Τρίτη 25 Αυγούστου 2015

4th February 1962

On the 4th of February 1962, at a quarter past 3 in the afternoon, the peak of the planetary conjunction of your own sun on the astrological sign of the Aquarius has taken place. In such rare incidents, the planets get all aligned in a line on the same side of the sun, while the sun that attracts the heavenly bodies, in order to be able to keep all the planets under supervision, is obliged to exert extremely much stronger forces, in comparison to the case where the planets are not that aligned. During this specific planetary conjunction, the planet that dominated to the partial conjunctions of the planets and until the peak of the abovementioned conjunction was Mercury. Mercury brings a message, information. And this message is of course a divine one. 

15 Aquarius 16
17 Cancer 38
9 Aquarius 2
7 Leo 59
17 Aquarius 27
1 Virgo 20
17 Aquarius 13
0 Libra 30
2 Aquarius 1
6 Scorpio 25
18 Aquarius 30
14 Sagittarius 22
3 Aquarius 45
17 Capricorn 38
29 Leo 4
7 Aquarius 59
13 Scorpio 28
1 Pisces 20
9 Virgo 26
0 Aries 30
17 Cancer 38
6 Taurus 25
0 Aries 30
14 Gemini 22

Whatever you may have taken for granted through all the worldwide power centres, this specific divine sign that cannot be doubted by anyone will make all curtains drawn. The scope of the powers was that all of you die ignorant. Thus, we reached a certain point where the humanity has entered the era of the Aquarius and through the planet of Mercury which was the leader of this unbe- lievable planetary conjunction in the solar system (that is of planet Earth as well), all the curtains will be drawn for any kind of power, being the major cause of the almost funny spiritual evolution of yours, and this is an advancement that no one can stand in front of. The upgrading of your whole solar system and of your whole planet of course is a Divine will. In this new era of the Aquarius, nothing not even a stone, will remain from the old times. What is more, in the new Aquarius’ era, only those spiritual souls that have reached the edges of the selfawareness will be entitled to continue their life on this planet. It has been since, explicitly and strictly forbidden that any a backward (black) soul is incarnated on your planet. This is the reason why for some of you that happen to be related to young children, from 2011 and onwards the souls that are incarnated are souls of unbelievable intelligence. As far as for the rest who are older and you find yourself on this crossroad of the humanity, that had never before happened in the history of the planet, in case you manage to really understand what is written in this document, you should not let one moment since now be lost, only for the sake of your spiritual evolution. This peak has happened for the profit of your planet and as an extension for the sake of the humanity, so that you can comprehend the path from spirit to matter and vice versa.