How can it be that all authorities serve the Blacksoul one?
All the authorities, political, religious, etc., have been divided into individual
parts and this is where the word political ‘party’ (from the word part) is originating from. For the purpose of being able to deal with the political or religious
stage, one must follow specific paths. He or she has to join a youth movement
of a specific e.g. political party and this accession gives him/her the green light
to move on. In case the person does not belong in any division of the system, he is not going to be able to move on or to succeed. A person, to succeed in
climbing even higher (as far as politics, religion or business are concerned), he
will have to join a ‘masonic lodge’. These lodges belong to the devil, the Satan,
the Blacksoul one.
There exist supposedly different lodges, but they are only different as far as
their name is concerned and only at a superficial level. Deep down inside, they
all meet the same scope. Those who shall climb and reach the highest degree
possible (the 33rd one is the last one) are the ones who will have the highest
political positions as well.
The persons that enter these lodges for the first time have a lot of ambitions
and a big ego. But, in their nets there are also some seekers of the truth that get
involved, because the masons are using such expressions and words that one
can easily believe that he/she is serving the light and that everything is spiritual. Besides, the main tool of the Blacksoul one is to mix the truth with lies in
such a way that, to be able to separate the truth from lies you will need to be
more than an important mystic. This is his witty way of covering the fact that
the masonic lodges are his and that only servants of the dark are graduating
from these.
He knows how to use unlimited methods to catch everyone in his hooks. So,
the case is that not everyone who becomes a member of a masonic lodge will
reach high in power positions, but on the other hand they shall have caused
pain to their fellow men. What is for sure though is that those who will reach
high in these filthy lodges, and once completing their missions, will be very
much aware of whom they finally serve.
Therefore, the masonic lodges are a cavern of the Blacksoul one, where the
future dynasts of the humanity are being hatched.
On the one hand, no one can blame those who entered the lodges seeking for
the truth. But, on the other hand, those who reach high positions and grades
and then undertake important powerful positions for the planet, causing pain
and injustice to the human race, do really bear inconceivably huge responsibilities.
As they are climbing to higher masonic grades and levels, they are continuously being ‘tested’ as far as their ability to remain faithful ‘dogs’ of the political
system is concerned.
In case they don’t follow the orders that will be given to them from the higher
grades, no matter how capable and smart they may be, there is no future to
higher authority positions (political, religious, business). But for those who
steadily serve the status quo, like faithful dogs, the way is open.
Even some total stupid, being incapable of "finding their way out of a paper
bag", from the moment he enters these ‘cogs of the machine’ and remain a
faithful dog, the Blacksoul’s system may turn him into a prime minister or
even the world leader.
While the masonic lodges were operating this system in favour of the powers
of the Blacksoul one for hundreds of years, since 1953 and onwards, some
more specialised methods of finding/selecting and assessing the ‘dogs’ of the
authority have been established.
In 1953, in Netherlands, the Bilderberg Club has been founded. In this club the
Elites of the masonic lodges, that is the most faithful servants of the Blacksoul
one, used to meet and still do until nowadays.
These are the persons that have taken the responsibility from the Blacksoul one
himself to carry on their black backs the fate of humanity.
The most highranking masons, the most loyal masonic dogs who have now
proved in practice – through their actions – that the services they can provide
to the Blacksoul one are unlimited, being willing to do anything to offer to him
the extinction and the misery of humanity, either with world wars and most
possibly some nuclear catastrophe, either with a total deprivation of even food
via premeditated financial problems, either with epidemics, aerial spraying and
many other, are gathering in this club.
Following the Bilderberg club, another club that has been created for the new
global order of trapping of people is the one called ‘tripartite committee’.
The masonic lodges, the Bilderberg Club and the tripartite committee consist
some communicating vases that are planning all the moves for the manipulations of the humans, but also do select the leader who they will actually present
as the socalled global saviour of the humanity.
We are actually talking about clubs of the socalled ‘Illuminate’, which means
the ones who have been enlightened, although they would rather be called –
based on their acts – the ‘clouded ones’. What is a tragic irony is the fact that the mass media are promoting as Illuminate those who have led the humanity still struggling for its essential needs, eg.
for food, living in years of extreme technological development, more than ever.
Those who have led billions of souls to meaningless proselytisms and impoverishment.
Population growth – teacher’s arrival 1962 Bilderberg
The disharmony that had been provoked on planet Earth was with no limits,
and this is why the Earth was already planned from the divine plan to be destroyed. But, in 1952, the planetary hierarchy (masters of wisdom and solar
hierarchy) requested for 20 years of extension beyond the divine plan. The utmost cosmic beings that serve the divine plan, were wondering about what
could be done in 20 years, thinking since nothing had changed for millions of
The answer was laying in the fact that during the big conjunction of the solar
system on the 4th of February 1962, exactly 10 years after 1952, some beings
with the utmost spiritual mission were incarnated on Earth, aiming at transmitting knowledge and light to humans. Each one of these beings undertook a
mission according to its own skill. Nevertheless, their final mission was only
one, to inform the humans with accuracy and proofs about their origin before
they came to become humans and about the continuation of their path. In a few
words, the scope was that humans learn everything related to their position in
the universe.
The fleshless souls, being very much aware of the knowledge that was approaching the planet, got incarnated so that they would manage to profit from
the knowledge and the light that would reach planet Earth, through these utmost spiritual beings.
This is exactly why, the population growth since 1952 and onwards has not
been accidental. It is another indication that the planet is changing consciousness.
More specifically, while until around 1940 the humanity had reached the maximum figure of inhabitants, in a less than 100 years period, the
population overcame the 7 billion,! To be more specific!!
Never again had any kind of awakening taken place both in quantitative and
qualitative terms for the humanity.
Right away after the request of the planetary hierarchy in 1952 over the 20
years of the time life of Earth prolongation, that is in 1953, the global hustlers
gathered in Netherlands, not by chance at all, meeting at Bilderberg hotel for
the first time, in order to make plans about how to prevent the change of consciousness of the planet and how to organise the obscurantism of the humanity
once more. It was then when the way to plan and implement in a methodical
way the global government and global religion for having a better control of
humanity, have been on the agenda.
Together with any event that happens for the sake of humanity, comes a premeditated evil originating from the Blacksoul one. Exactly like during the era
of the coming of Jesus Christ, when Herod received an order (either consciously or unconsciously from the Blacksoul one) to instantly kill all the babies aged
until 5 years old as well as the pregnant women, for Jesus Christ not to be incarnated.