirit”. The spirit is that SUBSTANCE that has to exist in any form of the matter because this form having the preexistent spirit inside of it, is declaring that everything started from somewhere. This means that once the spirit leaves a form, this form no longer possesses a form. Don’t get confused with the soul for the time being. Later on we shall explain to you the properties of the soul. For now you must just try to understand that every form that you perceive has a spirit inside of it. WITHOUT A SPIRIT OR ELSE IN THE ABSENCE OF THE SPIRIT NOT ANY FORM AT ALL EXISTS IN ANY MATERIAL UNIVERSE. Everything comes from the spirit. 175 The first emanation – creation on the matter from the absolute spirit named God are the 5 ELEMENTS OF THE NATURE. Out of those 5 elements, the ether is the primary one. It is that element, the firstly emanated from the Creator that rules and goes through all the universes. It is called ether and this name was given to it during the Ancient Greek years, although other great beings have named it differently, but either way they are referring to the same exact thing. And of course it is the same thing. Pythagoras has named it after species. Heraclitus has named it “Everlasting fire”. The Hindu as “Prana” and this is also the oldest naming. A German therapist doctor Franz Anton Mesmer, and who was also using the ether had named it as “animal magnetism” (mesmerism). Furthermore, another great therapist of 1900 A.D., Wilhelm Reich had named it “orgone”. But I just want you to focus on the next naming: Jesus Christ the most ultimate being in flesh and blood that has ever step foot on this planet, has named this substance after “spirit.’ And focus on the fact that what enters your lungs while breathing in is spirit and just this. Once the spirit that you inhale is not spirit anymore, then this is your natural death. But of course the Blacksoul one has offered you one of his hooks, which you call cigarette and smoke and this, believe me, has not been given to you by chance at all. He is struggling at any cost to cut you off the unity. So, this substance, which no matter how you name it, is exactly the same, is extremely refined at its primary form. The moment that it starts to become less and less refined, that is, it somehow starts to condense, the condensation of ether (which the Hindu name as “akasha”) when in its maximum condensation phase, it is what you actually see on your own eyes in the form of matter. Thus, the spirit – God is starting to expand in the universe and of course in all universes, at first in its initial form – refined matter – Ether and then as condensate ether – Matter (invisible universe). In this formatted matter and following the first element (ether or “Prana” or “everlasting fire” or “animal magnetism” or “orgone” or “spirit”..) and in order for the galaxies, the planets, the constellations and the kingdoms that are developed and evolving on the planets, to get created, the remaining 4 elements have to take over. These are the cosmic fire, the water, the earth (or else planets) and the air (evolution conditions for any planet). So these are the 4 elements that are having an effect and contribute to the creation of the visible universe (or universes). At this point we should underline the very special interpretation of the word “cosmic fire”. This “fire” has nothing to do with the fire as you perceive it here on earth, but it has to do with something much bigger and this is the fire that is necessary for the unification of the remaining elements in their final material form – arrangement that you perceive (planets and galaxies). To make it even simpler for you we are presenting herein an example. If we take a glass that is metaphorically speaking the land, and we poor water in, and then of course there is air in the glass, then if we also put a bean in the glass, we won’t have any bean soup. To get some bean soup from the bean, what we call cosmic fire has to be present. That is, the cosmic fire is the next element, after the absolute ether that exists everywhere, so that the concentrated ether begins to be created in unity and form. That is one of the elements of the creation, the universal / cosmic fire. So, the spirit, which has begun to disintegrate first into the elements of nature (ether, fire, water, land and air), keeps on disintegrating even more. It is disintegrating into the kingdoms that evolve on the planets. Such as the mineral, plant and animal kingdom and the kingdoms that are now endowed with a mind [beings with intelligence]. On your own planet, this kingdom that is now endowed with a mind, and of course is of a much higher level as far as the evolution is concerned, than the rest of the kingdoms, i.e., mineral, plants and animals, is called human kingdom. That is exactly where a big issue has been created concerning you who belong to the human kingdom beings with intelligence. Through your training that has been provided by your trainers authorities, all of these things have been concealed from you. They have fed you with stories that are baseless, such as the original sins, the strong man and the weak woman, have taken also away the reincarnation, and you have been completely trapped. So now, because of specific divine wills, the time has come for you to activate your greatest gift of the evolution you are experiencing, that is your mind. 177 So each time you enter a rented human body either in the form of a man or of a woman (you know very well that both men and women possess both male and female hormones, and of course not by chance, regardless if the male hormones prevail in the real man, and the female ones in the woman). The universe wants to teach you that the man and the woman are a certain condition, and after your natural death you are neither man nor woman. Thus, having reached such a high level as far as evolution is concerned, you could never skip repeating your incarnations, because it is only through the incarnations that you learn. Like the stone that used to be an exsoft soil. Myriads of years of radiation from the sun have turned it into a hard stone. This is the reason why there is no chance that in the areas that are energetic, no stones (and not by chance in the mountains) are found. In the same way, once the seed of a plant is falling on the land, the same plant grows again, the same form continues to exist, the animals continue to have the same form when they are breed, and the plants and animals are not new forms, but they are repetitions of the same primary structure. Arriving at your own evolution, the human evolution, of course, even for you who live in a rented body, it is not that you suddenly found yourself in this rented body for the first time. There is an ENDLESS MATERIAL, AN ENDLESS EVOLUTION NEVER STOPS, in advance of you. EVERYTHING WITHIN THE UNIVERSE CHANGEs (FLOWS) IN A PERMANENT AND CONSTANT MOVEMENT WITHOUT BEGINNING AND END, THAT IS IN AN EVERLASTING MOVEMENT. EVERYTHING IS FOLLOWING ONLY THE PROCEDURE OF THE EVOLUTION – ASCENSION – KNOWLEDGE AND NOTHING ELSE. The only mission of all the forms is that they return back to the Father – Mother – Spirit. The Noah’s flood in the Human Mind & the Return to GOD 178 So, since after the spirit, the five elements of the nature have been created, then the ultimate cosmic existences have been developed as well (galaxies, suns, planets, etc.). These planets and suns in order to be able to be created have as their ultimate contributors the evolution called “builders of the forms” and these are the most powerful Elohim and Deva (they can create Continents and Oceans through one thought – form). All of these before your own kingdoms (mineral, plants, animal, human) are being surrounded by myriads of beings of apostolate. These are the archangels – angels – Seraphim, cherubs, Lipika. These beings are related to what we call here on earth “guardian angels, spiritual guides and masters” and in the case of some more evolved ones it equals to the expression “I heard a voice inside of me, or I was told from upwards, or I have an order for a specific mission”. This is exactly what happens to the more evolved and conscious persons who have entered the phase of unification with the universe and the Divine. So, it is now most specific that all the forms contain a spirit. If spirit does not exist, then not any form, absolutely none exists either.