Τρίτη 25 Αυγούστου 2015


We have written to you with an absolute precision that the end of the human
evolution on your planet (completion of attending the school called kingdom of
mankind on planet earth), clearly corresponds to two statuses / conditions:
The first condition is when each one of the members of the humanity reaches
the enlightenment. This is what Buddha means. He is the enlightened, the
awakened, the one who knows everything and has to implement it so as to
comprehend which his/her real self is. He/she has left behind anything that
goes with the word ‘ego’ (since there are no ‘egos in the universe, everything is
a unity).
So, the Buddha – enlightened is the one who has prevailed in the material field,
possesses no egoism, no desires, passions, attachments and of course has no
fear of the death, since he/she really knows very well who he /she is.

The second and last condition that has to be definitely met by all the members
of the humanity, is to get Christianised, to receive the unction, become anoint-

This is what the great master Jesus Christ actually explained to you through his
physical presence 2000 years ago. Likewise, Shakyamuni Gautama Siddhārtha
Buddha, he was in an utmost mission and since he possessed all the attributes
of an enlightened being, he precisely showed to you together with Magdalene,
how you can achieve the Christianisation.

Of course he was totally enlightened, he was Buddha and together with Magda-
lene he showed you in absolute detail the way to achieve the Christianisation.

This is one thing that all of you consisting members of the humanity on earth,
are obliged to do. And of course this does not stand only for your own planet
(each planet has its own ‘body type’).

Unfortunately for all of you, both before Jesus Christ and 2000 years after Je-
sus Christ, came the representatives of the Blacksoul one, that is all the official

divisive religious authorities, not just to hide the truth, but to also place such

‘rails’ around this specific knowledge that the humanity cannot actually dis-
criminate the truth from the lie and which path to follow.

What is amazing about those global gravediggers is that they have character-
ised anything out of these ‘rails’ as a ‘heresy’.

So, we are facing a status where the ones who are not just heretics but also
proven satanic – set up by the Blacksoul one, are stigmatizing any person who
dares to speak about the truths, e.g the reincarnation (which the former have
cancelled), as ‘heretic’.
'So, all those unbelievable things taking place on your planet are absolutely
normal, with all those Blacksouls placed in the leading positions.

As we already mentioned the last stage/condition of the evolution for the whole
mankind is the Christianisation. Thus, the entire humanity except for the clones
and the mutants, have the perspective of becoming anointed.

The ‘Antichrist’ is the one who not only does not wish to get anointed or en-
lightened, but on the contrary performs everything based on his own strengths.

Regardless if he /she is an individual person or a central authority, he/she just
intends to distort everything and drive you to totally opposite paths.

To be more specific, instead of enlightening you, driving you to the light, mak-
ing you anointed, he/she is leading you to the second and peremptory death;

this happens for each and one individual spiritsoul of you (for each person sep-

It is crystal clear now, by reading these lines what the Antichrist and all the
official religious and political authorities of any kind are doing exactly doing to
your planet.
As we have already referred to you, the Blacksoul one has mixed into his lies
some truths as well, the final result is the distortion of the truth, which ends up
at you following the lies.
Thus, through all the monstrosities that have been imposed at your expense at
all levels, there is an expectation from the fake authorities once more, that the

humanity is supposed to be waiting for the son of the Blacksoul one, the Anti-

Of course the Antichrist shall appear on earth like a diplomat (man) who will
be addressed to all of you the herds (since the authorities consider you and treat
you as herds), claiming that he will try to provide solutions to your problems
and he will generally try to convince you with his behaviour to follow him,
since he shall be the one to solve all your problems.
But in reality, after having fooled you, he will lead you to the destruction by
marking your right hand or your forehead with a chip.
So, 2014 years after the coming of the great teacher Jesus Christ, the entire
humanity is expecting something similar.
You see that even in this case you are being fooled right in front of your eyes.
You have been hypnotized, put to sleep with your mind frozen and literally
every possibility of creative thinking has been removed by all the political and

religious authorities of the planet, the mass media of mental apathy, the mili-
tary and paramilitary and any other kind of authority existing under the um-
brella of the only one who is capable of circulating fake money or precious

metals or useless credit cards so that the humanity can buy any basic commodi-
ty (food and shelter).

Whatever you are told only has a unique scope. To keep your mind in a status
of a permanent suppression. The scope is for you to only activate your inferior
mind (egos, desires, attachments, etc) and what is completing this destruction
is that you end up accepting the leader of your herd with your eyes closed.
World ruler, so called democratic political parties, prime ministers, ministers,
dictatorial statuses for dozen of years (Gaddafi, Moubarak, Saddam), and after
the Blacskoul one...so long...(gallows, impalements, imprisonments). Com-


munist parties of the absolute atheism and people dying on the production in
the name of the so-called development (what do they mean by ‘development’)?
Patriarchs, Popes, Imams, Dalai Lama and every head and representative of a
divisive direction against God.
Of all those mentioned above, can each one of you separately, without using
any support actually perceive any enlightened one among them?
If you happen to have perceived even one enlightened person among all those
representatives of the authorities of the planet, we are suggesting you literally
think about it twice.
We have written clearly to you that whoever out of these official authorities

dared to stand up against the unbelievable darkness of your planet, was instant-
ly either killed or had cancer ‘planted’ inside of them, or made disappear, like-
wise in the cases of John Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln in the USA, Tassos Pa-
padopoulos in Cyprus, Archibishop Christodoulos in Greece, Hugo Chavez in

Venezuela, etc.
So, you understand that even if you have thought of one who is enlightened but
didn’t end up like the above mentioned leaders, then you would better make a
more attentive research on the supposedly enlightened leaders.

Imagine that we just referred to the first status of the evolution, being the en-
lightenment (Buddha). Imagine about the second one, being the Christianisa-
tion (Christ).

When referring to the status of the Christianisation, we don’t even consider of
anyone belonging to the authorities who could identify – get connected with
the characteristic of the Christ (having been anointed).
So, now you can see clearer than ever. After all the authorities have driven you

to constant wars, permanent financial crises, hunger, lack of shelter, water, dis-
tortion of every real path, are you actually expecting the Antichrist?

What about all the authorities, without any exception? Aren’t they antichrists?
Let’s just leave out those who or murdered or illnesses were planted inside of
While all the authorities of your planet are literally speaking antichrists, you,

for once more believing those liars, are supposedly expecting the one Anti-

And of course this is not happening by chance. They are struggling once more
– in this lie they are governing you into to catch you into another trap, so that
the unbelievable governing system of your planet remains above suspicion.
Humans of the whole planet, we are clearly mentioning to you that anyone who
takes the floor, either public, political or religious one, anyone being a head of
so called terrorist groups, so called anarchists, of any nationalist groups, or at

last any head who has received secret accounts to come up with the fake ex-
penses of your planet, is 100% Antichrist, 100% dark and 100% a trap for your

This mess caused by your authorities is taking place on your planet for
17.000.000 years now (don’t forget that this period of time is funny for the

The cataclysm that shall take place this time indicates the end of any dark au-
thority on your planet. Your planet is experiencing moments like never before

during the evolution of mankind.
We have provided everything to you in extreme details. There is nothing left so
that you are obliged to get addressed either to the global gravediggers or to the
set up internal teachers to ask for a complementary knowledge.

In case you manage to understand all these, you will be able to reach the en-
lightenment (Buddha) on your own, but you should also work on the huge task

of the Christianisation (anointed).
All the races evolving on the planet as well as any kind of form in the universe
only have one Genitor, a Creator, a God.
All the forms have started from the Creator with the only scope to gather
knowledge and experiences and then get back to the Creator.

There exists no form out of the Creator. The forms existing out of the Creator
are those prepared in the labs of fear. The Blacksoul one and the ones serving
him either know this or not.
Likewise, all of you who have reached such a high level as far as evolution is
concerned and do belong to this evolution of the beings with intelligence,
called humanity on your planet, you are literally more than brothers, you are
the same self.

The different colours of your races don’t define any divisiveness among you,
any hatred between each other and of course there isn’t any difference at all
between you.

All the differences you have been taught about are those suggested by the offi-
cial global gravediggers who have trained you and who, as all of you know

finally, are – with the exceptions mentioned above – ANTICHRISTS.
After all the things we have submitted to you, there is nothing else to interpret,
consider the whole humanity as you consider your own self, love it without

limits and restraints. You are the same brother self, you have a common mis-
sion and you must transfer and disseminate the light wherever you can (en-
lightenment – Buddha).

Take your companion by the hand.
You must understand that this is the key of the keys. It is the key to Heaven,
the key to receive the unction, to get Christianised, to become anointed.
After you have chosen your companion strictly as a monogamous couple (man
– woman), you must understand in your deep innerself (real self, spiritsoul)
that you are offering to him/her and vice versa the opportunity to reach the
Godliness. To reach the end of your trip and literally speaking all the beings
evolving on the universe are aiming exclusively at this.

Once you get Christianised along with your companion, you will – as a couple
– remain together forever even after the human evolution. In other forms and in
other missions you will be hand in hand until the end of the big bang.
You will never split even to the highest evolutions.
This is what has also happened with the great master of yours Jesus Christ and
Magdalene, with Pythagoras and Theano the Thouria and with Sanat Kumara
and Lady Venus, and of course with your sun (solar speech) with his Divine
complement, Goddess Hestia.
Whatever we have submitted has been submitted after a Divine Order and this
is literally a priceless opportunity for you.

And something even more serious is that since all the keys of the human evolu-
tion have been made known and already delivered to you, yet for your own
personal reasons you keep on ignoring them and live in your own world
(‘egos’, desires, attachments), we will not tell you that we are simply deeply
sorry for you, but that you ought to know what you have to do, last notice...
Closing this chapter, we will refresh your memory for the last time, mentioning
to you once more that the cataclysm of Noah which will strike the humanity, is
way too close...
You could characterise all these, apart from unsealing of the entire knowledge,

as a defrosting and activation of your mind as well. You must out of the dark-
ness, for the sake of all those things provided to you, definitely defrost and ac-
tivate your mind, so that your mind, that is your Noah, does ‘tictac’...

And this is something you must proceed with immediately.