Τρίτη 25 Αυγούστου 2015


We have previously referred to the control of the health of your own physical
body through the nutrition and the exercise. Nevertheless, don’t you ever forget
to start from the absolute control of the mind.
We are presenting herein one last huge “weapon” which in case you practice
and use will offer to you an enormous physical and spiritual advancement.
You have certainly many times in the past heard about “yoga”, the breathing of
yoga as well as the “chakras”. To be able to better comprehend these concepts
we must clarify to toy what these energy centers of your body are starting from
the fact that there are 7 of them.
The chakras are the energy centers of a person in which the etheric energy
flows in from the main chakra that is located on the top of the head, of course
under the condition that your mind is calm and connected to the universe. It
rotates in circular orbits (you see everything is circles) and when your mind is
absolutely controlled by you, this turbulence of the etheric energy is disseminated 
(moves) from the one energy center to the other (form the one chakra to
the other). As long as this inflow of etheric energy is exactly the one that your
body needs, then we indeed have to do with an absolutely healthy body.
This etheric energy that is visiting the energy centers activates the GLANDS

So, you can understand by these words of what an unconceivable value and
importance is the fact that in order to achieve a balance in your body, your
glands must secrete these hormones that will assure an absolute balance and

This is only achieved through the etheric energy that flows in and gets trans-
ferred to your physical body and thus from invisible energy becomes visible

So you see the connection so that a human body remains healthy. There is a

correlation with the owrds “healthy mind” – “Dias”, food, movement and in-
flow of etheric energy in your physical body.

Even here, the unconceivable importance of the control of your mind by your
own selves is assured. A healthy mind may restore the balance in either the
food, or the movement, or the less etheric energy inside of you, while a non-
healthy mind can do nothing at all.

As far as the word yoga is concerned, it originates from the Sanskrit language
and it means ‘connection’ or ‘union’. Union of the outer person with the inner
one. The outer person is your physical body. The inner person is your real self
who as now you definitely know never dies, is never lost.
Thus, the harmony between the inner and the outer human means yoga, means
connection (union).
This harmony possesses another big ‘weapon’ which has to do with one of the
five elements of the creation and this is the breathing.
Once you manage to perform the inflow of the breathing inside of you, as well
as the exhaling, under control, then, in combination with everything else, your
health is starting to become strong as steel. So, you possess a health that shall
help you in the best way to complete your spiritual mission in an incarnation.

The breathing takes place in four time intervals (circles of breathing). These

1) Inhalation
2) Retention after Inhalation
3) Exhalation
4) Retention after Exhalation
These four circles of breathing time are absolutely connected to the creation.
As your scientists have informed you about, the visible universe that you are

now witnessing was created following a big explosion that took place 14.5 bil-
lion years ago. Nowadays, it has been proved by the science that some parts of

the sky that on the one day are seen as empty, in another time period are seen
as full.

This means that the contemporary universe is still expanding. This is an inhala-
tion of the creation, of the Father, of the Hypermind, of God. Since at some

time the universe did not exist, logically speaking the current universe which is
still expanding, will sometime stop expanding.

This is the exact point where the retention after inhalation lies. After this sec-
ond time period of the four circles of breathing, the end of times begins, so the

universes start to come apart and all the visible forms start to inflow into the
At the moment that all the visible forms have penetrated inside of Him and
nothing visible exists as you perceive it nowadays, then this is the retention
after exhalation and it is exactly the fourth circle of breathing.
That is to say, exactly as you inhale and exhale, the HyperMind, Father, God
inhales and exhales making his Dib=vine plans.
When in fact we don’t possess a visible form as we perceive it today, this in the
internal terminology is translated that the Father is latent, or else the socalled
“big absence”.
What is more, the most amazing thing is that the air you are exhaling is warm,
just like the Father who in his first expression gets fire from inside of Him.

All of the above were also demonstrated some 2,500 years ago also by the Di-
vine being, Pythagoras, when he was actually referring to the Tetraktys

(1+2+3+4 = 10, 1+0=1). So, he confirmed the entire divine plan, which initi-
ates from the unity, functions in four time periods, Inhalation, Retention after

Inhalation, Exhalation and Retention after Exhalation and ends up to the unity.
You see that even in such demonstrations, the Father shows that everything is a
circle and everything is inside of him...Linearity means beginning and end. In
the universes everything is in a constant circular movement.

Thus, your inhalation and its management in your body is necessarily dissemi-
nated into your 7 main energy centers – chakras that culminate the absolute

control of the connection even if incarnated with the Creator since this very
moment. This is what the real yogi (men) and yogini (women) actually

You 7 main energy centres (chakras) are:
1) Sahasrara Crown Chakra (top of the head· 'soft spot' of a new born)
2) Ajna (Chakra of the Eyebrows or the ThirdEye Chakra) (pineal gland or
third eye)
3) Vishuddha (the Throat Chakra) (area of the throat and of the base of the
throat/ nape or neck)
4) Anahata (the Heart Chakra) (area of the heart)
5) Manipura (the Navel Chakra) (area of the navel)
6) Svadhisthana (the Sacral Chakra) (last bone of the spinal cord, coccyx)
7) Muladhara (the Root Chakra) (ovaries/prostate)

This whole supply of etheric energy from the first chakra of the crown or else
of the “thousandpetaled lotus” goes down until the last main chakra located at
the bottom of the vertebral column, almost where the coccyx is.
When you enter the understanding of all those things that you have to certainly
comprehend (there is no other path), you reach to a point where you have to
learn how to manage your breathing and this together with the rest of the
knowledge will help you reach the enlightenment.
You are sitting in the standing position of the lotus as illustrated in the photo
above. Then, place your index finger between the eyebrows and work with the
thumb and the middle finger. Starting always from the left nostril, close your
right nostril with the thumb. Keeping your eyes close and as much relaxed and
calm as possible, since you don’t have any air inside of you, you are starting to
slowly inhale only through the left nostril.

When the inhaling finishes, you take the thumb off the right nostril, keeping
your index finger always between the eyebrows and a few seconds later (you
don’t have to keep the air inside of you for that much time, no extreme acts),
you place the middle finger on your left nostril and you exhale now only from
the right nostril; slowly and for a few seconds after you have exhaled, you keep
your body with no breathing at all and then again you inhale from the same
nostril that you had just exhaled, i.e. the right one. After you have inhaled, you

keep only the middle finger always on your front, you exhale from the left nos-
tril, you remain without air for a little while and finally you reinhale only form

the left nostril once more.
So, you exhale and inhale from the same nostril except for the first and last
breathing of the exercise.

In case you are a left-handed and not a right-handed person, you correspond-
ingly change between the thumb and the middle finger. To explain more, those

who are right-handed, place their thumb on their right nostril, while the left-
handed ones place their middle on the right nostril.

A circle of this breathing management procedure has to be done in 7 time peri-
ods. Inhale, exhale from both nostrils equals to one time period. Thus you have

to repeat this 7 times, so as to complete the circle of an exercise.
At the beginning, you may be a little surprised or afraid of the time periods
without any air inside of you, that is to cause you a feeling of death. Don’t be
scared though. After some practice you will get over it, learn how to deal with
it. Some of may not even feel this way at all since the beginning.
We are suggesting to you that the time periods of inhaling and exhaling last as

many seconds as these are welcomed by your physical condition. What is cer-
tain is that after some period of practicing and as you will exercise your lungs
by this method, you will definitely be able to hold your breath or not to main-
tain any air inside your lungs for a longer period in comparison to when you
began to exercise. No matter how high levels you are able to reach as far as this
practice is concerned, we are nevertheless suggesting to you that you never
lose the feeling of the “middle path”.

In case you go further than the “Everything in moderation”, this isn’t yoga an-
ymore. Yu don’t create conditions of connection to the Creator. You shall nev-
er forget about the harmony of the universe

For reason of sticking to the “middle path”, we are suggesting that you don’t
practice more than twice a day, and you would belter choose between 6 a.m.,
12a.m., or 6p.m.
If you practice more than twice (3 the very most), then you have gone further
than the middle path.
This management of the breathing inside of you, including the absolute control
of the inhaling, exhaling and holding of breathing, brings on amazing benefits
to your body.
The need for frequent inhaling in a minute starts to decrease. This is thanks to
the fact that the capacity of your lungs to what the uninitiated call oxygen (but
you know now very well that is has do to with that divine substance that gives
life wherever it enters your body and then when it doesn’t exist anymore, physical 
life doesn’t exist either) has increased a lot.

The best you can do is that the meditation follows this exercise.

After taking the position of the lotus with the left hand below your right hand
so that the polarization of the energy takes place inside of you, and after having
completed the breathing, you are ready, as mentioned before, to directly get
connected to the unity, through the meditation and the prayer.

So, after having completed the breathing procedure and having taken the posi-
tion of the lotus with your mind absolutely calm, direct your thoughts to only
one status. You must feel connected to what you and of course we really are.
We have all of us started from the unity; we are gaining experiences from all
the forms and then we end up to the unity. So, after the management of the
breathing you should thank Buddha, Jesus Christ, the solar word and connect
to the unity.
We are suggesting to you that the duration of this connection does not last – for
too many reasons – more than one hour and 15 minutes. Similarly, don’t you
practice more than twice a day.

The reasons are not vague. On the contrary they are very specific. In case you
move further than the two times per day, as well as the total duration of one
hour and a quarter, you get united with the invisible and instantly you miss the
grounding with those things you must deal with on earth. Your mind has to
function towards the spiritual evolvement and the connection with the Divine,
but in the same time you must be able to also comprehend and understand what
is happening on the earthly field. Thus, the mind has to act respectively.
You shall never ever forget the “Everything in moderation” and the middle
path of Buddha. It is easy to get trapped without keeping your mind in an abso-
lute readiness about everything.

Thus, having achieved the absolute control of the mind by your real self, im-
plementing a suitable nutrition and exercising, managing your breathing
through the above described specific exercise and finally by achieving your
connection to the Divine (either this connection is called meditation or prayer,
but actually being the same thing), your mission to connect again to the unity
where you left from myriads of years before, is much too close.

All that is left is your last key and this is the Christainization. Meaning to re-

ceive the unction and become Anointed.