Τρίτη 25 Αυγούστου 2015


We reached the 553 A.D. and the reincarnation has been removed from the teaching of Jesus Christ. In 553 A.D. during the 5th Ecumenical Council that took place in Constantinopledue to the blacksoul Justinian descent child of the Blacksoul one, the gravestone has been put over Jesus Christ‘s teaching. Through the understanding of the existence of reincarnation, the man automatically receives important information over his existence and realizes that the fact that he has been born as man or woman, healthy or sick, in a specific location and by specific parents, is not accidental at all. These are the reasons why the removal of the reincarnation was a very powerful weapon, set up by the Blacksoul one, against the selfawareness. Almost 100 years after the removal of the reincarnation, in 650 A.D., a new religion, Islam, has been invented from the Blacksoul one and the worldwide gravediggers serving him. And it is exactly then, when a socalled religion has appeared by the dynast of the humanity and which is only offering to humans the absolute hatred for all heathens, that is for all the rest of the humanity that are not Muslims, as well as the humiliation of every human relationship and to be more specific of every relationship that is completed with a man and a woman. And, although in the animal kingdom, the male mates with many females and the female with many males (even if monogamous animals exist), in order to be able to keep the human evolution to an animal like level, the Blacksoul one permits through the teaching of Islam, that a man is married to more than one women. The woman is spontaneously humiliated, because on the one hand she is obliged to get married to a man who has been married to many other women as well, and on the other hand the Quran allows the beating of women as an act. He does not stop just there, meaning to raise the hatred against the heathens and to discriminate the man from the woman. He moves further demonstrating a way of bowing down with head reaching the earth and the back part of the body being in a position similar to the one the animals use to reproduce them- 115 selves. Thus, while you moved from the animal evolution to the human evolution, the Blacksoul one using the word “religion” is leading you, without you being aware of it, back to the animal kingdom again. Also, through the crimes that he allows you to commit to the heathens, your karma has no limits. 

The Creator of all the universes and for whom you have invented various names, is not thirsty for war and blood, he does not love more the animal kingdom than the plant one or the other kingdoms and he does not discriminate his children in boys and girls. These are the games of all the authorities that serve the hatred, the blood and the divisiveness. So, as in the case of Muhammad, who was born around 570 A.D. and died on the 8th of June 632 A.D, he confided to his own people that he had visions with Archangel Gabriel. The fact that beings of mission exist and do carry the messages of God cannot be doubted by anyone. The fact that the angelic kingdom exists and for which its name alone means carrying information, cannot be argued by anyone either. Of course, no man is forbidden – while struggling to connect to God – neither to communicate with the angels nor even to reach the Godliness, which is the connection with the creator. This is of course allowed also to Muhammad. Nevertheless, no angel of God will ever carry words that will create in the human souls hatred, war, blood and divisiveness. Let go of what you have been taught until today. We are encouraging you for a last time. Try and look in the eyes the Master of the solar system that you perceive, the sun being a descendant of God. Look this sun in the eyes. If there were no such sun that you look at with your eyes, there wouldn’t be any planets and of course there would be no earth or humans. Ask the sun using the eyes of your soul. Has it decided about the planets? Has it decided where to send its rays more and where less? Has it decided who among humans must live and who must die? Of course, you know the answer; the sun does not make discriminations. Let go of what you have been taught in the Quran, what you have been taught until today. As we are going to explain to you later on, the Quran provided by the third caliph Usman is a set up status, having as only scope that you lose your orientation; that your soul is led to disaster; and of course at the end that you are led to the second and final death. 


The Caliph was a title of a political and religious leader that was given after Muhammad had passed away. Muhammad was born in 570 A.D. and died in 632 A.D. Following his death, from 632 until 634, the first religious and political leader who bore the title of caliph was Abu Bakr, who was also born in 573. He stopped being a caliph because he died in 634. Right after that Umar A’ received the position of the caliph; Umar was born in 579 and died in 644, so he has been a caliph for twelve years. This is where the strange part of this story begins, so that you are able to understand that everything that you have been so far taught by the authorities are altered and provided not by angels of God of course, but by this notorious Blacksoul one who has mixed truths and lies and then you, the humanity, as natural, cannot distinguish what is wrong and what is real. We reached the year 644, when the third caliph, Usman takes over, having been born in 577 and who until his death in 656 had undertaken the role of the political and religious leader (caliph). He is the third in a row caliph, after Muhammad had passed away and the one who has performed many wars full of blood, uprooting of households and humans and splitting of the pillages from the wars among his warriors, so we reach 751, that is 19 years after the death of Muhammad. The third, not the first caliph, 7 years after he had undertaken his duties as a caliph burned down everything that existed as a supposedly misleading of the Quran and it is he who delivered to the humanity, for 1,300 years to all the Muslims that have embraced the Quran, the one that he suggests is the real Quran. Do you realize what you have been taught? Do you realize what kind of misinformation and taunt and mockery have passed through and inside your mind? 117 The third caliph 19 years after the death of Muhammad, having led a life full of wars, murders, humiliation of the woman with too many weddings, unbelievable egoisms, tried and managed to make you just like him. Having infinite things to correct about his personal, psychic and spiritual evolution, in a totally spontaneous way, with not any divine handwriting sample, supposedly in the visions of Muhammad, he delivered to you a book which is being taught in all the countries of the planet where Islam and Mohammedanism prevails, to such tender souls since the age of 45 years, that when these kids turn out to be 10 years old, they are ready to spread the disaster, the catastrophe, the war and the blood. And of course there is no case that these souls believe that they serve the Blacksoul one. All this catastrophe and divisiveness have passed in a skillful and other ways into the divisiveness of the teaching of the Christ; that the Muslims do whatever they do in the name of God. Now let’s go through the Quran, to transfer teaching that the only thing they can offer as training – knowledge into the children souls is hatred, war, divisiveness and blood. Chapter 9:14: “Fight them. God will punish them at your hands, and humiliate them, and help you against them, and heal the hearts of a believing people." Explanation: God, who inside the Quran you have named as Almighty, whose Creation has no beginning and no end, whom both you religious Muslims but also all the heathens are His children, since the Creator of everything is One, the Quran is encouraging you, to kill the heathens, on your own. Is he finally Almighty or not? In case he wished to make the heathens disappear how hard would that be for him? How hard would that be for Him to provoke earthquakes, disasters, sinking of continents, instead of looking for murderers in mission? We do not call you murderers (murdered = dolophonos in Greek) (dolos = intention, phonos = murder), because you have no intention. But you have been persuaded through the Quran that by committing murders to all the heathens, and all those who don’t believe, you serve the Creator – God. This is the reason we are only calling you slayers. But now you know that the disaster, the disappearing of continents, of planets and even of solar systems, is a piece of cake for the Almighty God. So, you are not actually serving God through the murders he is inviting you to commit. The one you serve is named “the Blacksoul one” and until nowadays he has led the humanity to the absolute divisiveness. We have mentioned above the methods that he has used. NEVER REMOVE A LIFE THAT YOU CANNOT CREATE AGAIN. Chapter 9:20 "Those who believe, and emigrate, and strive in God’s path with their possessions and their persons, are of a higher rank with God. These are the winners." Explanation: “perioussia” (= property in Greek, oussia in Greek means substance). Do you have any idea of what a sacred word is the word “substance”? You have been taught on this planet, distorting the truth once again and mixing it with infinite lies, that “perioussia” (property) is the houses and the money. But, you inhabitants of this planet, you human race, the substance that exists for each one of you is the same substance that stems from the Creator himself. It is the most sacred thing you have. It is for each one of you and for the whole human kingdom. Do you believe that God is warlike? If you think that the wars, the arrogance, the egoism, the hatred, the passions, the imposing of the strong over the weak are God, you are making a huge mistake. GOD IS LOVE, UNITY, SELFLESSNESS, CONCORD, TRUTH, PERFECTION, BEAUTY AND HARMONY. You should know that if God was full of hatred, of war inside of Him and demonstration of the strong over the weak, of the faithful over the unfaithful, as you name it and based on the fact that in that case His “substance” would be flood with hatred, but then you only see with your natural eyes mountains, seas, continents, minerals, plants, animals, planets, suns and in all of those there is perfection, harmony and beauty. So if it weren’t just love, then you wouldn’t see any of these. BECAUSE IF HIS SUBSTANCE WAS FLOODED WITH HATRED AND DESTRUCTION, THEN HE WOULDN’T HAVE CREATED ANYTHING. 119 Chapter 9:21 "Their Lord announces to them good news of mercy from Him, and acceptance, and gardens wherein they will have lasting bliss.” Explanation: The word “God” (= Theos in Greek) comes from the verb “Theo” that means move fast. There is nothing in the universe that remains stable. Everything moves, either in form or in a nonform. Nothing remains stable. Everything evolves. Even the one thing that you carve for doing/achieving in your life, whatever this may be, after a while fades away and you find yourself longing for something new, and then something else…Exactly the same is also the fairy tale for Paradise, that is you will be sitting somewhere for ever and ever (eternally). The word eternally means for a century or many centuries. A century lasts for 100 years. Many centuries are multiple of the hundred years. By which number would you wish to multiply the hundred years? By 10, 20, 100, 1000? Imagine that 100 times the hundred years is equal to 100,000 years. So think of yourself being in Heaven most happy than ever, that you acted well when you were killing unfaithful ones by the time you possessed a body. Only by considering yourself sitting for so many years and doing the same thing you start to fear, to be bored, to longing for doing something different. Do you happen to be bored? To feel restrained and imprisoned? This is why we are here today. To help you and show you the way that will lead you beyond any kind of limit. All that is necessary during this ultimate moment for the humanity, before Noah, is that you leave your Mind free, away from Bibles, Qurans, away from any official book that puts limits to your infinite flying. Anything driving you to the war, the blood, the divisiveness, creates a huge karma for you. Since you are the ones who created this, it is you who will be also invited from the universe to restore the equilibrium. So, no matter what you have done, no matter how they have made you think about it, you should cancel it all. Fill up your internal world with love for everything. Love without limits and terms. Even if you are entrapped, that is your real “existence”, your substance, in a human body that is subjected to the rules of the matter (material needs, food, water, defecation, sleep), in case you are flooded with love for everything and everyone, with no limits and terms, you can since now get connected to the infinity.

 Chapter 3: 12 "Say to those who disbelieve, “You will be defeated, and rounded up into Hell an awful restingplace!" Explanation: war, faithful against unfaithful, that is human kingdom against human kingdom, blood, death, hell. Training full of unlimited hatred. Chapter 5: 51 "O you who believe! Do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies; some of them are allies of one another. Whoever of you allies himself with them is one of them. God does not guide the wrongdoing people." Explanation: As we have already mentioned earlier in this book, in case that you were adopted, thus grown up in another country where the religion was not the Muslim one, you would had been trained by the global system of the Blacksoul one and the servants gravediggers of the human evolution, to embrace another religion, other than the Islam. In that case, and according to the Quran, the unfaithful ones would have been you, while the faithful ones would be the Muslim. So, you can understand what has actually happened now on this planet. Everything is guided only as far as how to fight is concerned. About how to be born and spill your blood on the battlefield. Or over a socalled religion, or a socalled flag. And all of those who have served the humanity as authorities, who pretend that they intend to create a global religion, since realizing that the game is lost, are making efforts to catch up with the global spiritual evolutions, imposing that the whole humanity is all one (the same thing). While, all the books the supposedly holy ones representing the Orthodox, the Catholic, the Protestants, the Pagan, the Pentecostal, the Muslim and the Jew have been offered to them for one and only reason. The reason is now more than obvious. In order for the human kingdom not to be able to ever understand that it originated from spirit, entered the world of the matter and through the absolute selfawareness, it will return back to the spirit. 121 Chapter 5: 10 "As for those who disbelieve and reject Our revelations—these are the inmates of Hell.” Explanation: In the part that belongs to you and most specifically as far as the fire of Hell you refer to is concerned, haven’t you really brought this to Earth 1,400 years ago? From the moment that since your early childhood, back then when you were reading this book – you are always and constantly ready for war and blood. You are full of divisiveness between the faithful and the unfaithful ones and you have humiliated every sense of the word “woman”. You may of course – from your part have made the word “woman” disappear, but the other gravediggers have renamed it, suggesting that the Creator, since being tired with the creation of Adam, was in no mood to create Eve, so He used Adam’s rib. Jesus Christ Himself, the one that the other gravediggers supposedly serve, took Magdalene and exalted her as much as possible. Magdalene was also the first person to whom Jesus Christ appeared in front of after his resurrection. As far as the story of Adam and Eve is concerned, since the word “Dam” in the Arabic language means “blood”, Adam is the one without blood and Eve is filled with “matter”. So, Adam, that is the spirit, entered Eve (the matter). And the scope of the matter (Eve) is to return back to the spirit. Moreover, as far as the mentioning that the faithless are denying our revelations is concerned, the revelations cannot be done neither by those who are calling themselves messengers, nor by those characterizing someone (of their close environment) as a messenger.

The revelations can be made only by those whose EGO is lower than the ego of the smallest worm of this planet. The ones who when pronouncing the word “love” even the tiniest worm of this planet hasn’t been excluded. No man who imposes what he claims can make revelations. The one who imposes definitely is a messenger but not of the Creator. He is a messenger of the Blacksoul one. WE ARE MENTIONNING TO YOU THAT THE EGOISM (EGO), THE HATRED, THE WAR, THE BLOOD, THE EXPRESSION “YOU SHALL LISTEN AND ACT ON MY WORDS AT ANY COST”, ARE CLEARLY THE PERSONIFICATION, THE INCARNATION OF THE BLACKSOUL ONE. Chapter 5: 12 "Your Lord inspired the angels: “I am with you, so support those who believe. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. So strike above the necks, and strike off every fingertip of theirs." Chapter 3: 13 "There was a sign for you in the two parties that met. One party fighting in the way of God, and the other was disbelieving. They saw them with their own eyes twice their number. But God supports with His help whomever He wills. In that is a lesson for those with insight." Chapter 8: 14 "“Here it is; so taste it.” For the disbelievers there is the suffering of the Fire." Explanation: Have you realized how nicely this incredible book has been prepared, after the Blacksoul one managed to cancel the whole teaching of Jesus Christ first? And how skillfully all are the dates coinciding? Following the cancellation of the reincarnation during the 5th Ecumenical Council of 553 A.D. in Constantinople, then came the third caliph Usman, to decide that finally the sacred Quran is the one you are actually holding in your hands. 123 You received a planet, whose creation from all aspects points to perfection, beauty and harmony. And then all of you, all of you despicable ones (we can’t even name you after funny, because funny persons make you laugh and laugh is good) managed to fill the human souls with an INFINITE AND UNBELIEVABLE HATRED. And for all that you have done, you have used wrappings like “religion” and “God”. You humans of this planet – you human race, the creation does not distinguish you to faithful and faithless, to ours and theirs. The creation categorizes you to the beings with intelligence; the beings that are now gifted with mind. You can only count on yourself alone. Activate your mind and from a mind that is Dias (= Zeus in Greek), meaning double, divisive and divisive means war, hatred, blood, removal of animals – convert it to Zeus (zeyxh in Greek meaning connection). Connect the outer with the inner world. The outer world is the divisive matter; black, white, man, woman, strong, weak, rich, poor. The inner world is connected to everything. There is nothing that implies division. So, count on yourself, on your mind and without any guided set up books and guided set up authorities, God, the Creator, the universal hyper mind is not war, hatred, division. It is only love for everyone and everything. And since it is hard for a start to become masters, mystics, worldwide liberators and while of course you shall manage this at some moment, you should start with just one. Love everyone and everything without limit. Without any selfishness, without yours and mine, without anything that sets limits and restricts to the word “love”. This is the only advice we are encouraging you to proceed with during these ultimate moments: do something for yourself. Do something that the universe can count on only with your help.

Wherever you listen to the expression “go kill them, these are our enemies, my interest, my religion, my country” be aware that those who are telling these things seek for your absolute harm and don’t have any feeling of love for you. And as a matter of fact, once you listen to those funny guys encouraging you to “fight them”, then just let them do the fighting instead of you, on the excuse that the socalled holy books mention that you shall do so. Now pay some attention to what we are mentioning here; we also want you to be very attentive because the lips of those official worldwide gravediggers who are talking about a global government and a global religion are the same persons that up to nowadays had led you to infinite wars, infinite miseries, infinite spilling of your blood, but also the same persons who have created all the different religions as well as the socalled different political parties. All the authorities of this planet, either evident or undercover, are emanating through the Blacksoul one. And as he knows very well that he is no more permitted to have any kind of authority over the human kingdom, he will try once more to tempt you – using his worldwide henchmen – being with no exemption all the political and religious authorities. There come all the political chiefs and all the religious chiefs of the political parties of the planet and of the religious authorities to pretend that they care and to suggest that the planet needs a global religion and a global government as soon as possible. You servants of the darkness, of the black misinformation, of the predicament of the human evolution, when did you actually care about this planet needing a global government and religion? Is it now? What about when you created the divisiveness among humans and when you were giving birth to all the humans, when you were creating the socalled differences and when you were establishing on this planet infinite hatred and pain? Why indeed didn’t you care about the pain that you have brought on this imprisoned planet? 125 You have reached nowadays when the world is experiencing the biggest technological development of the last thousand years, to have led the population of planet earth to hunger and despair and to also invoke to gibberish: there exists no money, money can’t be found anywhere and so many unbelievable bullshit, while you know very well that it is you who are actually creating the epidemics, the wars and all the financial crises and then you just pretend to care about people’s sake. I wonder, hasn’t your boss informed you about why he is actually caring that much about the humanity nowadays? If you really knew what you are performing in the name of just a few tangible goods and of an ephemeral power lasting only some years, if you knew the price, you would – since that one earthy second – pray the divine plan for mercy. Your boss, the Blacksoul one, used the order that he gave during the era of Herod, that is to have all the infants until the age of 5 years old slaughtered, to mislead Herod, because Herod had believed that a king would arrive and steal the authority from him and that by killing all those babies his authority would no longer be menaced by any potential king. Instead he didn’t make the rational thinking (as his mind was confused) that as he was 70 years old at the time of the slaughtering, the killed infants if not killed would have reached the age of 20 when Herod would be around 90 years old. In such similar ways all the persons that are serving the Blacksoul one from any official or unofficial authority position are confused and misguided. As far as the case of Jesus Christ is concerned, he was indeed incarnated and left his work as inheritance. In the following chapters we shall refer in detail even at the point when his teaching has been distorted. As you all are aware of, the attempt of Herod for the noncoming of Jesus Christ has failed. Jesus Christ was born and offered his teaching. Nevertheless, the humanity is nowadays vibrating in other vibrations. It is moving in some other knowledge. While all these tricks are performed by the Blacksoul one and his henchmen using as means some lateral talking over a supposedly global government and global religion, the real reason they are doing this is their one and only scope: The absolute spiritual knowledge that is already disseminated and will reach its peak on planet earth. This kind of knowledge is of course just spiritual since the matter was originated from the spirit and the reason why all this matter has been created is to be able to return back to the spirit. This exactly is the knowledge that shall be revealed to you until the smallest detail and which the Blacksoul one and his henchmen the worldwide gravediggers are making efforts to hide from you all. Because it's a literally divine order, and since the planet will soon enter the phase of its last “rinse”, of its last purification from the stench, the stink and the mold that are emitted from all the authorities established on the planet, then following the sinking of the continents that will soon take place, the humanity that will remain to continue its evolution on this wonderful planet, shall be the knowledge that will be offered to you through the unsealing of this book. Chapter 8: 50 "If only you could see, as the angels take away those who disbelieve, striking their faces and their backs: “Taste the agony of the Burning’ Explanation: The angels, as you will in more details learn later on, as part of the divine plan, haven’t been created to remove human lives. The angels as the word implies are meant to carry the news. And to be more specific, we are referring to invisible beings not possessing a natural dense body and that do carry spiritual news. The divine angelic beings never cutoff human heads never throw a spear or shoot people. And definitely they never hit their fellow men on the ribs screaming “go and test the punishment of fire”. One can’t even joke about this and of course no prophet who is in communication with God would ever dear to suggest such a thing. Instead, all of those are misquoting and manipulations, having nothing to do with the truth and they are proved to absolutely be another trip of the Blacksoul one. With the purpose to slander the human mind, he has set so many trips to the humanity; a huge trip is all the content of the Quran. What has happened to all the faithful Muslims believers of Islam, once they have completed reading this book since their early childhood is that their mind has been slandered in such a degree that they have confused the Creator – God, universal hypermind, who is full of perfection, beauty, harmony and absolute love, with this contagion called the Blacksoul one, while the Muslim – in this case have ended up believing in totally curious things. 127 To be more specific they believe that the divine angelic beings are removing faithless humans’ lives and what is more they hit them on the ribs and on the face screaming to them to go and try the punishment of the fire. Not even in the most unwholesome imagination of a person does this exist. Unless you have confused the angels with the devils; the devilsto whom we shall refer to later on in detail do wish for that. We are talking about souls that also come from previous civilizations but also from this specific civilization that is evolving on planet earth and which have lost their way somehow and did not manage to evolve at higher kingdoms, they are wandering around on earth without a body and are trying to enter bodies of incarnated humans, whose mind is also slandered; So, through the removal of humans lives, the spilling of blood and all these supposedly performed in the name of God, the slandering of the old souls is continuing also for the souls with flesh and blood. This is the reason that by no means is the angels of God – the Creator removing the lives of the unfaithful. The only ones performing such tasks are the devils, or else the demonised souls. Chapter 8:57 "If you confront them in battle, make of them a fearsome example for those who follow them, that they may take heed." Explanation: this means war, battle and battle and war again…the Blacksoul one wants you either warriors or servants. In your case, he made you warriors. He mixed his lies into the truth and he confused you, making you believe that by heading for fighting the unfaithful – those who embrace another religion than the one you are embracing – you do serve God. THE ASBOLUTE SET UP OF PEOPLE. THE ABSOLUTE TAUNT AND THE ABSOLUTE LIE. ONE OF THE BIGGEST – IF NOT THE BIGGEST – SUCCESSES OF THE BLACKSOUL ONE IS TO MAKE PEOPLE BELIEVE THAT BY KILLING FELLOW MEN THEY ARE SERVING GOD. YOU BLACKSOUL ONE, WE KNOW EACH OTHER VERY WELL. SINCE THE TYRANNY AND THE IMPRISONMENT HAVE ENDED ON THIS PLANET. SO, NO MORE LIES, NO MORE FOOLING, NO MORE DISORIENTATION FOR THE HUMAN RACE.  SINCE YOU KNOW HOW TO READ THE ASTRONOMICAL FACTS, YOU DO KNOW VERY WELL THAT YOUR POWER ON THIS PLANET HAS COME TO ITS END. NOW THE LIES THAT YOU HAVE FILLED UPTHE HUMAN KINGDOM WITH WILL BE ALL OF THEM REVEALED. THERE WILL NOT EXIST ANY LIES OF YOURS ANYMORE AND WHICH YOU WILL HAVE PRESENTED TO HUMANS IN SUCH A WAY, SO AS TO ACHIEVE WHAT YOU HAVE SO FAR ACHIEVED. THAT IS, TO CANCEL THE MIND AND MAKE THE HUMAN RACE NOT EVEN POSSESSING THE COMMON SENSE. NOT TO BE ABLE TO SAY GOOD FROM EVIL, BLACK FROM WHITE, NIGHT FROM DAY. EVERYHTING THAT YOU AND YOUR HENCHMEN – ALL THE AUTHORITIES ON THIS PLANET WERE TEACHING THEM ABOUT, THEY WERE ACCEPTING IT AS REAL, THROUGH THE HYPNOSIS THEY WERE INTO DUE TO THE ACHIEVED CANCELLING OF THEIR MIND. THE LIES ARE OVER NOW, WE SHALL MEET AGAIN ON THE NEXT PLANET WHERE YOU WILL BE TRANSFERRED TO KEEP ON DOING WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN DOING ON PLANET EARTH. THAT IS TO DESTROY. AND AS THE WORD DESTRUCTION IMPLIES (DESTRUCTION = CATASTROPHI IN GREEK, STROPHI = TURN), INSTEAD OF EVERYTHING TURNING TOWARDS THE EVOLUTION, YOU, THROUGH THE REVERSE TURNS [THAT YOU SO SKILFULLY TRY TO ACHIEVE], YOU LEAD THEM TO THE CATASTROPHE. Chapter 8: 58 "If you fear treachery on the part of a people, break off with them in a like manner. God does not like the treacherous." Explanation: even with suspicions, not to spend our time and times passes by uselessly with no wars and blood, only urge with suspicion. 129 Suspicion of what? Of them not to be Muslims? That is, the Blacksoul one made you believe for 1,400 consecutive years that you have come down to earth and even if you suspect that one is not Muslim, you should kill him. You are not to blame for being spoon – fed in a certain degree. But for as long as this civilization still exists on earth you should instantly terminate any hostile attitude against anyone who does not embrace the same religion as you do. If you are not able of realizing what the Creator can do in His creation in the simplest way, it is clearly your own problem. Good grief! An infinite hyperperfect Creator to expect through corruptible human bodies, into his infinite and perfect creation, to mete out justice to him. Abandon any negative thought about the human kingdom, either coreligionists or heathens, because believe me, it is the last but not least that you could do for your personal evolution. All the rest, to hate and to kill every heathen, is indeed your own conviction, your own destruction. Chapter 8: 65 "O prophet! Rouse the believers to battle. If there are twenty steadfast among you, they will defeat two hundred; and if there are a hundred of you, they will defeat a thousand of those who disbelieve; because they are a people who do not understand." Chapter 8: 66 "God has now lightened your burden, knowing that there is weakness in you. If there are a hundred steadfast among you, they will defeat two hundred; and if there are a thousand of you, they will defeat two thousand by God’s leave. God is with the steadfast." Chapter 8: 67 "It is not for a prophet to take prisoners before he has subdued the land. You desire the materials of this world, but God desires the Hereafter. God is Strong and Wise." 

 Chapter 8: 68 "Were it not for a predetermined decree from God, an awful punishment would have afflicted you for what you have taken." Chapter 8:69 "So, consume what you have gained, legitimate and wholesome; and remain conscious of God. God is Forgiving and Merciful." Chapter 8:70 "O prophet! Say to those you hold prisoners, “If God finds any good in your hearts, He will give you better than what was taken from you, and He will forgive you. God is Forgiving and Merciful." Explanation: we don’t know who is fooling who. One thing is sure: All that you are saying about God asking for the blood of the unfaithful and about the prophets only being able of imposing themselves through battles, could only be the words of a “crazy person”. At least them, they have the alibi that their mind is out of place and this is the reason why they have been hospitalized in homes for insane. How could you, apart from the paid criminals who pretend to be Muslim in exchange for money, and who go and kill wherever and whenever they are given orders to do so, wandering around on the planet so as to perform this filthy work of the Blacksoul one creating only wars and crises, believe these things? We can accept it as far as they are concerned. They are paid killers, killing in the name of God so everything is fine for them and the Blacksoul one. Nevertheless, all the rest of you grown up in a Muslim country and embracing the Quran because you had to do so, would be crazy to believe that the Creator is a murdered or has some problem making disappear anything that gets on the way of His holy plan. Whether you are able to realize this or not – due to the tremendous slandering of your mind – it is insane and paranoiac, it is inconceivably pervert and beyond any reasonable doubt tο believe that by killing your fellow men you are paying a service to God. 131 Is it actually that difficult for you to understand this? Have you had your mind that much slandered that you have been lowered to the level of carnivore animals and beyond? At least the latter just kill to eat and once satisfying their hunger they don’t kill anymore. But, you what do you actually do? Has the Blacksoul one indeed trapped you that much so as to believe the things that you believe? The word prophet means “to plant beforehand” (prophet in Greek means proplant). That is that a natural material body comes and carries to the human’s divine orders, divine guidelines. Is it possible that the Creator who has no beginning and no end, who has no time and whom your mind cannot even touch, neither Him nor theinfinity of His creation, asks for messengers on earth to kill His children? Indeed, everything is His children. The whole matter is his child. All the humans are his children. So how can a father ask of his one child to kill his other child? And, what is more, a merciful and an affectionate one. This is the reason why we are telling you that the things the Blacksoul one made you believe don’t apply not even in the houses for insane! Chapter 9: 4 "Except for those among the polytheists with whom you had made a treaty, and did not violate any of its terms, nor aided anyone against you. So, fulfill the treaty with them to the end of its term. God loves the righteous." Chapter 9: 7 "How can there be a treaty with the polytheists on the part of God and His Messenger, except for those with whom you made a treaty at the Sacred Mosque? As long as they are upright with you, be upright with them. God loves the pious." Chapter 9: 12 

 "But if they violate their oaths after their pledge, and attack your religion, then fight the leaders of disbelief—they have no faith—so that they may desist.” Chapter 9: 14 "Fight them. God will punish them at your hands, and humiliate them, and help you against them, and heal the hearts of a believing people." Chapter 9: 15 "And He will remove the anger of their hearts. God redeems whomever He wills. God is Knowledgeable and Wise." Chapter 9: 16 "Or do you think that you will be left alone, without God identifying which of you will strive, and take no supporters apart from God, His Messenger, and the believers? God is well Aware of what you do." Chapter 9: 17 "It is not for the polytheists to attend God’s places of worship while professing their disbelief. These—their works are in vain, and in the Fire they will abide." Chapter 9: 18 "The only people to attend God’s places of worship are those who believe in God and the Last Day, and pray regularly, and practice regular charity, and fear none but God. These are most likely to be guided (the expression ‘most likely’ makes even worse the punishment of God, since it is not certain that even those who believe will escape) 133 Chapter 9: 20 "Those who believe, and emigrate, and strive in God’s path with their possessions and their persons, are of a higher rank with God. These are the winners.” Chapter 9: 21 ‘Their Lord announces to them good news of mercy from Him, and acceptance, and gardens wherein they will have lasting bliss’ Chapter 9: 22 "Abiding therein forever. With God is a great reward." Chapter 9: 23 "O you who believe! Do not ally yourselves with your parents and your siblings if they prefer disbelief to belief. Whoever of you allies himself with them—these are the wrongdoers.” Chapter 9: 29 "Fight those who do not believe in God, nor in the Last Day, nor forbid what God and His Messenger have forbidden, nor abide by the religion of truth— from among those who received the Scripture—until they pay the due tax, willingly or unwillingly." Chapter 9: 30 "The Jews said, “Ezra is the son of God,” and the Christians said, “The Messiah is the son of God.” These are their statements, out of their mouths. They emulate the statements of those who blasphemed before. May God assail them! How deceived they are!" Chapter 9: 39 

 "Unless you mobilize, He will punish you most painfully, and will replace you with another people, and you will not harm Him at all. God has power over all things." Chapter 9: 41 "Mobilize, light or heavy, and strive with your possessions and your lives in the cause of God. That is better for you, if you only knew." Chapter 9: 72 "God promises the believers, men and women, gardens beneath which rivers flow, abiding therein forever, and fine homes in the Gardens of Eden. But approval from God is even greater. That is the supreme achievement." Chapter 9: 73 "O Prophet! Strive against the disbelievers and the hypocrites, and be stern with them. Their abode is Hell—what a miserable destination!" Chapter 9: 93 "But blame is on those who ask you for exemption, although they are rich. They are content to be with those who stay behind. God has sealed their hearts, so they do not know." Chapter 9: 122 "It is not advisable for the believers to march out altogether. Of every division that marches out, let a group remain behind, to gain understanding of the religion, and to notify their people when they have returned to them, that they may beware." Chapter 9: 123 135 "O you who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who attack you, and let them find severity in you, and know that God is with the righteous." Chapter 10: 9 "As for those who believe and do good deeds*** their Lord guides them in their faith. Rivers will flow beneath them in the Gardens of Bliss." ***(that is to kill unfaithful people…) Chapter 10: 104 "Say, “O people, if you are in doubt about my religion — I do not serve those you serve apart from God. But I serve God, the one who will terminate your lives. And I was commanded to be of the believers.” Chapter 22: 19 "Here are two adversaries feuding regarding their Lord. As for those who disbelieve, garments of fire will be tailored for them, and scalding water will be poured over their heads." Chapter 22: 20 "Melting their insides and their skins." Chapter 22: 21 "And they will have maces of iron." Chapter 22: 22 "Whenever they try to escape the gloom, they will be driven back to it: “Taste the suffering of burning.” 

Chapter 22: 23 "But God will admit those who believe and do good deeds into Gardens beneath which rivers flow. They will be decorated therein with bracelets of gold and pearls, and their garments therein will be of silk." Chapter 22: 24 "They were guided to purity of speech. They were guided to the path of the Most Praised." Chapter 22: 25 "As for those who disbelieve and repel from God’s path and from the Sacred Mosque—which We have designated for all mankind equally, whether residing therein or passing through—and whoever seeks to commit sacrilege therein— We will make him taste of a painful punishment." Chapter 22: 52 "We never sent a messenger before you, or a prophet, but when he had a desire Satan interfered in his wishes. But God nullifies what Satan interjects, and God affirms His revelations. God is omniscient and Wise." Chapter 29: 6 "Whoever strives, strives only for himself. God is Independent of the beings." Chapter 29: 40 "Each We seized by his sin. Against some We sent a sandstorm. Some were struck by the Blast. Some We caused the ground to cave in beneath them. And some We drowned. It was not God who wronged them, but it was they who wronged their own selves." Chapter 32: 20 137 "But as for those who transgressed, their shelter is the Fire. Every time they try to get out of it, they will be brought back into it, and it will be said to them, “Taste the suffering of the Fire which you used to deny.” Chapter 33: 8 "That He may ask the sincere about their sincerity. He has prepared for the disbelievers a painful punishment." Chapter 33: 49 "O you who believe! When you marry believing women, but then divorce them before you have touched them, there is no waiting period for you to observe in respect to them; but compensate them, and release them in a graceful manner." Chapter 33: 50 "O Prophet! We have permitted to you your wives to whom you have given their dowries* and those you already have, as granted to you by God, and the daughters of your paternal uncle, and the daughters of your paternal aunts, and the daughters of your maternal uncle, and the daughters of your maternal aunts who emigrated with you, and a believing woman who has offered herself to the Prophet, if the Prophet desires to marry her, exclusively for you, and not for the believers. We know what We have ordained for them regarding their wives and those their righthands possess. This is to spare you any difficulty. God is Forgiving and Merciful." *(according to them...the husband was also offering to the wife an amount of money after the wedding), Chapter 33: 51 "You may defer any of them you wish, and receive any of them you wish. Should you desire any of those you had deferred, there is no blame on you. This is more proper, so that they will be comforted, and not be grieved, and be content with what you have given each one of them. God knows what is within your hearts. God is omniscient and clement." 

 Chapter 33: 52 "Beyond that, no other women are permissible for you, nor can you exchange them for other wives, even if you admire their beauty, except those you already have. God is Watchful over all things." Chapter 34: 6 "Those who received knowledge know that what is revealed to you from your Lord is the truth; and it guides to the path of the Majestic, the Praiseworthy." Chapter 35: 36 "As for those who disbelieve, for them is the Fire of Hell, wherein they will never be finished off and die, nor will its punishment be lightened for them. Thus We will repay every ingrate." Chapter 36: 51 "The Trumpet will be blown, then behold, they will rush from the tombs to their Lord." Chapter 36: 54 "On that Day, no soul will be wronged in the least, and you will be recompensed only for what you used to do." Chapter 36: 55 "The inhabitants of Paradise, on that Day, will be happily busy." Chapter 36: 56 "They and their spouses, in shades, reclining on couches." 139 Chapter 36: 57 "They will have therein fruits. They will have whatever they call for." Chapter 36: 58 "Peace—a saying from a Most Merciful Lord." Chapter 36: 59 "But step aside today, you criminals." Chapter 36: 60 "Did I not covenant with you, O Children of Adam, that you shall not serve the devil? That he is your sworn enemy?" Chapter 36: 61 "And that you shall serve Me? This is a straight path." Chapter 36: 62 "Satan has misled a great multitude of you. Did you not understand?" Chapter 37: 16 "When we have died and become dust and bones, shall we be resurrected?" Chapter 37: 17 "And our ancestors of old?" Chapter 37: 18 "Say, “Yes indeed, and you will be totally subdued.” 

 Chapter 37: 19 "It will be a single nudge, and they will be staring." Chapter 38: 44 "And we said to him: ‘Take with your hand a bundle, and strike with it, your wife and do not break your oath.” (Job has sworn to hit his wife a hundred times once he would be cured). We found him patient. What an excellent servant! He was obedient and he was always repenting against Us.” Chapter 38: 49 "This is a reminder. The devout will have a good place of return." Chapter 38: 50 "The Gardens of Eden, with their doors wideopen for them." Chapter 38: 51 "Relaxing therein, and calling for abundant fruit and beverage." Chapter 38: 52 "With them will be attendants with modest gaze, of same age." Chapter 38: 53 "This is what you are promised for the Day of Account." Chapter 38: 54 "Such is Our bounty, inexhaustible." 141 Chapter 38: 5 "All This. But the transgressors will have a miserable return." Chapter 38: 56 "Hell; in which they will roast; what a miserable abode!" Chapter 38: 57 "All this. Let them taste it—boiling and bitter cold." Chapter 38: 58 "And similar torments of diverse kinds." Chapter 48: 16 "Say to the DesertArabs who lagged behind, “You will be called against a people of great might; you will fight them, unless they submit. If you obey, God will give you a fine reward. But if you turn away, as you turned away before, He will punish you with a painful punishment." Chapter 48: 17 "There is no blame on the blind, nor any blame on the lame, nor any blame on the sick. Whoever obeys God and His Messenger—He will admit him into gardens beneath which rivers flow; but whoever turns away—He will punish him with a painful punishment." Chapter 48: 18 "God was pleased with the believers, when they pledged allegiance to you under the tree. He knew what was in their hearts, and sent down serenity upon them, and rewarded them with an imminent conquest." 

 Chapter 48: 19 "And abundant gains for them to capture. God is Mighty and Wise." Chapter 48: 20 "God has promised you abundant gains, which you will capture. He has expedited this for you, and has restrained people’s hands from you; that it may be a sign to the believers, and that He may guide you on a straight path." Chapter 48: 21 "And other things, of which you were incapable, but God has encompassed them. God is Capable of everything." Chapter 48: 22 "If those who disbelieve had fought you, they would have turned back and fled, then found neither protector nor helper." Chapter 48: 23 "It is God’s pattern, ongoing since the past. You will never find any change in God’s pattern." Chapter 48: 24 "It is He who withheld their hands from you, and your hands from them, in the valley of Mecca, after giving you advantage over them. God is Observer of what you do." 143 Chapter 48: 28 "It is He who sent His Messenger with the guidance and the religion of truth, to make it prevail over all religions. God suffices as Witness." Chapter 66: 9 "O prophet! Strive hard against the disbelievers and the hypocrites, and be stern with them. Their abode is Hell. What a miserable destination!" Chapter 68: 1 "Noon. By the pen, and by what they inscribe." Chapter 68: 2 "By the grace of your Lord, you are not insane." Chapter 68: 3 "In fact, you will have a reward that will never end." Chapter 68: 4 "And you are of a great moral character." Chapter 68: 5 "You will see, and they will see." Chapter 68: 6 "Which of you is the afflicted." Chapter 68: 7 "Your Lord knows best who has strayed from His path, and He knows best the wellguided." 

 Chapter 68: 8 "So do not obey the deniers." Chapter 68: 9 "They would like you to compromise, so they would compromise." Chapter 68: 10 "And do not obey any vile swearer." Chapter 68: 11 "Backbiter, spreader of slander." Chapter 68: 12 "Preventer of good, transgressor, sinner." Chapter 68: 13 "Rude and fake besides." Chapter 68: 14 "Just because he has money and children." Chapter 68: 15 "When Our Verses are recited to him, he says, “Myths of the ancients!” 145 Chapter 68: 16 "We will brand him on the muzzle." Chapter 69: 16 "And the heaven will crack; so on that Day it will be frail” Chapter 69: 17 "And the angels will be ranged around its borders, while eight will be carrying the Throne of your Lord above them that Day." Chapter 69: 18 “On that Day you will be exposed, and no secret of yours will remain hidden." Chapter 69: 19 "As for him who is given his book in his right hand, he will say, “Here, take my book and read it.” Chapter 81: 22 "Your friend is not possessed." Chapter 81: 23 "He saw him on the luminous horizon." Chapter 81: 24 "And He does not withhold knowledge of the Unseen." 

 Chapter 81: 25 "And it is not the word of an accursed devil." Chapter 81: 26 "So where are you heading?" Chapter 81: 27 "It is only a Reminder to all mankind." Chapter 81: 28 "To whoever of you wills to go straight." Chapter 81: 29 "But you cannot will, unless God wills—The Lord of the Worlds." Chapter 98: 6 "Those who disbelieve among the People of the Scripture, and the Polytheists, will be in the Fire of Hell, where they will abide forever. These are the worst of creatures." Chapter 98: 8 "Their reward is with their Lord: Gardens of Eternity beneath which rivers flow, where they will abide forever. God is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him. That is for whoever fears His Lord." 147 Chapter 109: 1 "Say, “O disbelievers." Chapter 109: 2 "I do not worship what you worship." Chapter 109: 3 "Nor do you worship what I worship." Chapter 109: 4 "Nor do I serve what you serve." Chapter 109: 5 "Nor do you serve what I serve." Chapter 109: 6 "You have your way, and I have my way.” Faithful – unfaithful, our religion – your religion, man – woman, unlimited war, unlimited hatred, spilling of blood without limits. The men, being the powerful, strong sex can choose more than one woman being the weak and fair sex, and since God made disappear the unfaithful ones by your hands, the hands of the faithful ones, then you can share the spoils of the war. So, to make it clear…If you perform all of these in the name of Allah, i.e. of God, and some among you who participate in these acts would wish to serve the Satan, what more would he ask you to do? Sit down and contemplate, if you didn’t’ serve exactly the way that the holy Quran asks you to, where in the 150 pages out of the 450 murders and unlimited wars to the nonMuslim are mentioned, having used the usual word “faithless” as an alibi, would you get an indulgence? 

 Of course not all Muslims, but those who participate in these tragedies, this madness, this insane. Because it is a tragedy to believe that by removing any life and what is more a human life, you are offering a service to the Creator of everything, to the one and only God. You have removed from inside of you the lie that the Satan has covered you with and then made the simplest thought that Satan or else the Blacksoul one means divisiveness, means mine – yours, hatred, it means war and removal of human lives. In case that, instead of the holy book that you invoke Quran to be, the Satan had persuaded you that you must go and cut off your own throat, it is certain that this is what you would do. Or would you think twice more before cutting off your own throat? This is the absolute strangulation of your mind. This is the absolute entrapment of your mind. The biggest success of the Blacksoul – Satan is what he has imposed on your mind. What he has imposed on your mind making you his absolute victims and obedient instruments. Anything stupid and anything that has not any logic at all, through this absolute strangulation of your mind, the Blacksoul one has achieved. He established a status on the planet so that everything has a cost and is bought with money or precious metals. He has created through the set up and well paid authorities, all the political and religious systems. He has set everywhere provocateurs and agents to certify the validity in anything that the humanity has been taught about with the help of all the incredible authorities, either political or religious ones. He even reached a point where masons with white hair, for whom the other life is waiting just around the corner, are wearing white gloves like nurses and short skirts like waitresses and are performing rituals, considering that they have a different value than the last person on this planet and not realizing where they are actually leading their real existence. 149 He has made the Muslims bowing down on their four feet. And although everything goes upwards, the stones through the mountains, the plants kingdom through the trees, his creation called human and who is gifted with a mind but also with a vertical vertebral column, is nevertheless bowing down on his four feet to pray, putting the head down and hating everybody who supposedly is faithless, being ready to remove human lives with no limit. He took the teaching of Christ, Christianity and divided it into ”branches” (Orthodox, Catholics, Protestants, Pagans, Jehovah's Witnesses, church of the Christ and others) while all of those are teaching that a human body has a soul of a specific character and a specific karma (law of the retributive justice or else ‘live by the sword, die by the sword’) inhabiting inside of it. Everything is credited to luck: whether you are born healthy or sick and all of a sudden since before your naissance nothing supposedly applied, this deceiver Blacksoul one – Satan provides through the books where everything is controlled, for the Christians and the Muslim but also everything else that is provided to humanity More specifically the humans believe that these are the holy ones and that this is the truth: since the moment that you are buried, some are cremated or their ashes are spread at sea so their shattered bones have dispersed by the wind all over the land just like dust, and then a day shall rise when the dead will get out of the graves. These are all that you Christians and Muslim do believe. You Blacksoul – Satan, you forgot to give some clear guidelines in your sacred books that you provided the Christians and Muslims with: 1) When the dead rise up from the graves, which will be their age? 2) Nowadays, it is well known in humanity that the solar systems fall apart after some time period. This means that the sun of a solar system, after having absorbed all the planets that it has under its supervision, at the end and due to its huge size it explodes, and gets scattered in the universe, while nothing is left out of this whole amount of matter, following the explosion of the sun (the socalled super nova phenomenon). So, those who will be resurrected, after this cosmic event, where will they be? You cunning Satan, Blacksoul one. 

 3) You are talking about this heaven that you have promised both to the Christians and the Muslim, with virgins and fruits; but isn’t there some elite in this planet that has served you very well, and all these tangible goods mentioned before are in their possession? And they even possess airplanes, boats, islands, money with no limit, dark women with black eyes and as many fruits as they like. Why didn’t’ you bother to show to at least one of these persons being the elite, but also to the rest of them not possessing any of these goods, how miserable they really are? They can’t sit still! So they have recourse to drags, to sexual orgies or they do anything to feel filled up inside themselves so as to seem happy. But of course they are never going to be happy and fulfilled since the matter without the spirit is the absolute nothing. The matter was born and got created from the spirit. And its sole scope is to get back to the spirit. So, if the spirit matter loses its path and gets attached to the matter, or else in our case the humans get attached to the matter, even if they come to possess all of it (material goods) and as the wise Solomon has mentioned, a little while before they abandon their rented body, the more they could do is just say "Vanity of vanities, all is vanity". As far as all the people that possesses nothing at all regarding tangible goods – and this is of course your achievement through your authorities – are concerned, they are just listening to you talking about financial crises and enemies and advices about “tightening the belt” until the crisis gets over. You have served to them the delusion that in case they obtain tangible goods they shall be happy; but then even those who possess all the possible tangible goods are totally miserable. You have taken care to disperse each one of them in the corresponding world so persons from the two different worlds meet, because that way the ones lacking tangible goods would learn about the truth. And once they learned the truth, that is that the tangible goods don’t fill up their soul, then you would instantly lose servants from the whole humanity. This is the reason why you have separated everyone and everything. There is 151 nothing else left to be slandered. Anything you provide the humanity with as far as training is concerned, has been filtered and treated very well by all the evident and undercover global gravediggers who have served you. You have used words like “love”, “brothers”, “concord”, into infinite lies and you have presented them to humanity in such wrappings that the humanity has completely lost its way to its spiritual evolution.