Τρίτη 25 Αυγούστου 2015


There have been two thousand thirteen (2013) years, since Jesus Christ, the “Theanthropos” (= Godman) who actually taught to all of us what absolute love and forgiveness mean, has made his appearance. 

Unfortunately, though, the humanity did not manage to deeply understand his tutelage and implement it in real life. The reasons for this have to do both with your own choices and free will, but also with factors that do not depend on your own choices. These irrelevant factors are dealing with the political and religious authorities that govern planet Earth, and which actually do “train” humanity on a totally wrong way. This training does reflect on the way that you think, express yourself and act. Your own acts, on their turn, do change the world accordingly, and this is the reason why you bear a large burden of responsibilities over this phenomenon. The burden of responsibilities though is much more important for those who have leading positions and who educate, train and influence you both directly and indirectly, and while they are aware of the fact that the results of their acts are extremely serious, like hunger, wars, misery, rivalries, they continue walking on the same path of acts for a thousand years now. There is no case that they are not aware of what they are doing and that this is just due to wrong people being in wrong places. It is about men of interest who climb over people, serving the evil and who are completely aware of this permanent negative status that has been imposed to humanity since a thousand years. Nevertheless, they don’t proceed into changing this situation, since they are aiming at having money, glory and power – authority. On the other hand, the present work (text) is not characterized by any such selfish scope as to bring glory or money to the writer himself. The sole scope of it is the dissemination of truth in all humanity. 

The word “truth in Greek stands for the word “alitheia”, which as far as etymology is concerned can be analysed into the prefix a expressing negation or absence and the word “lithi”, meaning oblivion. This means that in order for you to be able to understand the things the way they really are, you should remove the oblivion from inside yourself and then recall your Holly origin.