Τρίτη 25 Αυγούστου 2015


Like in the case of the political parties and the different religions, the armed
and the security forces, you as well belonging to the judiciary of each country
on this planet, are completing the strangling of the humanity.
While the procedure of serving justice is one of the most sacred circumstances
in the creation, and there is no doubt about this, this is the reason why, almost
all of you judges of the humanity, have until now played a very bad game at its

You know very well that by entering the judiciary and to manage to follow the
professional career of a judge, in the same way as the high in positions chief
priests, military and police officers, in order to climb up to the higher grades of
the judges, you definitely have to own the identities of the masonic lodges and
of all those worms serving the Blacskoul one.

If you don’t pass through his path, there are not high grades for you. And since
vain and ambitious persons exist among you, they have to also be big shot
judges and chief masons. You have instantly lost the game.
You are no judges. You are executive instruments of the blackness, of the
Blacksoul one and in fact in such a sector which instead of serving justice, all it
does is connive to anything going against the worldwide black status.

You are actually judging based on the orders you have received. You are judg-
ing in terms of strangling the voices that resist the worldwide status. Wherever

you are given the order by the Blacksoul one to take off the head of someone

or more people spoiling his ‘business’ (planet earth), you invent ways of pre-
senting the right as wrong and vice versa. Whenever you receive an order, any-
thing wrong is thought by you as right and vice versa using judicial laws once
In fact, in this case as well you are settled with phrases of the type “I do my
duty”, or the one used by the military officers “I follow...the orders of my su-
periors” alternating it to the following one: “...what the law imposes”.

In all criminal courts, there is a prosecutor. Are you really aware of what
“prosecutor” means? On what basis should the prosecutor find definitely ways
to condemn a defendant, or in most rare occasions usually in set up trials – to
acquit him.

Your answer is of course “this in how things are done”. But what does this

mean? Who defined how things are done? Your answer will be: “the legisla-
tor/law maker”.

And we ask in our turn, who is the legislator? Kostas? Maria? The constitu-
tional experts? Of course it isn’t neither Kostas, nor Maria, but the constitu-
tional experts.

The legislator is responsible so that people are not hungry, are not homeless; he
is in charge to take care that in every state the citizens have a job, instead of a
political system that wants you homeless, without food and shelter. The task of
the lewgislator is to force the political authority 100% to have assured a job for
every citizen.
The legislator is the most sacred means so that everyone with a rank is able of
literally and with no deviation following what the legislator has set as laws, so
that the state serves the citizens.
Thus, the one that you are nowadays characterizing as legislator is invalid and
of course he is no legislator.
In the courts, and of course we are talking about political courts, where the jobs
and lives of hundreds or thousands of people hang in the balance, you receive
orders from the branches of the black system of the Blacksoul one and you
make judgments and decisions that are lacking any kind of humaneness, rea-
soning, fairness and of course law. You are based on baloney and you finally
proceed to decisions being a slap in the face (of the humanity and of the de-

In some other cases, you exhaust any possible strictness, while in perspective
and based on the fairness of the law you shouldn’t be on duty.

If the order coming from the rotten system is to decrease the salaries, you al-
most always proceed with it unanimously, without talking anything into ac-
count. But in case you have to do with the decrease of your own salaries, then
you also unanimously react and do not proceed in such an act.

By this behavior and this attitude, you have managed to offer in your turn an-
other huge weapon in the armory of the Blacksoul one, to help him with the
devastation of the humanity. The vocation for justice is above all a vocation
(imagine a universe where the unfairness prevails) and it should constitute of
the biggest refuge of all kinds of behaviors for all humans.
Starting from the political authorities, which in the socalled democratic states,
in the eve of the elections the agents – provocateurs politicians are promising
the moon, but then since the first day of the governing all they do is: to refute
anything promised before the election and on the contrary everything is the
absolute opposite of what was claimed beforehand, with all he claiming of the
candidate political party that finally was voted goes ends up in trash.
This is of course happening for the reasons mentioned earlier. Every authority
of the planet is on duty.

And although you feel like having the judicial power, you act like the peacock.
You forget to prosecute the politicians, you forget about leading them to court
for the high treason (Greece is an example) and all that you know very well
how to do is to hide behind the “legislator” and to claim that the political
crimes can only be led to court by the parliament. Of course, you as peacocks
demonstrate no reaction at all and just accept this.
All that you do is decide a prison sentence for a housewife or a hapless.

Do you see that finally this “legislator” is not actually a legislator? Do you per-
ceive the sneaky game you also play in your turn? Do you see to what a pre-
dicament you have brought the justice to? You have transformed it from the

bastion of democracy to a ghetto of blackness and disinformation of humans,
using the camouflage of the legislator
This is why we are informing you who this legislator is and that this legislator
has tortured the humanity a great deal.
And since we have so many times made known to you what is going to take

place on your planet, we shall tell you in advance how the legislator shall func-
tion after the cataclysm.

The legislator is every person integrated in the humanity and having the abso-
lute right to food, shelter, work, egalitarianism but above all there has to exist a

central authority, which every time that a member of the humanity is born, i.e.
a human person, takes care of the laws of the legislator in such a way that each
human feel of the state as his/her mother – father, teacher, employer and to

never feel neither handicapped nor helpless or uxorious. This is how the legis-
lator will look like after the cataclysm.

As far as the legislator that you, judges, invoke in case you want to perform
something before the cataclysm, just cancel him for your own sake and for the
humanity’s sake.
No matter in which state or in which continent he legislates (enacts laws).
You know very well that what you are actually reading here is the real truth.
Likewise, we were addressed the personnel of the armed forces of the planet,
we are also addressing you.

. In case you manage something before the cataclysm, that is to present a legis-
lator who will embrace the persons and will not convert them to either servants

or deprived ones, you are able – only through this change of the legislator – to
achieve the uttermost for you as far as your spiritual evolution is concerned,
but most of all you will also contribute during these eschatological times of the
planet and help the rest of the humanity realize what literally “real legislator”
as well as “real judges implementing the laws of the real legislator”, mean.

There is nothing else to add. All that we can wish you for is not to stay indif-
ferent to those things you are reading. Because you are now informed about

everything and the penalty for those who know (the penalty of the karma) is
more serious than the one of the ignorant.
We are wishing you good luck.