Τρίτη 25 Αυγούστου 2015


Since it has been revealed to you with proofs and accuracy what exactly has

happened starting from the imprisonment of your planet, by this infamous enti-
ty called the Blacksoul one and the sufferings that have been caused by his set

up authorities, the time has come to also reveal to you how you can be saved.
Besides you have especially noticed that the cataclysm of Noah is quite close
and those who will remain will be nothing else but the enlightened souls.
Thanks to the unsealing of this book, we have explicitly explained to you that
the key of the keys is your mind. That your mind, called Dias in the 12 gods,
can divide you and that this is your enemy, the devil mind and only once it
functions as Zeus, you can achieve the enlightenment, which is the first step
prior to the christianizing, meaning the reception of the unction.

At this point we should make you understand something absolutely connected
to your mind: what it means to be healthy, why to long for health and which
are the causes for which a human body may be healthy or sick.
In the world you are living, called natural world, there is another world very

close to you called etheric world without the existence of whom, nothing natu-
ral can be created.

Whichever form you may perceive all around you (suns, planets, minerals,
plants, animals, and humans) is the result of an etheric mold. That is, before

any molecule of matter receives a form, the corresponding molecule must defi-
nitely exist in the etheric world.

This rule stands for all the forms that are available in the universe.

In your case as well, before the creation of your natural body, you all possessed
an etheric body and thus your natural body is included into the etheric one...
So you understand now that in order for your natural body to be healthy and
full of energy, the sole precondition is that it receives this energy by the etheric
The connection between the etheric and the natural body is realized through an

energetic center located at the top of your head and which in the Sanskrit lan-
guage is called Sahasrara (crown chakra), or else “a thousand petaled lotus”.

This connection between the etheric and the natural body is a main AND
NECESSARY PRECONDITION for your body to remain healthy.
To be able to even better understand what this means for you, anyone of you
who has been involved in arguments or quarrels, no matter how brave you are,
you have definitely felt like shacking during or after the end of the quarrel.
Even if you are trained, this shacking you will definitely feel it.
The reason is that the tap of the energy supply from your etheric body towards
the natural one has closed and this instantly means that your natural body has
somehow been cut off from the supply of energy provided by the etheric body.
Of course this, in the extreme cases of quarrels or exchange of insulting words
and swears or other similar dangerous incidents, can be very much perceived
by you. Nevertheless, there is an endless calvary by the setup authorities that is
causing you such situations of fear, terror, agony due to the set up financial
crises, the taxation, the stress over the raising up of your children, your work,
even for the air you breathe.
Don’t you ever consider thinking that this is accidental.
In that case, the tap of energy supply towards your natural body has been
turned off at least partially and not that instantaneously as in the case of a dis-
pute, but what is for sure is that at some time you will be led to an illness.

You must know that all your illnesses start only in that identical way.
Now we are showing you the way so that you learn, until the time for Noah
comes, how to stay healthy and the key for this is only your mind.
The bastards know very well where to hit during all those endless years that
you are their hostages.
What you can only count upon to be able to overcome any skilfully set up by
the authorities conditions, is the upgrading of your mind in the way we shall
show you to do so.
And of course not using your body; your body is the one you must of course
take care of, watch out of but never ever get attached to it.
The attachment is one of the sufferings that you will obtain in your inferior
Dias – Mind. Thus, you shall become absolutely egoists.
In order to better understand what we are meaning, think that once you leave
your incarnation, nobody takes anything material along. Thus, any attachment
during the course of your life is instantly interpreted as a burden. Whichever
burden your inferior mind goes after, the harder everything will be for you. So,
at this part it is very important for you to comprehend that it is your own self
that either opens up or closes the door to an illness.
Being aware now of the vanity of all material goods and learning the absolute
setting up by all the setup authorities, leading your mind to get directed to-
wards the light is finally a oneway.

Here come the vampires of the authorities and they are implementing things
that have nothing to do with reason (reasoning). These may be either political
with laws out of any logic, either religious with divisions over divisions, either
they have to do with authorities that encourage the humans to remove human
lives (Islam – on the pretext that the victims are unfaithful). To all of these, but
even to anything that has to do with you, and that could be any form of attach-
ment, either drugs, beating, violence, homosexuality, lust, gossiping over your
fellow humans, any kind of judgement, and whatever similar that is included in
your routine, you must since now refrain from.
In case you notice anything to which your inferior mind keeps on participating,
in the form of an attachment, and addict, then instantly your entrapping has
begun having to do either with demons, either with health issues or both [de-
mons and illnesses].

You may use any excuse you like. This man did that to me, the government is
requiring tremendous taxes, that priest has proved paedophile, another one is
homosexual, or drug addict or drug dealer, some others asked me to commit
murder, or at last whatever anyone of you may present as an excuse having in
mind what is happening in his/her life.

The biggest and first present that you could offer your real self is to stay indif-
ferent over all these.

Remaining indifferent does neither mean being stupid, nor not knowing what is
happening to me. In our case it means distinction and sound judgement.
We are just informing you that your mind that has been upgraded and from an
inferior Dias has been converted to a superior Zeus perceives the traps of all
those circumstances.
Your denial for involvement and your indifference over all those things that
until nowadays were harmful for you, are demonstrating marvellous results on
your evolution.

To begin with, you are sober, calm, and you are thinking straight but most im-
portant of all you have conquered the absolute control of your mind. This

means that your mind is serving your real self instead of having your inferior
mind driving you uncontrollably to these traps.
This is the reason why we are highlighting once more the utmost importance of
the ability to absolutely control your mind.

What is amazing and is of an interest for all of you is that you manage to re-
main healthy.

If your mind is serving your real self you shall never become gluttonous and
slaves of your stomach (hunger). Because your real self, by governing the mind

will give the order that in the rented body where your real self has come to in-
habit it is strictly forbidden to the mind to eat even a grammar of food more

than the one actually needed.
An obese person is almost certain to get sick or not to have a long life time
(rarely or almost never will you notice an obese over aged / elderly person).
Because in this case the mind has been totally cut off from the real self and the
rented body that was offered to the real self is in the grip of the inferior mind;
in that case Dias – the inferior mind is an enemy of you real ‘existence’ and is
leading your rented body to all kinds of diseases.
It is actually that much important to do what you have to do to control your

Once you manage to literally control your mind, you will also manage to have
under absolute control one of the 12 systems that the human body is constitut-
ed of, as well and this is the nervous system.

As natural, in this case you will never hear an absolutely controlled mind say ‘I
am in a bad mood’, or ‘I am mad, I want to burst out’.
Once you have started to control the mind, then automatically you start to
comprehend everything that is happening around you, things that in the past
made you angry and led you lose control without being able to find peace and

balance nowhere. But now all these just don’t exist since your mind is in con-

We could tell you that in this status the mind has started to become neutral.
Neutral doesn’t mean that it has no idea of what is happening to it, but just the
opposite. It is very much aware of what is going on and this is the reason it
doesn’t actually react the old way.
In case you went on using your old method, the one of getting angry, fighting,

trying to impose yourself to others and to demonstrate your superiority, re-
maining trapped in your passions, while you actually know that the death of

your natural body might in any minute knock on your door, there would be no
profit at all for you.

The opposite would have happened though. That is that attached divisive infe-
rior Dias (mind) has trapped your real self (spiritsoul) and following your cir-
cular regeneration, these traps shall follow you, since your mind and only it,
had led you to a bunch of mistakes until your penultimate incarnation.
At this point you must very well comprehend that each spiritsoul that receives
an incarnation is respectively gifted with the evolution that the soul was expe-
riencing until its penultimate incarnation. And also, that following your natural
death, the soul is on its own with either the good or the bad dowry that only the
Dias – Mind has offered to it.

So, this expression that you sometimes use, "The sins of the father are visited
on the children" not only is not valid, but you should never think of it ever
again, not one in a million. And the reason is that each individualized soul has
built its one personal karmic registry. And once incarnated in the world of the
matter and on your planet, it is called ‘human kind’, it has to be taught and get
examined only by/about its own mistakes and nobody else’s.
However, because the incarnation has to take place by a couple of parents, it is

for granted that in the divine plan, the committee for the karma and the aposto-
late beings will indicate to you the couples whose karmic obligations are com-
patible to your soul, and so 42 days before the birth, it is decided which is the

couple that shall bring you down holding the role of the natural parents.

Notice: "We shall clarify herein that at the moment of the conception of a foe-
tus in the female uterus, all that stands at this specific moment is that a rented

house has been assured where the spiritsoul will come and inhabit, once the
baby is born.
The abortion is forbidden because these rented devices are intended for the
spiritsouls to gain experiences. Until its naissance, no spiritsoul has entered any
foetus that a woman is carrying."
You are able now to realize the highest importance of the things we keep on
repeating to you and mostly the huge importance of your ability to control your

mind. Following the training that the entire humanity has received, you are be-
ing offered experiences – facts – circumstances about a bunch of oppositions,

quarrels, distresses, etc., every minute.
Let’s take the etymology of the word ‘distress’ (= stenochoria in Greek, stenos
= narrow, choros = space). So, distress is a narrow space. Who could place you
and limit you in a narrow space if not for your own trapped mind? Even the
ascetics who spend their file in cave or any other limited space, seeking for
ways to communicate with God, without moving here and there like you do in
the big cities and in your fancy lives, never ever do they feel distress.
Of course they don’t feel distress because they have started to realize that their
real self (spiritsoul) is one thing, the mind and the natural rented body are other
things. Following their example then, you should also work out on this issue
more, to make the first step.
The endless everyday circumstances and experiences from the interaction with
relatives and friends, in your work space, or even the political choices of your
country and the skilfully set up guidelines which you know that are emanating
from the Blacksoul one, are having only one goal: to imprison your mind and
nothing else.
We have already mentioned that the inferior to the human kingdoms (mineral,
plants, animal) based on the solar cycles will be upgraded from the one level of
evolution to the next one. But once you move to the category of the beings
with intelligence, in your own planet called human kingdom, you are instantly
at this focal point where there is no more evolution based on the solar cycles.

At this exact point you have obtained the dowry called mind and all alone, in-
dependent of the solar cycles you are obliged to understand your mission.

This of course implies for all the beings with intelligence that are evolving to
other planets and other solar systems.

As far as the fairy tales they are feeding you with, about the infinity of the uni-
verse and you being the unique beings with intelligence, using which the reli-
gious authorities have so skilfully attempted to entrap you, they are not even
close (so funny to believe in).

After having achieved the absolute control of your mind and with the help of
the unction – christianisation that you again on your own should achieve, we
are promising so precisely that you shall understand by yourselves that in no
way you are the only being with intelligence evolving into this infinity of all
the universes.
At this point we ought to make a notice, since we sometimes are referring to
universe and others to universes. The truth is that there is more than one uni-
verse. But for reason of understanding we usually use the word universe, be-
cause the science nowadays has discovered billions of galaxies and each one of
them possesses billions of suns. So not to get you confused we are using the
word ‘universe’. However, today the scientists have ascertained that what we
manage to witness is just the 4%, since the remaining 96% is dark matter and
dark energy. In there the rest of the universes exist.
We are addressed to the entire humanity and it is our duty to guide you with
boundless love and compassion for all of you, towards the enlightenment and
the christianization, without expecting any kind of reward in return though, as
the authorities have taught you, suggesting that everything has a cost.
Among the sciences of nowadays, the ones that are of a special interest are the

quanta, the astrophysics, the nanotechnology, the space technology, the robot-
ics medicine, the physics, the chemistry, the advanced mathematics, etc. All

these sciences are to your contribution and participation. You are the ones to
manage and deal with the achievements performed in comparison to the older
years in the past (45 thousand years before). So, each one of you separately is
participating to this result. But you are definitely wrong at some point. And
this is that the technological results (of course we are not referring to the
weapons of mass construction) are leading you out of yourselves. Thus, you

are carried away by the technological results and you forget about looking in-
side of you. And once the natural death is approaching (the lifetime of the hu-
man evolution is short), you don’t take along any of the technological results

that you contributed to and also admired.
A great astrophysicist who recently passed away and who during the last 50
years had been looking in the space with the telescope for God, never noticed
him anywhere. The answer is that he was using his telescope in the wrong way:
instead of pointing to the space, it should be pointing inside of him.

Everything is inside of you. In the same way that once you die you don’t pos-
sess your natural body anymore, but your soul is either set free or trapped only

by your mind, the universe as well, once it stops to possess this form, what in

the internal terminology is called ‘big absence’ [non visible form of the uni-
verse], no form stops during the big absence continuing its evolution. Thus,

immediately once the big bang [visible form of the universe] takes place,
wherever its soul is as far as evolution is concerned, it continues and develops
its trip.
This is exactly what also happens inside of you. Everything is inside of you
(we are talking of course about persons not being cloned or mutated, since the
clones are out of the divine plan and thus don’t possess neither a soul nor a di-
vine spark). All you need is to get guided step by step and without any other

delay to discover the only truth. Your body, besides to being the temple, inside

of which the 7 mysteries (baptism, Eucharist, ordination, confession, chrisma-
tion, marriage, and holy unction) take place, also functions exactly as the uni-
verse that you witness.

So, you possess a head to be able to perform thoughts and 12 different systems:
1. Respiratory

2. Circulatory

3. Hormonal

4. Immune

5. Digestive

6. Skeletal

7. Muscle

8. Nervous

9. Lymphatic

10. Urinary

11. Excretory

12. Skin, hair and nails

All these systems are constituted by millions of cells forming the tissues; the
tissues form the systems and all together are controlled by the mind.
Imagine that the mind that controls your body is the Creator himself. And the
12 systems together with the endless cells are his creation.

In case you notice that in the universe the laws of the absolute connection be-
tween the visible and the nonvisible forms (dark matter and dark energy) are

not in force, or that not all the planets, the suns, the solar systems, the galaxies

are characterised by an amazing harmony, then you can in your turn do what-
ever you like to your body.

But then if wherever you set your eyes to, in the visible and even the invisible
universe, like the electromagnetic waves (satellites, televisions, radios, etc.)
everything is in harmony, don’t you ever dare through your own mind, in your
own human body, function in any kind of disharmony.
So, you understand that after all those arguments presented to you, everything
starts and ends inside of you. When suggesting to you to count on your own

strength, it is not out of intention to cancel the teaching and the teach-
ers/masters or anything relevant. The reason is that in spite of the most great

teachers (and all their tutoring) who have come down to planet earth to teach
you and to train you, unfortunately for you what has so far prevailed is the
agents, the provocateurs and all the authorities of the Blacksoul one having
distorted all the teaching provided to you.

No doubt there are some truths left. But with all those endless lies as a wrap-
ping, there is no more teaching over the light. The teaching that is left and of-
fered to you is just to drive you to the darkness.

Just go and pose the most simple question to any authority of any kind and re-
quire an answer by each one of them:

1. Why is the planet suffering, request to them to present their opinions.
2. Give an answer to all the countries of this planet, to whom do they owe
You won’t get any of these answers naturally. And if they provide any, it will
be totally irrelevant.

So, you realize now that you don’t have any other choice than to take your en-
lightenment in your own hands, cause if not so, by whom will you get it? Do

you seriously expect from all those that you see in the media of mass mental
apathy, who are offered some power, who are waiting to get paid with the
pieces of silver by the end of the month by the Blacksoul one, to either help
you or save you?
You have no other choice, no other alternative.

You shall either get enlightened by following our advice to understand every-
thing and to not kid yourself or there is neither salvation nor evolvement for

The best you could achieve would be to get some way (based on personal con-
nections) to figure things out and assure some salary and just consider that you

are done and then after you pass away, which is inevitable, who cares...
This is also a choice...but you should not forget...everything flows. God is
originating from the verb ‘Theo = God in Greek’, and theo means move fast.
So, we are suggesting that you leave apart your personal ego, you harmonize
your mind with your body being your personal universe and at the end your
own perfect universe which will be yourself and your body shall be connected
to the perfection of the universes and the perfection of God – The Creator – the
Hyper mind.
We are currently experiencing that phase of the unsealing where everything
that you read is absolutely connected with what you ought to follow to reach
the enlightenment.
Open up wide open your eyes and your ears, your mind and your heart. Don’t
get attached; don’t get fooled around by any kind of talking between people
that might drive you either you like it or not to the division of the humanity.







Many among you agree with the word prayer. Meaning this is what you have to
do in case you wish to communicate with God. When you listen to the word

‘meditation’, you get so angry...so here is another set up game of the
Blacksoul one and of the systems that are serving him on this so far imprisoned
planet of yours.
We are telling you as clearly as possible that both actions have the same result.
Either you pray or you meditate, in case you practice properly the result is the
same (of course this does not imply in the case you pray to the Almighty God
to help you kill all the faithless on the planet – ISLAM).
But since we have talked to you about the unsealing as well as about the entire

knowledge you shall receive to know everything, we must give you some ex-
planations over these two words prayer and meditation – which is the exact

meaning of each one of them.
1. Prayer: it is a compound word of the words ‘to’ and ‘wish’ (prayer =
proseyhi in Greek, pros = to and eyhi = wish). In case that after all that we

have been mentioning to you we would suggest to ask from the Fathercrea-
torhyper mind (anything each one of you wishes to ask for), then instantly the

concept of the God – Creator is being cancelled. And this will happen because
you shall be asking through your prayer something that God hasn’t perceived
concerning you.
Is there any case that even a molecule of the matter escapes from the Creator?
Is there any case that the Creator isn’t he who knows everything?
You do know the answer of course. Everything is inside of him, so he knows
everything about you.
A second characteristic of the word prayer is that once you get connected to
God in your prayer, your mind is instantly not standing still. That is your mind
is moving, connected to God to what it is asking for.
In case your mind wasn’t 100% absolutely still but instead is moving, it is like
the needle in the old radios that was never still. So, such a needle can never
locate a radio station. All the same, the radio station in our case is the Creator –
God himself.
The Creator is just one. His creation is uniform. You, us, everything are also a
part of this Creation. And we are all interrelated with the Creator. So, you
should modify your prayer a little bit and just ask for nothing. All you have to
do on an invisible straight line that will end up at a dot is to remain united with
the words and the concepts:
Mind, soul, spirit, God.
We can assure you that once on a straight line these four concepts are united
and identified, then you should be 100% definite that the Creator of everything,
taking into consideration everything about you (thoughts, words, acts, karmic
responsibilities) will provide to you with accuracy with whatever belongs to
you, without having to say a word not even cognitively.
2. Meditation (= Dialogismos in Greek, Dias is the mind and ‘logismos’ means
the thought).
Whatever exactly we have mentioned about the prayer has to also be done for
the meditation.

That is, a calm, sober mind, empty of thoughts about anything and for no rea-
son at all, just the identification with these four words – concepts:

Mind, soul, spirit, God.
The same stands for the case of the meditation. This is how it has to be done.

There are too many internal teachers who most possibly encourage you to med-
itate on anything that exists in a visible form. Everything is useless.

And the reason is that everything is unity and everything is starting from God
who is a Creator and a HyperMind.
Since he is the one to be behind all these and inside of everything and he is you
and you are him, why meditate to the plant, to the animal, to the air ad not to
go straight right to Him and have Him also express himself into you? There is
absolutely no reason to direct your thought anywhere else but to the:
Creator – Genitor – Hyper Mind.

To be totally accurate and detailed with you, you belong and evolve in a solar
system whose we believe that you have understood the master is the sun you
Of course, we have mentioned before that the sun you are witnessing and
whose another naming is solar speech and without any other interpretation,
belongs 100% to the utmost cosmic existences, disseminates the aura of the
Father, has reached a hugely high level of evolution and your solar system, the
one you are perceiving and evolve into, is under its supervision.
There was a time during the era of the ancient Egyptians, when the God Ra
was believed to be the sun and the solar speech himself.
Of course, at those times neither Buddha nor Jesus Christ had yet come down

to your planet, neither the humanity was prepared for those things that are al-
ready taking place on your planet, your sun – and not unfairly for such years

back then – was deified. So, God Ra was representing your sun as a deity.
However, nowadays in view of the unconceivable era that is already rising on
your planet, even with deep regret for all of you, it is our duty to connect either
your meditation or your prayer, as we already explained, on a straight line that
will end up in a dot, the mind, the soul, the spirit, the sun, the HyperMind, the
Creator and God.
While reaching the peak of your prayer and of your meditation, without asking
anything at all, you have the duty to involve Shakyamuni Siddhartha Gautama,

Buddha, and Jesus Christ in this initial straight line and almost instantly, per-
fectly like dot.

So, through your meditation or your prayer (there is no difference between the
two), but with an absolutely still, sober and calm mind you have to insert in the
dot the concepts "mind, soul, spirit (individual Divine spark), Buddha, Christ,
SUN – Hyper mind, Creator, God".
If some of you don’t feel very well with the concepts of the words "Buddha

and Christ", you should pay some special attention to what we are going to an-
alyse here below, which is the meaning of these words – symbols – established



The word Buddha is a Sanskritic word meaning ‘one who is awake’, one who
has woke up in reality, that perceives the real nature of the mind, of the world
and who is a being who can feel forever.
Thus the name ‘Buddha’ was given to Gautama, also known as Shakyamuni or

Siddhartha Gautama, who was a prince in 563 B.C., and also a prominent lead-
ing member of the tribe of Shakya.

This sent spiritual Hyperbeing, that was in a spiritual mission possessing at
those times tangible goods of such a range that only few people possess, mean-
ing, a kingdom (money and shelter), a beautiful woman and axioms, in front of
what he witnessed, that is the suffering of humans, he didn’t take anything into
account, he abandoned everything and dedicated himself to seek and find
WHO HE literally IS. How he was found on this planet, what he came to do
here, why there are inequalities between the humans, why there is birth and
death, where do humans go after their natural death, of course not nowhere,
and at the end, this entire perfection cannot just to have only one master, one
Creator, one God, one Hypermind.
So, the title that was given as Buddha to Shakyamuni Siddhartha Gautama, is a
title that all of you are now entitled to have.

You can go nowhere if you don’t conquer the enlightenment first. The enlight-
enment, as the word itself clearly implies, means light, means the entire
knowledge, means knowing everything.

You would like to describe to you that after 7 years of ascetic life in the woods,
Gautama, was following a very controlled diet including abstention from any
kind of flesh, meat, fish, chicken, mollusc, as well as continuous meditation
and an absolute control of the mind, love and matching with all the beings in
the universe, unification of everything without any hint of divisiveness, so he
finally came to a point after 7 years and having already realized that he was in
a mission, to teach the middle way.
As he was sitting by a river and listening to a man playing his lyre, the string of
the lyre broke up, so it crossed his mind – since he was now absolutely clear of

attachments, absolutely calm from any kind of confusion in his mind and most-
ly totally controlled by his real self – that the string was cut because it was too
stretched. So, he jumped into the conclusion that if the string is too stretched it
can break; whereas when it is too loose it produces no sound. So the ideal sta-
tus is that the string is as stretched as necessary so that it both produces a sound
but without fear of being broken. This is the middle way that Shakyamuni has
Nowadays once you listen to someone talking about Buddha, the picture of an
ascetic meditating in a yoga position and wearing that characteristic smile on
his lips comes to your mind. But what was Buddha finally?
He is a spiritual being just like the utmost JESUS CHRIST IN THE BIGGER
Siddhartha grew up in the wealth, the comforts and the pleasures without ever
getting out of his kingdom to have the opportunity to meet the evils and the
suffering of people. But once he went off his kingdom, he met 4 signs: an old
man, a sick man, a dead man and a saint – that is the ageing (old age), the sick-
ness, the death and the effort of a philosopher to find a solution to those three.

Siddhartha’s heart was shocked and moved as well. He experienced a huge
pain once he got informed that no human can escape these statuses.
"How could I feel happy when beings that grow old, get sick and die are all
around me?”
So, in view of the problem of the ‘why’ of the existence, of the ‘why’ of the
pain and thanks to his compassion for the humans, he renounced his wealth and
pleasures, he abandoned his family and his kingdom and he dedicated his life
in the pursuit of the Truth.
In order to reach the teaching of the ‘middle way’, the efforts, the mishaps and
the difficulties are abysmal.
When out of a sudden you find yourself in a world that doesn’t resemble to the
world that exists in the big cities, and in parallel all your surrounding is staring
strangely at you, the road is tough, sloping and difficult. Besides, recall also the
last temptation that Jesus Christ received from the Satan (the Blacksoul one),

that ‘I shall offer to you all the material goods if you do serve me’ and the an-
swer of Jesus Christ ‘Get behind me Satan’.

But when the spark inside of you is burning and you don’t compromise neither
with earthly laws nor with the set up authorities and in the same time you feel
compassion for every human being and over different pains, but at the end you
are aware of the fact that you are not going to ever escape the death of your
natural body, then this spark existing inside of you is the only one that keeps
on driving you.
This flame is this internal divine spark that every being (except for the cloned

humans) and in our case human being, possesses. This divine spark is a con-
substantial part with the Creator – God. Thus once this flame is activated in a

human being, then it shall lead you 100% to the entire truth, the entire
knowledge and of course to the return to the Father.
Even here you can notice that the teaching of Buddha is absolutely matching
the teaching of Jesus Christ who had clearly mentioned to you ‘learn the truth
and it shall set you free’.

This is exactly what has happened to Shakyamuni Siddhartha Gautama, Bud-
dha as well.

What he was clearly meaning of course was that once you remove the oblivion
(and recall that you are Divine beings), the knowledge shall instantly come to
you and that alone and it is only the knowledge without oblivion that will lead
to the ether, that is, set you free.
He was definitely in a mission and his incarnation 500 years after the naissance
of Jesus Christ was not by chance at all, since he had to teach you which the
real knowledge is through his teaching.
There is absolutely nothing that you can achieve without knowledge. This is
the reason we have so many times before written to you in the frame of this
unsealing that what the system is offering to you in the form of knowledge
have actually led all of you to ignorance. The most amazing though is not to be
aware of the fact that you are ignorant, but instead to also consider that you
possess the truth which could get you connected to the universe.
This is the knowledge that Buddha has submitted after his enlightenment and
he referred to the 4 Noble Truths he had discovered.
The first one among the 4 Noble Truths is the one referring to the Dukkha that
is the suffering and the awareness of the suffering.

"Now this, Bhikkhus, is the Noble Truth about suffering. Birth is suffering,
aging is suffering, sickness is suffering, death is suffering, stress is suffering,
association to the unbeloved is suffering,

Dissociation from the loved is suffering, not to get what one wants is suffer-

The second truth refers to the origin of suffering:
"What leads you to regeneration is the craving which is accompanied by the
attachment to pleasures; seeking for pleasure here and there it is the thirst for
desire, the thirst for existence, the thirst for nonexistence.
You are suffering because you are attached to the matter which is a prison for
your spiritual nature. You are suffering in vain because you are seeking for
happiness in the matter, since Happiness is your spiritual nature itself. You get
enslaved on your own, you get in chains on your own and you set yourself free
on your won. You put your hands in your eyes by your own and then you cry

because there is darkness. Thus the words of Buddha are nor pessimistic. Bud-
dha, knowing his real nature or else if you prefer it more correctly, being set

free by the ignorance and by the false concept of a fake self, is like a doctor
who by witnessing the sickness of humans to identify with anything, is coming
to help you get this over and become cured...
The real Human is not his body, it is eternal death

You are identifying with your body and this is the reason why you are in psy-
chological suffering once sick or hurt or lose some beloved one.

Buddha says you are not your desires. You are identifying with them and this
is why you are suffering. In case I crave something but don’t get it, I feel sad,
this is distressing. If I crave something and get it and get attached to it, then in
case I lose it I suffer. You identify with your desires though. You are strug-
gling to satisfy them. For most people the happiness is nothing more than the
fulfilment of their dozens and various desires.

You are neither the joy nor the sadness that you feel. The joy and the sadness
are the two opposite sides of the same coin, wherever the one is found the other
is found as well.
You are not the thoughts, the ideas, and the beliefs, no matter how big they are.
All these are variable, ephemeral, constantly changing. You don’t make the
same thoughts as the ones you were making when you were ten years old and
most possibly you won’t either make the same exact thoughts ten years after.
However you identify with these, you consider them as real and you are ready
to confront anyone who does not agree with you. You are fanatic, predisposed
and the conflictions and the wars that take place are proving this. Especially as
far as the issues of Religion are concerned, where each Religion suggests that it
possesses the entire truth and that the other truths are useless and fake.
The third Noble Truth is referred to the cure of the suffering that is the cure of
the desires and the passions, of the hatred, of the mistakes and of the ignorance
of our real nature.
We talk about the ignorance of our real nature; we mention that Buddha was
enlightened, met the Noble Truth the Nirvana, the outmost Reality. What do
we actually mean by all these?
The Outmost Reality is referring to the fact that all beings in practice are one

and they are also one with the substance of God from whom they have origi-
nated. So, everything is God. So, we are one thing as spiritual beings, but as

bodies, as George, Mary, as Greek, as German, as Christian or as Buddhist, as
Muslim, you have been taught that you certainly differ from each other.
So, all the miseries, the evils, the egoisms, the wars, etc. are emanating from
the fact that you have ignorance of your real nature, of your whole. Since you
consider that you constitute separate beings, different the one for the other,
each one of you is consumed in his own special egoistic desires, in his own
joys and distresses, remaining totally indifferent to the others.
Once Buddha was enlightened, he recalled all his previous lives, how many
thousand times he was born and then dead again, being once rich but in another

life poor, in the one life experiencing the peak of his happiness but then in an-
other one drawn in torturing and sufferings. He witnessed the results of his

acts, good and bad, as well as how much he was committed and obliged by
these to be born again and again until he was finally set free.

Thus, once Buddha realised how vain all these were, how much they put the
real Man in chains and enslave him, he came to talk about the Fourth Noble
Truth, the path to achieve the release from suffering, the Release, being the
Middle Way (it avoids both indulgence and severe asceticism, neither of which
the Buddha had found helpful in his search for enlightenment), or else the
Eightfold Noble Path, and which is constituted by the following divisions:

1. Right Understanding

2. Right Intention

3. Right Speech

4. Right Action

5. Right Livelihood

6. Right Effort

7. Right Mindfulness (Attention)

8. Right Concentration

These eight stages are aiming at enhancing and improving on (making perfect)
the 3 main points of the Buddhist apprenticeship and discipline: a) Ethical
Conduct, b) Meditation and c) Wisdom.
Besides, Buddha never established any Religion, never encouraged humans to
depend on any kind of charlatan masters, never spoke about any God who is
punishing and rewarding, throwing people either in heavens or hells. What
Buddha used to claim and what he also encouraged his students to do was to
have faith in themselves and that only through their own efforts, their own
mind and will, would they be able to set their selves free and to get purified.
He was encouraging them not to have a blind belief in the scripts just because
it makes a part of their tradition, not to believe in something just because all
the others do so, but just to that, which after been treated and subjected to ma-
ture thinking was matching their superior conscience. He was encouraging
them not to depend on others and to get detached from prejudices and fanati-
cisms, to be like a port for their own self. Not even to Buddha himself just be-
cause he happened to be Buddha.

The teaching of Buddha and the Noble Eightfold Path are not a blind ac-
ceptance or faith but the action and the implementation of the Ideal of the
Freedom, of the Compassion and of the Happiness in the heart of humans.
Buddha was not just being theoretical but instead he was encouraging each one
to ‘Come and see’.

Humans of this planet, possessing the divine spark inside of you and now be-
longing to the category of beings with intelligence, no matter what you are

dealing with on earth, whichever is your work, activity, hobby or anything else
you are into, you will be able to achieve absolutely nothing, unless you possess
this specific knowledge.
You must first learn very well this teaching, make it your own and then you
shall be able to deal with anything else.
Without this teaching you will never ever manage to set yourself free.
At this point we would like to make a very important notice concerning the fact
that in some books it is mentioned that Buddha did not believe in the existence
of only one God as the Creator of the whole.

We are telling to you more than clearly and quite absolutely. Any great or ut-
most spiritual being that is incarnated to teach either on your planet or on any

other planet the beings with intelligence that are evolving, has only one way to
draw energy and to execute its mission and this is only their connection to the
Creator, that is the connection, unification and identification with him.

This means that their entire mission is carried out only through their connec-
tion with the Creator.

On the contrary, due to the fact that on your own planet the Blacksoul one has
no connection at all with the Creator, so he possesses no energy at all, thus in
order to be able to have an identity, an existence, he is using all the authorities
to suck the whole energy from the humanity, creating a ‘field’ of fear, terror,
agony, stress, hysteria, depression, suicide, hatred, war, etc.

Of course the set up authorities are leading you to all these by imposing very
effectively – and with you ignoring it – an unbelievable divisiveness among
you, in order to achieve what they have achieved.




The ray of Buddha is orange and it represents the knowledge. This ray is con-
nected to the ray of Jesus Christ that is represented by the yellow colour and it
is love, it is the new ray that is already in front of the gates of the cataclysm of
Noah in order to prevail on the new humanity. And this is the orange colour of
Buddha being the knowledge, while the yellow colour of the Christ is the love.
In a few words, you only can set yourself free through the rays of love and

wisdom. This is what the two utmost spiritual being have come to teach.