The tool that the Blacksoul one uses in order to achieve his goals is the slander
that he performs on the Mind of people. This tool or we could say weapon, of
his, is a catalyst for the destruction of the human evolvement.
He has taken perfect care to disarm you from the strongest and only weapon
beings with intelligence do possess: the MIND. Then, it was very easy for him
to transform you into anything he would like to, using his alleged precious
money. Either you are impoverished, or poor, or belong to the middle class or
to the elite or you are Illuminate, he has transformed you all to obedient servants.
The lower classes are anxious for food and shelter and they forget about
death, the higher classes try to preserve their acquired goods, while the highest
classes keep on machinating (only if they knew), for the next 1000 years of
planet Earth, at the expense of humanity, because this is what their master, the
Blacksoul One, has trained them to do.
A servant is the one who executes the orders of others, that is, the one who is
completely obliged to listen to the orders that are given to him by his bosses.
This means that the servant himself is unable of making any decision of his
own, but on the contrary it is his evident or undercover bosses who actually
decide for him.
The servant is he, who has been taught in a skilful way or by violence that he
has to be a servant and he has accepted that.
The ‘boss’ is he who supervises and gives orders to the servants, possibly because he possesses some more capabilities and skills.
Nowadays in 2013 C.E., there are historical registers referring to 4,000 to
5,000 years ago.
Thus, you do know what kind of historical events have taken
place in your planet for around 4,000 to 5,000 years. What you recall is that
during those years, based on historical retrospections, we had a planet on
which humans servants were grown up in a percentage of 99%.
This phenomenon is met also during the era of the Egyptians, but also during
the ancient Greek classical years, when the very ‘nice’ democracy has been
based on servants been working, but also during the Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman years, and during the contemporary period with the example of the Africans, the Chinese, the Asians, the South Americans.
Likewise, in today’s era the planet has come down, as far as the human evolution is concerned, to be equivalent to a servants’ conservatory, of a different
kind, where the “servants” have the delusion that they are actually making decisions for themselves.
Consequently, the servants’ breeding has never ended.
This is definitely not a
He is the one who makes the servants play his game with an inconceivable
ability and without they can even perceive it. Nevertheless, this is what actually happens during the last 200300 years on this planet, whereas everybody
thinks that the regime of “Democracy” is being implemented.
People have the feeling that they can freely vote for any political party they
like, and that they live their lives in a supposedly democratic – free way.
This is a delusion though, because the most critical skill of the master of the
servants is that he holds the absolute control of anything that the servants are
going to vote for, and not only of what they are going to vote for today, but
also of what they shall vote for some years or even decades after. And what is
more, the main and basic boss of this imprisoned planet reached a point where
he makes his “employees” talk without being at all ashamed. All those who
serve him feel no shame at all; they only care about the service paid to their
The Noah’s flood in the Human Mind & the Return to GOD
They reached the point of discussing over the governance of the planet for the
next thousand years. Like if they were the owners of this planet, they even
came to making plans not for the next few but even for the next thousand
During the era of the Egyptians we had servants and wars. During the period of
the Athenian democracy, the works were performed only by the servants. In
the classical years, during the era of the Persians, in the era of the Romans, in
the Byzantine years, in the Ottoman years, in the AngloSaxons period, in the
Americans years, in all those periods, there were servants and wars.
Who is he, having the skills to define the servants?
Who is he, to be able to
judge who might be a servant and who might not? Nobody has been born to be
a servant and nobody has been born to be an overlord. The discrimination of
humans in overlords and servants served only one scope: the divisiveness and
the supposedly diversity among humans.
And in case that somebody believes about himself that he is indeed a lord, just
because the Blacksoul One has slandered his mind to think so, in another specific time during the present or a fore coming life, he shall become a servant,
since the retributive justice law will be in force, so that that specific soul learns
how it feels like to also live as a servant.
The Blacksoul one has of course taken care to persuade all those proud, egoists and allegedly born to be lords that
they shall never experience being servants.
What is definite is that he, who enjoys the benefits of the lord’s position at the
expense of the rest of the people, shall play the role of the servant in the next
incarnations. Furthermore, his soul will reach at a point where, out of the too
much “kick on the ass” / training, he will never wish to play either the role of
the lord nor of the servant, ever again.
Both the bosses and the lords consider that they have achieved something very
important for themselves and this belief of theirs is being consolidated by the
different way they are enjoying the tangible goods, in comparison to the servants who obey them. Nevertheless, if we proceed deeper into the very substance of the issues, we will conclude to the fact that both the bosses and the
servants are biting the very same cheese of the mousetrap, just on a different
spot, meaning that both are falling in the trap of the Blacksoul one.
All of you in the frame of this evolution have sometimes lived like lords, many
times like servants and again many times as warriors. Have you realized what
you actually succeeded? Have you realized what or who you have served? And
most of all, have you been aware of whose game you have played?
Many people use to say: “I only care about my home, my family, my children,
my country, my nation and I don’t mind about the rest”
. This is exactly the
mentality that the Blacksoul one wants you to adopt. He wants to isolate and to
trap the persons. And most specifically he wants to trap their soul, through the
absolute slander – control of their mind.
All of you who at this very moment have flesh and blood and do inhabit planet
Earth through a natural body, but also the billions of your ancestors who also
used to live on this planet, have been trained to believe that it is a given and
natural fact that the human generation is divided.
No matter where a person is brought up, the training that he/she receives constitutes of a package of specific ethics and customs, habits, culture, nationality,
flag. Based on the fact that this package is different for each one of us, the persons and in combination with the egoism that they are encouraged to possess
actually have the delusion that they are different the one from the other
Consider though that the specific package, which you actually never chose on
your own, will not follow you after you pass away, no matter what. After death
no nationalities, no personal data, no ethics and customs, no family, no hobbies
and particularities still apply.
On the contrary, the authorities of the planet were always concerned of dividing you to groups and subgroups so that you are on a constant disagreement,
conflict and dissent between one another.
This strategy is mostly implemented by the RELIGIOUS AUTHORITIES!
Following the crusades, they created stores and substores. On the one hand, we
have the infallibility of the Pope, who is wearing these strange hats (JESUS
CHRIST would never appear wearing one of those!), and on the other hand, we
have the INDULGENCES! Those unbelievable guys with the hats were defining the amount (reward) that you should pay to them, depending on the bad act
you had made, so that you become “clean” of your sins. And since you paid,
you were sinless!
Ironically speaking, we are wondering…what if you had done too many sins,
could you get a better price…?
And when some sent soul was coming down, not sent by the blacksoul ones
but by the Divine Creation itself (from where all forms are deriving) to technologically contribute to the human evolution thanks to the skills, they were taking care that they bring things tailor made for themselves, so that “no sheep
escaped from the pen”.
Galileo has been an example of the above, since he said that it is the Earth turning around the Sun and not the vice versa, but they trapped him being afraid
that people might understand something more that they wanted them to. THEY
During this time period of the last 100 years, apart from the continuing wars,
two world wars also took place and which led to hunger and impoverishment,
while the planet was experiencing a high technological level. When did the
RELIGIOUS LEADERS (HIERARCHS) stand up in front of any kind of
Because although they are representing the teaching of JESUS CHRIST, they
never appear in public addressed to the believers and to all the persons to declare that they stand against these wars, but to also guide the people to only
love and peace, like Jesus used to do.
On the contrary, they are remaining passive like Pontius Pilate and enjoy the
tall hats, the habits and the stools, while they don’t get involved into this awful
situation not making any efforts to change it. Then, instead of them, it is the socalled political authorities that are to blame.
The majority of people, because of the fact that without knowing it, they have
chosen the wrong culture, have become fanatics, holding on to the doctrine of
the system of the Blacksoul one, and stuck into the different kinds of teaching
Thus, anytime that they express their opinion about God, they always use a
usual phrase (a buzzword), varying for each one of them, depending on the
religion he/she has adopted.
Every culture goes with a religion, and every religion carries a different herd of
persons. As a matter of fact all humans living on this planet have the feeling
that they must definitely fit in somewhere: they shall either endorse the religion
of the place where they have grown up, or they shall adopt the religion that
exists in another place on the planet just because they like it and decide to embrace it.
The different religions though are a skilful and on purpose creation of the
Blacksoul one, aiming at dividing the humans and thus making it easier for him
to better control them.
Humans have to wonder why this breakdown in religions really exists. Is it because there are too many gods? And in case there are indeed too many of them,
is there some God who is stronger than the rest of them? Could it be that the
fact that each one of us considers that the God he/she believes in is the unique
or the strongest one, finally means that everybody has listened to the same
fairy tale and fallen into the same trap of the “divide and conquer” rule? Of
course, the perfection and harmony that characterizes all universes, reveals that
there do not exist too many, too different, weak and strong Gods.
This whole
perfection and flawlessness may only derive from only one “master”. From one
Creator. From one unity, because the unity needs no numbers. It is UNCHANGED. On the other hand all infinite numbers need the unity.
On the other hand, people do not realize that they are falling into this trap, because they are since early unintentionally “locked” into the religion of their
country or family and due to the fear, they bear over death, they don’t really
dare to react in any way.
The distinct and different religions – conceptions of the Blacksoul one, certainly do use symbols that could contribute to the spiritual progress of men, but
they also take care that the people is unaware this so important desymbolizing
of those. Consequently, the humans fanatically follow every religion, not because they believe nor deeply understand the meanings, but because they “happened’ to be born among people of the same religion.
The cross and the caduceus of Hermes consist of some of the most considerable examples of symbols that have not been understood by the humans. The
heritage of the legends of the Olympian Gods, thousands of years before the
coming of Jesus, with Jupiter or Zeus, Athena, Artemis, Venus, Demeter,
Apollo, Hermes, Hephaestus, Mars, Poseidon, Hestia, leads to the self awareness of mankind and nothing else, but instead they are been taught like fairy
tales to young children.
Then came the time when the other “good” guys of the Blacksoul one took
over, the socalled POLITICAL AUTHORITIES and you left from the kingdoms and the empires to get caught up into new words like “democracy”,
“communism”, “capitalism”, “dictatorship”, “socialism”, “rightist”, “leftist”,
“centralist”, “extreme leftist”, “extreme rightist”.
The way that the humans are been governed nowadays has been premeditated
and planned by the Blacksoul one dozen and hundreds of years ago, with the
aim of the humanity been taken hostage. During all those years there have been
some leaders of populations or religious leaders and others who have seen
through this plan and have reacted demonstrating their objection. Nevertheless,
the humans in their majority do accept the purchase of food and shelter only
through the exchange of money or precious metals, leading to a status where
they seem like hostages in the nets of the Blacksoul one, not having any alternatives
These authorities are not only the basic political or religious ones. Even the
simplest individual authority, e.g. a simple organization that is supposedly
standing for the poppies of Nicaragua, the green apples of Canada, the red
stones of Australia, is sucking the energy of people, using adherences that are
unsubstantial for their evolution.
These examples are of course sarcastic. All
the authorities on this planet, even the terrorists, are being funded by someone
who is not appearing at the forefront.
The only thing that is changing in the frame of this wellset plan of the
Blacksoul is the flags, the persons and the “colours”. From time to time, there
emerge new enemies, new alleged saviours and ostensible solutions, fresh
news for people to passively listen to and watch.
The more general plan though
remains exactly the same and the humanity still is a hostage. The humankind
keeps on picking out fleas like the monkeys. And at last it dies having wasted
all its existence picking out fleas off its body like the monkeys do.
You know very well that the death of the natural body is clearly a matter of
That is, while taking death and nonimmortality for granted you should look for
deeper spiritual quests, since any material possession has an expiry date, the
authorities are leading you to entrapping and servile knowledge so that each
one of you leaves unprepared, without ever knowing what he/she came to do in
this world.
The unprepared person is not he, who all out of a sudden died, but he, who
even if he dies at the age of 100, will never be able to understand, not even
suspect the reason why he came down to the material world, who sent him
there, which was his mission and finally where he might go after death.
Even as far as this issue is concerned, the Blacksoul one activates his weapons,
that is the religions each one of which is suggesting that from the moment you
shall die you will either go to a place waiting for the Doomsday (Christiamism)
or you will be dreaming of dark virgins in Paradise (Quran)
This is the job of
the commissioned servants of the entrapping religions.
What an ugly game to play on the back of the humankind!
Looking back to the history of the last 4,000 years, the Egyptians, the large
Persian Empire, the ancient classical times, the Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman
years, the authorities of the last 300 – 400 years, the overthrows of Kings,
Tsars, as Louis – French Revolution, the Revolution of 1917 in Russia, the flourishment of the American domination, being the contemporary “bogeyman” of the planet, one can notice that there have always been authorities and
powers that together with their kindred and the religious authorities do encourage the purchase sell system.
Except for the very few enlightened beings, the rest of the whole humanity has
come to terms with this every day and big battle that each one of us is giving,
even for his most elementary need, being his feeding.
In the middle of this barbaric system of “bye & sell” the strongest do survive,
just alike in the jungle where the wildest carnivorous animals prevail over the
rest of them. The remaining who are not strong have no option but to play the
role of the servant – slave for the strong one. And then all together, misguided
souls, as they are, bite the same cheese out the Blacksoul’s mouse trap that gets
the man out of the path of his spiritual evolvement, disorients him and doesn’t
let him move on to higher dimensions.
As a result, the Blacksoul one catches in
his trap also those who due to the evolution happen to be closer to the animal
kingdom, but also those who due to a bigger advance have on a shoestring
achieved to acquire skills, quick wits as well as to become important personalities.
How can it be that a whole humanity is in the grip of the Blacksoul’s intentions? Being born and dead without being able to know the real truth concerning the creation of humans, of the universes, of the forms and shapes and about
the Creator himself?
Money is one way
. To be more specific, most people on the planet, no matter
where they are born and grown up, whichever culture and training they may
receive, they definitely have to own money even to assure the most elementary,
being their food.
And although all that is needed for the acquisition of food is in the Creation
itself through the sun – solar radiation – earth – photosynthesis – seeds – wrists
= food, the Blacksoul one has alienated the human mind in such a degree that
the persons have come to a point where they forget that whatever is needed is
offered for free in nature; they struggle to make money in order to buy anything in that trading system that has very skilfully been established. Using as a
means the supposedly necessary money, those coloured little pieces of paper,
the supposedly precious metals, the whole Creation have been abused and the
human kind is now a hostage
The Blacksoul one has introduced us to the transaction via money, or precious
stones and precious rocks. The world now is after these goods because if these
come to its possession, its problems are considered to be solved as far as matter
is concerned. The human kind though has been alienated in such an extent that
it has forgotten that all that is necessary for its survival is offered free of charge
by the nature and the universe itself. Humans will always have ways of gaining
their food as long as the sun permits the suitable feeding conditions for the
human kingdom. Food for people depends on the existence of the sun, the water and the nature in general and not on the existence of money or gold, as others have made them believe. For example, a man can live with sun although
with no gold and money. On the other hand, even if one had a lot of money /
gold, but there was no sun, then he would not be able to survive not even for a
You do understand now the kind of fairy tale that the human kind is being listening to. The gravediggers of the human evolution have imposed a cost on
everything. The human souls are kept into ‘cages’ with the use of fairy tales
and thus they rush into obtaining money, houses, sailboats and cash deposits.
Life is flowing like water and people is spending it to have in their hands material staff that they are not going to get along with them after passing away.
Taking into account that the human life lasts 100 years at most, it seems like a
drop in the ocean in comparison to the times of the visible universe.
The humans, whether they are educated or not, young or older, and belonging
to any political party or religion, have accepted that. And all of them are using
the words and terms that the hugest deceiver of this planet has established and
everybody is playing his own game.
The “vampires” of the economy are pretending to support that the money is
valuable in gold, but this is also a lie. It is a lie because, if the earth does not
bear fruits, that is, there is no production of food, so you will not be able to
satisfy your hunger no matter how much gold you may possess. Besides, the
gold has this characteristic colour due to the fact that it is a metal that over the
years has managed to store much of the power and the energy of the sun. This
is the reason the energy vampires, these “snakes” that don’t possess any energy
of their own, need it; whenever they can’t find any human blood to suck, they
inject gold in their sick bodies.
People have been persuaded that the money represents the production of goods
and that it must definitely exist on the planet so that humans can more easily
exchange goods between one another.
Everybody is talking about ‘development, deficits, financial politics, cutting
off, economy, cost, competition, taxes, tax evasion, stock market, shares, derivatives and a lot of financial terms, with no essence.
The same way that
young children are playing with a toy, a doll or a little truck that finally becomes their whole world, the adults are dealing with fake coloured small pieces
of paper and similar stuff, while they don’t really realise that all this procedure
is a sort of a game, to which they are participating being wholly ignorant about
it and what is worst, which is set up on their expense.
What is for sure is that while the little children do not have any knowledge
about the death of their natural world, the adults on the other hand are very
much aware of the fact that their body will end with a natural death. The same
body that is moving, either male or female, possesses life and biological functions and so it is just a matter of earthly time and this alone, that even the bones
will turn into dust, actually zero
. And although they are very well aware of this
procedure, even if they are approaching to ages that are naturally close to the
death, the humans keep on playing the game of chasing money and matter.
The word ‘economy’ is deriving from the words ‘eco = oikos (house in Greek)’
and the word ‘nomos = law in Greek’. Into a house there are people living,
who make family, new born souls that take flesh and blood, while in the house
exists love, laugh, sorrow, crying, experiences…
The Blacksoul one though and
his servants know very well the power of the words and this is the reason why
they are changing the meaning of words. Thus, he took the word ‘economy’
and cancelled all the above, replacing them with the…meaningless money.
Money is the one that has imprisoned you with no mercy, the one thing that has
led you to despair, even to committing suicide (maximum karma), and all these
having as a common denominator the service to the Blacksoul one.
In the universities where students learn about the financial indicators and marketing, this knowledge is meant to appear in their eyes like the ‘ornaments on a
These lessons are some sort of invention to better establish the existence of money and nothing more.
Most people work like a slave their whole life, to be able to get a pension when
retired. The authorities though stealthily raised the retirement age to 70 years,
that is that a person will have to be productive for around 10 or 20 years during
a period of life when he won’t naturally have any physical strengths. The pensions, which are like another ‘cheese in the mouse trap’ that is offered to the
mind of humans, so that they get into working their whole life like lifeless robots, is another leg of trapping used by the system.
The evident wars, the evident weapons and the killing are not the only means
used by the Blacksoul one for sucking the energy of humans and meeting his
scopes. A superficially peaceful society where humans live like servants under
control is another source of misery for them, no matter if the humans themselves are not able of perceiving that due to their habits and the culture they
All the states of planet Earth have a total debt of some trillions…
To whom???
To the authorised representatives of the Blacksoul one (World Bank, capital,
markets, banks), but in practice to nobody, since that money does not exist!
Meanwhile, the political vampires, always adopting that embarrassing attitude,
like wrinkled mummies, and supposedly considering that they are performing a
difficult task for the sake of the populations, not having any other options,
eventually sell out air, earth and sea, just like in the case of Greece.
Thus, through this set up game, the nonexistent money is literally grabbed from
the populations that are sold out, exactly as in the case of the Greeks, and it
ends up to the hands of the worldwide authorities – markets vampires, servants
of the Blacksoul one.
As far as the productions that take place on the planet are concerned, and
which are ending up to the trading with nonexistent money, these are also controlled by the established authorities. More specifically, the authorities take
care that they produce anything, whenever and wherever they want to (land of
production) and of course in any quantity they desire, always in the terms of
the Blacksoul one.
Let’s take the example of Greece, where, while until recently the authorities
had persuaded the population that there aren’t any oil deposits or fields, precious metals, or mineral resources available, then out of the blue all of the previous were discovered!
The political vampires though, would not proceed with
the exploitation of all those natural energy resources, pretending various excuses. Because from the moment on that those resources were exploited then the Greek population would be released from the debts, but this is something
that the set up powers of the banking system and not only, would not allow to
This exactly is another strong proof of the fact that the political vampires are the authorised representatives of their boss, the Blacksoul one.
We are concluding then, that money does not stand for the production, nor for
natural terms, because either with colonialism, either with premeditated wars,
either with set up loans, the word ‘production’ is totally distorted.
The Mass Media which actually are means of mass…mental apathy are set up
in a way as to bombard – storm you with set up information that emasculate the
human mind, and remove from it the capability of creative thinking, which is a
skill of the mind. Kosma the Aetolian many years ago had said:
‘A time will
come when the devil will get into a box and scream. And his horns will be on
the roof’, and what he meant by this was the television. The television has a
huge power because it influences the masses accepting everything that is offered to them as news, style and images.
The Blacksoul one and his servants are inundating people with information
about unhealthy nutrition, alcohol, sexual anomalies, distortions, homosexuality, drags and many others.
The drags and anything that is supposedly illegal
make part of the system, irrelevant if they are considered as illegal or not. You
should not have any doubt about this. The servants of the Blacksoul one have
also taken care that these are considered as token ‘illegal’, suggesting that the
government is caring about the citizens, but then on the other hand they encourage them to use these substances.
The Blacksoul one is behind this socalled legality but also behind this socalled illegality.
The revolutions that are made are set up as well. All kinds of revolutions unless
for some exemptions are set up by the system itself.
The servants of the Blacksoul one has made some arrangements with him, but
most possibly they do not know that THEIR BOSS IS FRIENDLESS, THAT
IS HE CAN BE NO FRIEND. Some leaders like Hitler, Gaddafi, Mubarak and
Saddam may have served him faithfully, but at the moment that he judges that
his servants have accomplished their mission, that his marionettes have to
change outfits, when he realises that the pain and fear they have brought to
humanity no longer influence the humans, then those same servants become his
own prey. And then is the time for him to present some new ‘Hitler’, ‘Gaddafi’, ‘Mubarak’.
As long as the new ones do kill or exterminate in the most painful way, then some other sell out bastards come in front, fed and brought up by
the Blacksoul one using the nonexistent money, so that by the moment he decides to change the path of the humanity these bastards are presented as revolutionists, and this is how the story goes until nowadays, all through the course of
Certainly, the oppressed, deprived and hungry nation will welcome such a revolution. People only see bellwethers and heroes who will get them out of their
. And as it seems natural, they follow these leaders while experiencing
oppression and hunger. People could never imagine who exactly these persons
are and who is actually pulling the string for them. Furthermore, people could
never come to thinking that their socalled liberators, have been also captured
themselves by the Blacksoul one and that the one thing they consider to be
their hope and salvation is once more the Satan himself.
Even in the cases when such revolutions had happened for the good, sent from
God and not from the Blacksoul one, aiming at helping people escape from
their misery and set themselves fre
the Blacksoul one would appear again,
using this tricks and mechanisms (authorities, money, slandering of the mind)
to convert the good to evil.
Theodoros Kolokotronis was a very characteristic example, since although a
God sent revolutionist who helped to set the enslaved Greek people free after
400 years under the setup power of the Ottomans, was at end characterised as a
traitor and was imprisoned.
400 years are too many, if one considers how many generations have passed by
under the power of the Ottomans (with a life expectancy of around 50 years). It
is worth wondering that the Greek language still exists and is used after so
many years of enslavement. Naturally, some are very well aware of the origin
of the Greek language:
This honourable Greek man has participated in the revolution along with others
like Papaphlessas, Karaiskakis, Mpotsaris, etc. The Blacksoul one though, took
care that the Greek people put this strategist on a trial for betrayal and send him
to prison. In the exact same way as when back in the ancient Greek years, people gave to Socrates the conium, made fun of the great Greek Philosophers,
laughed in their faces, exiled them, etc.
And all those huge wrongdoings would
not have taken place if humans were able of using their mind properly and
were not behaving like sheep.
Theodoros Kolokotronis, if you just consider the slavery labour that existed
back then, managed to achieve the impossible, giving life again to the Greek
generation. What kind of war force could the Greeks possess after 400 years of
slavery? A dozen revolutions had taken place but the moles always told the
news to the Pasha and thus the revolutions were drown in blood before they
had even begun (like in the case of Lampros Katsonis, from where the quote ‘if
you like it uncle Lampros, come by Andros again’) was originated.
Once the Blacksoul one, perceived that the Greek generation is going to have
its life and substance again, with whatever consequences this might have for
him, and that he could not proceed with sending them to grave, he moved on
with "Plan B"
. He activated agents, provocateurs, moles and traitors. All of
them, through their participation led the Greeks to accepting all of the facts that
have happened at Theodoros Kolokotronis’ expense.
Then, the governor Kapodistrias, attempted to continue the work of Kolokotronis, but his was murdered because he was just another person out of the system of the Blacksoul one
The powers back then, eg. Othonas, offered their best service to the Blacksoul
one. They obliged the Greeks that had just recovered and came back to life, TO
from the first servants of the Blacksoul one!!
The Greeks who for 400 years had nothing, were living modestly, were wearing “tsarouchia and phoustanelles”, were attending the secret school (‘kryfo
scholeio’), instead of structuring a state with their own hands, got caught in the
trap of borrowing money, with the help of the, back then, set up authorities –
traitors. The loans – inexistent money constitute one of the strongest means of
the Blacksoul one to enslave the populations. This is how the Greeks entered a
vicious circle of loans and interest payment, having as unique scope their enslavement.
Another example of a revolutionary proving that anyone or anything that is out
of the ‘black’ system, will be vanished, is the president of the USA John Kennedy, who got murdered, just after his last speech, during which he uncovered
and revealed the Blacksoul one and all his henchmen, analysing in the most
evident way the methods that the former uses.
Unfortunately, until today you have obtained some knowledge, no matter
where you were brought up – guided, that leaves you totally “naked” from the
truth. So, you are easily trained to be now, unwittingly, in a threetimes worse
status than the one of the carnivorous animals.
These kinds of animals do kill and eat their victim, but they won’t kill again
unless they are hungry. You, on the contrary, in view of the totally selfish divisive – nationalistic way according to which you have been trained, you are
practically trained to become the absolute killers, throughout all the duration of
your natural lifetime
. Until the moment that you die, you have been taught by
the system to remove other people’s the supposedly enemies of yours lives,
just because the system of the absolute divisiveness egoism – nationalism asks
you to do so, as if these persons were not born by the same God, as if these
persons were brought to life in another way by their own mothers than you did,
as if you will have things to separate between each other since you will both be
lying in a coffin.
These who kill just because their religion induces them to, are worse than the
carnivorous animals. Could it ever be the case that the FatherMother, the God,
the Creator of all things seen and unseen, of the kingdom of minerals, plants
and animals, of the human kingdom, the Creator of the planets, the suns, the
constellations, the galaxies, the five elements of creation (ether, fire, water,
earth, air), and who have made all the above primarily out of love, would like
to have his faithful cut the heads off their fellow men, express hatred in the
name of the Almighty Creator who made everything with love? So, isn’t it contradictory to kill, to express hatred in the name of the Almighty Creator who
made everything with love?
The persons that the system has persuaded you of being your enemies, might as
well be your family or your friends, in case you – for some reason – “happened” to have grown up together (e.g. you could had been adopted by parents
living in another country). So, which are really the criteria based on which you
are enrolled in the opposite “camp”? In a few words, it is the system that always demands you to fight your own enemies and not the real “You”
Each one gives his battle using his own slogan: Different priests for different
religions. Different political leaders for supposedly different political parties.
Supporters of different sexual preferences, homosexuals, heterosexuals, people
with sexual fetishes, being proud behind the shield “it is my body and I do
whatever I want with it”. Terrorists being proud of themselves, since against
the status quo.
Mujahedin murderers killing faithless people since they believe
that the Almighty God they serve, has set them as delegates to remove the human lives of the faithless heathens, even of their own parents.
The result of all the above is that this planet does not know where it’s heading.
That it looks for leaders. That it looks for the right direction to go. But from
whom? Since, for everything until nowadays, the gravediggers of the human
evolution have taken care to make all the true knowledge disappear from the
human evolution. Following all those efforts during the path of your soul’s
evolution, a Divine gift for your own soul has been offered: the life in a human
body so that you gain experiences and overcome this school called human
kingdom, and nonetheless you allow to your selves to die literally unprepared
The boss of all the dirty powers of the planet, i.e. the Blacksoul one, in view of
the end having come for all those authorities you have been trained for in the
worst way, is trying once more to make the ones who are directly serving him,
world leaders, prime ministers, members of the parliament, religious leaders of
all kinds of religions, bigshot bankers, public personalities (singers, football
players, so called internal teachers), to stand up for the need of a global government and religion as well. Open up your ears to listen who are supporting
The ones you have sucked your souls. You never learned out of these authorities the reason for your existence, the peace and love. While, these were
the ones that should had taught you about those things.
Those despicable guys serving that TRAGIC GLOBAL SYSTEM FOR THE
TRAINING OF human souls, arrive to trap you once more, in the name of the
He has created a well setup system, where the rivalries, the divisiveness and
the discord are cultivated. Different nations with different habits and customs,
religions, different races, everything is confronted the one with the others.
Hence, on the one hand he takes care to split you by creating hostilities and on
the other hand, he sees that you sell out your own self, your soul, using a system of fake banknotes for the covering of the essential needs of food and shelter and through the creation of more and more of similar needs. All of those are
There have been 2000 years since the naissance of Jesus Christ and 2500 from
the naissance of Buddha. In the meantime, the gravediggers of the human evolution have thoroughly looked after to bury all the important – for the human
evolution – teaching, as well as the law of karma.
The Blacksoul one has transformed the humans from beings with intelligence
to meek “pets”, disabling their critical thinking, their mind and slandering everything.
The religious leaders, the religious agents of the Blacksoul one, do continuously use the word “Repent”, or they allegedly advice the persons not to ever allow the “evil” (by “evil” they mean the Blacksoul one) to enter their soul. But
how can the humans repent, since some specific lectures, like the one of the
retributive justice (karma) or the “know thyself” have intentionally being hidden from them?
How could the “evil” not penetrate them while they are growing up in a skilfully set up environment full of cunning politicians, tricky strategies, sneaky or evident wars, fake and nonexistent money, calculating banks?
People have been fooling themselves, they are living in a delusion and they
keep following those who hold the powers, just like the sheep do and the former, just like Pontius Pilate did, advise them to regret but without doing any
effort for their spiritual development, since nothing has been taught in the
proper way to them.
We are referring to the staged leaders who know what they are talking about
(the phrase “religious gravediggers” is suitable for them) as well as to those
The Noah’s flood in the Human Mind & the Return to GOD
who may not be the heads of this “black” misinformation, but still function as
mimetic monkeys, having graduated from church schools or the Faculty of
Theology in the University, having obtained religious titles and having potentially joined the lodges of the Blacksoul himself.
Did they wish to become capable hierarchs or religious counsellors, they
should train the people in such a way so that they could inform them about all
the moves of the Blacksoul one, all his cunnings and traps, the obvious and
secret methods he is using, and this not on an individual but also on a social
. They should help people understand not only the fact that he is in person
slandering each and every one of them, but also the method he has used to establish the whole world political and religious financial system.
In case they perceive these things and will not inform about them they are provocateurs. In case they don’t perceive those at all they are incapable. Whichever is the case, the result remains the same for the humanity.
They are also contributors to the trapped training of the humanity.
These religious leaders of the various “branches” of Christianism (Orthodox,
Catholics, Protestants, Pagans, Christian Church and so many others), are concealing the real situation and they are disseminating insufficient knowledge to
provide humans with the “cheese” to get caught in the mousetrap of the mental
apathy. Jesus Christ, the Teacher gave lectures mainly about love but not only.
On the contrary, he clearly mentioned the dishonesty of the authorities and
powers of his era, either political or religious ones.
Two thousand years before, in the Book of Revelation (Apocalypse of John), it
was written that someone shall obtain the sealed book form the right hand of
the seated on the throne.
Two thousand years later, the Blacksoul one intends to mark your right hand so
that he has the absolute control of the way you move, of what you eat, where
you live, what you breathe, even what you are thinking of, so that you don’t
even think of proceeding with any kind of thought he will not approve of.
All this divisive approach, that is, politics is one thing while the connection
with God is another thing, you are undoubtedly starting to realize very well
that are aiming at nothing more than confusing your mind. So, through all this
confusion, they shall provide you with a controlled education so that you remain servants.
Nevertheless, you should be very attentive and cautious, since there are many
agents and provocateurs out there who pretend that they only care about your
own sake and speak about it, while they truly are “under covered wolves” either they are aware of it or not. It is they who have initiated the trip seeking for
the truth, but on the way they got blocked in the nets of the Blacksoul one, in
political / religious systems, political movements, recruitments, thus spoiling
the lectures of the enlightened beings, like Buddha and the Christ. So, instead
of disseminating the teaching mostly with love, they become fanatical in
breakdowns where they also attempt to initiate others as well.
The imitation is a characteristic of man, just like is the case for animals, but the
man has to use above all his superior Mind.
who had a lot encouraged the realization of this specific council, as she disliked a lot the “theory of the soul’s rebirth”. She passed away a while before
the Ecumenical Council took place.
What is more, this Ecumenical Council was not documented at all, because the
Emperor was intending to make all the references to the Reincarnation disappear and thus he took advantage of the Ecumenical Council, using it as a
And, as if that were not enough, they also made him a Saint! That one was a
prize from the Blacksoul one, since who serves him in the best way, does really
get the best prize as well. So, the best prize of the Blacksoul one to Ioustinianos was to make him a saint, because the human kingdom and especially the
Christians thought that there is no continuation of today, after yesterday.
is most incredible is the fact that two persons that both lived in the 6th century,
managed to influence the convictions of humans up to the 20th century! And
the most amazing of all is the fact that the lives of both Ioustinianos and Theodora, as far as their moral values are concerned, as counterexamples.
Since then, the clericals, feeling comfortable behind the “salary” they are paid
by the system, and more specifically the Blacksoul one, are ruminating, either
consciously or unconsciously, the nonexistence of the reincarnation. Paunchy
one, supposedly celibate and godsent, elected in the high grades through the
masonic lodges of the Blacksoul one, don’t they realise the unconceivable responsibilities that they carry over the human species?
The burning down of Alexandreia’s Library, the cancellation of the teaching of
big Greek Mystics, as well as of the teaching of Buddha, the non desymbolization of the 12Gods, the different shops of catholic Christians and of the religions in general, the infallibility of the Pope, the persons they were throwing
into fire, the camp of controlled Christians on the one hand, the camp of guided
Mussulmen on the other hand, the scientists (like Galileo) that were prevented
from contributing with their knowledge, to the development of the humanity,
everything was premeditated and aiming at the limitation of the human mind
and the setting of humanity under a status of total control.
All the revolutionaries who have the feeling that they are fighting against the
system, are practically serving the system, while they believe that they differ
from the rest, that they stay out of the “herd”.
Outstanding examples of such revolutionaries are the anarchists, the terrorists,
the agents, the suicide bombers (kamikaze), considering that they are performing well, only that they are not aware of how harmful they turn into, via their
killing and other relative acts of theirs. They trust that they escape from the
status quo, however they are absolutely serving it.
And even, in the most invidious for their soul manner. According to the law of the retributive justice,
sooner or later, in this or in another life, they will be invited to pay a hard price
over all the above.
The Blacksoul one is initially tempting people with authority positions in any
sector, with power and money. Next, he “penetrates” their bodies in a way that
no human mind could ever conceive.
All this inhumaneness shown by the government officials and not only, is exactly due to this: they are presented as
“humans”, but in practice, IT IS THE BLACKSOUL ONE AND NOT THEM,
since their body has been “captured” by him. They have been slandered in such
an extent. The persons that end up “inhumans” bear a huge share of responsibility, because it is themselves who allowed to the Blacksoul one to slander
them and to keep on oppressing the whole humanity through them.
Their responsibilities are quite serious. The Blacksoul one has chosen them because
their souls are prone to the matter. They fancy the offices and high positions,
the earthly wealth, the lust, the impurity; they also like to promote themselves
and to feel superior in comparison to the rest of persons.
So, these souls are a piece of cake for the Blacksoul one. He is – in his turn –
offering to them all the material and ephemeral earthly wealth they are seeking
for, and then, in their turn, they implement his destructive work: divisiveness,
wars, deaths, hunger, impoverishment, lack of education and so many others.