Τρίτη 25 Αυγούστου 2015


Now let’s go to the next status, of what the soul is.

The spirit cannot come out in a shape on the matter because if the matter hadn’t been surrounded by the soul (cold), then it wouldn’t be able to exist. The name of the spirit into the soul is DIVINE SPARK. Its strength, the intensity of the fire, are concepts that cannot be understood by anyone, without exemptions. So if the cold – soul does not enter, so that the divine spark is becoming cold on the matter, then not any kind of material form could have a shape, a form. Everything would have disappeared from the visible form. 179 So the word soul that is originating from the word cold, is including the whole downloading of this specific spark in the world of forms, in the world of matter and after having passed by the group souls, the stones, the plants, the animals (this is the reason why the forms of the plants and the animals are the same), it has finally reached your own human evolution, where the Divine spark possessing now an individual soul, have now been personalized. This means that each one of you, whose the seeds are divine instead of originating from the funny scientists in the labs/research centres creating clones , each one of you our beloved brothers are divine beings. You are a divine evolution, you have reached a very high level as far as evolution is concerned, you belong to the beings with intelligence and we are close to you a little while before the end of the prison of this planet. We shall lead you, in case you, and you only, wish so, to your reunification with the spirit. Locked into the laboratories the socalled scientists are trying to create human clones and humans – hybrids, while they are quite clearly mentioning to you that on the one hand they don’t possess any divine spark and soul inside of them, so they are not humans and on the other hand, that they also made the same experiments in Atlantis with the same as in that case consequences naturally (cataclysm with no limits). Thus, in the frame of your human evolution you all possess an individual soul that of course includes a divine spark being the spirit and this is the reason why by saying spiritsoul, your divine origin from the spirit, the God and your soul is being determined and this is in an absolute perfection determining in turn the extent of your evolution. That is, although all of you belong to the human kingdom, your soul, through the way that you think, speak and act, is an indicator of which ‘grade’ of the school called human evolution you are attending. This means that someone who will be a cold-blooded killer will only possess memories in the registry of his soul, from the animal kingdom. So, either this is his first incarnation in the human evolution or he only has a few incarnations in the human evolution. This is the reason why the fact that he shall remove human lives or even the life of an animal, is not that much tragic for this specific spiritsoul. On the contrary, in case that a spiritsoul does not demand anything about itself, than to try and provide light here and there, without anything in return, without any wish to be praised, without any reward, without expecting anything from anyone, when its face is shining and angels are coming out its mouth, then you understand right away that this spiritsoul, as far as your own human evolution is concerned, is the last one or one of its last incarnations, because, as simple as that it has successfully graduated from this school of the human evolution with the grade ‘excellent’. So, as far as all of you belonging to the human evolution are concerned, you possess a divine spark and an individual soul and all that you do is to start collecting and managing the experiences you have with all the other evolutions – kingdoms that exist on planet earth. That is with humans, animals, plants. At this point and knowing now very well how you reached such a high evolutionary level, what the spirit and the soul are, your body that is visible as the matter is also visible, is starting to get connected to the invisible, that is individual for each one of you, that is your spiritsoul (both your spirit and soul). The common link of these two, since now you are beings with INTELLIGENCE, is of course your mind which is in contact with your natural brain, meaning that a part of it is visible in your head [brain], but all the other parts of the mind are invisible. They are these parts that are conceiving a thought, since you first imagined over something and next you made it real. There are too many such examples, as the electricity, the airplanes, the telephones, the radios, the satellites, and others as well. So, as you see and understand your mind is your only weapon that indicates that you have been categorized with the beings with intelligence. If someone entrapsimprisons your mind and what is more directs your thinking wherever he likes, then instantly you become his instruments. Whatever he says is true, whatever he teaches you, this and only this is the truth for you. Any other information – knowledge outside of the field where you have been trapped without any treatment without any analysis, is rejected. Of course you think that you possess your own way of thinking, your own way of dealing with everything, but this is an illusion in this case on your planet [delusion = plani in Greek] until now. For example your matter needs food. So him, the Blacksoul one, having made everything suiting his own needs, in order to entrap you, not to any of your socalled leaders has the thought passed over their mind about cancelling the purchase of your food, without the existence of money or precious metals [capitalism]. 181 And the reason for this is much too simple. The Balcksoul one, in your ignorance, has created a political status according to which you indeed have food and shelter. But none of you ever made the simplest thought ‘thank you that through this political status I can have food and shelter. But what I don’t understand is that absolute atheism of yours’’ [communism]. The atheism has been intentionally incorporated in the communism, which as a concept is characterised by positive only aspects, identical to the ones taught by Jesus Christ, i.e. food and shelter for everybody. Not to expect anything else and all your interests to be limited to the food, the shelter and the personal grooming. Where did your mind, your imagination, your creative thinking, your connection to the universe, the infinity of time go? Did you realize what this cunning has done to you? No matter which stone you lift up on this imprisoned planet, even in the most distant place, you will find him beneath. We are not mentioning this by chance. When the big scientist move to any distant location on the planet, somebody has funded them. So, all the knowledge and the excavations must suit the bullshit they are teaching you. Like, for example, the original sin, Adam and Eve, Abraham and Sarah that have taken place 23 thousand years before the coming of Jesus Christ. So, if skeletons of dozens, a hundred or a thousand or even a million years age are found, they should hush up all those things they are telling you. This means that in other words they hide from you what they want to hide and they are telling you what the want to tell you. And of course you can manage your life only based on what they are telling to you. What is more, no matter in which way you are spiritually evolving your mind is trapped in specific knowledge, official or set up unofficial. This is the case our brothers, our own selves; and don’t imagine that we are telling you by accident ‘own selves’, because all of us, wherever we may be located, on whichever planet any kingdom is evolving, whichever beings with intelligence we are talking about, you know now that both the planets and the suns are evolving. And that everything has originated from the unity, the spirit, God. All of us, of you, everyone we are not but extensions of the unity.

Brothers means two, unity, the self is just one. So all of us we are the unity itself. The only difference lies at the evolution level of each one of us. That is to which evolution this galaxy is, that planet, the inhabitants of planet earth (each one of you all), of Venus, of Andromeda, of Mars, and of all the infinity. Thus, during these times, the great master Jesus Christ has done right to name all of humans ‘brothers’. Nowadays, since the humanity is led to a new era, when an upgrading is being done in the whole planet and in the whole solar system, the order was given by the Creator so that all of you learn the truth. The scope was to take away all the oblivion from your mind, so that you recall everything. The spiritual weapons are already provided to you, everything is revealed to you…in all that matters, regarding every evolution on earth and until the unsealing of this knowledge you will also be provided with the rest of the knowledge as well. We are not even brothers. We are our own self.