Τρίτη 25 Αυγούστου 2015


The time is ripe to reveal who is the person in charge of all the religious, political, paramilitary, terroristic authorities, nongovernmental organisations and of every form of overt or undercover authorities and of whom these serve. They serve the Blacksoul One.

The Blacksoul One is a being that possesses no creative thought, neither any energy of its own, since its connection with the CREATOR, the Unity has been cut out, thus no energy is transmitted to it from the Creation itself. Of course, it had reached a very high level of evolution, so it kept its skills, which were converted though to intrigues – catastrophes, by inventing all those things that were needed, in order to hide the whole truth (alithia) and to lead humans to the total ignorance. As Paul the Apostle is mentioning ‘you cannot imagine who your enemy may be’.

You cannot imagine how cunning he is, which are his skills, how many different forms he may get into and what he is capable of. He needs the dark, the shadows to be able to hide in. Jesus knew well who he is and where he has come from. At the moment when Jesus Christ got ready to teach, the Blacksoul One, in his last attempt to slander Him, promising to Him to offer all material possessions if the latter would worship him, Jesus replied to him ‘Get behind me Satan’, and he was the first one to use the word ‘Satan’, since He knew him very well, He knew where he was coming from. He is originating from the constellation called ‘Satania’ of Nebadon galaxy, and this is why in the USA there is the desert Nevada containing the Rocky Mountains. The fact that there exist fossilized rocks is not adventitious at all: the black souls that have served the Blacksoul One, return back to where they have started from, into the molecule electron of a fossilized rock, but which has no evolution at all unlike the active one.

The second and last death of those 11 black souls, will happen until the end of this Holy plan, until the end of this Big Bang. You may imagine the Blacksoul One like a fisherman who has thrown long line which has infinite fish hooks: star system, religious and political authorities, drugs, homosexuality, degeneration of the human body, robberies, egoism, suicides, crimes, conspiracies, smoking, artificial financial crises, permanent military conflicts, etc. His only scope and concern is to catch you. He does not even care about the ‘hook’ that you may be caught into, that is the bait, but just the result. Because all he is interested in is to drag your energy. It doesn’t really matter which will be the hook that will manage to catch you.

Anywise there are too many hooks, but only one long line, since all the authorities of the planet do train the people in a different way, but all trainings have the same result: the lack of substantial freedom and the trapping of the Mind. HE IS THE ‘MASTER’, THE MAIN ‘BOSS’, THE HEAD COORDINATOR OF ALL THE AUTHORITIES AND OF ALL THE MASTERS OF THE PLANET, HE PULLS THE STRINGS FOR THE MARIONETTES, HE DOES NOT LIVE FOR A NUMBER OF YEARS LIKE HUMANS DO, WHILE HE DOES NOT DIE, SINCE HE DOES NOT LIVE INTO THE PHYSICAL FIELD.

The Blacksoul One is the enemy that the human being is called to confront and he is invisible, he hides, he possesses sneaky and hidden weapons and he causes confuse and illusions through the disguises he is able of getting into.

This is why you should ‘study’ him as deeply as possible. Because not only he is able of slandering the souls, but also these souls in their turn may slander other souls, and so on. The Blacksoul One knows that his kingdom on Earth is coming to its end and making thoughtless moves he is entering his end game. The laws that are implemented in all longitudes and latitudes of humanity, in all continents and states, with no exemption, have a unique scope: to subjugate and trap the humans, bringing barriers to their spiritual evolution. And now all those acts are being taking place totally openly.