Τρίτη 25 Αυγούστου 2015


What we are going to submit now to you is the only way that the authority
should be imposed on your enslaved planet. It could also apply now but taking
into account all the things that the Blacksoul one and the global gravediggers
has imposed on you, it is impossible.
Be 100% sure though that after Noah the enlightened souls that will keep on
evolving on your planet will follow this authority system...
Besides, we have already mentioned to you that the word substance is the most
sacred thing. The word substance is the genitor himself of everything. It is the
Creator himself. It is God.
So, authority (= exoussia in Greek, meaning the substance is out) is that status
that when some persons occupy leading chairs to lead you, they have to be real
spiritual teachers and real kings (for you not to be hungry, not to suffer, not to
be wronged).

Unless someone knows perfectly well these two and implements them in prac-
tice, he can lead you nowhere. This is why, on the next day after Noah, the

souls that will be in leading positions to show you what is next, have to be bril-
liant so as to be great priests and great kings (Melchizedek).

Nowadays at least as the authorities appear you know very well which tunnels
they come from and who they are serving. At any public position they are

As far as these dark types behind the curtains who move the strings of the hu-
manity by serving the Blacksoul one are concerned, they actually are much

more numerous than the evident ones.

Thus, the way of authority after the cataclysm is very specific, it is already im-
plemented on other planets as well and it is the one that will also be imple-
mented on your planet.

Through this entire unsealing and of course what is following each one of you,
you have realised that the existence of money (coloured little pieces of paper)
or of precious metals for your food and shelter constitute a huge bait.

In fact, your DNA has in such a degree absorbed all the theories, that you faith-
fully follow anything that the global authorities may provide to you and in case

something good is about to happen, most of you, if not all of you, are posing
the following question:

Pay for what? For whether you shall have food, shelter, education, healthcare?
Or anything correlated to the technological development of every era?
Certain souls have come down to help you, each one of them according to his
own skill. Energy, technology, food, etc.
The Blacksoul one has grabbed them in his system and he is skilfully selling
you out, practically declaring this skill of any sent soul that is here to help you.
He is even selling to you the food being the responsibility of the sun alone, he
is selling you even this.
And by this unbelievably skilful way, instead of what goes without saying, that
the system has to serve you, all of you like if you were enchanted, are the ones
to serve the system.

So, you would better remain without food, shelter, water, healthcare, educa-
tion, as long as the system remains untouched.

And what is the most unconceivable of all is that you don’t make any effort at
all to at least seek – even not all the way for ways of getting released from this
prison – tyranny.

Some among you have chosen to become isolated in the country, in villages
and this way they have somehow managed to escape from this prison. But you
should know that now it’s the time that the entire humanity must all together be
set free from this entrapping.
We have already mentioned above the means that the Blacksoul one uses, i.e.

the money, the set up authorities constantly controlled and of course the train-
ing by the authorities aiming only at you becoming stupefied.

So the time has come, even after Noah, since now this is not possible, that each
soul that is incarnated on planet earth, instead of serving the system as was the
case until now due to the Blacksoul one, the system will serve the humans.
Money, real estate and divisive situations all of those have been made known
to you with proofs. So, on the next day there won’t be any money or precious
metals to buy or sell any kind of tangible good, not even for joke.
Since the word ‘good’ (possession) meaning something elementary for your
living, is included in the marketing procedure, then it stops being a good, not
You may forget every transaction of the type ‘buy – sell’, I am smart/stupid, I
have succeeded/failed’, you may forget about all these.

Authority systems of either free cannibalism (free market) or communist sys-
tems including the atheism, you may forget about these too.

All the souls that will be incarnated on your planet will be souls that have come
down so that the planet teaches them their mission (who they are, what they
have come to do and what they will become after their physical death).

It is only then when the system begins to serve the persons and not the oppo-
site, done by the Blacksoul one.

Next, once a soul is incarnated without weapon systems of any kind (pow-
er/weakness.fair/unfair, etc), the babies/kids will grow up with their mother

until the age of 7 years old. Right after that, the global authority system will
take them to train them both spiritually and materially. The spiritual knowledge
you have understood. The material knowledge is as follows:
From the age of 7 until the age of 13 years old, all the children shall receive
general knowledge about the animal husbandry, the agriculture, the fishery,
etc, so that they can acquire by this way both the possibility and the skill of the
perceptiveness of the visible universe but also of the survival in certain diffi-
cult conditions, where they will have to feed themselves on their own, etc.

After their 13 and until the age of 2025 years old, when each soul will have
highlighted its skills, these skills assisted by the received training will become
an offer to the community. From the age of 2025 years old until around 50,
each part of the society is offering its services to the community, without being
atheist, without struggling to buy and sell, to build a house, to buy food, to feed
his/her children and all these buffooneries bullshit that the Blacskoul one has
Around the age of 50, and since the next generation to keep on from where the
previous one left, the generation of the 50 years old, will continue dealing with
anything that is of interest e.g. a hobby, etc.
In the course of time, every time souls with a mission will be sent, with the
scope to deliver a new technology to the humanity and aiming of course at the
sake of the whole humanity and just of the few.

Every new technological achievement delivered to the humanity will be en-
joyed by the entire humanity. There are certain tribes that have passed by from

your planet and still exist on it and which have brought knowledge, like the one
called the ‘Greek tribe’.
However, this knowledge until nowadays and due to the manipulations of the
Blacksoul one, never reached you so that you understand and implement it. So,
with respect towards all those who tried to bring the light on your planet, we
are informing you that the humanity will exist out of labels, titles and divi-
sions. All of you, keeping on inhabiting planet earth, will be human beings

with intelligence and you will only be named ‘humanity’, without the labels of
So, after the age of almost 50 years old, those who for 25 consecutive years
were in positions from where each one of them was offering to the humanity
his own skill will leave their positions for the generation to come.

All these will be to the full extent implemented on your planet after the cata-
clysm takes place. If you consider and make a comparison of the current years
with all those things we are writing to you about, and only address your own
life and nobody else’s, you will realize how set up this game is and what fool-
ish things you are dealing with.

You run here and there, you fight, you ask for money, you complain for more
and all these for what?
Not to get tired, because you have realised now everything, your planet will
since now experience this kind of authority.
As far as of who will be in the leading position, this is the last to be concerned
about. When an organism is perfect, no organ at all is separating his status.
Neither the heart from the liver, nor the spleen from the feet, etc. .
This authority system has already been implemented on other planets and it is
exactly identical.

A nearby planet on which this had been implemented million years ago is Ve-

In fact, the inhabitants of Venus are called ‘Venerians’.
Thus the inhabitants of your planet will be called ‘Terrestrials’.

Using the telescopes and the technological means you cannot witness Veneri-
ans (or Venusians) walking on planet Venus, but we can assure you that all the
planets are populated and that there is nothing in the universe that is not evolv-

And focusing on planet Venus, the Venerians some million years ago, removed
their physical body and now they are moving in their energetic etheric body.
This is the reason why the temperature of 460 Celsius degrees on the planet
doesn’t create any problem at all to the Venerians.

This is a status that will take place on your planet, not right after the Noah cat-
aclysm but later on.

This means of implementing authority on Venus is the one that will offer you
the opportunity not to ever deal again with anything that until now is consumed
as energy. How you could find food, healthcare, etc.

The name of this utmost spiritual being, who took the lead so that this result
was achieved on planet Venus, some 17,000,000 years ago, is:

And since you see that everything is characterised by a perfect connection be-
tween them and this shall help even more all of you realise the value of the

monogamy and of the Christianization of the manwoman couple, he has, since
his Christianisation, the same companion, whose name is:

Once you reach these levels, with your current way of thinking, you are full of
questions and not in vain.

But when your teacher himself showed you the path through the Christianiza-
tion of the resurrection, do you actually believe that Jesus couldn’t appear an-
ywhere he wants even in a physical dense body?

Of course he could.

This is exactly what happens with the monogamous couples when they reach
the Christianization.

They never again get separated from each other, but instead they keep on offer-
ing their services into the unity, so that the being with intelligence that haven’t

yet reached that high as far as evolution is concerned, to be able to understand
what they are taught.
1. Buddha (enligthnment – knowledge)
2. Christ (Christianization)

In the case of the unconceivable spiritual being Sanat Kumara, his holy sup-
plement is Lady Master Venus (Lady Venus).

This means of authority is implemented on Venus even nowadays. And at this
exact point we should make a special remark.
For divisiveness reasons, the Blacksoul one either creates candidate parties in
the socalled democratic states, or some supposedly revolutionists rising against

the Blacksoul one are trying to help the humanity by creating parties and get-
ting involved in the political arena.

The result in both cases is exactly the same. Either in the first case where the
Blacksoul one is skilfully voting for the Blacksoul one, or in the second case;
the result doesn’t change because everything is set up.

There is something though that the awakened ones coming down to the politi-
cal arena could do.

In case they really wish the sake of the humanity and not just their own good,

they should require from anyone who asks for the vote of the people, to im-
plement exactly what is going to be implemented after Noah. That is:

1. Elimination of any money or precious metals
2. Abolition of any kind of buyingselling and competition
3. The system to serve the humans and not the other way around
4. Assurance of any form of goods, food, shelter, etc. from the system
5. Definitely spiritual knowledge for the humans and acknowledgement of their
mission, whom they were incarnated from and what they came to do on planet
6. After 25 years of offer to the community, this entire generation gives his
position to the next generation as far as the production of goods is concerned,
because in 25 years at most, the next generation shall come.

So, if you the 100% awakened ones love the humanity and your fellow hu-
mans, you will have arguments to vote only for this.

Regardless of either this stuff is implemented by others or not, the good of the
humanity doesn’t change. So, if you perform some kind of dissemination of
this authority means, no matter who exercises it, your awakening will instantly
possess flesh and blood.
But if you just have to be the leaders of this situation, this way or the other,
then you will have to work out your ego, which is covered by the phrase ‘I
want to help my fellow humans’.
Of course all those things that we have submitted to you now, are not feasible
to be implemented on your planet before Noah, but we have done this for one
and only reason:
Anyone who will seek for your vote, either a freshman in the political arena or
one of the old gravediggers, there is only one way for the deliverance of the
humanity, the one mentioned above.