Another big stamp of what we have so far revealed about the planet, i.e. the
fact that it is experiencing historical moments and it is getting ready for an up-
grade together with all the kingdoms that are evolving on your planet and the
humanity as well, is what is taking place in Amphipolis.
Amphipolis is a city at the northern part of Greece where a tomb with a pe-
rimeter of around 500 metres has been discovered, when the tomb of Philippe
II in Vergina had a perimeter not more than 120 metres.
You understand that since the tomb of Philip II, father of Alexander the Great
is 120 meters big and from whom Alexander gathered too many elements to be
able to perform the path he performed, it is easy to imagine who can be at Am-
phipolis. And then why, while they knew for dozens of years now, suddenly in
2014 A.D. such a big fuss and such a worldwide interest has been created
about the tomb of Amphipolis and to whom it may belong.
Even in this case, this is a stamp used by all the mass media of mental apathy
which have mixed the truths into lies, so the whole humanity is confused into
Alexander who started his campaign during his physical life from Greece and
reached until the heart of Asia, submitted those days a crucial teaching (doc-
trine), as follows:
"Every Greek who has no virtues is a Barbarian and every Barbarian who has
virtues is a Greek."
So, he clearly wanted to pass to the humanity the message of its unity as well
as the idea that the only scope of the humanity is to get flooded by real virtues.
Thus, he came to submit his own identity, to contribute to the expanding of the
consciousness of the humanity.
And taking into account that he was the leader of this huge campaign, defeat-
ing every enemy.
Likewise, those years back then (the representatives of the Blacksoul one at
those times were the Persians), his offer to the humanity was the expanding of
the consciousness of the humanity.
In the texts above we have clearly proven that the entire humanity unless for
the mutants and the clones is united and has a common mission; so once some-
one comes to show to the humanity its common mission and what is more
through such battles and struggles, it is logical that his is named after‘Great’.
In order to refresh in your memory what consciousness means, we have men-
tioned that: the consciousness is the information that a person is taking away
from the natural world using his 5 senses (sees, listens, smells, touches and
senses) and of course all these are complemented by the training he obtains
from all those who are teaching him and who he is socializing/coming in con-
tact with during his lifetime (family, school, church, state, friends, work, etc.).
1. The subconscious is the personal registry that each soul is maintaining for
the myriads of reincarnations, based on all the previous incarnations it experi-
enced and in there everything is registered. What the soul has experienced
while incarnated. These registries are demonstrated from the first day of the
incarnation of a soul and then its common path with the consciousness all
through its natural life; this is happening again and again until the soul is re-
leased from its karmic responsibilities or else the lessons it has to be taught and
successfully pass them to higher evolutions..
2. Into the subconscious, every skill that the soul is carrying during its trip and
its incarnations (mathematical, musical, research knowledge, etc.) are regis-
3. The hyperconsciousness is what every soul desire. That is, having the Mind
– Dias as assistant which has of course reached the highest levels of evolution,
the conscious, the subconscious and the hyperconsciousness are connected and
the mission of all forms is to return to the unity where they started from.
This whole package is, in a word that defines it, called consciousness. So, in a
few words the consciousness is the one concept that determines the evolution
of either each person individually or of the entire humanity as a whole.
So this is what Alexander the Great clearly did. He had that spiritual education
and he made big efforts using all means to broaden the consciousness of the
humanity. The phrase mentioned above "Every Greek who has no virtues is a
Barbarian and every barbarian who has virtues is a Greek." testifies exactly
He didn’t come to teach ‘ego’. He came to teach the humanity the virtues. Be-
cause a soul returns back to the Father (God) only when it is full of virtues.
Thus, the fact of whether Alexander the Great is buried or not in Amphipolis
doesn’t matter to the humanity at all. Instead you see that even in this case, the
mass media of mental apathy are once more trying to hypnotize you.
People are interesting to find out whether Alexander’s body is or is not buried
in Amphipolis, instead of being interested in the unconceivable achievement of
Alexander while trying through his actions to broaden the consciousness of the
This is why we are explaining to you that all this fuss that was demonstrated in
2014 A.D. during which the humanity has been dealing in such a degree with
the possibility of the body of Alexander the Great been buried in Amphipolis,
has been done for the exact same reason for which he also made tremendous
efforts to broaden the consciousness of the entire humanity.
In fact, there is another revelation for all of you, because we are experiencing
sensational times. Once Alexander the Great passed through Egypt, the Egyp-
tian priests gave him the name ‘son of the Ammon Zeus’.
The word ‘Ammon’ means hidden. Most obviously while the priests in the or-
acle of the Ammon Zeus in Egypt decided to name Alexander after ‘son of
Ammon Zeus’, they very well knew what they were doing
It has already been revealed to you that the expression ‘Ammon Zeus’ means
‘hidden mind’. You already know that the Mind is the only means that the hu-
manity possesses to connect the inner with the outer, the hidden with the evi-
dent, the matter with the spirit. So you understand the huge value of Alexander
and the characterisation Great is referring exactly to this.
Through his training he had uplifted the inferior mind which is usually trained
in the humanity to superior mind, he had accurately identified the problem of
the humanity and through his epic victories against the representatives of the
Blacksoul one of those times, the Persians, he tried to get the humanity unified
and going further to even expand its consciousness, by making it clear that all
humans are equal and that the only difference that may arise is that some per-
sons may possess more virtues than another person.
So, you can understand through his important contribution to the humanity that
he faced tremendous difficulties in order to be able to make the representatives
of the Blacksoul one, the Persians disappear; this is the reason he was fairly
called ‘Great’.
This is exactly what is happening nowadays. Due to the fact that Jesus Christ,
was not incarnated yet, and the divisive religions, the Islam, the infallible of
the Pope, the Middle Ages, the world wars had not appeared, the time hadn’t
come so that the efforts of Alexander flourish.
Nowadays though, what Alexander did back then to try to broaden the con-
sciousness of the humanity identifies the contemporary years.
During the contemporary years it has been certified that since the 4th of Febru-
ary 1962 the humanity has officially entered the era of the Aquarius and the
Blacskoul one is trying totally flagrantly with all the authorities on the planet to
reduce the population of the humanity, in order to keep on with his destructive
work at the expense of the consciousness of the humanity.
The humanity has already been awakened at such an unprecedented degree.
Even those who haven’t been awakened yet, are beginning to be suspicious
about all the political and religious authorities, the agents, the provocateurs, the
set up financial crises, the set up wars and any kind of set up global events, etc.
This specific unsealing of the knowledge that you actually hold in your hands
has come to provide you with the entire compact knowledge that you need to
be able to rely only on yourself alone, to reveal everything to you in all details
and in the same time to inform you that indeed the efforts of Alexander to
broaden the consciousness of the humanity and to imprison the Blacksoul one
and those serving him, is just around the corner.
This is exactly what is taking place nowadays on your planet, as the achieve-
ments of Alexander came in the front line of the currents affairs; his achieve-
ments have nothing to do with the material bodies and it is crystal clear that it
has to do with the spiritual knowledge which is the only tool you can use to
rely on in order to overcome the ephemeral life, the physical death and to get
connected to the universe.
As a matter of fact, we are reminding you that Alexander was also dubbed as
‘goat’. This is why he is often illustrated as a twohorn goat.
. Furthermore, it is worth noticing that the goat is one of the four animals used
in the Apocalypse of John and which symbolizes the matter. Since we have
already in numerous occasions told you that the humanity is experiencing now
another evolution, the new symbol representing the new era of the Aquarius
that shall soon rise on your planet after the –soon to take place – cataclysm, is
the flying bull.
Thus, the flying bull is the symbol testifying that
1) All the kingdoms on your planet and of course the whole humanity are up-
grading, and,
2) A man on the bull symbolizes the upgrading of the intelligence of the hu-
manity and its connection with the universe, with all curtains been drawn and
without any entrapment or obscurantism.
In addition, the illustration of the flying bull is related to the huge struggle of
Alexander the Great aiming at the broadening of the consciousness of the hu-
manity, as well as of the great spiritual masters (Christ, Buddha, Hermes the
Trismegistus, Melchizedek, Orpheus, Moses, Pythagoras, Socrates, Heraclitus,
Confucius, Victor Manuel Gomez Rodriguez, etc.). This illustration is the fol-
fact that it is experiencing historical moments and it is getting ready for an up-
grade together with all the kingdoms that are evolving on your planet and the
humanity as well, is what is taking place in Amphipolis.
Amphipolis is a city at the northern part of Greece where a tomb with a pe-
rimeter of around 500 metres has been discovered, when the tomb of Philippe
II in Vergina had a perimeter not more than 120 metres.
You understand that since the tomb of Philip II, father of Alexander the Great
is 120 meters big and from whom Alexander gathered too many elements to be
able to perform the path he performed, it is easy to imagine who can be at Am-
phipolis. And then why, while they knew for dozens of years now, suddenly in
2014 A.D. such a big fuss and such a worldwide interest has been created
about the tomb of Amphipolis and to whom it may belong.
Even in this case, this is a stamp used by all the mass media of mental apathy
which have mixed the truths into lies, so the whole humanity is confused into
Alexander who started his campaign during his physical life from Greece and
reached until the heart of Asia, submitted those days a crucial teaching (doc-
trine), as follows:
"Every Greek who has no virtues is a Barbarian and every Barbarian who has
virtues is a Greek."
So, he clearly wanted to pass to the humanity the message of its unity as well
as the idea that the only scope of the humanity is to get flooded by real virtues.
Thus, he came to submit his own identity, to contribute to the expanding of the
consciousness of the humanity.
And taking into account that he was the leader of this huge campaign, defeat-
ing every enemy.
Likewise, those years back then (the representatives of the Blacksoul one at
those times were the Persians), his offer to the humanity was the expanding of
the consciousness of the humanity.
In the texts above we have clearly proven that the entire humanity unless for
the mutants and the clones is united and has a common mission; so once some-
one comes to show to the humanity its common mission and what is more
through such battles and struggles, it is logical that his is named after‘Great’.
In order to refresh in your memory what consciousness means, we have men-
tioned that: the consciousness is the information that a person is taking away
from the natural world using his 5 senses (sees, listens, smells, touches and
senses) and of course all these are complemented by the training he obtains
from all those who are teaching him and who he is socializing/coming in con-
tact with during his lifetime (family, school, church, state, friends, work, etc.).
1. The subconscious is the personal registry that each soul is maintaining for
the myriads of reincarnations, based on all the previous incarnations it experi-
enced and in there everything is registered. What the soul has experienced
while incarnated. These registries are demonstrated from the first day of the
incarnation of a soul and then its common path with the consciousness all
through its natural life; this is happening again and again until the soul is re-
leased from its karmic responsibilities or else the lessons it has to be taught and
successfully pass them to higher evolutions..
2. Into the subconscious, every skill that the soul is carrying during its trip and
its incarnations (mathematical, musical, research knowledge, etc.) are regis-
3. The hyperconsciousness is what every soul desire. That is, having the Mind
– Dias as assistant which has of course reached the highest levels of evolution,
the conscious, the subconscious and the hyperconsciousness are connected and
the mission of all forms is to return to the unity where they started from.
This whole package is, in a word that defines it, called consciousness. So, in a
few words the consciousness is the one concept that determines the evolution
of either each person individually or of the entire humanity as a whole.
So this is what Alexander the Great clearly did. He had that spiritual education
and he made big efforts using all means to broaden the consciousness of the
humanity. The phrase mentioned above "Every Greek who has no virtues is a
Barbarian and every barbarian who has virtues is a Greek." testifies exactly
He didn’t come to teach ‘ego’. He came to teach the humanity the virtues. Be-
cause a soul returns back to the Father (God) only when it is full of virtues.
Thus, the fact of whether Alexander the Great is buried or not in Amphipolis
doesn’t matter to the humanity at all. Instead you see that even in this case, the
mass media of mental apathy are once more trying to hypnotize you.
People are interesting to find out whether Alexander’s body is or is not buried
in Amphipolis, instead of being interested in the unconceivable achievement of
Alexander while trying through his actions to broaden the consciousness of the
This is why we are explaining to you that all this fuss that was demonstrated in
2014 A.D. during which the humanity has been dealing in such a degree with
the possibility of the body of Alexander the Great been buried in Amphipolis,
has been done for the exact same reason for which he also made tremendous
efforts to broaden the consciousness of the entire humanity.
In fact, there is another revelation for all of you, because we are experiencing
sensational times. Once Alexander the Great passed through Egypt, the Egyp-
tian priests gave him the name ‘son of the Ammon Zeus’.
The word ‘Ammon’ means hidden. Most obviously while the priests in the or-
acle of the Ammon Zeus in Egypt decided to name Alexander after ‘son of
Ammon Zeus’, they very well knew what they were doing
It has already been revealed to you that the expression ‘Ammon Zeus’ means
‘hidden mind’. You already know that the Mind is the only means that the hu-
manity possesses to connect the inner with the outer, the hidden with the evi-
dent, the matter with the spirit. So you understand the huge value of Alexander
and the characterisation Great is referring exactly to this.
Through his training he had uplifted the inferior mind which is usually trained
in the humanity to superior mind, he had accurately identified the problem of
the humanity and through his epic victories against the representatives of the
Blacksoul one of those times, the Persians, he tried to get the humanity unified
and going further to even expand its consciousness, by making it clear that all
humans are equal and that the only difference that may arise is that some per-
sons may possess more virtues than another person.
So, you can understand through his important contribution to the humanity that
he faced tremendous difficulties in order to be able to make the representatives
of the Blacksoul one, the Persians disappear; this is the reason he was fairly
called ‘Great’.
This is exactly what is happening nowadays. Due to the fact that Jesus Christ,
was not incarnated yet, and the divisive religions, the Islam, the infallible of
the Pope, the Middle Ages, the world wars had not appeared, the time hadn’t
come so that the efforts of Alexander flourish.
Nowadays though, what Alexander did back then to try to broaden the con-
sciousness of the humanity identifies the contemporary years.
During the contemporary years it has been certified that since the 4th of Febru-
ary 1962 the humanity has officially entered the era of the Aquarius and the
Blacskoul one is trying totally flagrantly with all the authorities on the planet to
reduce the population of the humanity, in order to keep on with his destructive
work at the expense of the consciousness of the humanity.
The humanity has already been awakened at such an unprecedented degree.
Even those who haven’t been awakened yet, are beginning to be suspicious
about all the political and religious authorities, the agents, the provocateurs, the
set up financial crises, the set up wars and any kind of set up global events, etc.
This specific unsealing of the knowledge that you actually hold in your hands
has come to provide you with the entire compact knowledge that you need to
be able to rely only on yourself alone, to reveal everything to you in all details
and in the same time to inform you that indeed the efforts of Alexander to
broaden the consciousness of the humanity and to imprison the Blacksoul one
and those serving him, is just around the corner.
This is exactly what is taking place nowadays on your planet, as the achieve-
ments of Alexander came in the front line of the currents affairs; his achieve-
ments have nothing to do with the material bodies and it is crystal clear that it
has to do with the spiritual knowledge which is the only tool you can use to
rely on in order to overcome the ephemeral life, the physical death and to get
connected to the universe.
As a matter of fact, we are reminding you that Alexander was also dubbed as
‘goat’. This is why he is often illustrated as a twohorn goat.
. Furthermore, it is worth noticing that the goat is one of the four animals used
in the Apocalypse of John and which symbolizes the matter. Since we have
already in numerous occasions told you that the humanity is experiencing now
another evolution, the new symbol representing the new era of the Aquarius
that shall soon rise on your planet after the –soon to take place – cataclysm, is
the flying bull.
Thus, the flying bull is the symbol testifying that
1) All the kingdoms on your planet and of course the whole humanity are up-
grading, and,
2) A man on the bull symbolizes the upgrading of the intelligence of the hu-
manity and its connection with the universe, with all curtains been drawn and
without any entrapment or obscurantism.
In addition, the illustration of the flying bull is related to the huge struggle of
Alexander the Great aiming at the broadening of the consciousness of the hu-
manity, as well as of the great spiritual masters (Christ, Buddha, Hermes the
Trismegistus, Melchizedek, Orpheus, Moses, Pythagoras, Socrates, Heraclitus,
Confucius, Victor Manuel Gomez Rodriguez, etc.). This illustration is the fol-
Next, in the following chapter, apart from the flying bull already now revealed
to you, we will also describe to you in absolute precision the reason why the
Blacksoul one, a little while before his disappearance from your planet, is mak-
ing desperate efforts together with his authorities to keep on enslaving the hu-
manity using as means what you all know as ‘stamping’.
Closing the chapter about Alexander, we have informed you about his contri-
bution to the humanity, the reason why he was named after ‘Great’ and of quite
a minor importance it is indeed to know whether his body is actually buried in
Amphipolis or not.
As you can see it is evident that the consciousness of the goat on the bull or
else...THE SON OF AMMON ZEUS, is close to you, together with the spir-
itual beings and any kind of assistance form up high that you couldn’t ever im-
So, don’t you be afraid of anything anymore. Just take this entire knowledge of
the truth and of the light and connect it with your heart and thus with the Di-
Good luck.
to you, we will also describe to you in absolute precision the reason why the
Blacksoul one, a little while before his disappearance from your planet, is mak-
ing desperate efforts together with his authorities to keep on enslaving the hu-
manity using as means what you all know as ‘stamping’.
Closing the chapter about Alexander, we have informed you about his contri-
bution to the humanity, the reason why he was named after ‘Great’ and of quite
a minor importance it is indeed to know whether his body is actually buried in
Amphipolis or not.
As you can see it is evident that the consciousness of the goat on the bull or
else...THE SON OF AMMON ZEUS, is close to you, together with the spir-
itual beings and any kind of assistance form up high that you couldn’t ever im-
So, don’t you be afraid of anything anymore. Just take this entire knowledge of
the truth and of the light and connect it with your heart and thus with the Di-
Good luck.