We have submitted to you in detail how you can receive the unction, i.e. be-
come anointed. As a matter of fact your great master Jesus Christ explained
this clearly to you by naming you after ‘his brothers’.
This means that you can perform exactly as he has performed. So, he has clear-
ly assured you, regardless if the gravediggers of the human evolution have
quite well concealed it from you, that all of you have the perspective of becom-
ing anointed, naturally through all those things we have already revealed to
you. And as if this wasn’t enough, we are presenting herein a letter which was
written on the 4th of February 1962, when as you have been accurately in-
formed about, your planet entered the era of the Aquarius.
Aquarius means spirituality, solidarity and unity of the whole. This is why as
you know now, the Blacksoul one is trying since 1962, using unprecedented
means, to annul any form of authority that himself imposed on your planet, in
order to manage to create a global government and religion consisted by gra-
vediggers of the human evolution, as in the past.
However, the Blacksoul one is a creation of the Creator, but yet he has lost his
way, so he is a destructor and not a creator.
The Creator is always talking to his beings because the Creator exists inside of
each one of his Creations.
Unless of course for the Blacksoul one and his likeminded fellows, who being
absolutely conscious of it, have chosen the wrong path.
So, since the alteration of the planet and in general of the humanity and its as-
cension to higher vibrations is a Divine will, what took place on the 4th Febru-
ary 1962 was its stamp.
In fact, to better understand that all of you can become anointed, something
happened that day, which by reading the letter cited below will help you realise
in the best way all those things we have mentioned before.
We are referring to you that this letter has been sent and registered in a number
of very sensitive students by Lady Master Venus She is Lady Venus, the holy
complement of Sanat Kumara, and the following is cited into it:
"... Assuming the ‘role’ of (Archangel) Gabriel, I announce to the people of
Earth that this day (4 February 1962) a great number of highly illumined souls
are being given birth upon the planet earth. As I am speaking to you, glorious
Cosmic Beings and Angels are escorting these souls...who have been in an
antechamber awaiting their birth upon Earth, to the Realm of the Maha Chohan
to enter the portals of birth. Mothers expectantly awaiting incoming children
shall now receive transcendent souls who shall come forth in the physical oc-
tave of Earth to bring joy to all people.
The people of Earth, on that day, are the recipients this day of a large number
of Great Christs Who are taking physical embodiment upon this planet. I do
not imply that these beings are ‘Ascended’ Beings, as the Master Christ Jesus
and other Masters are, but I say to you that these babes, altogether pure and
lovely and without any karmic responsibilities, are as magnificent as was the
infant Jesus at His nativity. As they come to maturity, they will assist the man-
kind of Earth to find their way back to the Heart of God. These beings are in-
deed Masters of Wisdom. They are Divine Beings. They are Avatars descend-
ing, as was the Christ, and their purpose is to guide the mankind of Earth in the
Ascended Master age, the Great Golden Age.
This very day is their natal day. They shall be born this fourth day of February
in the year of our Lord, 1962. It will take a number of years before these Holy
ones will be known by mankind, but you can rest assured that when the time is
fulfilled for their service to be rendered, the world shall know them each and
every one. “I will put my Law in their inward parts and write it in their hearts
and will be their God, and they shall be My people. For they shall all know me,
from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the Lord.”
"This is the first step. Later on, Great Cosmic Beings...will come down in a
natural embodiment to demonstrate the Divine Light: ‘ears to hear and eyes to
see. The Lord has made them both’. There is a deep scope behind this arrival to
infinite cosmic intelligent. It precedes the Year of Light in visible form. These
really are ‘Signposts’ (existences) of childhood innocence which shall tame the
atrocity of the world "...and the wolf will live with the lamb ...".
You see, what is tragic with all the authorities of the planet and to be more spe-
cific the religious ones is that they have distorted all the truths, through money,
which we must repeat not only are they nonexistent, but they have nothing to
do with the Creation, and what is more they have been intentionally used so
that the entire mankind remains dependent on them. So, all the authorities are
bought out by this nonexistence of money.
The great spiritual beings that have come down to teach, your master Jesus
Christ being the sublime among them, have transferred to you unconceivable
truths, yet they have been presented to you by the official religious authorities
in an incredibly wrong way.
This letter we have already written is 100% real and indeed enough persons
among you are incarnated and have reached the evolution of Christ, that is,
they have been anointed.
All that is written in this book, is exactly the way and the path, following
whom, the entire mankind without any exception (unless for clones and mu-
tants) can get Christianised, i.e. become anointed.
And while this is the only truth, those who are supposedly leaders of the differ-
ent heretic priesthoods of Christ (Orthodox, Catholic, Protestants, Pagan, Pen-
tecostals, ect.) have hidden all these from you and they are training you that
Jesus Christ was unique and that nobody among you could ever become
anointed (Christ).
That is, we have even altered his own words, since it was Him who called you
‘his brothers’, meaning by that, you can perform as he performs.
In exactly the same way, the gravediggers of the rest of the religions, have
trained you over a bunch of unbelievable lies, the most top of all being that you
shall remove human lives in the name of God.
Each one of these souls that are incarnated and exist among you has its own
mission, which of course has to be executed till the end (completed).
come anointed. As a matter of fact your great master Jesus Christ explained
this clearly to you by naming you after ‘his brothers’.
This means that you can perform exactly as he has performed. So, he has clear-
ly assured you, regardless if the gravediggers of the human evolution have
quite well concealed it from you, that all of you have the perspective of becom-
ing anointed, naturally through all those things we have already revealed to
you. And as if this wasn’t enough, we are presenting herein a letter which was
written on the 4th of February 1962, when as you have been accurately in-
formed about, your planet entered the era of the Aquarius.
Aquarius means spirituality, solidarity and unity of the whole. This is why as
you know now, the Blacksoul one is trying since 1962, using unprecedented
means, to annul any form of authority that himself imposed on your planet, in
order to manage to create a global government and religion consisted by gra-
vediggers of the human evolution, as in the past.
However, the Blacksoul one is a creation of the Creator, but yet he has lost his
way, so he is a destructor and not a creator.
The Creator is always talking to his beings because the Creator exists inside of
each one of his Creations.
Unless of course for the Blacksoul one and his likeminded fellows, who being
absolutely conscious of it, have chosen the wrong path.
So, since the alteration of the planet and in general of the humanity and its as-
cension to higher vibrations is a Divine will, what took place on the 4th Febru-
ary 1962 was its stamp.
In fact, to better understand that all of you can become anointed, something
happened that day, which by reading the letter cited below will help you realise
in the best way all those things we have mentioned before.
We are referring to you that this letter has been sent and registered in a number
of very sensitive students by Lady Master Venus She is Lady Venus, the holy
complement of Sanat Kumara, and the following is cited into it:
"... Assuming the ‘role’ of (Archangel) Gabriel, I announce to the people of
Earth that this day (4 February 1962) a great number of highly illumined souls
are being given birth upon the planet earth. As I am speaking to you, glorious
Cosmic Beings and Angels are escorting these souls...who have been in an
antechamber awaiting their birth upon Earth, to the Realm of the Maha Chohan
to enter the portals of birth. Mothers expectantly awaiting incoming children
shall now receive transcendent souls who shall come forth in the physical oc-
tave of Earth to bring joy to all people.
The people of Earth, on that day, are the recipients this day of a large number
of Great Christs Who are taking physical embodiment upon this planet. I do
not imply that these beings are ‘Ascended’ Beings, as the Master Christ Jesus
and other Masters are, but I say to you that these babes, altogether pure and
lovely and without any karmic responsibilities, are as magnificent as was the
infant Jesus at His nativity. As they come to maturity, they will assist the man-
kind of Earth to find their way back to the Heart of God. These beings are in-
deed Masters of Wisdom. They are Divine Beings. They are Avatars descend-
ing, as was the Christ, and their purpose is to guide the mankind of Earth in the
Ascended Master age, the Great Golden Age.
This very day is their natal day. They shall be born this fourth day of February
in the year of our Lord, 1962. It will take a number of years before these Holy
ones will be known by mankind, but you can rest assured that when the time is
fulfilled for their service to be rendered, the world shall know them each and
every one. “I will put my Law in their inward parts and write it in their hearts
and will be their God, and they shall be My people. For they shall all know me,
from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the Lord.”
"This is the first step. Later on, Great Cosmic Beings...will come down in a
natural embodiment to demonstrate the Divine Light: ‘ears to hear and eyes to
see. The Lord has made them both’. There is a deep scope behind this arrival to
infinite cosmic intelligent. It precedes the Year of Light in visible form. These
really are ‘Signposts’ (existences) of childhood innocence which shall tame the
atrocity of the world "...and the wolf will live with the lamb ...".
You see, what is tragic with all the authorities of the planet and to be more spe-
cific the religious ones is that they have distorted all the truths, through money,
which we must repeat not only are they nonexistent, but they have nothing to
do with the Creation, and what is more they have been intentionally used so
that the entire mankind remains dependent on them. So, all the authorities are
bought out by this nonexistence of money.
The great spiritual beings that have come down to teach, your master Jesus
Christ being the sublime among them, have transferred to you unconceivable
truths, yet they have been presented to you by the official religious authorities
in an incredibly wrong way.
This letter we have already written is 100% real and indeed enough persons
among you are incarnated and have reached the evolution of Christ, that is,
they have been anointed.
All that is written in this book, is exactly the way and the path, following
whom, the entire mankind without any exception (unless for clones and mu-
tants) can get Christianised, i.e. become anointed.
And while this is the only truth, those who are supposedly leaders of the differ-
ent heretic priesthoods of Christ (Orthodox, Catholic, Protestants, Pagan, Pen-
tecostals, ect.) have hidden all these from you and they are training you that
Jesus Christ was unique and that nobody among you could ever become
anointed (Christ).
That is, we have even altered his own words, since it was Him who called you
‘his brothers’, meaning by that, you can perform as he performs.
In exactly the same way, the gravediggers of the rest of the religions, have
trained you over a bunch of unbelievable lies, the most top of all being that you
shall remove human lives in the name of God.
Each one of these souls that are incarnated and exist among you has its own
mission, which of course has to be executed till the end (completed).
| ||
25 Pisces 58
16 Capricorn 25
9 Leo 38
27 Aquarius 58
2 Pisces 13
8 Aries 7
7 Aries 49
9 Taurus 0
3 Fish 42
2 Gemini 56
28 Aquarius 2
24 Gemini 2
8 Aquarius 6
16 Cancer 25
27 Leo 21
27 Leo 58
13 Scorpio 14
8 Balance 7
8 Virgo 25
9 Scorpio 0
16 Capricorn 25
2 Sagittarius 56
9 Scorpio 0
24 Sagittarius 2
And in view of the fact that the vampires, gravediggers of the mankind evolu-
tion shall try once more to cancel these, we are dutybound to unwrap some
more stamps and to be more specific concerning all that is written in this un-
sealing of the knowledge literally being equal to the defrosting of the human
mind and the return back to the Divine (God).
Such a stamp is the natal chart of Christs. Those who know how to read (inter-
pret) these, will understand very well.
Some of the worldwide vampires of the human evolution will doubt even the
specific natal chart of someone among the enlightened souls. Although those
who know about the karmic astrology are able of clearly reading (identifying)
the mission of the specific one, being one among them.
For the rest of them we possess another stamp. As far as another one who came
down to help the humanity and prepare the ground for the fore coming golden
era of mankind, has on his right hand – exactly on the spot where the Blacksoul
one intends to mark you – two textured signs which were created on the day of
his activation, on the day of the activation of all these souls.
The one of the two signs is the sign of the new golden age and it is the flying
bull. It illustrates the man on the bull, symbolizing the human being evolving
through the matter.
The second textured sign is located where the Blacksoul one wants to mark
you. You realise that you must not even consider doing something similar to
your own self (spirit, soul).
No matter how many deprivations are imposed to you due to the Blacksoul
one, never ever offer your soul to him. Never risk losing everything in return
for a dish of meal or anything ephemeral he may tempt you with.
tion shall try once more to cancel these, we are dutybound to unwrap some
more stamps and to be more specific concerning all that is written in this un-
sealing of the knowledge literally being equal to the defrosting of the human
mind and the return back to the Divine (God).
Such a stamp is the natal chart of Christs. Those who know how to read (inter-
pret) these, will understand very well.
Some of the worldwide vampires of the human evolution will doubt even the
specific natal chart of someone among the enlightened souls. Although those
who know about the karmic astrology are able of clearly reading (identifying)
the mission of the specific one, being one among them.
For the rest of them we possess another stamp. As far as another one who came
down to help the humanity and prepare the ground for the fore coming golden
era of mankind, has on his right hand – exactly on the spot where the Blacksoul
one intends to mark you – two textured signs which were created on the day of
his activation, on the day of the activation of all these souls.
The one of the two signs is the sign of the new golden age and it is the flying
bull. It illustrates the man on the bull, symbolizing the human being evolving
through the matter.
The second textured sign is located where the Blacksoul one wants to mark
you. You realise that you must not even consider doing something similar to
your own self (spirit, soul).
No matter how many deprivations are imposed to you due to the Blacksoul
one, never ever offer your soul to him. Never risk losing everything in return
for a dish of meal or anything ephemeral he may tempt you with.
Thus, on the day to which the above mentioned letter is referred, some souls of
a huge enlightenment were incarnated on your planet and these souls have
reached the Christianisation; that is they are souls that have been identified
with the most sublime evolution of beings with intelligence, meaning that they
have evolved to anointed (Christs).
All those things we are writing to you are 100% real and by the moment that
you implement in practice all those things you read in the unsealing of this
knowledge, the defrosting of your mind included, all of you – with no excep-
tion at all – are able of becoming anointed, on the terms that you don’t omit
You understand that once somebody is literally evolved to Christ, the creator
fatherspirit is inside of this person and vice versa.
"I am in the Father and the Father is in me"
As also referred in the letter, all the TheoDores (= gifts of God) are among you
and close to you and each one of them shall completely accomplish his mis-
sion. Another among them is the following:
"Next, during the same evening and on the same podium, Sanat Kumara men-
tioned the following: One among these gracious individuals who are being
born today was a great prince in a former civilization in South America. His
work will be to assist the Great Divine Director to usher in the magnificent
Seventh Root race until all that mankind...to completion in this glorious Gold-
en Age now just dawning...As he moves on, he adds:
"The Ecclesiastes, or the Preacher, who wrote the book of your Bible bearing
this name, spent more than one embodiment on the Planet Venus mastering the
arts and sciences and the ritual of the Sacred Fire. Therefore, when he pro-
claimed to the people of Earth that the concerns of mankind were “vanity,” he
spoke from his experience of contrast, for he had compared at inner levels the
highly evolved and spiritually magnificent culture of My people with that of
planet Earth...."
Thus, you understand that the wise Solomon is also among you, with all the
keys that have now being allowed to the humanity, so that you are able of
achieving the most priceless ever and this is to get connected – identified with
your real ‘self’ (existence).
And knowing by your personal knowledge what Solomon said back then, "van-
ity of vanities, all is vanity" and since now the second and final key has been
allowed to him, the Christianisation, that is on your own, by embracing and
identifying your individual soul with the one of your companion, totally mo-
nogamously and being always connected to the unity, with God, without any
drop of your holy sperm (male and female), you can receive the unction, get
anointed, and reach the final stage of this (earthly) evolution, become Christs
These are testified nowadays also by the wise Solomon, being among you.
Of course one of these souls that were incarnated on that day, when these
THEODOROI are among you, is Noah as well.
He is the one who, following what is going to take place on your planet (the
cataclysm of Noah), shall lead you to the new golden age of your planet.
Nowadays, as we have written above, the 5% of the humanity corresponding to
more than 350,000,000 human souls has been awakened.
This figure is unconceivable. Never before such a percentage has been noticed
on your planet.
These awakened souls have realised that all the official political & religious
authorities have concealed the truth and keep on shamelessly fooling the entire
mankind, playing a dark and black game.
This is what it means to be awakened.
This unsealing of the knowledge has come for the entire humanity, the awak-
ened but also all the rest who haven’t made any effort to understand what kind
of game is taking place on your planet.
This entire compact and revealing knowledge is though for all of you: both
All these Theodores being already among you have been allowed, each one of
them, to deliver to you all the keys of knowledge.
There is nothing missing.
You must act appropriately on your own, either you are awakened or not.
a huge enlightenment were incarnated on your planet and these souls have
reached the Christianisation; that is they are souls that have been identified
with the most sublime evolution of beings with intelligence, meaning that they
have evolved to anointed (Christs).
All those things we are writing to you are 100% real and by the moment that
you implement in practice all those things you read in the unsealing of this
knowledge, the defrosting of your mind included, all of you – with no excep-
tion at all – are able of becoming anointed, on the terms that you don’t omit
You understand that once somebody is literally evolved to Christ, the creator
fatherspirit is inside of this person and vice versa.
"I am in the Father and the Father is in me"
As also referred in the letter, all the TheoDores (= gifts of God) are among you
and close to you and each one of them shall completely accomplish his mis-
sion. Another among them is the following:
"Next, during the same evening and on the same podium, Sanat Kumara men-
tioned the following: One among these gracious individuals who are being
born today was a great prince in a former civilization in South America. His
work will be to assist the Great Divine Director to usher in the magnificent
Seventh Root race until all that mankind...to completion in this glorious Gold-
en Age now just dawning...As he moves on, he adds:
"The Ecclesiastes, or the Preacher, who wrote the book of your Bible bearing
this name, spent more than one embodiment on the Planet Venus mastering the
arts and sciences and the ritual of the Sacred Fire. Therefore, when he pro-
claimed to the people of Earth that the concerns of mankind were “vanity,” he
spoke from his experience of contrast, for he had compared at inner levels the
highly evolved and spiritually magnificent culture of My people with that of
planet Earth...."
Thus, you understand that the wise Solomon is also among you, with all the
keys that have now being allowed to the humanity, so that you are able of
achieving the most priceless ever and this is to get connected – identified with
your real ‘self’ (existence).
And knowing by your personal knowledge what Solomon said back then, "van-
ity of vanities, all is vanity" and since now the second and final key has been
allowed to him, the Christianisation, that is on your own, by embracing and
identifying your individual soul with the one of your companion, totally mo-
nogamously and being always connected to the unity, with God, without any
drop of your holy sperm (male and female), you can receive the unction, get
anointed, and reach the final stage of this (earthly) evolution, become Christs
These are testified nowadays also by the wise Solomon, being among you.
Of course one of these souls that were incarnated on that day, when these
THEODOROI are among you, is Noah as well.
He is the one who, following what is going to take place on your planet (the
cataclysm of Noah), shall lead you to the new golden age of your planet.
Nowadays, as we have written above, the 5% of the humanity corresponding to
more than 350,000,000 human souls has been awakened.
This figure is unconceivable. Never before such a percentage has been noticed
on your planet.
These awakened souls have realised that all the official political & religious
authorities have concealed the truth and keep on shamelessly fooling the entire
mankind, playing a dark and black game.
This is what it means to be awakened.
This unsealing of the knowledge has come for the entire humanity, the awak-
ened but also all the rest who haven’t made any effort to understand what kind
of game is taking place on your planet.
This entire compact and revealing knowledge is though for all of you: both
All these Theodores being already among you have been allowed, each one of
them, to deliver to you all the keys of knowledge.
There is nothing missing.
You must act appropriately on your own, either you are awakened or not.