Τρίτη 25 Αυγούστου 2015


In this letter we are addressed to all the real spiritual masters of your planet,

who are really making efforts on their own strength to enlighten as many per-
sons as possible and lead them towards God.

Of course we are talking about the real Masters, because even in this case the
Blacskoul one has placed faketeachers, who are supposedly trying to enlighten
the humanity but they are literally performing the opposite. That is, in a skillful
way, they are training their students to be egoist and divisive.
You real spiritual masters are not of course seeking for any reward for the
knowledge you transfer and above all your presence is shinny.

You are sending out light, you are overwhelmed with virtues, you love the en-
tire creation and the humanity and for no reason at all do you happen to be di-

Thus, we are transferring a message to the real masters to which you should for
no reason stay indifferent and we are sincerely seeking for your attention.

We would like to inform you or just refresh your memory about the common
word characterizing the evil far and wide this planet and this word is “money”
or “precious metals”.
This word is known all over the planet: without money or precious metals, no
person can have a shelter or food, i.e. the elementary needs covered.
In any location on the planet the humanity is talking about money. How much
money one has, how much money he/she is paid by his/her work, that one

should work until growing old so as to have a pension and a lot of similar dis-
cussions, all of them turning around money.

Thus, in the known now skillful way, we have divided the humanity in 99% of
poor and 1% of rich persons.
So, almost the entire humanity, both the 99% and the 1%, is talking about the

first weapon of the Blacskoul one who is the one hiding behind money, as de-
scribed earlier.

In fact, if you exalt their ego and pride, exert unfairness on them, always
demonstrate debaucheries, acts of war and other sufferings through the mass
media of mental apathy, then it is no wonder the mess the humanity is into.

Into this absolute mess, some souls are escaping the system and they are uneas-
ily seeking for real teachers outside of any structure of the systems. Since, nat-
urally the Masters serving the rules and the beliefs of the system cannot possi-
bly be teachers.

Even for those belonging to the system, there comes a certain moment in their
life when their inner voice prevails so they escape from the status quo; they
speak another language and they take their distance from the system.
Thus, indeed all the human souls longing to find other paths are anxiously
looking in the humanity for real inconspicuous spiritual teachers.
We know that there are enough of you. You have a big disadvantage though:
you are in obscurity so just a small part of the humanity knows about you, in
various, different places, in contradiction to the common language of the evil,
called money, and which is known all over the planet.

This is the reason we are going to try and focus the attention of you real spir-
itual Masters incarnated on earth to the following:

Since your learning sources differ the one from the other you are also using
different terminologies and while you have been connected to the Divine by
knowing and transferring to your students this knowledge, a problem has arisen
due to the differentiation in your terminologies.
We shall present an example so that you better understand. A teacher among
you is saying to his students to first activate their superior mind and not the

inferior one, because the latter entraps the soul into frivolities, egoisms, at-
tachments, whereas on the contrary the superior mind in neutral in the good

and the evil, in the swear or the applause and in any sort of attachment.
In order to achieve the exactly same result, another teacher is mentioning to

you that to be able to find your way to the Divine, you must definitely over-
come all your 49 “egos”.

Into the 49 egos, one to one all those attachments of the inferior mind entrap-
ping the souls are referred. So you have to beat them all to achieve your con-
nection to the Divine – Creation – God.

Apart from these two approaches, a third Master is clearly teaching you that in
order to get connected to the Divine, you must definitely go beyond your mind
and get connected to your heart. Because, the cardiac chakra is exactly where
the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit appears in a form.
It is evident that – through those three examples – all three teachers teaching
and being between you, are accurately referring to the same thing.

Nevertheless, there may exist a confusion between the students and each stu-
dent of each one of the Masters may cancel the other two masters or the con-

But the truth is only one; it is only the terminologies that change. The truth is
1) If you activate your superior mind and you totally cancel your inferior mind
you will definitely get connected to the Divine – Creator.

2) If you manage to tame and prevail on your 49 “egos” that follow a person,
you have of course instantly activated your superior mind, which will lead you
to the connection with the Divine – Creator.

3) if you get connected with the heart, it is for sure that you are also connected
with the Creator – God, but definitely reaching that point you have cancelled
all your 49 “egos” and of course the activation of your superior mind has led
you to the connection with the heart – Creator – God.

We are encouraging you, the real teachers of the planet, to focus especially on
those examples just presented herein.
You can witness three different terminologies – approaches referring literally

to the same thing. Nevertheless, as they are structures using different terminol-
ogies, they are creating to your students a sort of confusion – doubt and in

many occasions the students are led to a penning. That is each student is invok-
ing his Master and his corresponding terminologies.

We need your full attention here. Since as clearly mentioned many times be-
fore the planet is experiencing ultimate spiritual moments before the cataclysm,
we are especially encouraging, all you real spiritual Masters of the planet, to
get your students together even under the aspect of different terminologies.
Don’t you ever let any more divisions to be created by you real teachers.

We are aware of your love for the Creation and the humanity and we also rec-
ognize your efforts to help as many students as possible. This is why, as a last
incitement, we are asking you to handle this issue accordingly.
You cannot afford to miss not even one student of your planet just because
he/she might get trapped into different teachers and terminologies.
Based on the fact that you have the ability to identify what you read as real
teachers, never let your students uninformed about the rest of the real teaching
of other spiritual masters even if they include different terminologies than
yours. All of them have the same scope: to lead the students to the path of the
spiritual evolution and development and their connection to the Divine – Crea-
tor – God.

We are asking for your attention and we are cordially wishing you good luck.