Just a little while before the end of this unsealing of the knowledge, he owe to
offer to you a complete illustration of the words ‘Father’, ‘Mother’, ‘Son’, ‘Ho-
ly Spirit’. Through this illustration you will know everything with great preci-
sion and in the same time these terms – words will be quite clear when used in
your prayers.
We have told you before that the Father, being also the God and the Creator of
the Whole is a spirit. Until now, you knew the word ‘son’ follows the word
‘Father’. Nevertheless, in these grounds there is a wrong knowledge created by
you and of course by the hierarchs who transferred this knowledge to you; then
your mind is trapped in a maledominated status.
This is why, we have to clarify very precisely to you.
1) Father is a spirit, he is the genitor of the whole, visible and invisible, every-
thing begins from the Father and everything ends to the Father. In fact, you can
also name him after ‘Hypermind’, and /or ‘God’ (from the Greek verb ‘theo-
mai’ meaning I move fast) (God = Theos in Greek).
So, instead of using the word Father you can name the spirit after ‘God’, ‘Crea-
tor’, and ‘Universal Hypermind’.
By these terms / words we actually characterise something that has no begin-
ning, which has been born from nowhere, thus being sprawling and unborn but
because of it everything is created and it is where it will also end up.
2) Mother. We seek for your attention herein so that you understand the word
Every visible or nonvisible form that exists in the matter has been created form
the spirit. We also include the nonvisible matter since the gossamer matter ex-
ists in between the stars.
By the word ‘mother’, we mean a ‘cosmic egg’ in which all the forms are mov-
ing in endless circles.
For all the circular moves for development – evolution to be performed it takes
energy. That is ‘energo’ (= act inside in Greek). No movement can be per-
formed into the cosmic egg unless with the existence of energy. This move-
ment of every form only concerns the forms of the exspirit (out of the cosmic
egg), emanating – created and for none of the either cloned or mutant forms.
All the forms belong to the matter – Mother – cosmic egg.
The "Forms" are all the kingdoms, mineral, plants, animal, human (beings with
intelligence), planets, suns, galaxies, black holes.
All the forms emanating from God – spirit, moving in the cosmic egg, are the
forms that are experiencing an evolutionary procedure. And of course this evo-
lution is achieved either by the solar cycles for the inferior kingdoms, or by the
selfawareness for the beings with intelligence and even higher (humanity –
extraterrestrials) until all the forms return back to the Spirit, God or else ‘Fa-
ther’ as the great master Jesus Christ called him.
So this whole creation in order to evolve is flooded by energy. And since it is
in a constant status of an evolution procedure using the energy of births and
deaths of all the forms, you can name the whole visible and nonvisible creation
after ‘Mother’, moving into the cosmic egg.
Thus, the Father is the spirit and not of course the man and the Mother is the
whole matter, being overwhelmed with energy, while through the polarizations
of the energies after the beings with intelligence as far as evolution is con-
cerned, the forms return back to the spirit (Father).
This is why we made it clear to you earlier that the polarization for the humani-
ty so that it reaches the Christianisation is only the monogamous connection
between a man and a woman, without any ejaculation neither from the man nor
from the woman.
This is the path you follow to evolve on your planet, to end up to the words
used until now, as ‘Christ’, ‘Christianised’, meaning that you have received the
unction or else you have been denatured from ‘Son of the Man’ to ‘Son of
Through this polarization you achieve the Christianisation and your return to
3) Holy Spirit
As you may understand there can exist no form that doesn’t include the Spirit
of the Father inside (divine spark).
Of course it has always been and always will be saint.
There is no Spirit from God that isn’t Saint. You can name it after ‘Saint’
though, when through this entire knowledge – understanding you work togeth-
er with your companion, after having been discharged by every ego, attachment or desire and then in an absolute self – awareness you work for the big
secret of the sexual alchemy.
Then, indeed taking into consideration the understanding and the knowledge
that you have conquered and implementing in practise all these things, you are
entitled to be named after ‘Saint – Spirit’, since you have always been a spirit
but then you can be called after ‘Saint – Spirit’ because the Christ – God has
manifested himself inside of you.
Thus, following the explanations and the interpretations of the words as exactly
presented to you, you can proceed with your prayers or meditations with the
following phrase:
"In the name of the Father, of the Mother and of the Holy Spirit...Whatever
you may ask for...Amen" three times.
Of course we are encouraging you to either mentally or speaking out loud per-
form this prayer or in the frame of your meditation, only after you have been
by 100% discharged by anything negative. You have to be directed for the sake
of either the humanity or the others, and not for your own sake.
The prayer intended for you is a clearly selfish desire, while if performed for
your fellow humans or for the entire humanity it is an act of altruism and an
offer to your fellow humans and to the humanity.
In case you have been 100% discharged by any king of negative element as
humans and yet you invoke this prayer for everybody else than your own self,
you could even move a mountain (“if you have faith as small as a mustard
seed, you can say to this mountain, `Move from here to there' and it will move.
Nothing will be impossible for you.’ (Matthew 17:20)).
And of course using your faith you will also be able to move mountains, noth-
ing will be impossible for you, not anymore.