Τρίτη 25 Αυγούστου 2015


DELPHI 31/07/2015
Full moon to Aquarius

Today on the 31/07/2015, when the Full moon is on Aquarius and the new era

that is rising for the mankind is in Aquarius, and just a breath away before tre-
mendous geological and conscious changes take place on your planet, the un-
sealing of the sealed book is delivered to the humanity, from Delphi, the navel
of the earth.

It is worth, addressed to the entire humanity, to witness the mirror of the
Blacskoul one in Greece and how everything coincides with what we have
mentioned to you.
You were born and grew up and the oldest among you have already passed
away, having been fed with the fairy tales of the authorities, rightist – leftist –
centrist – extreme rightist – extreme leftist.

You all know very well that the Greek territory has more or less been a space
of martyrdom but also a place that has provided your planet with special light
through the incarnations of great masters – mystics. We have made a reference
to the ancient classical years and to the karma of the Greek priesthoods as well
as to the shaming of those great mystics (exiles, humiliations, deaths, etc).
Since all the above took place some hundred years ago, we shall focus only on
the last 70 years.

A country of a low population as Greece was, stood up against the GermanItal-
ic Axis during the 2nd world war.

Unless for the large countries involved in the war (USA, Greta Britain, France)
this was another date with the history, for the ‘tiny’ as far as populationGreece.
The Blacksoul one together with the dark provocateurs – agents behind the
scenes, performed the most incredible in the Greek territory.
All the nasty authorities of the Blacksoul one, both evident and undercover
achieved the unbelievable: that Greece counted a larger percentage of human

losses during the civil war (political beliefs, rightist, leftist) (154,000) than dur-
ing the 2nd world war (88,000).

As you can understand, through the political wrangling between the so called
rightist and leftist, as some of the last inventions of the Blacksoul one after the

empires and the kingdoms, people joined a certain political field (leftist – right-
ist, etc).

As all of you know the burning desire of the Blacksoul one over a global gov-
ernment and religion, 40 years after the junta the Blacskoul one had imposed in

Greece, people kept on believing in the marionettes – cartoons supposedly dif-
ferent political authorities in the Greek territory, likewise of course in the rest

of the planet.
Since the citizens in Greece distinguished their herds and in the same time the
political agents of the Blacksoul one together with other agents – supposedly
syndicalist have skilfully deindustrialised the entire Greek territory (although

you are aware on the planet of the skills of the Greek minds) and in combina-
tion with the fake loans from the nonexistent money, they have brought Greece

to the following status:
The one political party is persuading the herds that it can lead the country to

the prosperity, and then after a little while the other political party is also con-
vincing the herds that it is the one capable of making it, and at the end, the un-
believable happens: all the opposite parties are united in an umbrella (rightist –

leftist) and claiming that the salvation of Greece is that mess to which all the
populations of the planet are actually led.
So, under the umbrella of the invisible until now Blacksoul one, the evident
status of the devious now political and religious leaders, the humanity and in
your case the Greek people don’t finally know what to do.
At this point, these cartoons – political parties, in order to help each other with
the devastation of the Greek people, since they decided hand in hand to rewrite
the Greek history books.
1) To get together and with one voice directly accuse Leonidas for his silly
move to resist to Xerxes

2) It was a big fault of the Geeks to force the Persians be defeated in the battle
of Marathon.

3) Another fault of the Greeks was to beat the Blacksoul one – Persians during
the battle of Salamina.

4) Alexander the Great is totally unacceptable for wanting to civilise the planet
and make all humans equal.

5) The same stands for Theodoros Kolokotronis with the Greek commanders
who after 400 years of slavery imposed to the Ottomans, offered to the Greek
people the opportunity to become autonomous on your planet.

6) Once Moussolini asked from Ioannis Metaxas to deliver the Greek territory
to him, according to the beliefs of the political gravediggers, Metaxas shouldn’t
have denied by declaring the wellknown ‘NO’ to Moussolini.

So, the current political gravediggers of Greece, joining the Blacksoul one and
his representatives, without a trace of morals from the Greek word ‘philotimo’
(= friend of the honour) (= decency, although hard to express in English) and
of the word ‘Andreia’ (=bravery) that the Greek people has so many times
demonstrated, are delivering this longsuffering country of your planet, called
Greece, as prey to the Blacksoul one.
As a matter of fact you know very well that the geographical position of

Greece in the Mediterranean, both as far as weather as well as geological con-
ditions are concerned, offers to it the advantage not only to be autonomous in

everything (food – energy) but also to be able to offer these goods to inhabit-
ants out of the Greek territory as well.

Only that the Blacksoul one with his political agents – provocateurs, have im-
plemented the strangulation of Greece and not only.

Of course here we should add that the religious leaders as well have been lost
somewhere between the planet earth and the artificial satellite of your planet,
the moon...

As a matter of fact, and in order to more deeply hypnotize you, they are claim-
ing to you that during the 3rd world war, the country whose name is starting

from the 17th letter of the Greek alphabet (i.e. Russia) shall deliver Constanti-
nople to Greece and that the latter is not going to get involved in this specific

war. This has also been characterised as prophesy.
So, you religious jerks, you spread bullshit of the type ‘don’t you worry about
what is going on’ to cover the political jerks over the ‘devshirme’ in the Greek
society (almost the entire productive Greek generation has emigrated) and in
the same time you are sending to ‘sleep’ all Greek men and women.

Thus, hand in hand, you political and religious gravediggers of Greece, are

skilfully leading the Greek society to devastation and to the complete enslave-
ment, so that you force the remaining impoverished Greek citizens to consent

to the marking (chip) in order to be able to at least have access to their elemen-
tary needs (food).

Of course, in case the Greek people goes for the marking, as far as the rest of

the populations experiencing a permanent status of impoverishment for thou-
sands of years now (Asia, Africa, South America) is concerned, things will be

way too easier for the Blacksoul one and his gravediggers.
It goes without saying that this reference we have made herein to the Greek
territory also applies to the rest of the planet. But since the masks have been
removed now and all of you have realised the unveiling – embarrassment of the
authorities during the current timing, this consists of an example to understand
that through this unsealing of the knowledge you have been provided with, all
you have to do is


Since everything has gone their way and all that is left is the implementation of
everything we have mentioned before, after wishing to you from the bottom of

our hearts the absolute self awareness – enlightenment, we are more than clear-
ly mentioning to you and you will very soon be persuaded over this, that your

planet is being led by the DIVINE PLAN to the new golden era.