Τρίτη 25 Αυγούστου 2015


Jesus Christ may have named it “Live by the sword, die by the sword”, but Buddha named it as the ‘Law of retributive justice’ (karma). The souls that are born in sick babies’ bodies and who are being followed by various serious illnesses, like the quadriplegia (no communication with the environment during their whole natural life), had some time ago, in one of their previous lives, taken off the life of some of their fellow men... All those illnesses (about which you have been taught that ‘this is the way God wanted it to be’’), are the results of your own actions during your past incarnations and they are for sure not by chance at all. What is more, in cases that you have removed a human life, then the karma is terribly heavy and for seven (7) incarnations this specific soul shall be incarnated in a sick natural body. If you also take into account the intervals between he incarnations and the beginning from the start again and again, in low evolution planets like Earth is, you can realise what a huge guilt the removal of a human life is and ‘how high is the price’, in order to be finally capable of understanding the extent of his mistake. This law applies for each removal of life. If you have removed more than one lives, then the law stands proportionally. 

In case you are wondering why the removal of a human life may be such a huge mistake, you can make this thought: once you drink a sip of water, this specific quantity of water will follow a trip in the body, going from the oesophagus to the stomach, the kidneys, the intestine and you ‘meet it again’ either in the urine or in the sweat. You neither know anything about the exact procedures that take place in your body, nor do you have any wilful participation in these. So, how come you have been authorized to remove other persons lives in the name of the Almighty God and what is more to appeal to hymns meaning that you are making a service to the Almighty God! The law of the retributive justice or the one of the ‘Live by the sword, die by the sword’, or ‘karma’ is a teaching to which both Jesus Christ and the Master Siddhartha Gautama Buddha, have been referred to. The Noah’s flood in the Human Mind & the Return to GOD 46 The ‘LIVE BY THE SWORD, DIE BY THE SWORD’ that Jesus Christ has said has exactly the same meaning with the LAW OF THE RETRIBUTIVE JUSTICE, the KARMA, that BUDDHA has taught. You received the incarnation in the middle of a subtly set up game and in an absolute prison and it is difficult to come through it on your own. Your mind that is now captured in the appetites of the Blacksoul one and his servants, is illustrated on the upsidedown cross that was mentioned above. There is no doubt that in order to get incarnated on this planet, you are paying some karma and you are now creating a new one, depending on your choices. This is why, now that the knowledge is offered to you, you also have to act correspondingly, since everything has its price. You bring the disharmony in the universe yourself, either on a personal, a team or a national level. And you should be absolutely sure that as you caused the disharmony yourself, you are also the only one to be called to restore the harmony back. The humans many times when feeling desperate are saying the expression ‘Oh my God, what have I done?’ But then, you must be certain that it is you and you alone who actually did something. And that something has happened either in this present incarnation or in past ones. Until now, you were able of justifying yourself, saying “I didn’t know, so how could I understand all these?” From now on though, based on all these revelations with proofs, you will no more have such alibi. Next to the death of your natural body, the souls are passing from the karmic committees, and then you won’t have the excuse of “I didn’t know”, not anymore. THOSE WHO HAVE LISTENED…HAVE LISTENED AND THOSE WHO HAVE UNDERSTOOD…HAVE UNDERSTOOD. AS FAR AS THE REST IS CONCERNED THERE SHALL BE ONE MORE LAST CHANCE AFTER SOME THOUSANDS OF YEARS, AT THE END OF THE ERA OF THE AQUARIUS, BUT WITH MANY REINCARNATIONS, BIRTHS, DEATHS, ILLNESSES, SEPARATIONS FORM BELOVED ONE, etc. IT IS IN YOUR HANDS NOW TO MAKE THE TRANSCENDENCE. 47 All these, in combination to a huge karma that the Greek generation had to pay for, because while the Greek race was responsible of providing deep spiritual truths – knowledge through the absolute desymbolization of the tutoring of the socalled legends of the 12gods – and this is how the withholding of the knowledge, since the Greek race had been called to transmit this spiritual knowledge, it has born a hard karma. Since 146 when the battle in Potidaia (nowadays Katerini) took place, a battle during which the last Macedonian – Greek column came in the hands of the Romans and for 1962 years the Greek race has been tortured with a hard karma, so as to pay back for the things it didn’t teach, i.e. how someone can achieve the reunification with the Father – Mother. There have certainly existed great spiritual beings, great philosophers, and big truths and what is more, their lectures and tutelage are profound until today. Nevertheless, the total of the back then authorities – Greek cities and the desymbolization that inside the clergy was in practice for the few (alike in the case of the sacred Mysteries Of Eleusis), so if we isolate the teaching of those great mystics – men, the Greek authorities of states – cities as a total, led to the opposite of the teaching of the mystics, that is they have taught the hatred, the passions, the intrigues and finally the enslavement to the Romans. That one was a hard karma and a disharmony into the harmony of the universe and what is more from a key – race, like the Greek one that has been invited by the universe, in the exact way like the umbilical cord is feeding the fetus in the mother’s uterus, to deliver to the humanity the whole truth, neither a piece of it, nor the truth distorted. This is the reason why we are being so emphatic against the authorities. Because all authorities, even in this key – race, like the Greek one is, instead of having delivered the spiritual keys to humanity, with the exemption of the great mystics, they have only taught about continuous wars, created nightmares, named the Byzantine empire as Greek although their ultimate goal was to hide the truth of the great Greek mystics, took care to build Christian churches in the place of ancient temples, not out of love for Jesus Christ, but due to the crusades, the enforcement of christianism with blood (they must had been fighting over another Christ…), the orthodox – catholic divisiveness, etc… In case that the servants of the Blacksoul one were only managing their personal evolution, the problem would be limited to them alone. However, through their supposedly teaching and training, they lead the WHOLE HUMAN KINGDOM to entrapping. Have they indeed realized the share of their The Noah’s flood in the Human Mind & the Return to GOD 48 inconceivable responsibility? Have they realized who they have been serving for thousands of years now?? Woe to them!!!