Τρίτη 25 Αυγούστου 2015


When we are referring to the word “illness” we actually mean the human bod-
ies that are not healthy; they are sick or seriously sick.

It is once more made glaringly clear that the gravediggers of the human evolu-
tion have taught to you that each sick body can return to a status of health only

with the contribution of the worldwide medicine system that the doctors all
over the world are taught in the medical universities.
What’s to comment about this entire global shit where during the almost 15
years of their studies in the universities, the doctors haven’t followed not a
course about nutrition? They don’t even possess the knowledge to give you
some hint over the reason of your sickness. And what we mean by that is that
they enter so deep inside of you so as to provide you with the proper guidelines
for you to be able to identify both the cause and the cure of each illness.
They have also contributed in their turn practicing the global medicine, when
they keep you in a suppression status, with your mind totally frozen.

And while the human mind possesses a creative thinking and is of course un-
limited, they have taken care – through the way that the global medicine is

practiced – to manipulate you and drive you to the absolute ignorance.

Totally ignorant about your human body, on purpose flooded with stress aris-
ing from the global political authority system, flooded by cigarettes, alcohol

and any kind of abuse, so it is just a matter of time that any kind of disease oc-
curs in your human body.

Thus once the symptom of any kind occurs, being the forerunner of your ill-
ness, then you are addressed to the official medical system that either sends

you to the operating theaters (surgeries), or offers you a bunch of pills or injec-
tions to “cover” your illness without of course either knowing to explain you

the real cause of it.
So, you find yourself in an unstoppable “merrygoround” of “chopping and
changing” and you remain ignorant about your human body and what is more
you blindly rely on the global gravediggers of the official medical science.

Of course, we are not referring to the humans – doctors who study the medi-
cine in the universities. They, as well as the rest of the humanity, into their ag-
ony for survival, are following the profession of the doctor in order to be able
to assure /cover their necessities of life. So, following the worldwide guidelines
of the ignorance, the obscurantism and the entrapment of the humanity, they
end up becoming a part of the system either deliberately or unwittingly.
Those doctors of the world who raised their voice to suggest to the humanity
other ways of cure – also including its release from the fear of the illness –
were not left intact by the global system; they were chased away and in cases
where their achievements were quite magnificent, the system came to a point
of even removing their life.

Once you are born and you are healthy, meaning that you have no karmic re-
sponsibilities that would have made you be born in a sick body, have you ever

wondered who actually provided you with a healthy body?

When after 1213 years or more of living you have begun to develop your intel-
ligence, but your body is starting to demonstrate symptoms of an illness or you

are already sick, why don’t you try to come in contact with the one who of-
fered you a healthy body the moment you were born?

The answer is because they haven’t taught you the way to get connected to the

Instead they have taught you all the opposite, that in the case of a sick body, it
is the official medicine.
While you take a pill to face a health problem, have you wondered about the
harm you may cause to the rest of your body, since the pill was intended to
face a specific problem?
The same stands also for the injections. We are reaching an ultimate point as
the identification of cancer cells of any kind in a human body.
You gravediggers, have you let the world understand what does cancer mean?

In a human body where cancer has been demonstrated, what kind of disharmo-
ny characterizes its thoughts, words and acts in comparison to the universal

Once you reach a point where your human body has demonstrated cancer cells,
this specific body has been totally cut off from the etheric energy, from the
energetic body and naturally from the Divine. And instead of driving to the
root of the problem being just this, you give another kick and you put the al-
ready collapsing immune system in a procedure of chemotherapy.

It’s like if you intend to finish it up.
Even if the immune system of your body had some possibilities to resist at any
kind of cancer, through the chemotherapy this resistance is totally deleted; not

any resistance is demonstrated by the immune system of the patient who is sub-
jected to chemo.

And although you know all these, you keep on torturing the human bodies af-
flicted by cancer

Then we have the Blacksoul one who is rushing to cover the devastated entities
using the psychiatrists and the psychologists, as if the Blacksoul one knew
what the soul, the Divine energy and the unity of everything are..
Thus, by covering the cloak of the worldwide official medicine with the cloak

of the word’s “psychiatrist” and “psychologist”, your psychic substance en-
tered a status of penning. And in view of the fact that your psychic substance is

something extremely sacred as we have already mentioned before that each
human body is fed by the ether (etheric energy) and your energetic body is in
its turn feeding your physical body with energy it is not difficult to understand
that this status concerning the soul is of an unconceivable importance for all of
It is the most important you could possess in order to have either a healthy or a
sick body. All your illnesses or your health, respectively, starts and ends with
the supply of etheric energy towards your energetic body and right afterwards
your energetic body is supplying with energy your physical body.
This is your perfect mental attitude and physical health while the cutting off of
your physical body through this whole supply of Divine energy is by 100% a
Of course when talking about a complete cutting off, we are actually talking
about cancer.

Imagine now what happens in the humanity. Since you have intentionally driv-
en them to despair, in a status of struggling to meet their elementary liveli-
hoods needs and the humanity feels fear and insecurity about anything, not
knowing what to expect when a new day arises, you can imagine once an ill-
ness occurs; then in combination with the way that the global political authori-
ty of the divisiveness, hatred and war is exercised, and by the occurrence of the

illness (elimination of the physical body from the energetic body) this connec-
tion is in extremely low levels.

Just think about those bodies that have gone sick, think about their depressed
psychological status by the moment they visit a doctor’s office or eagerly await

the results of some medical examinations. The next phase is that they start con-
suming tons of pills or making a bunch of injections. Think of the stress and

the agony expressed in those human bodies!
And not to skip the fact that in view of all these, the poor patient is hanging
from the doctor’s lips, expecting some explanations, but who – as mentioned
earlier – has no ability to identify the possible cause of the illness.
In other words, "the blind leading the blind"...

This black mess, as mentioned many times before in the frame of this unseal-
ing of the knowledge has been intentionally caused by the global authority sys-

So, instead of you knowing everything, they have on purpose taught you to
visit the specialist, who in practice are unqualified. Because those guiding the
fate of the humanity are on purpose using certain unqualified persons, so that
the humanity is dancing the dance of the Zalongo (falling from the cliff).
We are concluding then, that once more, in view of the big change that will
soon arrive on your planet, even as far as the issue of the health of the physical
body is concerned, you ought to rely on your own strengths, your own
You have to study to be able to perceive how your human body functions and
then for once more, the handling of your health starts and ends at you alone.
He only plays one game: how to cancel your mind and convert you, as he is
actually doing for a thousand years now, to herds of animals.

Since you are implementing the theory “your body is your temple”, no tem-
ple/church of any religion is outside of your body.

Any kind of church you attend either to make a pilgrimage or to follow the
church service, is a game of the Blacksoul one, because when you attend the
church you are dirty inside of you, full of ignorance, in an unbelievably divi-
sive way and you don’t feel love for the whole universe.

No baptistery can ever wash you out unless you don’t wash out your own self
inside of you. Your human body is connected to the universe:

1. Through your food, supplying energy to you by the metabolic procedure that
takes place in your body in order for the basic biotic functions to be performed,

2. Through the connection to the Creator. You know very well that this can be
done only with the superior mind. It is only the superior mind, the Olympian

Zeus that can connect you with the Creator. Of course the Olympian Zeus is
capable of brilliantly managing the penury and the settings up of the political
gravediggers, as well as any kind of air spraying or polluted atmosphere. So,
the superior mind knows each time what it has to do.
These two ways, feeding and absolute control of the mind are the sole tools
you can use for your health. Of course in case you don’t use them properly, any
kind of disease may affect you.
Beginning our analysis with the first of the two, having to do with the nutrition,

we must make you understand that an unbelievable percentage of what is char-
acterized as food to you, are offered by the Blacksoul one and the gravediggers

of the international food companies with the scope to make you sick.
They shall add sugar to give a nice taste but it’s just bait. Their upper goal is to

make you get sick and be desperately driven to their other “branch”, the offi-
cial medicine.

To make this clearer, here are some examples. Every soft (carbonated) drink
full of white sugar is quite refreshing especially during the summer months, but
it should be expelled from the shelves of the super markets.
Anything containing refined sugar, becoming white after the treatment as it
isn’t white in its natural status, likewise the flour or the salt should not only be
forbidden from being sold but also from being manufactured.
What is for sure is that if you consume these three basic aliments, and we are
characterizing them as basic since a person consumes salt, flour or sugar on a
daily basis, sooner or later you shall get sick.

The rest of the nutritional products standing on the shelves of the super markets
that are not fresh, are full of preservatives in order to be maintained until they
are consumed. These are represented by the letter “E” accompanied by a figure
standing for the kind of the preservative.
The absorption of each preservative that will disintegrate in your body has
nothing to do with the function of the human body. The 80% of it corresponds
to technical substances produced in labs, that may serve the goal of preserving
the product until the day of consuming, but on the other hand the preservative
itself once consumed by you can make an unbelievable harm to your body.
Anything including alcohol also leads to numerous problems. In addition, you
also know how harmful the cigarettes and the drugs are.
What if we refer to the sarcophagy? Is it possible to have convinced you that a
person has to definitely eat flesh to survive?

Is it possible to have eaten the flesh of an animal which since creation is des-
tined for its derivatives and not its flesh and then once becoming sick to visit

the doctor whimpering about your own health?
At the moment that someone or even you, were/was removing the life of an
animal so that you can consume its flesh, don’t you think that this animal was
in pain? Is it because those global bastards have talked you into this?
The nonsarcophagy of either a fish or an animal is not going to cause to your
body the lack of any nutrient.
All this theory about the necessity of their eating is just another trick of the
Blacksoul one.
These few examples concerning the nutrition seem to be especially indicative
to persuade you that the nutrition that the official authority is encouraging you
to follow is intentionally wrong.
Next, in case you add big quantities in your diet, that is you become glutton,
you instantly violate the “Everything in moderation” of the ancient Greeks or
the “middle path” of Buddha.
It is not possible to possess a healthy body and then to consume huge quantities
of food to cover your fundamental needs and yet this food to be shit.
The occurrence of an illness is of course the consequence and you shouldn’t
either forget about the demon of the gluttony.

The second way for the connection of your body with the universal causality,
assuring your health is the absolute control of your mind. Of course, this is
once more the key to unlock all the heavenly doors.

We have extensively and accurately referred to the way your mind can be con-
trolled by you. You can already do this in practice. But in this letter addressed

to the patients, we have to provide you with some elements to demonstrate to
you the extreme importance of the activation of your superior mind, mainly for
the patients or the persons with serious illnesses or illnesses in an advanced
stage (late stage).

You have to understand that in a very special way the illness, even in an ad-
vanced stage, has been caused by your PSYCHIC – INDIVIDUAL CARRIER.

By that we mean that your own soul, since trapped by the inferior mind in any
sort of silly attachments having to do with your daily routine (money, love,
hatred, passions, attachments, curses and other similar stupidities), is spending
its time meant for evolution (the evolutionary time of each soul is not endless).

This way, you are forcing your own soul to provoke an illness, even an aggres-
sive one (cancer) because you have absolutely nothing to offer to it the way

that you are functioning. On the contrary, a serious danger of entrapping it in
extremely heavy karmic responsibilities exists (removal of life, black magic,
homosexuality, etc.).
Thus, your physical individual carrier, since it isn’t witnessing any individual
evolution, is obliged to cause a serious illness in order to get away from the
entrapped human body with the divisive mind.

You realize now how Divine you beings really are. How the universe isn’t let-
ting anything without the stamp of the perfection.

Anything that isn’t perfect is due to the fact that you are not perfect yourselves.
It is because you believed in the fairy tales of the system and got attached to
these, while you also lost your way.
For an umpteenth time, we are telling you that the connection of the invisible
(spirit and soul) with the visible (matter – human body) is only performed
through the mind.

This is either your biggest friend or your biggest enemy.

This is where the Blacksoul one with the global gravediggers has exactly fo-
cused on: he has literally frozen disabled your mind.

This is what the unsealing of this knowledge has come to achieve. The activa-
tion of your mind is the biggest gift you could offer to yourself.

So, in the case of the illness as well, after your nutrition is harmonized with the
universal causality of the middle path and the proper diet, your mind will have
to throw away any sort of delusions, stupidities and entrapments that it has
dealt with.

In case, while experiencing a serious disease, your mind – along with the prop-
er diet – is connected with the unity, many times during the day and in the way

we have previously described (mind – Buddha – Christ – Solar speech – Father
– Creator – Hyper mind – God) on a dot, in just one thought, then you shall
notice amazing changes taking places in your human body.
However you should pay some attention at this point. You will not proceed

with what we described above to assure the health of your body, but just be-
cause you will really understand the reason for which your psychic individual

carrier has been incarnated and this way of functioning of your human body is
the sole one leading you to the return to God.

If you really understand deeply all these and of course implement them in prac-
tice, as far as both your nutrition and the control of your mind are concerned,

you will notice amazing results.

Even in the case of extremely heavy karmic responsibilities, this change – acti-
vation of yours may follow through what the great Master Jesus Christ has

said: “if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this moun-
tain, `Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for

you.’ (Matthew 17:20).
And by completing the letter to the patients, it is possible that every illness can
be managed by 100% by you alone if you follow the rules mentioned above.
It is you who have caused the occurrence of any disease in your body so it is
you also the ones who can restore your health relying on your own unconceiv-
able strengths.