Τρίτη 25 Αυγούστου 2015


Proceeding with the unsealing of the knowledge we should focus particularly
on your sun (solar speech). Either you have attended a university or not, you
should leave aside for a while all the activities you are dealing with, sit down
all alone and try to think – with your eyes open if possible, else close our eyes
– what does the sun do for you and for your planet but also for the rest of the
planets under its supervision.
Your sun is not just a heavenly body like the ones you are witnessing in the sky
during the night. Since you are expressed through a physical body in any place
of the planet, the first mediator so that your form, your planet, your food exist
is just the sun.
If it weren’t for your own solar speech, none of these would exist.

Neither your planet, nor your food (ex seed, current wrist) not even your physi-
cal bodies.

Your solar speech, as well all the suns belong to the utmost secular existences.
These are beings with unconceivable intelligence. Their intelligence lies in
such levels that they have the possibility to capture ether from the universe and
of course from the creator himself, together with the colors (aura) of the Father
– Creator – God and to offer to all of you the possibility of evolution.

As you may know, the rainbow comprises seven colors: red, orange, yellow,
green, blue, indigo and these colors are literally the aura of the Creator.
Too many among you and too many scientists as well have comprehended that
the universe is moving with such perfection that is hard to describe.
Of course this visible and invisible perfection (dark matter, dark energy and
visible universe) emanates from a Creator.
Whichever thought is being created into the thought of the creator is instantly

implemented. All these forms that you can perceive, at least in the visible uni-
verse, are his creations (of course the forms in the invisible universe are his

creations as well).

In the visible universe though, in order for the last demonstration of life – evo-
lution to exist, there are some classifications and prioritizations. These are the

galaxies, the constellations (groups of suns) and then the stars (suns).
So you can understand now that from the Father towards you, in a visible form,
the utmost secular existence that offers you the possibility to evolve is in your
case, your sun.
Having reached unbelievable levels of evolution and having managed the ether
and the aura of the Father, participating to the rest of the elements of nature,
earth, water, air, since the sun represents the cosmic fire in your solar system, it

provides life to everything. To be born, to be raised, to get fed, to gain experi-
ences and all of those of course with the intention to evolve.

This is why you owe to stand with gratitude against its work (it is unique).
Here, with all the knowledge that you have received your sun is a part of the
unity, part of the Creator. It is not the Creator. Nevertheless, it has reached

such a high level as far as evolution is concerned; it possesses such an unbe-
lievable intelligence that the Creator in the unity of the whole, gave him the

possibility to join the category of the utmost secular existences.
All the great Masters and mystics who have come down many times to your
planet to teach you, are aware of the value of the suns and of course in this case
of your own sun (solar speech).
It is you who must manage and deal with all these through the wisdom, the
“Everything in moderation” and the middle path. You should keep in mind that

whatever the official gravediggers are mentioning to you, they have mixed the
truths into the endless lies. They do whatever they can to heal you but in prac-
tice they are using the socalled cure as a means to be able to control you.

They are offering to you pharmaceutical substances, herbs and a bunch of other
set up situations, but you would better know that the key of the keys as far your
health is concerned is above all the sun, the solar speech and then of course
your mind.
Once you manage to totally tame your mind, even if some health problem
comes up, this utmost cosmic existence can 100% lead you to the cure.
Since everything is born out of the sun (your solar system), how could any
substitute of it, any replace it?
Your solar speech, alike all other suns, is disseminating the energy to a visible
form, from the central sun, being the Father himself. Thus, the energy that is
supplied in the universe from the ether plus the suns has no limit. This is why
all the forms, in case there is need for energy are addressed to the sun.
Although the incredible gravediggers of the human evolution know these very
well, and since the energy can be neither measured nor subjugated, it is for free
and endless, so they have been directed in sucking the blood of the planet from
its interior (bowels) (hydrocarbons and oil) to supposedly offer technology and
evolution. Of course they are doing this only to be able to control you through
the transport of the “blood” of your planet (hydrocarbons and oil).
You see that their monstrosities have no limit. There are no such penal codes to
cover all those things they have performed at the expense of the humanity.
They have penetrated everywhere and what is more they haven’t even left you
look at the sun rays and wonder about what the solar speech is representing, or
what the sun could offer to you if you had the knowledge.
Just as they are behaving in the issue of the controlled health (I guess we

should rather name it as “controlled sickness”...), where they are making ef-
forts using all the substitutes of the sun, to cancel it, instead of teaching you to

vibrate in the same frequencies as the sun, they are acting similarly as far as the
energy is concerned.

You see, that even in specific areas, they are affecting and destroying every-
thing just to keep you under control.

Even if you think about those beings who have come down to help you and
offer to you energy for free, like Tesla (1856 - 1943) and Wilhelm Reich (1897
- 1957), they were swallowed by the system as well. Tesla died destitute and
although more than 100 years ago he tried to offer to the humanity energy for
free, the gravediggers of the human evolution grabbed this technology and
nowadays they are implementing on earth the most destructive ever weapon
manufactured by man, the HAARP.

Currently the gravediggers are fooling with the universe. They intend to pro-
duce earthquakes, tsunami where the nations haven’t obeyed their rules, using

the HAARP. The consequences of this whole darkness are proportional to the
water needed for the washing out of your planet.
As far as Wilhelm Reich is concerned, he came and delivered to you a huge
key to deal with all your illnesses and that was the orgone (ether) accumulator.

He delivered to you specific manufacturing guidelines and into this accumula-
tor he was able of curing any kind of disease. But then, whenever some mortal

on your planet is incarnated to help you escape from your gravediggers, then
he is “withdrawn” since he seems a menace for the system.
So, Wilhelm Reich was imprisoned and ended up to pass away in jail, since the
stakes were high as far as the system’s control gears were concerned.
Into the orgone accumulator, the solar energy has been isolated and captured,
because the accumulator is manufactured by materials such as the stainless
wire, the sheet and the animal wool.

So, you understand that this trapped etheric – solar energy is absolutely harmo-
nized with your physical body. Thus, in a peaceful and sober mind unleashed

by any nasty thought, you can have tremendous results of cure by 30 minutes
per day in the orgne accumulator of any illness that the system alone of the
Blacksoul one is responsible of.

You have to perceive things even more in depth, in the limitless value of your
solar speech. That is, that everything in the universe are a hyperperfect organ-
ism, that they begin and return to the unity and that each form shows its level
of evolution and nothing more.
This you may call it “cosmic egg” or “pomegranate”; in there each form is
evolving, each part is interrelated to the other and both the starting and ending
points are the unity itself. And the unity, while being in the form of the matter
has been divided to end up where it has left from.
So, into this cosmic egg, in this case the utmost cosmic existence for your

planet and your evolution, being your sun (solar speech), belongs a constallea-
tion where the head sun has under its supervision 7 suns.

Your sun is the 7th. 'Έτσι μέσα σ' αυτό το κοσμικό αυγό, στην περίπτωση της
ύψιστης κοσμικής υπάρξεις για το δικό σας πλανήτη και τη δική σας εξέλιξη,

που είναι ο ήλιος σας (ηλιακός λόγος) ανήκει σ' έναν αστερισμό που επικεφα-
λής ήλιος έχει υπό την εποπτεία του 7 ήλιους. Ο δικός σας είναι ο 7ος.

The head sun to which your sun also belongs is called “Alkyone”. Since the

orbits are not exactly circular but rather elliptic, sometimes your sun is ap-
proaching closer to “Alkyone”.

This phenomenon is called “Rings of Alkyone”. Your planet has already en-
tered the rings of Alkyone. This instantly means that your planet is now bom-
barded with an incredibly larger number of photons. What does this mean for

Light, Light, Light!
Wherever light enters, the darkness disappears. Your planet will be lightened
from edge to edge, either both the obscurantists and the Blacksoul one wish so
or not. There will be nothing left in the dark on this planet of yours.
The gravediggers of the human evolution are struggling to create the suitable
conditions oi the inhabited cities and the cultivations of the planet, using
CERN, the HAARP and a lot of air spraying, to prevent the photons from
reaching you.
They have fed you up with a bunch of lies: the global warming of the planet or
its cooling. All the gravediggers are repeating either the one theory or the other

just like parrots. But the truth is just one. The universe is a hyperperfect organ-
ism. It won’t settle for sales, diversifications, obscurantism and intrigues.

Too simply, the full limit of your earthly time must arrive so that some things
are fulfilled and a transition from the one evolution to the other takes place.
In this specific case, it’s not just you who are evolving as humanity, but also
your planet, the rest of the planets and naturally the planetary speech as well.

No matter how many “Teslas” they temporarily cancel, how many “Wilhelm
Reichs” they send to prison, how many “Kennedys” they murder, how many
"HAARP'' ''CERN'' they use, how many airsprayings they perform, your planet
and of course the solar speech (sun) have entered the rings of Alkyone. There
is no way that The Divine plan of its evolution stops.
Your entire solar system is upgraded.
The water from the washout of your planet will be limitless. What is more,
since the gravediggers are aware of that, they will try to make it artificially
reach the 600 meters height. This is the reason why they have constructed so
many shelters. They have no idea where to get directed to, they are terrified
and in despair.
All the spiritual knowledge that you have, like:
1) The distorted from the system teaching of Jesus Christ
2) The distorted from the system teaching of the Holy Fathers

3) Muhammad – the socalled communication with archangel Gabriel, concern-
ing all the unconceivable things you have read about in the Quran

4) Dalai Lama (we have already mentioned to you the truths mixed into the
5) All the political and religious authorities (where to start from to comment

those proxies of the global black system), having as their goal that the humani-
ty ABSOLUTELY loses its REAL spiritual path.

6) Every kind of knowledge that has reached you have been subjected to such a
setting up that on the one hand you are not able of perceiving the result and on
the other hand whatever you may follow shall be 100% entrapping and servile
for you.
Everything that has been submitted to you is with proof. And the biggest proof
of all is that this poor planet of yours, and to make it more general your own
evolution (humanity) on this planet, during the last 5.000 years of its history,
you haven’t experienced one day without wars, injustice, hunger, the law of the
powerful, fear.

Once something is permanent, not even for fun is it done by coincidence.
The only solution to know who you are, that is to remove the oblivion that
some have skillfully imposed on you, is to become able of relying on your own
self and nobody else, for the limited time left for the planet as you know it until