For thousand years now, the word “priest” in the mind of the persons is associ-
ated with the one who can lead you to the Divine. Of course the word “priest-
ess” is equally important but for reasons that you already know, the word
“priestess” has been almost cancelled by the official religions of your planet.
To get back to you now, you priests of planet earth, you must definitely com-
pletely change the way you have been so far functioning, during these crucial
moments the planet is experiencing.
Until now the way you were functioning was suiting the needs of the Blacksoul
one too simply because he was the one funding all of you.
Since the moment that you have accepted the existence of money or precious
metals for the acquisition of any tangible good, even the most elementary ones,
i.e., food and shelter, you are instantly involved in his game
And his game is crystal clear: ignorance, divisiveness, obscurantism, entrap-
What we are mentioning can be very easily be proved for all of you, because
you haven’t stood against the status quo, but all you do is that each religion
looks after its own herd. This way though, you are leading the humanity using
your own critical vocation in the nails and teeth of the Blacksoul one.
We have mentioned above that the word “religion” automatically places you to
the category of the follower. In fact there are religions with very fanatical fol-
lowers, reaching the peak of humiliation and presenting as an excuse that God
is asking for the blood of the faithless. Even until nowadays, either those serv-
ing the Islam, or the divisive churches in the name of Jesus, or the Hindu and
the Buddhist haven’t been placed against this entire global problem of the ig-
norance and the humiliation of every human evolution so that the latter finds its
way and returns to the Creator – God.
At this point we ought to be straightforward that there exist a considerable
number of priests in the frame of the official set up religions who are serving
their priestly duties in an excellent way and are guiding the person who have
come close to them with a huge knowledge and the proper guidelines.
However, we have mentioned before that the era already rising on your planet
is the “Melchizedek” era...
This instantly means that you have to be a priest but also a king, a king but also
a priest, respectively.
It means that all you priests of the planet should throw off you the cloak of the
appointed official, of the set up religions with the set up sacred scripts of the
holy fathers, because everything has been degraded. Any kind of priestly you
may touch invoking sacred books, the Blacksoul one has taken care to mix the
truths with the lies, having as his ultimate scope the fake result.
During this unsealing of the knowledge everything has already been analyzed
in detail to you. You are accurately informed about the moment when all the
forms left the Creator with the upper goal of once joining the beings with intel-
ligence, to then return back to the Creator.
The dishonesty, the frivolity and the absolute lies that this dark Blacksoul one
has imposed on your planet, that has to buy your food using money and pre-
cious metals, have been accurately revealed to you.
As long as you serve God as the intermediate between him and the humanity,
you know very well that the food of the humanity is an exclusive prerogative
of the creation and the creation is the exclusive prerogative of God. An exactly
as he is preying on the food of the humanity for millions of years now, he has
also preyed on the supposedly different religions, former to the various cata-
clysms that had stroke your planet in the past, leading to unconceivable geolog-
ical alterations. Likewise, nowadays that the humanity is a little while before
facing the next cataclysm, all the religions are supposedly caring about God
and they love their herds, but literally they are not serving God.
All the official religions of your planet are serving exclusively the Blacksoul
one, followed by all the sufferings he has imposed (divisiveness, hatred, fanati-
cism, murders, ignorance).
So, in this letter to the priests, we are addressing all the priests of your planet,
regardless of any religious labels.
We are aware of the fact that some of the priests have joined the priestly area
to just have a salary or high positions and hats and thus satisfy their ambitions.
On the other hand, we also know that there are priests on your planet, who alt-
hough they are trapped under the labels of the divisive religions of your planet,
in their mind, in their heart and in their soul, there is just one connection. The
connection with the spirit of the Father.
And since these priests are burned with the thought and this connection, we are
addressing these specific priests of your planet because we know that they are
much too numerous.
During those ultimate moments of your planet, and knowing where the planet
is being led by all his authorities, you should stand up and show to the faithful
the real path to the Divine
Even if you are not born to lift the banner of the revolution, alike the Arch-
bishop Christodoulos who during the last years of his life, before cancer was
“planted” into him, he was spreading the word about receiving the knowledge
and using the priesthood that you feel inside of you, to disseminate it to as
many humans as possible.
We don’t use the word “can” by accident. Even in case you alone are embrac-
ing this truth and you manage to feel that this is actually how things are, you
will have obtained huge universal benefits, even if you manage to transfer this
truth to just one faithful.
It doesn’t matter if you don not achieve to become Alexander the Great using
this knowledge. Just by transferring it to only one faithful and to have com-
pletely comprehended this truth, you have brilliantly served your hieratic duties
You are running short of time on your planet so he time remaining is ultrapre-
cious for the entire humanity. Thus, you priests, really connected to the Divine
inside of you, without salaries and positions, you have one golden opportunity
to offer to the humanity an utmost service.
We have revealed to you all the dark spots of the knowledge. As you know for
every human there is a certain death. All that remains is that the humanity un-
derstands this whole truth, while until now all you were hearing about were the
official nonsense of the religions talking about hell, heaven and dark virgins.
We are encouraging all of you priests, as a last incitement to take this entire
knowledge and to transfer it wherever and as much as you can.
It is the greatest mission that you could serve against yourself, the humanity
and the Divine.
All that we can wish form the bottoms of our hearts is god luck.