Τρίτη 25 Αυγούστου 2015


We have now reached the completion of this entire knowledge that leaves
nothing hidden or confused or befogged.
We came to this revelation of the current times, which you have been so many
times before informed about; it has to do with a specific spot on your right
hand or on your front where a chip is supposed to be inserted and based on
which, the Blacksoul one and his servants are going to know everything about
all of you.
This is another important message referring to the eschatological years that the

planet is experiencing, that the dirt and the blackness caused by all the authori-
ties of the planet are only washed out with a lot of water.

Since the Blacksoul one knows that he has lost the game to exercise power on
the entire humanity, all the political and religious gravediggers serving him are
flagrantly asking for the creation of a global religion and government as well as
a chip inserted in your hand so that they are able of controlling you in case
some of you escape from the pen.

Of course we have also mentioned above that those who are supposedly strug-
gling for you to impose a global government and religion, for your own sake

and to stand up against the terrorism, as they claim, you know very well that
they are the same people who until now were serving the divisiveness (different 
political systems and religions), with the upper goal of dividing you and in
the same time fanaticize you, leading you finally to making wars between you.
Furthermore, you are aware of the fact that all the terrorists are now a game of

the system and all the official political and religious authorities, terrorists, Is-
lam, everything is controlled by the Blacskoul one.

Another important weapon that all these authorities have offered to the
Blacksoul one is to legalize the nonexistent coloured little pieces of paper
(money or precious metals) for the transactions of bye & sell to be performed
on earth.
You know of course that the world banks, the international companies, the dark
accounts are all guided by him alone and thus, all of them with no exemption at
all among the official authorities of any kind, are the children of the Blacksoul
one. It means that they are the ones you can actually call ‘the little blacksouls’.
These little blacksouls following the order of their boss, cry with crocodile
tears over the sufferings of the humanity, for which they are yet to blame and
since it is their intention to proceed with the creation of a global government
and religion, they want to mark each one of you like if you were cows in the
herds (chip on the right hand).

Even the fact that they are trying to impose to you the cashless status, replacing
the use of cash with the use of credit cards, for your own sake as they claim, is
aiming at continuing to keep you under an absolute control. That is to control
every move you make.

John the Evangelist (who has written one of the four Gospels of the New Tes-
tament), has also composed the book of the Apocalypse.

In this sacred prophetic book written while he was on the island of Patmos
(Greece) he is clearly mentioning that someone will receive from the right
hand of the one seated on the throne the sealed book, in which everything is

" And I saw in the right hand of Him seated on the throne, a book written with-
in and without, sealed with seven seals.

And I saw a mighty angel proclaiming with a loud voice, Who is worthy to
open the book, and to loose its seals?
and no one in heaven, or on the earth, or under the earth, was able to open the
book nor to look in it.
And I was weeping much, because no one was found worthy to open, and to
read the book, nor to look in it."
"The book remains sealed until the one worthy to open it is found and then
reads it and informs us about its content."
"The book will be opened when the heavenly Father judges that the appropriate
time has come and the book will be opened by he who is the only one worthy
to open the book and to reveal to the humans its confidential and inviolable
That is, how you have started from the unity, how you entered the world of the
forms, how you ended up as far as evolution is concerned to join the beings
with intelligence, and finally on your own will and through your own under-
standing to return back to the unity.

This entire knowledge you have already received it through all those things
you have so far read.
However, you see that since the Blacksoul one is only a destructor and never a
creator as he owns no energy of his own, he intends to mark you on your right
This is not a coincidence of course.
We shall explain to you which exact part of your right hand he intends to mark
and what do the thumb and the index finger of your right hand actually stand
for, as well as the reason for which he wants to mark you between these two
They have the intention of placing the chip at this exact point.

The reason they want to mark you at this specific spot is that in the inner ter-
minology – knowledge, the thumb is representing the Creator and the index
finger is representing the personality – individuality of each human person.

Thus, the use of the chip, literally meaning the absolute control in everything
that follows you, is instantly also equal to the waste of any perspective of you
ever connecting with the Divine.

So, in other words, the Blacksoul one using this skilful means and having di-
rected all the authorities to lead you to the impoverishment, can possibly make

you either due to starvation or because some of you just want to – lose any
spiritual path and likewise the companions of Odysseus who didn’t manage to
return to Ithaca, get driven due to this blunder of yours, to your second death.
Of course for misinformation purposes these chips can also be placed in other
spots, like your front, but regardless of where these chips are inserted, their
existence in your body clearly implies, with no further interpretations, that you
have been wholeheartedly surrendered to the Blacskoul one.

We couldn’t be more sincere and clear to you. We have made everything crys-
tal clear and you now hold all the keys in your hands. With no need for set up

teachers and authorities, any kind of schemers who intentionally present them-
selves to you as your saviours, but in reality, they long for your destruction.

Rely to all those things that have been provided to you by the unsealing of this
knowledge and the benefits both for your real self and your rented body, will
be priceless.