You understand that this letter is addressed to all the security forces and the
armed forces on the planet.
The compact knowledge you have received from this unsealing of the
knowledge and the activation of your mind has already been completed and
you have understood that your mind is the only organ that can connect you
with the invisible (spirit – soul), the universe and of course with the Creator.
Neither the universe nor us (belonging to the universe) discriminate you as sol-
diers of the USA, of China, of Israel, of NATO or of any other naming of mili-
tary alliance of the current or past years on your planet. The same stands of
course for the persons serving in the security forces of your planet.
All of you, with no exemption at all, regardless of which flag you hold, which
police uniform you wear, you belong to the earthly evolution and this alone.
All the rest, the supposedly different flags and states, legal or illegal, good and
bad are just games of the Blacksoul one.
Having established a status where the food and shelter can be only obtained
through the use of money or precious metals, he has enslaved the whole planet.
This way everything on your planet is set up. Everything is guided by the
Blacksoul one, as his contemporary name is, and who using the lie of the mon-
ey and of the precious metals has until nowadays bought all the authorities of
your planet and has in the same time created supposedly different populations,
religions, habits and customs and cultures, as if all the inhabitants of earth are
different the one from the other.
None of you differentiates from the other at anything. You are only differenti-
ated from the cloned one or the mutants created in the labs of the Blacksoul
one, or the ‘lizards’ which have lost any kind of energy supply from the Crea-
tor and are making efforts through your energy to have an identity on your
The figures that these entities represent in proportion to the population of your
planet are minor: imagine that the current population of the planet is
7,200,000,000 inhabitants, while they only represent around 1% of it.
All the rest, you possess the divine spark inside of you (spirit). We can assure
you that you definitely have the ability to return to the Father – Creator – God.
The only problem that existed and still exists is that through the authorities, the
socalled different religions, the so –called different states with all the money
controlled by the Blacksoul one and all the mass media of mental apathy con-
vincing you on every lie being the truth and on every truth being a lie.
And all through this inconceivably funny way you are behaving as little kids
whose whole world is the rattle. And unfortunately, until now the 99% of your
population is dying in this ignorance and darkness, thinking of this rattle (train-
ing of the humanity) as their whole world.
This is exactly what the universe came to do nowadays, a little while before the
unconceivable geological alterations that are going to take place on your plan-
It has come to unveil all the black disinformation of the humanity, it has come
to clarify to you that the whole world is not just the rattles. It came to specifi-
cally and accurately talk to you about anything you have to know, understand
and get back to Ithaca (return to the Creator) as the mythical Odysseus.
Thus, the security forces and the armed forces of your planet are literally
pawning on the chessboard of the Blacksoul one.
It is about a set up game, where everybody serving in these sectors, either man
or woman, thinks that he/she is doing his/her duty either by throwing tear gases
to the citizens and hitting them with truncheons, or shooting them and throw-
ing bombs or chemical gases to the set up enemies of other states.
Since all of you belonging to these sectors consist part of the humanity and
certainly belong to the beings with intelligence, after the completion of this
unsealing you have to help in your turn – during those ultimate moments at
first yourselves and next what you have been taught until now that the duty is.
However, we shall focus on the word ‘duty’. Once you are given an order to go
and throw gases or disperse a gathering, you are simultaneously using ruthless-
ly any expression of violence and you consider this as your duty.
In some other occasions, you hide the truth in some cases you know which the
truth is, even if we talk about murders with proofs, but since you belong to
some masonic lodge the chief clown is imposing to you to pretend that you
don’t know and to not indicate the murderers.
In other occasions you look the other way when you shouldn’t or you create
circumstances because you have been ordered to but yet you understand very
well that this is done so that the herds (populations) are disoriented.
These and so many others covered under the word ‘duty’. You are hiding and
justify yourself easily declaring...’I follow orders’. Orders from whom? From
the black serving the global system of the blackness, the dirt, the murders?
Of course, you could only follow the orders of those persons and yet justify
yourselves of performing your ‘duty’.
Nevertheless, we have also mentioned earlier that even the breath you are tak-
ing belongs to a perfect Creator, whose name is CREATOR – HYPER MIND
– GOD.
So, in case you are going to spread the fear, the terror, the violence and possi-
bly murders as well, you can only receive orders by Him and not by any hu-
manoid lizard or any supposedly superior than you, who will also be serving
the Blacksoul one out of ignorance of course.
Exactly the same stand also for the armed forces of the different states. You are
wearing uniforms, hats, have your heads shaved, have the hard look and
prance, ready to remove the lives of those identified as enemies, every earthly
second, after you receive the order from your superiors.
Of course if you had grown up in the state of your current enemies, you would
fight them being your supposedly current compatriots.
And in case you go to fight your enemies but you don’t manage to kill them
and instead you are killed, they put you on a coffin with a flag covering it rep-
resenting the country which you supposedly defended.
This flag has different colours, red, green, yellow, blue and any kind of clowns
on it. And if you don’t recognize the word ‘clown’, you certainly recognize the
words ‘cartoon’ or ‘mickey mouse’.
This is exactly how the coffins of the socalled enemies look like, being covered
with different flags of different colours and you being inside of them lying
dead in your rented bodies, not even being able of suspecting which incredible
mistake you have committed, who you have served and for which funny reason
you have spent an incarnation.
In which country were you born? Who provided you with a human body? Who
gave you the opportunity to breathe, walk, think, talk, sweat, urine, make chil-
dren, create? Which country offered all these to you?
None of course.
No country has to do anything with all these. You have bitten the bait though,
you have received the money (salary) from the web of the Blacksoul one, you
have joined the armed forces of the different countries and then you are ready
to kill and get killed.
Do you realise the lines you are reading? Do you realise to which unconceiva-
ble trap you have been caught into? All that you witness on your body, on your
planet, out of the planet, the countless stars in the night, the harmony, the per-
fection and the endless beauty, don’t belong to any state, to any country and of
course to any flag.
It is possible that until now you thought you were acting properly by following
the ‘I follow orders and this is my duty’. Nevertheless, a little while before the
big flood, the Blacskoul one will lead you to worldwide catastrophe using any
kind of state-of-the-art technology weapon systems. Because, for million years
now on the planet his task is to destroy.
But in order to destroy, he needs employees. You will receive an order suppos-
edly from the black in soul world ruler of yours, in order to press buttons and
to serve your country, by devastating your enemies.
You have to know and never forget that it is you who will have pulled the trig-
ger, or pushed the buttons that will make rockets or bombs or any sort of
weapon systems be activated.
It has already made known to you that where you will end up to, in front of the
karmic board, the expressions ‘I was committing my duty’ or ‘ I was following
orders of my superiors’, are invalid.
You take the full responsibility of any kind of involvement and participation of
yours to killing of your supposedly enemies.
The people who have given the orders to you, will take their own responsibili-
ties. The agents and the provocateurs who created war conditions will take over
their responsibilities as well. You should always keep in mind though that even
you, pressing the buttons and pulling the triggers of weapon systems have your
full share of responsibilities.
The time has come for all the persons serving in the security forces and the
armed forces on your planet to be informed that there have been endless killing
in the frame of set up wars. All the killing and the deaths have taken place for
just one reason.
All of those who used to participate to the continuous wars were functioning as
hypnotised and were removing the lives of the enemies or at the end got killed
over the absolutely nothing.
However, now this entire ‘curtain’ or ‘drug’ that have hypnotized you has been
drawn. Everything has been made known to you. Since now in view of the end-
less water that will flood your planet, in view of the destructive war already
planned by the Blacksoul one, you ought to act correspondingly.
In case the 1% of the planet has given you orders to press the buttons of war,
you are able of judging these fairy tales they are feeding you with and let them
fight all alone without your participation; this way you will definitely discour-
age them from pulling any button of any weapon system.
In case you proceed all together with this and don’t let not one bullet fall on
your planet, we are telling you with precision what is going to happen.
1. Your mind has been defrosted, meaning that it has been activated so you
have made huge steps for your personal evolution, in order to be led to the re-
turn to the Father, like Odysseus in Ithaca.
2. In this case it is not just yourself that you have helped, but by avoiding
pressing the destruction buttons you have also helped the humanity to escape
from being led to the devastation and the catastrophe by the Blacksoul one; this
instantly means from your part to gain time for the rented bodies of the human-
ity so that they receive the knowledge at these moments and possibly set their
souls free form the karmic burdens.
So, this is literally a service to the humanity. Imagine what did Jesus Christ and
the Buddha as well as all the spiritual beings that have come down to help the
humanity do and consider of the benefits for you. They are countless.
3. In case you do this, all the armed forces of the planet you shall witness clear-
ly something that you haven’t even thought of.
This 1% which is to blame for your planet being controlled by the Blacksoul
one, how ugly and trifling they are.
You will realize in a moment what kind of filthy game these little people with
the sick minds have played at the expense of the humanity. We are referring of
course to all the political authorities, established by the one and only interna-
tional company producing for the countries of this planet, so called leaders,
whose intelligence is not just nonexistent, but they don’t even close belong to
the beings with intelligence.
They are plants placed by the system to perform specific services either from
the socalled democratic or authoritarian regimes. And through the covering you
are providing to them, thinking in your turn that each one of you is serving its
own country, they are getting the strength and the power as to permanently
make people starve, or suffer, or be treated unfairly or drawn in blood. Them
once you will really remove from them the opportunity to enjoy your coverage
in their serving of the Blacskoul one, the absolute nudeness, the absolute zero
that all the political authorities of the Blacksoul one are, will literally come in
For the last time in the letter addressed to all men and women serving the secu-
rity or armed forces of your countries, all the knowledge that a being with in-
telligence, known as humanity on your planet to be able to continue his evolu-
tion in the universe, is made known to you.
You already have individual souls each one of you and each one of you plays
his own role.
The mission of all of you and of the entire humanity of course is common.
Thus the message that is addressed to all of you is just one. Serve the universe,
serve the humanity, serve your real innerself and never again the Blacksoul
Good luck!