Τρίτη 25 Αυγούστου 2015


Every soul that is incarnated on this planet has been until today functioning on your own terms. Since the first day of the birth of a baby, the terms that you have imposed are following him/her, not in the place he/she was born but in the place he/she was grown up and educated. It may happen that the place one is being born is the same with the place where he has grown up, but may also not be the case for some reasons, e.g. adoption. What is important is that no matter where you grow up, you will always be followed by an educational package that has been established not in order for humans to be served by the system, but the opposite, and actually all the evident or hidden gravediggers of the human evolution have totally served the system, through either formal or informal authorities, which in this case are provided to the planet as so called authorities (political, religious, etc.). Even over the food of the humanity that is coming from the creator, being a result of your own sun attracting this planet called Earth and giving the possibility for humans to be fed through the procedure of photosynthesis, you, Blacksoul one, have invented to impose a cost on this too! In the frame of the system “bye and sell” – cannibalism, you even trade the sun. And of course, the human evolution, since trained so by the gravediggers, accepts it all and there is no reaction, so that you end up being placed lower than even the animal kingdom. And when speaking of animal kingdom, we mean that you may perceive the fish swimming in the sea and the animals walk on the land, but you shall never see the opposite. This is happening because even the animals have managed to meet their nature, in contradiction to the humanity that you actually and in a very special way took care to alter everything for. The only scope for dividing the whole humanity was that one: 153 NOT TO LET HUMANS REALIZE WHO THEY REALLY ARE. Through this disorienting and this entrapping of the human mind, the human evolution has ended up to an unbelievable failure. Everything that you present, with the corresponding authorities standing up for it, since you pay them with your nonexistent money, even these authorities that are going to appear after hundreds of years, have as their only concern (your concern also) the permanent enslavement and the loss of every spiritual path for the humanity. You have handled everything until today (because now you know what is going to happen) in an absolutely skillful and dexterous way. From the day that a child was born on this imprisoned planet, you had trapped him/her in the grips of the “EGO”. You have taught him/her that he/she has my egoman, egowoman, egoparents, egocountry, egoreligion, egorich, egopoor, egodesires (ALL THE HUMAN DESIRES), egostrong, egoweek. And once gifted with all the tremendous handcuffs of the “EGOs”, you went on achieving their perfect ignorance and what is more you finally promised them that they shall get up from the grave, to keep on enhancing their “EGOs”. YOU SUPER DIDDLER, WE MUST TELL YOU ARE UNBELIEVABLE! YOU HAVE OUTDONE YOURSELF. You have made the clergy teach the trapped human mind the Creator made Adam and of his rib he also made the woman. No way would you mention that both men and women are equal. It was convenient for you the fact that the man is stronger and so he would serve you in your military and bloodstained plans. This is why it was also convenient to you to use the hierarchs spread the word to the poor humans that supposedly the Creator used all his mastery to create the man and then he got tired or just wanted to teach the divisiveness (WHO? THE CREATOR…). This is why he took a part of the rib of the man to create the – of a lower level of evolution – woman.

 Everywhere and always, you Blacksoul one – Satan, keep on teaching with numerous ways, the divisiveness, and the absolute egoism. You have imposed the total ignorance to the whole humanity. The ignorance is the reason of all – with no exemption – the problems of the humanity and since you managed to bring the humanity in the total ignorance, using what we mentioned before, the problems – sufferings of humanity can be prioritized as follows: 1) "EGO" …. You have made every man or woman of any race or nationality believe that his/her body, which it is a matter of time that it gets decomposed in the grave, possesses above all an “ego”. "me the man, me the woman, me the homosexual, me the American, me the Jew, me the English, me the Russian, me the Chinese, me the Greek (or any other nationality on this planet), me the Christian (of any “branch”), me the Muslim (of any “branch”), me the believer of any religion on this planet, me the healthy, me the good looking, me the strong, me with MY body, doing whatever I wish with it…” 2) Desires And since you were in a total ignorance, not knowing what is happening, who you are, how you found yourself on this planet, how you became incarnated in a country, the Blacksoul one, AFTER ENHANCING ALL YOUR “EGOs” AND TRAPPING YOU, THEN MADE YOU START TO HAVE DESIRES: DESIRE FOR MONEY, FOR POWER, FOR GLORY, FOR HOUSES, FOR HANDSOME MEN AND BEAUTIFUL WOMEN, FOR FAMILY, FOR CHILDREN, DESIRES, DESIRES, DESIRES… There are two ways, following the desires: either you never manage to make them real leading you to leaving your natural body with the frustration of the type “Oh, …I didn’t make my such desire come true..”, or you have managed to make them all real and when all of a sudden you do, you start to be surprised by the fact that the desires you satisfied (material desires mostly) did not man- 155 age to fill up your soul. THEY DIDN’T FILL YOU UP, THEY DIDN’T CALM YOUR MIND, LEADING YOU TO STRUGGLING FOR MORE AND MORE DESIRES. OF COURSE YOU SHOULD NEVER FORGET SOLOMON, WHO ALTHOUGH HAVING THE WHOLE WORLD ON HIS FEET, HE MENTIONNED THAT “VANITY OF THE VANITIES, ALL IS VANITY”. 3) Disgust After the desires (either made real or not), the sufferings follow, and having as a starting cause the ignorance what follows is the disgust. This disgust has to do with the fact that during the very few years that you are living on this planet, all these little ‘lights’ that are coloured and which at the beginning were either dazzling you or attracting you (depending on the fulfilment of your desires or not), are – due to the fact that death is now more intensely approaching – starting to either turn off or you feel flooded by this disgust since staying alone. 4) The fear of death And so, we reached at the last suffering of the humanity, being the fear of death. You have reached such a high evolutionary level in the universe, you are living in a corruptible though gifted with the mind body and the things you are actually enjoying nowadays as technology is the result of some persons who first imagined something and then created it, whatever this may be: electricity, radio, television, airplanes. In case that 200 years ago, one would speak about these technological achievements that have been born through the imagination of the socalled “crazy” ones, everybody would laugh at him at those times. And to make it more extreme: THE INFALIBLE POPE WOULD OBLIGE THE IGNORANT GALILEO TO RECANT WHAT HE FINALLY DID RECANT, NOT TO HAVE HIS HEAD CUT OFF. So, nowadays you enjoy and live and you know that this is the way it should be. You possess the technology that has been produced by the imagination of some human minds. And although you are able of performing unbelievable tasks by activating your mind, but in the same time you are sure that every earthy second your death may come, due to the skillfully launched by the Blacksoul one and the gravediggers ignorance, not only you do feel the fear of death, not only you don’t look inside yourselves since death is approaching, but most incredibly, your mind has been totally burned out and your imagination totally deleted, that you don’t look for anything. The only thing that is a comfort to you in the frame of your absolute hypnosis is to believe in the stupidities of the religions, that is that during the Day of Reckoning, you shall get up from the graves and walk again. And since the dust of your bones will be located, you will keep on doing the same things on this planet, the things you do every hour, every day, every moment, in the very same environment. To tell lies, to hide or not to hide about your abnormal sexual desires, and sometimes to even promote them under the cover of the personal data, to get involved in murders, to serve each country, to kill those who serve another country than the yours. Therefore, it is fair for each one of you individually, making so many beautiful things, so harmonic and perfect, to have the dust of your bones collected back again (in or out of the coffin, it doesn’t matter), and maybe to also have a request on the specific age when you wish to be resurrected, in order to be able to continue doing what you used to….unless the super nova, that is the end of our solar system catches you up.