Τρίτη 25 Αυγούστου 2015


Reaching the completion of this unsealing and with no need to refer further
either to any extraterrestrial technology or to constellations – brothers of the
terrestrial evolution like Sirius, or to your own evolution, those who are the
masters of each ray – colour of the rainbow (the master of each ray is called
Chohan) and the master of the 7 rays – colours of the rainbow that your solar
speech is managing, in your own earthly field, called Mahan

Even the master of each root race of the human evolution – the 6th root race
has already started with the unconceivable reversals and evolution and arriving
to the last 7th root race that alike the first will be without a visible body as you
conceive it nowadays, the name of this master of the root races is Chankshusha
We could mention to you the names of both the Manu of the root races and of
the Chohan masters of the colours – lights of the rainbow, but what you ought
to obtain though is not that much the names themselves, which of course are
changed per some thousand years especially for the Chohans, but what you
should literally focus on, even if you need to read this script again and again is
the entire knowledge that your human evolution must definitely understand,
pass some tests (karma, reincarnations) and of course complete the attendance
of this school called humanity, to be able to proceed further to higher spheres
of evolution.
This is the reason that it’s not particularly important to stick to the names of all
those unconceivable spirit souls whose evolutions and spiritual vibrations are
in exceptional levels.

And of course, as mentioned also in the beginning of this specific writing, the
humanity owes incredible gratitude to these spiritsouls. Gratitude also for the
spiritual paths they have opened up for the humanity.
When we are mentioning the global gravediggers, we are referring 100% to the

Blacksoul himself and to the structure of all the (religious – political) authori-
ties that some leaders who follow it strictly are training you.

These are called the global gravediggers of the human evolution.

All the rest, from the more simple priests of the religions to those who are serv-
ing the structures of the authorities from the highest steps, so as to achieve the

absolute enslaving of the humanity expecting the salary at the end of the month
to cope with all the material needs of the humanity, as all the rest who are not
priests, belong to the misguided.
They are misguided because out of their ignorance they are serving the system
of the Blacksoul one and of the authorities’ structure, like meek instruments
and they haven’t activated their mind like you, in order to think of the simplest
My food, my life on this planet is a 100% task of the solar speech (sun) and
nobody else’s who has replaced all these just like that either with money or
precious metals.
So all of them are not included in the global gravediggers, it is just that their

total ignorance has led them to serve the system with all the awful consequenc-
es for your planet.

Proceeding with the recapitulation, we have already mentioned earlier that after
the 4th of February 1962, through the unconceivable message sent to your
planet, where all the planets of your solar speech at 16:00 were located at
Aquarius, with Mercury being the master of this planetary conjunction, your
planet following this unbelievable astronomic event, is by a divine order
changing its vibration.
In the era of the Aquarius, being the stable sign of the Zodiac and belonging to
the Air signs, the spirituality of the humans through this big washing out cata-


clysm that your planet will soon experience, will offer the possibility to the
humanity to experience the golden era once more.
The message is clear and divine. Dias is the mind of the humans. The life in the
mind of humans is provided by the hypermind, the Creator, the God. The word
‘Signs = Zoodia in Greek’ (zoo means animals in Greek) isn’t referring neither
to Mickey mouse nor to little kids. The knowledge that emanates from the
signs is unconceivable. But even at this issue, they have oriented you in such a
way that in the signs you seek for love affairs, jobs and low-level knowledge.
While, on the contrary, the signs represent something incredibly bigger and
important. (during the new golden era the astronomy will be taught to the
whole humanity as was the case in the past years).
" In fact, alike as you know very well about your fingerprints that are unique,
the moment that you take your first breathe at any place on the planet you may
be born, you are correspondingly followed by an astral identity on which the
material and the evolution of all your previous lives are registered."
So, since the message is more than clear and Divine, there is no word out of
any negative characterisation that couldn’t fit the Blacksoul one and all his un-
believable authorities.

In his effort to prevail on the planet (THE ABSOLUTE DISASTER), he has
Whichever system of authority only he and his henchmen had offered to the

humanity, and which was skilfully sucking the energy out of the entire humani-
ty, since now he knows very well what is quite soon about to happen to your

planet, he takes care to use all kinds of authorities (being LIZARDS, VAM-
PIRES, DRACONIANS, GREYS) and to make them spit out – pretending to

care about the humanity – that it will be saved only through a global authority
and religion.
There are also some prophecies mentioning that during the eschatological
years, the nasty race will come out of the bowels of the earth and perform such
devastations and torturing to the humans that the alive will beg for the dead to
get out of their graves for them to get inside.
Haven’t you witnessed them in the faces of the most unconceivable ruthless

fanatic murderers whose mind is so confused as to believe that the more faith-
less they murder, the better they will be in heaven where God will welcome
them with open arms and a bunch of dark virgins.

As far as the rest the others, talking about the Quran as supposedly dervishes,
they would have been the first to take their distance from all these defilements
removing human lives in the name of god, without limits.

This is why we are justifying that all the authorities as the Quran, and this es-
pecially written by the hands of the Blacksoul one who has taken care that all

the authorities serve this tyranny and ignorance on the humanity.

The Quran is the cutting edge of the Blacksoul one. For 1400 years it was func-
tioning as a religion that those embracing it are literally mindless heads. For

those who have embraced it but they had also a mind, they are well settled be-
hind the salaries.

Nowadays though that the humanity is just one step before the new era, the
excuses have disappeared, the Quran has stopped functioning as the joker of
the Blacskoul one, and through his murderers, the dirty races that will come out
of the bowels of earth during the eschatological years are opening up.

The same applies for the branches of the Christianity. Christ has come to show
the unity of the humanity, of the love without limits and of the Christianisation.
All the labels except for the word Christian are absolutely of the wicked one.

Of course, since the next day of your planet all who will remain will be Chris-
tians with no labels.

The same stands for the teaching of Buddhism. The awakened is he who knows
everything from the inside and the outside. The internal knowledge is naturally
the one that will follow you forever and it is out of incarnations. But since you
are incarnated, your mind has to be absolutely activated and about everything
that takes place in the natural life.
It isn’t possible that in your natural life your mind isn’t that much activated
that it won’t be able to perceive any prick that will come to impose his power
to you and where he actually comes from. And to let him do whatever he likes
on you, beyond any control. Let’s consider the example of Jesus Christ who
never left any authority not to chase after or to go against in public over its lies.
If Jesus Christ was hypothetically speaking to appear, he would clearly pose
the questions to them:

1. Who gave you the right to produce branches on my own name as different

2. How dare you invoke a Holy Book (Quran) in the name of my Father and
encourage the removal of any human life on the pretext of being faithless?
3. World wars, infallible of the Pope, hunger and predicament of the humanity,
would also be dealt with in the same way.
4. The human evolution only includes two sexes (male and female), not a third,
nor a fourth, etc.
5. What he had also said back then, that nothing material belongs to nobody.
The entire matter comes and goes. So your bodies as well come and go. That’s
why the expression ‘personal data’ is so absolutely tricky.

Continuing with the recapitulation with your planet currently experiencing his-
torical moments, all the black authorities have been united to achieve the upper

goal, the global government and religion with the devastation of the so far au-
thorities implemented until nowadays by the Blacksoul one himself.

The skilled servants – scientists of the Blacksoul one are creating in the labs
viruses for socalled pandemics, so as to consider the inevitable vaccination of
the humanity as the sole salvation.

Already since 2009, all these black ravens of the system had made you crazy
about the definite necessity of being vaccinated against the pandemic that was
approaching, the swine influenza.
They have dedicated endless time to the mass media of massive stupefaction to
persuade you that you have to get vaccinated if you want to escape. Finally
those who were vaccinated were only the ones with serious health problems,
like strokes, etc.

As far as all of you who skipped the vaccination, you are starting to believe
that the ones representing the system are wacky and liars. The humanity has
begun to suspect that all the authorities are serving its devastation.
Since they didn’t manage to persuade you with the “Swine influenza”, they
talked to you about the “Avian influenza” ... Nowadays, in 2014 A.D. they
have created another virus in the labs called emboli. Here we go again...
They will try its black representatives for the supposedly sake of the humanity
and what is more by agonizing to produce vaccines.

In parallel to the emboli virus, they the faithful in God, Muslim, Islamist –
have debouched on the planet, to kill all the unfaithful.

And while the Blacksoul one by implementing once more his politics and hav-
ing led you to a financial chaos, these dirty races of Muslim killers and Islamist

possess stateoftheart weapon systems and of course access everywhere. And
what is more they are displaying the beheadings of humans in the mass media
of mental apathy in the form of short documentary videos, so to make you feel
fear or resent for what you see and to fiercely fight against them
An old and tested recipe of the Blacksoul one. Divide and rule.
During the same time period, even in countries that possess rich subsoil, heavy
industry, developed touristic activity, developed fishery, agriculture and animal
husbandry (Italy, Spain), the citizens have been led to a financial atrophy.

Simultaneously with all these, there exist on your planet as many warfare (con-
flicts) as never before. In the same time, between the hyper powers of your

planer, east and west (USA, NATO, RUSSIA), China is for the first time in the
history of humanity also involved as a hyperpower as well, as if there were

different sides. Just recall, as already mentioned earlier that during the eschato-
logical years the war will be initiated by a country possessing 200 million sol-

This country is of course China and it has gone far beyond the 200 million sol-

We have already referred to the financial pattern of China: communism and
atheism. That is orientation only to the rice; rice = matter. A lot of it, or few of
it, with or without a garniture. There is nothing else. Neither a Creator, nor a
universe or planets, nothing.
The Blacksoul one through his global servants has led you only thinking about
the matter. And when you take advantage of the invisible electromagnetic
waves through the satellites, the televisions, the radios, on the one hand you

once more entrap your mind concerning the how much the invisible is connect-
ed to the visible, and on the other hand once psychological problems arise, he

is sending you to the special psychologists and psychiatrists to get you stoned
with pills leading to a total stupefaction.

In fact, around 2016, he also intends to include in medicine the casting off of
the evil eye!
So, the stupidity and the imbecility imposed on your planet have gone beyond
any limit.
All that we have submitted are completed with the hypertechnology of
HAARP, the airspraying and CERN.
The days that the humanity is experiencing are indeed limitless. Any kind of

new technological achievement, any new weapon, is produced by the en-
trapped minds of the sent souls that are supposed to help you through technol-
ogy, while they are locked in the universities of death, selected by the socalled

Mathematical Olympiads that take place each year on your planet.

However we have already informed you with substantial proofs that by a di-
vine order (1962) your planet is changing its evolution, its vibration. In a very

short notice (which has already has begun to take place) Alkyone will be visi-
ble from the earth.

In a little while you will be able to notice two suns. Alkyone belongs to the
constellation of Pleiades; it is the central sun and master of your own sun. This
is instantly equal to a new number of photons on your planet with no limit. It
means upgrading. So, the message of 1962 is clearly reaching its completion.
Of course, a new status on earth cannot be established without a lot of washing
out. All the keys that you need to understand your own knowledge, which was
the reason of your incarnation, who sent you, what you came to do and where
you are transferred after your natural death, have already been revealed to you.
All the above, that is on the one hand the knowledge about the Blacksoul one

and his authorities and on the other hand the fact that you first have to get en-
lightened, Christianized, taking into consideration that the way to the Chris-
tianization has also been revealed to you (this is why the Blacksoul one is try-
ing to make you either fight or ejaculate (manwoman)), you end up with all the

keys on your hands.
The awakening – enlightenment consists a huge step. But then it is not possible
that you don’t know and don’t implement the word Christianized, not to know
what the Blacksoul one has until now done at the expense of the humanity,
how all the set up authorities that he has established have until now served him
and finally it is not possible that you don’t know which is the only way that the
authority that shall be implemented since now on the humanity, will provide
the opportunity so that
All of these are actually now happening through only one way: “Unfreezing –
activation of your mind”.
The connection of the invisible, being the spirit and soul with the visible, being
your physical body is only performed with the mind.
While the mind is frozen through the set up authorities, it is guided directly to
just childish and entrapping activities (houses, money, friends, work, vacation,
fun, etc.).
But once it is unfrozen – activated and connects the invisible spiritsoul with the
visible (human body) – and this is only performed by the superior mind which
from divisive Dias was transformed to Zeus – connection of the whole, then

you are able of achieving the connection to the divine. Because all of us, ex-
cept for the mutant– cloned ones, we are divine beings.

Our entire path in the forms is meant for us to return back to the unity and the

The most important of all and which you may keep as an aphorism by this un-
sealing is that you are able of all these and what is more you have to activate

them on your own. No need of any mediator.
Because now you are obliged to do in practice all that you have been taught
about, have read and your only task is just to implement them.
Since there is not enough time to spend in researches and seeking or to any
kind of doubts, there exists no love without limits 

Of course it is your right to hold on to some doubts over all these.
But you would better be 100% definite that if you follow all these inside of
your through experience, you shall get connected to God.
A very crucial element that we have to submit to you as a capstone to all things

that have been written, personally concerns the astrophysicist Stephen Hawk-
ing, who was born in 1942 and at the age of almost 20 years old he demon-
strated the first symptoms of his disease; so since 2014 he remains stuck in a

wheel chair and his communication with the environment is only made through
a computer.
We had mentioned earlier that until the age of 28 years old the karma from the
previous lives, functions, which is absolutely related to the natural parents who
incarnate this soul as their child.
He had already around the age of 20 years old begun to feel that something
wasn’t properly functioning in his nervous system. This instantly means that

the karmic past concerning him and of course his parents had started to be acti-

Once he reached the age of 28 years old, when this kind of disease has already
taken its path, he was dealing with the very special science of applied maths
and theoretical physics. It was around 1970 when his health quite deteriorated
thus his communication with his beloved, his family could only be performed
in a very specific way.
It was the time when Hawking was expressing his theories about the black
holes and claiming that since the matter ends up in there, its attributes are lost
after a time period.
We have already given the answer to the issue of the black holes. We have told
you that the forms in the matter definitely need the movement – the evolution
and this is only achieved thought the use of energy. Each form in the universe

is a part of the Creator and through the use or consumption of energy, it is ac-
tually evolved.

One huge crossroad of this evolution is met at the moment when the form is
gifted with a midn and thus starts to belong to the beings with intelligence. It is
at this exact crossroad that the forms understand where they have started from,
who is their genitor and where their trip ends to (Ithaca).
Most of the souls, after their task of understanding all these and implementing
them in practice, are joining the nirvanic world (everlasting blissfulness).
Some others though, abandon the blissfulness, are transformed into masters of

wisdom and after they have completed their task through the unbelievable un-
derstanding – knowledge that has been provided to them by the Creator, they

continue their evolution in a planetary hierarchy, planetary speech, solar hier-
archy, solar speech, central sun, galactic speech and finally black holes.

It is that final stage where the knowledge obtained by God, is WITH NO LIM-

You can understand though once you reach these unconceivable heights that
you cannot understand if the Divine hasn’t been revealed in you first. Meaning
without having been enlightened and be a unity, the Creator and yourself. This
is with no doubt the case.
If this is not achieved and if you attempt with a sterile science – the current
science is cancelling the science of yesterday and the science of tomorrow will
cancel the science of today – into this darkness produced by the ungoverned
thoughts of the mind, then your individual psychic part is directed against the
entrapping thoughts of the inferior mind (Dias).
Even if this divisive Dias is dealing with special sciences like the science of the
applied maths and of the theoretical physics, or any other science that is just a
science without any background.
It is a science that it attempting to provide excuses for either the atheism or the
laws of nature, in their dreams!
We are writing to you clearly and you would better be sure. Those laws that
nowadays are accepted by the science as laws of nature, on the next day of

your planet or even currently on some other planets, they cannot be character-
ized as natural laws not even for joke.

What we are talking about is quite clear. Once you notice a sun standing where
it is now, even your own sun, your own planet turning around your own sun,
your own body born by a sperm, a drop of water that no scientist can ever pre-
pare in a lab, or the path in your own body every time you drink water (where
is each drop exactly found throughout all the way in your body) and other simi-
lar endless examples, which at the end of your solar system will stop existing,

as is already the case in the past or will be in the future with other solar sys-

So, for all this perfection that is beginning from the Creator, will you define to
him which are the natural laws ruling his creation and indicate him that every
time there have to be the laws of gravity or anything else?

This is exactly what happened in the soul of our brother – self, Stephen Hawk-
ing. He came down with a totally personal karma in the world of your planet;

then at the age of 20 years old, those karmic responsibilities that followed him

from his previous lives were demonstrated; he had the free will from the crea-
tor as all of you belonging to the humanity, but none of the set up religious au-
thorities ever explained to him what you are actually reading. .

These of course weren’t explained to him because the set up religious authori-
ties are trying to entrap the humanity and not to set it free.

They have included and mixed all the lies in one two truths. And the result is
destructive for all of you.

As a matter of fact, around 2013 it was said that the brotherself Stephen Hawk-
ing ended up through some reasoning that there is no creator, or else there is no

such God who created all these.
So, in this case two things may apply: either he said so or not.
What is most possible is that he didn’t claim this, because in the system of the
Blacksoul one it is very convenient to create a confusion and blur in the mind
of humans, so that some atheist, by listening to this conclusion of such a great
mathematician, are feeling even more confident of being atheist.

The other case, to having declared that there is no God behind all these, is ra-
ther of minimum possibilities.

In this case you should follow your personal lived experience, as when you get
sick or approach that much to your natural death, wondering if there something
that could provide you with strength, other than the expression “MY GOD
Of course each one of you knows the answer for him/herself.
There is something more we would like to add concerning all these. Of course
we have already mentioned it but we just have to remind you just like with the
case of Stephen Hawking, of whether he said it or not about the nonexistence
of God. All the sacred scripts since the antiquity, all the writings from all the
totally enlightened beings, every testament delivered to the humanity, all of
them are “touched”. Everything is distorted and anything that has emanated

from the official authorities as said by the saint fathers or similar, are absolute-
ly altered.

In fact, the vampires of the humanity all of which consist of a black heresy –

that in case someone turns to mention to them that it’s not possible that rein-
carnation doesn’t exist, for example, he is instantly characterized as a heretic;

on the other hand, in view of the official murderers in religions like Islam, the
“Pinocchio” (liars and hypocrites scribes and Pharisees) of the other religions
to do the ‘what goes without saying’. That is, which God are you murderers
serving, for wanting to be called a religion as well (Islam)?
This is exactly how the absolute mess has been established on your planet. By
placing people in the authorities even in the set up elections in the socalled
democratic states, either the religious leaders in the election procedures, how is

this possible, you think that you have to do with normal persons like your-

But unfortunately for all of you, these persons only resemble like humans. Be-
cause inside of them they have been completely captured by the Blacksoul one.

So, instead of having humans in the authorities, you have the Blacksoul one
with different faces only resembling humans.

Another important issue that we have to submit to you is that the great histori-
cal names that have played leading roles during many revolutions of your plan-
et against their – at that time – dominators, have nowadays been reincarnated

in other bodies and most of them have been reincarnated in the same countries
where in the past they used to be of the most famous revolutionists.

As back then when they attempted to release their country from their dynast,
even now entrapped in the divisiveness of the Blacksoul one possessing other
positions, as the Blacksoul one has trained them, material possessions, money,
houses, they have lost their way once more.
Back then as revolutionists. Nowadays as businessmen. The fisher man, who is
sucking the energy using a longline with endless hooks, doesn’t care which
hook you bite to. All he wants is to get fish. And in our case, you are the fish

since until nowadays you haven’t unfortunately learned the reason of your ex-

This is what this script came to offer to you. You are the only one for whom
you got incarnated in a physical body on your planet.
You have numerous times submitted requests of reincarnation (individual –
psychic carrier of yours). With your soul knowing exactly where the divisive

Dias (mind) had imprisoned it; as we have already mentioned the mind is per-
ishable and it stands only for one incarnation, so for each incarnation you have

a new mind.
So, after the request for reincarnation has been accepted by the soul, you have
been incarnated only for you, to evolve your individual psychic carrier and for
nothing else.
Of course all these are performed through the management of the experiences
once you are incarnated with the rest of the humanity (parents, children,
friends, relatives, colleagues, state, humanity).
And you achieve them with your thoughts, the word and your actions.

And always being led by your free will. This is the reason why the healthy su-
perior Zeus and not the stupid inferior Dias (mind) is of an unconceivable im-
portance for your evolution.

All of you have now the keys for the success in your hands and we shall com-
plete all these, by focusing at just one word:


We have accurately explained to you that everything in the universe or the uni-
verses are connected. And the universe resembles a pomegranate containing its
wrists. How close indeed are the one to the other! And all of them covered by
the shell of the pomegranate.
What you can perceive as air you see that it is full of matter, because through it

the electromagnetic waves are transmitted and you can realise this by the tele-
visions, the radios, etc.

They are receiving the solar rays either you can perceive them or not and eve-
rything is synchronised with an unconceivable perfection, harmony and beauty.

We have written earlier that anything existing either in a visible or in an invisi-
ble form is energy. As a matter of fact we have described that stating from the

unity, the ether is disseminated in the entire universe, then the cosmic fire fol-
lows which is connecting the earth (planets), the water (hydrogen) and the air.

And on the planets, all the kingdoms are evolving (mineral, plants, animals,
human – beings with intelligence).
All of these, all the forms contain a divine spark inside of them. So they all
include the Creator inside of them. Either they are at the inferior kingdoms,
they can tell by the sun, or if we refer to the beings with intelligence called
humanity here on earth, they definitely have to understand and connect to the

Divine to be able to continue their evolution and this entire energy is motivat-
ing all the forms and the non forms.

What you witness in the sky in the night like a vacuity is not a vacuity of
course. What you can perceive either visible to the naked eye, or with the use
of a telescope, resembling to stars (suns) and planets turning around them, they
possess an unconceivable perfection and harmony, as moving into a sea
Everything is connected the one to the other and their only difference is solely
at the level of evolution of each form or nonform.
This universal love of energy which of course is limitless, that is infinite, holds
its oldest naming form the Sanskrit as “Prana”. Pythagoras named it as “kind in
the form”, Heraclitus as “ever living fire”, a great German doctor, Mesmer,
named it after “animal magnetism” and the great Wilhelm Reich of your gen-
eration, who also delivered the key for the cure of man (orgone accumulation)
named it after “orgone”. At last, the greatest Master who was ever incarnated
on your planet and taught you about the Christianization named this universal
sea of energy as “Spirit”. This is why the spirit offers life in your lungs. And
once the Spirit leaves, your physical body doesn’t have life anymore.
However, nowadays, due to the unconceivable evolution that will be soon
completed on your planet, we owe to provide you with another word, which
those who will instantly comprehend, shall entirely realize that everything is
connected, either visible or invisible, to an unconceivable perfection, beauty
and harmony.
So, the word that determines this entire infinity is “LOVE”.
The love that is emanating from the unity, that is the Father, the God himself,
the love is the one connecting all the visible and invisible universes.
We have told you that as far as this substance disseminated in the universes is
concerned, it also bears the name ether and then the cosmic fire, the water, the
earth and the air follow.
Each one of these elements is absolutely cofunctioning the one with the other,
exactly because no divisiveness exists among them.
All this perfect functioning between them exists because the word “love” has
totally flooded the elements of nature.
The word “love” has flooded all the solar systems, all the planets, all the forms.

If it weren’t for love, in reality no form could evolve. The only thing that safe-
guards the evolution is the connection of everything.

And this connection can only be achieved through love. All the rest that have
actually led to your division as a humanity and which have been taught to you

by the Blacksoul one – you have a homeland, an “ego”, a personality or any-
thing that differentiates you from the unity of the universe – are 100% distort-
ed, and aiming exclusively at making you lose your way.

Due to the fact that his wiliness is also endless, he took care that you believe
that the removal of human lives by monkey murderers (Islam) is a service paid
to the Creator.
He still keeps on seeing that he enhances your ego as well as your diversity in
any possible way.

Another very serious aspect is that into his houses like the masonic lodges,
Bilderberg club, etc, they are feeding you fairy tales supposedly talking about





All these are included in the word “love”. Don’t judge, don’t slander, don’t act
with violence on anyone or anything, and don’t consider removing any human
life, even an animal’s life. Don’t intrigue, don’t swear. Don’t curse, don’t
spread lies, don’t taunt, and don’t go after only your own sake. Don’t laugh at
others. Don’t commit adultery. Don’t be ungrateful. Don’t be selfish. Don’t be
proud. Don’t be vain.
To meet up with all those “don’t” there is only one way. And this is the path of

If you include all those “don’t” in the concept of love without setting any lim-
its, they will be absolutely adopted by you. Only the Divine word of Love can
make you evolve and complete the school of the human evolution. In case you
don’t adopt one or more of the “don’t”, it is due to the fact that you have a lack
of love.
In case you completely fill up with love – emanating from you any of the
above, none of all those “don’t” will obligatory lead you to the creation of a
karma (“live by the sword, die by the sword”).
Even in the case of Peter, the student of Jesus, whose name is originating from

the word “stone”, his act of cutting off the ear of the Roman soldier who at-
tempted to arrest his master Jesus Christ, was performed exactly for this reason

we just referred to: there was a lack of love.
And for your info, we are telling you that the cycle of the reincarnations has
closed for Peter, on the 19th century A.D.
This of course happened because the time has come for the lack of love that he
demonstrated, at the moment of the arresting of Jesus Christ, to the Roman
soldier, by cuttingoff his ear (he expressed violence due to the lack of love over
everything and in this case over the Roman soldier), to get connected without
any lack of love to the universal sea of love.
Humanity, this is the love we are talking about.