Closing the script that explains to you your position in a human body, no mat-
ter at which place of the planet you live, we would like to focus a little bit at
your sex, male or female and at your age (children – young boys or girls, mid-
dle aged, elderly).
We want to clarify this to you in the most illustrative way.
All the inhabitants of your planet in the visible universe are just called “human-
What is for sure is that in your planet some souls having followed a very par-
ticular evolution have been incarnated and the majority of these sent evolved
souls have been born in the Greek race. Similarly, some other particular souls
have been born in others than the Greek country.
We would like to make this totally clear though: either we are referring to the
desymbolization of the mythology of the 12 gods, either to the desymbolization
of the parable that the great master Jesus Christ taught, either to Hermes the
Trismegistus with the caduceus (rod with two snakes), or to all the other un-
conceivable mystics – Masters, nobody among them came down to the particu-
lar country to teach only in the country where he was born.
All with no exemption at all – teachers and mystics have incarnated on your
planet only to contribute to the spiritual rise of the entire humanity.
No mystic, no Master came down to teach an individual country.
All the flags that you are following in the place where you were born, the reli-
gions, the habits and customs, the set up crises, the set up wars, the set up pro-
vocateurs, agents, politicians, religions, religious leaders, all of these only have
one scope. Either the highranking are aware of it or the lowerranking (frozen
minds) are not aware of it.
So, all these have the scope of dividing you. How could all the authorities of
your planet with no exemption at all – while of course each one of them repre-
sents its own truth – persuade you to strictly and fanatically follow them, since
they have supposedly matched your own particularities, or temperament or
But as far as the creation, the Divine plan, the universe is concerned, these dif-
ferences don’t exist. There is only one word, “humanity”.
All of you are born and die in the same way. Born from a mother and letting
your body disintegrate after your pass away as land materials. It is so funny to
discuss about living those few earthly years – compared to the infinity of the
time (at least as you can perceive the time on earth) – either as rich in material
possessing or as poor.
Even if a fellow human reaches the age of 100 years old, you may ask him or
yourself, if he realized how he managed to reach that age. He shall answer to
you that he hasn’t realized how this has happened.
This quick earthly time as you perceive it is helping the inferior Dias – Mind of
yours to get confused, so that you are fooled by all the set up authorities of
your planet that 1030 or 50 earthly years are a huge time period.
However, as we already mentioned before, all the children on your planet are
children of the humanity, all the young boys and girls are members of the hu-
manity and exactly the same applies for the middle aged and the elderly.
We are not looking at you and we are not talking to you in different languages
and different incitements. We consider all of you as humanity and through this
unsealing of the knowledge we are addressing the entire humanity.
Referring to the children, we are referring to the children of the entire humani-
ty. Referring to the young boys and girls, we are referring to all the youngsters
of the humanity. The same exactly also applies for the other ages.
In the frame of this letter, we are mentioning to you – to all the inhabitants of
the earth / humanity – that the only task you are obliged to perform is to work
first of all with, and totally dedicated to yourself. Through this unsealing, you
are provided with very accurate guidelines on how to work with yourself, that
is to learn who you are, to discard all the burdens of yourself corresponding to
your own egos and then once you will have taken off all your burdens – de-
sires, this road will lead to the absolute selfawareness; this instantly is equal to
FREEDOM for you.
Of course after all this conquering of the selfawareness concerning yourself,
your environment but also the entire humanity, your planet is actually experi-
encing the new golden era.
ter at which place of the planet you live, we would like to focus a little bit at
your sex, male or female and at your age (children – young boys or girls, mid-
dle aged, elderly).
We want to clarify this to you in the most illustrative way.
All the inhabitants of your planet in the visible universe are just called “human-
What is for sure is that in your planet some souls having followed a very par-
ticular evolution have been incarnated and the majority of these sent evolved
souls have been born in the Greek race. Similarly, some other particular souls
have been born in others than the Greek country.
We would like to make this totally clear though: either we are referring to the
desymbolization of the mythology of the 12 gods, either to the desymbolization
of the parable that the great master Jesus Christ taught, either to Hermes the
Trismegistus with the caduceus (rod with two snakes), or to all the other un-
conceivable mystics – Masters, nobody among them came down to the particu-
lar country to teach only in the country where he was born.
All with no exemption at all – teachers and mystics have incarnated on your
planet only to contribute to the spiritual rise of the entire humanity.
No mystic, no Master came down to teach an individual country.
All the flags that you are following in the place where you were born, the reli-
gions, the habits and customs, the set up crises, the set up wars, the set up pro-
vocateurs, agents, politicians, religions, religious leaders, all of these only have
one scope. Either the highranking are aware of it or the lowerranking (frozen
minds) are not aware of it.
So, all these have the scope of dividing you. How could all the authorities of
your planet with no exemption at all – while of course each one of them repre-
sents its own truth – persuade you to strictly and fanatically follow them, since
they have supposedly matched your own particularities, or temperament or
But as far as the creation, the Divine plan, the universe is concerned, these dif-
ferences don’t exist. There is only one word, “humanity”.
All of you are born and die in the same way. Born from a mother and letting
your body disintegrate after your pass away as land materials. It is so funny to
discuss about living those few earthly years – compared to the infinity of the
time (at least as you can perceive the time on earth) – either as rich in material
possessing or as poor.
Even if a fellow human reaches the age of 100 years old, you may ask him or
yourself, if he realized how he managed to reach that age. He shall answer to
you that he hasn’t realized how this has happened.
This quick earthly time as you perceive it is helping the inferior Dias – Mind of
yours to get confused, so that you are fooled by all the set up authorities of
your planet that 1030 or 50 earthly years are a huge time period.
However, as we already mentioned before, all the children on your planet are
children of the humanity, all the young boys and girls are members of the hu-
manity and exactly the same applies for the middle aged and the elderly.
We are not looking at you and we are not talking to you in different languages
and different incitements. We consider all of you as humanity and through this
unsealing of the knowledge we are addressing the entire humanity.
Referring to the children, we are referring to the children of the entire humani-
ty. Referring to the young boys and girls, we are referring to all the youngsters
of the humanity. The same exactly also applies for the other ages.
In the frame of this letter, we are mentioning to you – to all the inhabitants of
the earth / humanity – that the only task you are obliged to perform is to work
first of all with, and totally dedicated to yourself. Through this unsealing, you
are provided with very accurate guidelines on how to work with yourself, that
is to learn who you are, to discard all the burdens of yourself corresponding to
your own egos and then once you will have taken off all your burdens – de-
sires, this road will lead to the absolute selfawareness; this instantly is equal to
FREEDOM for you.
Of course after all this conquering of the selfawareness concerning yourself,
your environment but also the entire humanity, your planet is actually experi-
encing the new golden era.