All of you participating to the above activities end up either in a homicide or in
mass homicides.
It may seem at first sight strange that there may be a relation between a guns or
drugs dealer and a scientist working at the HAARPCΕRΝ or in the labs pro-
ducing biological weapons or any kind of destruction weapons.
But finally, you can see that on this little dot of the universe called planet earth,
there may exist some common paths among you people and that you are finally
involved in the game of the Blacksoul whichever your position is.
You have been isolated from the rest of the humanity, you have become egoist
without limits, you only take care of yourself, you are making efforts to gather
coloured little papers (money) and in this daze you forget about death.
Only that in this case we are not talking about death where you spread it but
about your own death.
About your own poor body which even if you wouldn’t admit it, will be deliv-
ered back to where you took it from. You will leave its parts disintegrate on the
soil of the planet, while your real existence which of course never stops, but
instead continues its evolution, will be delivered to the karma board.
There, unfortunately for all of you, tycoons of drug cartels, tycoons of the guns
producers and dealers, scientists working for the devastation of the humanity,
the money will be valueless.
Don’t you believe that this specific moment is too far away from nowadays. It
could be right now or just a few earthly funny years. What is more you
couldn’t even imagine with your trapped little mind at what a degree you have
convicted your real self.
You feel proud of having obtained an unbelievable amount of money, of being
big shot and famous, it is possible that the others are afraid of you and you feel
inside of you flooded with arrogance, egoism, haughtiness, like a peacock.
This is what you feel. But what you really feel is the daze that you have created
in your own self and you trapped it (spiritsoul) following the Blacksoul him-
self, to the letter. To gather and manage money and power, to kill one or too
many who may stand in the way of your silly plans and in the same time you
can’t even imagine where you are leading yourself...
Some among you are producing or trading drugs and from the least until the
biggest shot dealer you are actually trafficking them all over the planet, know-
ing that you will kill one or much more persons.
As a matter of fact you use the money from the trafficking in big cartels to pay
armed soldiers so that nobody can menace you. So, in the frame of this transac-
tion, endless homicides take place.
Exactly the same is happening with the guns and any sort of weapon systems’
producers and dealers. You may think of it as just a work, a production, a trade.
The result is though myriads of homicides.
Do you believe that apart from the set up provocateurs politicians who are
leading the humans to wars, you don’t have any participation to it at all?
Your responsibilities are huge of course. You do participate in a homicide due
to your own production or trading of weapons, to the full.
A little while before he passes away, Mikhail Kalashnikov sent a letter to the
Patriarch Kirill (the head of the Russian Orthodox Church):
“My pain is unbearable (...): if my weapon has removed the life of humans, I
Mikhail Kalashnikov, the son of a farmer, am I responsible for the death of
these people even if they were enemies?”
You see that towards the end of his incarnation and while he was almost 94
years old, watching the end of his natural life approach, he has been touched by
all those things we have talked about. This letter was not written by ‘his body’
but it was his soul indeed that came to warn him. And into his despair he was
looking for something to hold on to. He was seeking for forgiveness in this
letter of his, full of agony.
The same thing stands for all the producers of drugs, the drug dealers, the pro-
ducers and dealers of weapon systems.
You may believe that you serve your ego, your family, your homeland, your
property. All of these though have nothing to do with the universe. And this is
certified for each one of you, by your physical death.
You are born on a planet where literally all the authority systems in addition to
the existence of money or precious metals that have been defined as necessary
for you in order to be able to have food and shelter, have confused your mind
and some among you with strong personalities got differentiated from the
crowd and dealt with all these.
Your confused mind every single moment guided by all the black authorities of
the planet has been hiding the truth from you, has been hiding the universal
causality so it reached a point of even hiding your natural death from you. The
reason for this is that either directly or indirectly you have been involved into
The consequences for your next phase in the universe are tragic. You cannot
even imagine where you have led your real self, spirit and soul.
You cannot even think of the tribulations and sufferings your real self is going
to experience. In case that even now, during the short period remaining for
your planet, you are able of understanding all those things revealed to you here,
and since that same moment your souls starts to be expressed through your su-
perior mind, you might achieve something. Otherwise, you have succeeded
your second and final death (fossilised stone).
The same stands for all the scientists who have been involved in the production
of biological weapons, in HAARP –CERN system, dealing with the cli-
mate/weather alterations, the CERN experiment (if it could only cross their
mind what is waiting for them...while looking for the particle of God).
The same applies also for the homicides, no matter which way the humanity is
going to be led to deaths with. The homicide is always a homicide. Regardless
of the way you are going to use to remove a human life, you are with no doubt
led to the second death of yours.
As a matter of fact, some of you may not take this serious into consideration or
even you may feel that you are not interested in them. But we can assure you
that this is totally superficial. You are all interested in your death, you are all
afraid of this specific moment, when you are going to deliver to the earth your
rented body. And based on this and for all those reasons, in case there is a possibility
for you to head off and make some changes before this earthly second,
try indeed to do something for your real self.
We have already demonstrated to you with accuracy where the sun is; just run
to catch up with it.
As far as the answer of Patriarch Kirill to Kalashnikov about the church bless-
ing the weapons meant for the defence of his homeland, this is the difference of
what we are revealing to you, even through the official religion of every
‘The patriarch answered to Kalashnikov with a private letter’, while he also
commented that Kalashnikov
‘he invented his weapon to defence his homeland and no to be used by terror-
ists in Saudi Arabia’.
Even during these ultimate times of the humanity, you are now up to date. The
same stands for all the researchers – scientists producing weapons for the dev-
astation of the humanity.
So, let apart the white shirts you wear in the labs, let go of the pride growing in
your chest about your inventions, let go of the egoism prevailing on yourself.
Find a way to ask for forgiveness from the bottom of your heart, since you
didn’t know. Seek for a way to try through your disengagement not to partici-
pate any more to the devastation of the humanity. Back away from these mas-
sive killing because now you are informed about your participation.
All of you possessing very special skills must now be extremely confident
about the things you are manufacturing in the labs. You cannot connive any-
more. You cannot sell the product (destruction weapons) that you have pro-
duced for the Blacksoul one. We are informing you that since now those of
you who won’t stop offering your services for the production of massive de-
struction weapons of the humanity, you are coresponsible with anything that
this includes as far as your karma is concerned.
We do not intend to frighten you, we do not want to prevent you from your free
will. Your free will belongs to you by 100%. Our only task was to make these
things known to you, to inform you about your action and your inventions. It is
you who will decide about what remains next to be done.
That is, my job is the prepare shells, gunpowder and atomic bombs, HAARP
CERN, the scope based on the result is only the devastation of the humanity.
You must understand that there is only us and not I, otherwise you will be con-
stantly led to wars, violence, hatred, passions and fanaticism.
We have written this to you more than clearly. Your temple is your body. Your
naissance, your natural life and death are yours. The mysteries of the teaching
of Jesus Christ are performed in your body from you alone.
The Creator of the whole, the Hype mind, the universal causality, everything
starts from the unity. All the forms of the matter are into the unity and at the
end they end up in the unity, to God. Is it possible that all the forms of the mat-
ter are the God and that God approves the killing of God?
This is exactly what was supposed to happen with this unsealing of the
Is it possible to talk about saints – protectors of the security forces and of the
armed forces of the different countries, which will help you kill the enemies?
Is it possible to trade guns or drugs knowing that you are driving persons to
death for little coloured papers – money in return, during the short time re-
mained of your natural life and yet to believe that you can function in the uni-
versal causality with this disharmony and that you won’t definitely have any
consequences caused by the universe for this behaviour of yours?
Is it possible that you produce any kind of weapon system which is going to
remove one or myriads of human lives and yet you scientists to think that you
have no participation at all to this catastrophe?
All those are crazy. Whoever becomes Buddha and then Christ will not distin-
guish between colours, races, states, mine and yours. This person has reached
such a high level of evolution that after he/she names all the inhabitants of
earth as ‘humanity’, he/she knows then that each one of all of you is his own
Is it possible that such an entity blesses the killing between people?
Any sort of engagement direct or indirect – to homicide(s) brings a heaviest
karma (law of the retributive justice – live by the sword, die by the sword –
never remove the life that you can’t bring back).
All of you involved in all these, should especially take into account what is
written in this letter and then act accordingly.