Τρίτη 25 Αυγούστου 2015


Through the analysis of the bodies that each one of you has the ability to acti-
vate we would like to provide you with some serious clarifications that will

especially help you understand the predicament that the humanity experiences
until nowadays.
As we have mentioned before, all the forms in the universe are in a constant
movement aiming exclusively at the evolution – advancement and their return
to where they have started from, the hyper Mind – Creator.
Everything is in a constant movement.
This is also exactly the case for the beings with intelligence that on planet earth
are called human kind.

From the moment that you have joined this evolution, what we have talked to
you about concerning the activation of the bodies, in real dimensions equals to
you weaving on your own these superior bodies like a spider.
We are mentioning this to you because your locking up in the astral world and
your path from the astral world to the natural one, instantly demonstrates that
all of you have woven your astral (shell) body and certainly you cannot be de-
liberated with such a body.

You understand now that you have woven your astral body using all the per-
verse and complicated knowledge you have received from all the authorities,

having as an ultimate goal what you are already aware of, i.e. to have your
mind absolutely controlled by others.
To manage to weave starting from the spiritual body and higher, you must – as
the word implies – definitely weave the spiritual body first.
However, we have made it clear to you that you have to activate – weave the
superior spiritual body, because supposing that you stop to the weaving of the

inferior spiritual body then you automatically get yourself locked in the sys-
tems of the Blacksoul one (leaderships, businessmen and traders/dealers of any

Exactly as you haven’t activated at this point the superior mind, every act of
yours contains as primary element any kind of ‘ego’ of yours.

Unless at this focal point you try to weave your superior spiritual body not tak-
ing into consideration the lack of the ‘ego’, either you understand this or not,

then you are serving the global system of blackness and to thus you participate
to the oppression of the humanity.
Your life, your health your death, constitute a continuous little train between
the physical, etheric and astral body. We have registered your deliverance.
But what stands until today was and still is that little train. Physical / etheric
body is equal to health or sickness, astral body is equal to death without a
physical body.
A very important clue that you must pay attention to is the drugs. In view of
the fact that the gravediggers of the human evolution have led you to despair

and absolute morass, some kind of narcotic substances are circulating – sup-
posedly illegally – (but blessed by the Blacksoul one), which are driving you to

hallucinations and of course to a complete lack of any ability of perceptiveness
over anything that happens around you in your natural world.
What is actually happening in case you use drugs and through the pressure you
are experiencing is that you have the feeling that you are escaping the pressure
caused by the setup authorities, but instead you are even more trapped.

These worlds you are being led through the paralysis of the consciousness and
by watching supposedly colours or experiencing a careless reality, is the world
of the ‘mourmoulikia’ or else demons, myriads of whom exist all around you,
or of the demons of the last step from the astral world, meaning what you have
already described earlier and which you can characterise as ‘hell’.

While you consider that you have escaped from the authorities that are certain-
ly on purpose pressing you, suggesting to you a so called solution, being the

use of narcotic substances, in fact you are now 100% surrendered to the

‘mourmoulikia’ – demons that have trapped you for this entire specific incarna-
tion in a limitless sucking of energy; after your natural death, since you haven’t

worked at all towards the spiritual direction /path, they are expecting you once
more as potential customers to suck your energy again and again.
One more clarification concerning this part of the human body: once you leave
your physical body (death), the souls that are very libidinous and attached to
the matter, don’t have the possibility to break the shell of the etheric body. So,
they are turning around you, attached to earth. If there weren’t for a physical

body, they would be transformed to demons – ‘mourmoulikia’ and their prima-
ry food are exactly those who make use of drugs.

You are literally their victims. You have been surrendered to the worst enemy
you could ever imagine of.
You don’t possess the logic to be able to react.

All the others that fall into mistakes or else entrapments, as the set up authori-
ties, the weapons or drug dealers, those embracing the prostitution, the paedo-
philia, the homosexuality, the envy, the jealousy, the egoisms, etc., all of them

doing the worst for themselves, are maintaining a part of the mind through
which they can change everything in themselves. They may ask for forgiveness
from the Father, pay back the karma that themselves have created (disharmony
– harmony) and then with their mind controlled, proceed to the spiritual path.
However as far as you, the drugs users are concerned, even this unique chance
you have thrown it away. Having the feeling that you have escaped the system
being lost in the delusions caused by the narcotic substances – in the frame of

something as valuable as your incarnation – since the moment that you got in-
troduced to the use of drugs and what is more you kept on deeper and deeper
into this addiction (use of even stronger drugs), you have been unconsciously
surrendered to the one who is being torturing your planet.

We couldn’t present it more simply to you. In case you keep on finding so-
called solutions through the use of narcotic substances, you should have no

doubt at all that you are completely captured by the Blacksoul one. This is be-
sides the reason why the drugs in your planet are connected to the listening of

strange music (metal music) in dark spaces and conditions of disorientation in
supposedly nice places.
Now you know and it is you to decide about what shall come next concerning
the choices of your own life.

You have until now been provided with a lot of information and what has ex-
actly taken place in your own imprisoned planet has been quite simply demon-
strated to you. Starting from the Blacksoul one, the nonexistent money, the set

up authorities that serve him and all those things aiming exclusively at your
absolute slavery and your loss of orienting.
Everything that you perceive can be done in one precondition: to own your
physical body, So, it is of an utmost importance to take care of it and of course
to always keep it healthy.
Besides we have made it clear to you that by entrapping the Blacksoul one and
his servants in your mind, the key of the keys is that you maintain the absolute

control of your mind and then to see that you keep your body in a state of abso-
lute health.

The current health system implemented on this planet has the unique scope to
lock you up. Has it ever crossed your mind that by having the impression that
taking a pill or visiting the doctor makes you trust a system that only has the
well know scope?
All the pharmaceutical companies being servants also of the system, among

other things have already created the problem but also the corresponding solu-
tion to it as well. Taking as an example another current plague of the humanity,

the cancer, they are driving you to chemotherapies although you are aware of
the fact that only few have survived such treatments; what is most tragic of all
is that the doctors who are informed about the influence of the chemos don’t
use it as a treatment upon themselves in case they happen to experience cancer.
You are continuously offered the wrong knowledge and directions and of
course the wry results.

And as natural, all of you having a cancelled mind are trying to constantly fol-
low the shepherd.

The whole easy manipulation of yours by the system is 100% owed to the in-
tentionally false knowledge provided to you.

Your physical body is like a battery that gets empty and through the calmness
of the mind and the living conditions is totally discharged, totally empty.
Of course once this get totally empty we are talking about death.
Thus, it is extremely important to know that the tiniest bit of food you put in
your mouth has to aim at charging this battery. Some of you who are smoking
have the feeling that the addictive substances of the cigarette like nicotine, are

offering some kind of energy to you. But literally this is nothing more than sui-
cide as the cells in your lungs are clogged up, not enough oxygen passes

through to keep your lungs clean, so any sort of problems begins to make their
appearance in your body (heart problems, circulatory system, etc).
The doctors, after 1520 don’t have any official nutrition course during their
studies and this of course is not accidental at all; instead they are trying to cure
you with pills and injections. And what is most tragic yet funny is that they
take the Hippocratic Oath, who had clearly declared: ‘Let food be thy medicine
and medicine be thy food.'
So, after the frivolity of the sciences – doctors of the system, here are two other
categories of scientists who are attending different universities – and not by

chance – and these are the dieticians and the trainers. Following this whole in-
tentional division you can understand how difficult it is to get addressed to

someone over your health either on a treatment or on a prevention level.
Concerning the food we are mentioning:
1) You must consume any kind of food that is really offering to you energy and
this energy is correlated to the concept of the nutrients.

Never ever touch any kind of food that only fills you up with calories and
doesn’t contain any nutrients.
2) Never eat bigger quantities than the ones you actually need, with the excuse
of the bulimia or similar. It is of a major importance to follow the middle path
of Buddha or the ‘Everything in moderation’ of the ancient Greeks.
Guidelines about the food

Your human body is functioning only with the following 3 categories of nutri-

1 proteins 2 hydrocarbons 3 fat. After we get to explain to you where to find
these three nutrients, what they are offering to you and which are the quantities
that you are permitted to consume, you have to always keep in mind that unless

these nutrients are flooded with vitamins and mostly minerals and trace ele-
ments (minerals but in very small quantities), the nutrients are useless food,

dead food contributing to illnesses and obesity.
To find the food containing vitamins and minerals you don’t have to make any
particular effort, as long as this food is not mutated by the original ones coming
from the land (mother earth). For example, the cereals (wheat, rye, corn, oat)

consist of important food of a huge nutritional value, containing proteins, hy-
drocarbons, fat, vitamins, minerals.

However, although the vitamins and the minerals are found in the peel of the
cereals, the system comes once more to remove that peel using it in baby food
– as if the human body needs these nutrients only at that age – while the inner

part of the cereal, being of an almost zero nutrient value, is mixed with con-
servatives for the production of flour, or food with all those consequences lead-
ing to obese and sick bodies.

In fact the illness of each human is correlated to his genes, meaning to the pre-
disposition for corresponding sicknesses running in his family, e.g. heart dis-
ease, diabetes, etc.

So, you would better stop in practice to consume food that is offered to you by
the system aiming at making you sick. You ought to never forget that through
your body you are able of expressing yourself, of managing your experiences
and of struggling for your spirituality. This can be performed best once you are
healthy. So, avoid consuming food that has been subjected to such treatment as
to make you sick.
All the food that is long before prepared contains conservatives to be able to be
maintained in a good status.
We don’t have to say more about this. Any food containing conservatives is
not suitable for your body.
Proceeding to make you learn the identity of each one of the nutrients as well
as what each one of them may offer to your body, we shall mention these:

1) The proteins are a structural element based on which the tissues of the hu-
man body are built. The proteins are constituted by amino acids, split in basic

and nonbasic.

The basic are the ones that are necessary for the proper functioning of the tis-
sues of the human body. We may get proteins from the white part of the egg,

the legume, the nuts, the cereals, the milk.

2) Another category of nutrients is the hydrocarbons which we could character-
ize as the fuel of the human body. The hydrocarbons are else called sugars.

The hydrocarbons are everything that is made of flour. We may find hydrocar-
bons in legumes, in nuts, in fruits and in sugar.

We must mention here that we only get the feeling of being well –fed (stuffed)
when we consume hydrocarbons. For example, if you consume big quantities
of meat, fish or eggs you won’t feel that you have satisfied your hunger.
Since this feeling of fullness is only provided by the hydrocarbons, you have to
learn some more things about them.

The hydrocarbons are else called polysaccharides because they may be five-
fold, fourfold, threefold, twofold and mono saccharides.

Here there is a big secret. Fruits are monosaccharides. This means that while
they are a perfect food, in one hour at most you feel hungry again.

This means that the pancreas has injected insulin to be able to absorb this spe-
cific food. So, in case you eat hydrocarbons once more – hydrocarbons only

leave a feeling of fullness in your stomach – you make the pancreas inject a
new quantity of insulin, but this may lead, depending also on the tendency of
your genes, to the appearance of a contemporary disease called diabetes melli-

You have to learn which hydrocarbons are polysaccharides – like the cereals,

but only with the outer shell because this means that in order for the decompo-
sition from five to four, three, two and then one monosaccharide, the pancreas

will inject insulin and your body may reach the six hours with a feeling of sati-

Thus, it is not difficult to understand that the person that implements these nu-
tritional rules is minimising the chances of falling into the grinding wheels of

this contemporary disease (diabetes mellitus).
Something incredibly oxymoron, once again, has been given by the system to
all of you who don't know these things. That the bread that is of wholemeal
(both the outer shells and the inner part of the cereal) has been used for the

production of flour and that this flour is suitable for the diabetics. Is that possi-

Instead of all of you consuming flour in any form of wholegrain food (bread,
biscuits, cookies, pies) exclusively, they have passed to you the message that
this kind of food is only intended for the sick.
This is why I am telling you, keep on learning. Count on your own strength

and don’t just ‘swallow’ everything that is offered to you as information; in-
stead try to analyse it, to ask, to read about it. Because your time left to express

yourself in this natural world is quite short. So don’t you take anything for
granted, with no further research or treatment because unfortunately the huge
majority of the things that are offered as information are intentionally wrong.
Another point that has to be underlined. Take care when you follow a diet that
eliminates the hydrocarbons, or else as we said before sugar. Be careful since
the only food needed by the central nervous system (located in the head) is the
socalled glucose. So, if you eliminate the hydrocarbon, that is the sugars, the

glucose, your organism may be instantly subjected to some serious and nonre-
versible brain damages.

We could simulate the central nervous system that is characterised by a branch-
ing to neurons and little neurons similar to the electricity wires in a house,

which in case they get burnt, the only solution is to replace them. But unfortunately,
in the human brain these ‘burnt’ neurones / wires cannot be replaced;
this is why we are talking about nonreversible damages.

The third nutrient is the fats, which in the human body are functioning as a lub-
ricant component of a crucial importance, similarly to the crucial role that the

lubricants play for the function of an engine.
Nevertheless, we must make the distinction here because we are referring to
the fats that are in a liquid form and in a room temperature and by no means

those fats that are not in a liquid form although in a room temperature. A typi-
cal example is the one of the pies used in ‘souvlaki’ (typical Greek food, where

meat is wrapped in a pie), which while could be spread with olive oil, instead
an awful kind of fat not even suitable for an engine is used.

So, don’t you ever not once consume something that is no acceptable before-
hand and while the “souvlaki” could consist of a very healthy food if pies of

wholegrain spread with olive oil and vegetables used since it would contain
proteins, hydrocarbons, fat, vitamins and minerals, the way the “souvlaki” is
prepared and served is actually a food that over time and depending on your

genes, could lead you to illnesses (health problems): it is originated from pri-
mary sources of flour without the shell and oil of unacceptable quality.

As we already mentioned, you must consume the fat only in a liquid form. Of
course apart from the olive oil there are also the seed oils. But when you wish
to fry something, you must only use olive oil and then again not more than
So, your human body is being fed up with nutrients (proteins, hydrocarbons
and fats). But in order to be properly fed and remain healthy, these nutrients
must be full of vitamins and minerals.
Never should you consume anything that is outside of these rules. To present to
you an example: if you own a car, even a car of a rather small value, you never

use oil for the engine similar to the oil used for frying, nor some other fuel in-
stead of gas if it doesn’t meet the requirements of the engine. So, you actually

take care of your car which in fact could also be easily replaced if needed.
Now, imagine the value of the human body and respectively the health of the
human body. This is why we are suggesting you not to try any kind of food
that doesn’t meet these requirements even if this food seems tempting. Because
in the short or in the long term it will harm the biggest gift through which you

could express yourself in this natural world we live in and this is your human
Before proceeding further to the type of exercise that combined to the nutrition
increases the possibilities for a good or even perfect health, we shall remain for
a little while to the issue of the nutrition. You are all aware more or less that
the food is equivalent to the word “calories”. This stands for any kind of food,
either fats or hydrocarbons or proteins.
Every gram of these foods corresponds to a number of calories and to be more
specific, each grammar of protein contains 4 calories, while each grammar of
fat or hydrocarbons contains 9 calories.
Here we must notice that before dealing with the calories counting, you must

above all be sure that your nutrition is flooded with the most crucial ingredi-
ents, i.e. vitamins and main minerals.

In case there are no vitamins and especially minerals in your food, this means

that this food is dead with whatever this implies. So, why care about the calo-
ries? The ones being empty of minerals and vitamins? So, you must be quite

strict in this issue: never ever accept to be fed with any kind of dead food.
We are mentioning to you a simple example as far as the amazing value of the
minerals is concerned. In case that some person survives a heart attack and

then is hospitalized, the serum that is supplied to him while being in the hospi-
tal contains magnesium. So, if this person was also consuming some food con-
taining magnesium (one of the minerals of huge biological value), most proba-
bly he would had avoided the heart attack.

This is exactly the rational that the human body is based upon. All the minerals
and the oligoelements (minerals in extremely small quantities) together with
the vitamins are characterized by a huge biological value for the human body.
Respectively, when these are missing this consists of a very important reason
that – together with the heredity, the working hours and the lack of exercise
may lead to the appearance of various diseases.
We could mention that the human bodies that approach or go beyond the age of
100 years are slim or of a low weight. You can understand that there is no case
of referring to such age limits if we are dealing with obese persons or persons
that are consuming many calories.

At this point we could also add the following: since the biological body of a
person starts to grow old since the day that his/her adolescence ends, we could
conclude that the human body begins to grow old since the day that the growth
hormone is excreted even less and less every day.
By the moment that the adolescence is completed, the first time period is not
very obvious. But as time passes by, you start to realize that the same amounts

of food that in the past didn’t cause you to put any weight, now, on the contra-
ry are making you gain weight once consumed; this phenomenon is getting

worse as the years pass by, as you grow older.

This is the reason that you shall try to receive less food, without of course feel-
ing hungry. Here is one way to do it: they suggest you to eat in the morning

like a king...and they are addressed to persons of 40, 50, 60.... years old. This

is a big mistake though because it only applies to those ages that are in the de-
velopment phase, in the adolescence, when their growth hormone is moving

towards the end of its peak of secretion.
In case that an adult of this age (40, 50, 60... years old), eats in the morning
like a king, and thus engages his organism in a procedure of digestion, there
shall be insulin secreted as well as additional gastric acids in the stomach to
help the procedure of the digestion; so this organism at most in four to six
hours shall be hungry again.

This means that this person will constantly be in a procedure of eating and di-
gesting and in combination with the growth hormone secreted even less, what

is almost for sure is that he/she will put some weight on, with whichever con-

So, in order to maintain your weight in an ideal level which will also be bene-
ficial for your health as well, you must make efforts to have a meal per day, as

late as possible in the noon, yet always check out on the quality of your food.

Until the time of your main meal, you have to drink – every 2 to 3 hours – liq-
uid portions, which can be cold or hot chocolate, tea, chamomile, fresh juice

made of season’s fruits, alternately. This method will result to the glucose in
your blood been maintained at such levels that you won’t feel hungry.
With this trick you will avoid taking too many calories, but you do take though
the necessary nutrients and what is more you are able of controlling your

So, you would better have a main lunch as late as possible in the noon and then
something lighter towards the evening.
Guidelines concerning the exercising
Combining also the practise of a moderate exercising, as describe below, you
shall have done your best to keep your body in a good physical condition, to
remain healthy and also feel euphoria
The movement or else the exercising or sports as we use to call it nowadays
consists of another tremendously important parameter for the safeguarding of
the health of your human body. Its importance is comparably big to that of the

A very typical example of a suffering your human body may bear is the inci-
dent when some part of your body has to be immobilized for a certain period of

time; this part instantly atrophies and in order to be able to restore its normal
functioning you have to engage it in a more intense and constant movement
that the rest of your body.
This stands for your entire body and in case your everyday activities are less
than what you actually need, then you put your organism in a serious danger.
Without possessing any particular knowledge about the way, the human body
actually functions and having only in mind that wherever blood is flowing to,
there is a healthy tissue, you automatically comprehend that this is exactly
what you must assure for your body: the perfect blood circulation.
So, through this simple example you can absolutely realize the need of your
human body for movement, sports, exercising...
Once a body engages into exercising as needed, then in combination with the
proper nutrition it possesses all the tools to be able to be overwhelmed with
health. As far as exercising is concerned, we could split the human body into
two categories: the first one is the healthy body and the second one is the chic
shapely body.

In case you can combine both then it’s the ideal status. However, if due to the
lack of time this isn’t possible, you should with no doubt go for the healthy
But what do we mean by ‘healthy body’: The percentage of fat for the man
should be from 14% to 20%, while for the woman the respective percentage

should be from 21% to 27%. So, to achieve such percentages you have to in-
clude in your life the aerobic exercising, i.e. to use the oxygen as the energy

production mechanism (this instantly means less fat).
This happens when you jog or use the treadmill or the stationary bicycle in the
gym for almost half an hour; you reach the 6065 % of your maximum heart
rate (maximum heart rate is the number 220, that is the maximum number of
heart beats that a person of 20 years old may have minus the years of your
To be more specific, if you are 40 years old, you extract 40 out of the 220, so
the maximum of your heart beats at the age of 40 years old, as a safe limit is
the 180 heart beats. This means that if you intend to burn some fat (lipolysis)
doing sports or aerobic exercising to reduce the fat in your organism, you have
to reach the heart beats of 6065% in the above-mentioned time period.
This is translated to half an hour of exercising with 108 – 120 heart beats, if
you wish to create such conditions that may lead you to fat burning. This is

happening because when you use the oxygen as the energy production mecha-
nism this is equivalent to the decrease of fat and consequently you have offered

to your body an important weapon to safeguard its health. On the contrary, in
case you don’t practice the aerobic exercise but instead you exercise using
weight training equipment (anaerobic exercise), you may build a goodlooking

body but not necessarily healthy. The health as far the human body is con-
cerned is only achieved through the movement or the exercise that includes an

aerobic mechanism of energy production. All of you, even those who don’t
have that much of a free time, you must during your whole lifetime offer to
your body, even a least movement or exercising on a weekly basis.
If you don’t do that, the appearance of diseases is a matter of time. What we

can suggest to you and that you must definitely adopt as a habit is to start walk-
ing for 30 minutes 3 – 4 times per week, in a gym or somewhere else, with

such a pace that your heart beats reach the 6065% of the maximum heart rate,

as mentioned in the previous example (the mean distance that you have to cov-
er each time is around 2.5 – 3 km).

The lack of free time is a funny excuse because when you don’t have your

health, everything may come and once a disease makes its appearance every-
thing stops.

In order to gain your health back, choose to do something important as preven-
tion and not as a suppression and what is more as far as the most crucial aspect

to be able to participate in your physical life undisturbed and only can be
achieved through a healthy body.
So, to be able to stand on your own feet, as we have already mentioned, the
basic rule and most basic tool, as long as if there aren’t any karmic obligations
of such origin and form, is that since the day that you come to perceive your

natural world, you do what you have to do (food and exercising) so that undis-
tracted from minor or more serious health problems you are able of finding and

following the path mentioned above: to be led to your enlightenment.