Τρίτη 25 Αυγούστου 2015


When disharmony prevails, there comes a time when this disharmony is being discarded so that the balance is established again. Thus, during the thousand years when the authorities of the planet were. raising only servants, there came a time when these previous civilisations disappeared in the twinkling of an eye because of huge geological disasters, eg. cataclysms. This is exactly what will now happen on this planet. HISTORY IS TEACHING because HISTORY IS REPEATED Years before these known years, there have been some references over the lost Atlantis and Lemouria. A million years aged bones have been discovered, and which are the proof for the existence of ancient civilisations, but over whome there are no ‘official’ references by the historians, of course not with no purpose. The sinking of Atlantis into the sea has been performed in two phases. The last part that had stayed on the land was called ‘Poseidonia’ Island. Alike the main part of Atlantis that was sunk following a tremendous cataclysm, Posidonia that had remained, was also sunk as well after a second large cataclysm. When referring to cataclysms of such extent, we are not just referring to tremendous rain, but to a much more intense phenomenon. Atlantis, together with Posidonia were located close to the contemporary area of the Cuban islands, the area that is actually called the Vermuda Triangle. Another respective tremendous catastrophe was the sinking of the Lemurian Continent. 35 The Lemurian continent is located in the area where nowadays Japan is located, that is the wider area of the Pacific Ocean. The waves that are generated even nowadays are extremely high and this is the reason why this ocean has been named as ‘Pacific’, for euphemism reasons (use of an expression instead of another, based on the fact that is considered as less negative, ominous than the one it is replacing). In both cases, of Atlantis and Lemuria, the ‘memory’ of this planet is reflected. In the exLemuria area, nowadays Japan, continuous earthquakes take place, because some million years ago, some hypercivilisation attempted to bring disharmony in the perfection of the universes. In the ex Atlantis area, nowadays, Vermuda Triangle (Devil Triangle), many strange phenomena exist. A ‘memory’ that recalls the destruction performed by ‘some’, most obviously the authorities, that tried to do what they are also nowadays trying to do. Bring up servants, wear fancy clothes, high hats, golden upsidedown crosses, while their fellow men were hungry, and also bend the truth. And just because the universe does not let the disharmony and the ‘dirt’ keep on existing beyond some certain point, it has brought harmony with the ‘washing out’ of a whole continent. Of course, you can realise how many million years it took for this planet to recover from the sinking of a whole continent and for the photosynthesis of plants to start taking place again and therefore food to exist. Well, you see that the universe as well as this planet do not forget. The only ones who don’t forget (on purpose of course) are the global gravediggers whose only mission is to SLANDER THE MIND of humans. And you know, the persons with a slandered mind are no more human beings with intelligence, but just bodies that look like human ones, but in reality, they act and behave possibly worse than animals do. These ancient civilisations have disappeared under strange circumstances. It’s worth wondering what kind of unbelievable disasters have taken place on this planet so that millions of human lives went off in a minimum earthly time. And  indeed in such a sudden, violent and direct way that together with the human lives, the civilisations they lived into, also were lost? Therefore, you cannot turn the blind eye to this. The time has come that this planet has been found in a crucial point and the disharmony that is being emitted is unlimited. The time has come that no human being will need to be trained, because the TRAINING OF THE KINGDOM OF HUMANS IS DEFINITELY AND IRREVOCABLY REMOVED FROM THE SERVANTS OF THE BLACKSOUL ONE. THE GAME FOR THEM THOUGH IS OVER. THOSE WHO WILL REMAIN AFTER THE CHANGES THAT WILL VERY SOON HAPPEN ON THIS PLANET AS WELL AS THE NEW MAPPING OF THE EARTH, CONTINENTS AND OCEANS, MEANING THE SOULS THAT WILL INHABIT THE PLANET SHALL BE ENLIGHTENED, FULL OF LOVE, SELFLESSNESS, ALTRUISM AND ABSOLUTE KNOWLEDGE. THEY SHALL BE AWARE OF THE REASONS WHY THEY EXPERIENCED THE INCARNATION ON THIS PLANET, WHICH IS THEIR MISSION AND WHERE THEY WILL GO TO CONTINUE THEIR TRIP, THEIR EVOLUTION IN THE WORLD OF SHAPES AND FORMS, IN THE WORLD OF MATTER. We see that as the electromagnetic and gravity forces do change and in combination with the polarity of the planet, due to the sun who is attracting the earth and exerts all this attraction from the north pole (this is the reason why all the compasses show at this point from any location on the planet), there is only a unique explanation. The umbilical cord, where the attraction between the earth and the sun really exists, is demonstrated in an absolute way... At this certain point, since there exists water and in just one moment during the night (this is not by chance since during the day the earth is absorbing the solar radiation, while during the night it is sending it back to the space), when the planet exhales, a wave of undetermined hight is created. And, that simple, the earth is changing its lands. And this is the reason why, my tortured, disoriented brothers, the earth is restarting all over again, the human evolution starts all over from the beginning. 37 You should never compromise to the fact that these unconceivable disasters happen by chance. Nothing in the universe is random since the universe functions perfectly. Once you will start to become enlightened, to open the gates of return to the progenitor Father – Mother, and get flooded by tears of joy and emotion, you shall realise this perfection that characterises the universe, restoring on its own laws, the harmony to any disharmony met. In the same way, these cataclysms that have already taken place, and which have caused changes in land and sea, were of an unbelievable extent exactly because the disharmony that had been caused by the human evolution on the planet was accordingly unlimited. No words to describe. Just like it happened nowadays. The planet has ‘experienced’ other cataclysms as well, except for the ones we mentioned before, for the same reason: to restore the disharmony that was every time created. During every time period (Pharao’s or King Minoa’s era, ancient Greek classical years, years of the Babylonians, of the Romans, of the Byzantine or the Ottoman Empire, as well as the last 200 years), the only ones who attempted to offer ‘light’ to the human evolution were only the enlightened spiritual beings. Following the cataclysm that will completely change the facts on the planet, no soul will be allowed to survive unless it has in practice realised before that it constitutes of a part of a creation of a God. The humans that will survive will have understood that there is nothing for them to divide with nobody. During the new era that will very soon rise on Earth, the ones who will be called to perform their leadership duties, will possess the wholeness of knowledge. This means that they will have to also have knowledge of esoterism and to perceive the moves of the Blacksoul one on a global level. You are beings with intelligence, beings with creative thinking. Thus, you are able of giving your thoughts specific forms and of opening up your mind. The planet is experiencing eschatological years. The powers, serving the one who until nowadays controls the planet, are not the Creators of neither planet Earth, nor of your own sun, of the constellations, of the galaxies and of course of your own rented – for some earthly years – human body, nor of your REAL ‘EXISTENCE’, inhabiting your rented human body. Besides the servants, the democracy of the ancient classical Greek years has been also based on agents, provocateurs, informers, and traitors. These ones were the reason why the Greek cities were torn to pieces by civil wars like the three hundred years civil war that led the Greek population to an absolute impoverishment and weakening. The agents knew what they did and which was their scope, that even the studs (the ones left behind during the wars to help to the reproduction) could not contribute to the continuation of the back then Greek generation. On the other hand, during the last battle that the King of Epirus, Pyrrhus gave against the Romans, he achieved the last victory of the Greeks against the Romans. During this battle, almost all his troops were decimated and his victory was named ‘Pyrrhic Victory’. Since then, the expression ‘Pyrrhic Victory’ is used to characterise the result of a battle during which the winner has beard so many and harsh losses that the value of victory is meaningless. Therefore, Pyrrhus found himself against a tremendous hazard: the risk that the Greek population would have no army and once needed again, it could not confront the Romans anymore. Thus, he right away sent messengers to Athens and Sparta, which were cities actually involved in civil wars, in order to inform them to let any differences aside and get unified, in view of the danger of the Romans – their common enemy – conquering all the Greek cities in a short term, something that actually became reality. As always, the traitors – agents – provocateurs, these black contaminators, or else ‘Nightmares’, made again their presence evident. They took care not to do what King Pyrrhus had ordered them to, but instead to keep on their catastrophic task. As a result of their actions, the generation of Greeks that has given birth to most high spiritual beings were surrendered once more to the – at those times representatives of the Blacksoul one, the Romans. It was another dark era of the humanity, flooded as always by wars and slaves. All the important spiritual beings that were – not by chance – living during the ancient classical years, were either offered the conium, either exiled, or killed, either had their teaching totally distorted.