At this part of the unsealing we are going to address the bodies that the indi-
vidual spiritsoul of each one of you possesses and to how these are functioning.
You know now that each form in the universe exists only to evolve. You also
are aware of the fact that you have now been included in the category of the
beings with intelligence (mind – creative thinking). You also know that myri-
ads of years ago in the world of the forms you started out from an electron that
was rotating around the nucleus (nucleus = pyrinas in Greek, pyr = fire, so pyr
– fire – God) of a stone molecule. So, obtaining experiences knowledge as well
as evolution out of the group souls of minerals, plants and animals, you have
now reached the evolution that is called humanity and you possess an individu-
al soul and a divine spark, being the fire, the energy deriving directly from the
source, God.
In this form of yours into a human body and thus gifted with an individual soul
and a divine spark together with a mind, you must know that your body – as
already mentioned earlier – exists into a bigger body that is called etheric. The
entire energy of your physical body is emanating only from your etheric body.
And of course, once this supply of energy, from your etheric to your physical
body stops, it is 100% definite that your physical body will get sick.
Your bodies, apart from being physical – etheric, also include
1) Monadic
2) Mental
3) Divine
4) Buddhic
5) Spiritual
6) Astral (or thymic or sentimental)
7) Physical Etheric
These 7 bodies that each one of you possesses do not exist in cloned humans,
of any kind of cloning. The reason is that into such humans, neither divine
spark nor spirit exist, they are out of creation.
Each one of the abovementioned bodies, which you can also call dimensions,
has 7 subdimensions.
To better understand it, the 7th body, the physical – etheric one has 7 subdi-
mensions, out of which the 3 dimensions are occupied by the physical body
(solids, liquids, gases) and the 4 subdimensions by the etheric one; the etheric
body is supplying your physical body with energy through the energy center
located at the crown of the head, called Sahasrara or else thousand petaled lo-
tus and this is the crown energy center.
Out of the four subdimensions of your etheric body, the science has already
discovered the two. These are the electromagnetic waves and the Kirlian meth-
We explained to you that all the energy is transferred to your physical body by
your etheric body and that the key for this transfer is only your mind. In case
that your mind locks you in fears, agonies, stress and any kind of negative feel-
ings, then instantly the flux of energy from your etheric body terminates and
the appearance of illnesses in your physical body begins. .
This is the reason why your mind is the key to your freedom and naturally all
the villains of the authorities are focusing on ‘hitting’ your mind as well. They
use any means to get it trapped. Your mind is first, your trapped mind is next,
while the appearance of diseases in your physical body follows and at last your
real self, being your individual spiritsoul is captured. What come next are the
endless sufferings.
Your physical body must remain healthy, this is something that you definitely
need but not for the reasons that you are so far trained: to bring a direct or indi-
rect blame wherever this is possible. The proper reason for which you actually
need to preserve your health is to be able to set yourself free from the chains of
the reincarnations with karmic obligations in your own evolution.
Those persons dealing with yoga are an example. Yoga is the connection of the
inner to the outer human. The men are called yogi, while the women are called
yogini; they are always characterised as perfectly healthy to be able to extend
as much as possible their life expectancy even in just one incarnation so as to
achieve – if possible – the enlightenment.
As far as your physical – etheric body, the united one, is concerned, even
though wrapped in 7 subdimensions, your nutrition is playing a critical role.
This means that in case you consume any kind of flesh, there can be no en-
lightenment for you.
There is no way that you remove the flesh of an animal and yet either to get
enlightened or to seek for spiritual paths.
As a matter of fact, if you are aware of the smell of a disintegrated flesh, just
imagine this disintegration taking place inside of you. And then you go to the
church to light up candles and to make prayers, begging...
It is of a major importance to abstain from a sarcophagy of any kind. Of course
you are allowed to consume the derivatives of the animal kingdom, since the
Creator provided you with animal kingdom for their derivatives to be con-
And to be addressed to those who avoid consuming eggs, we must inform you
that not all eggs turn into chickens, but just these that have been inseminated
by a cock. Thus it is clear that the derivative of the chicken is offered for eat-
Of course we are always referring to the consumption of small quantities of
food. The overconsumption of food goes in pair with a mind with a problem.
Proceeding with the analysis of the next body, being the astral body, you shall
see which is the direct correlation of your physical etheric body with your as-
tral one.
6) Astral body
The word astral does not refer to the word stars but it resembles to the word
“shell”. A parallel naming of the word astral body originates from the word
“thymic” that means: ’I remember very well what you have done to me and
you shall see what I will do to you in return, or even a sentimental body ema-
nating from the feeling that we carry in our attachments (children, home, de-
sires, egoisms, etc).
Almost the entire torturing begins and ends in the astral body. As in the case of
the physical – etheric body, the astral body has 7 subfiled as well.
Starting from the 7th and going upwards you end up in the 1st.
Once you leave your physical body, i.e. you pass away and through the proce-
dures of the karmic board that is 100% fair you become a part of the 7th sub-
field of the astral body, the darkness in there is hard to describe. You have
lived a life full of absolute egoism; you had no ethical values or virtues. You
humiliated any human value. You abused anything sacred. You devastated eve-
rything in view of your goal and you took care to get hooked on the matter at
any cost. That is the status called hell.
Anyone who has removed a human life can never climb higher. You under-
stand now very easily why the Blacksoul one has invented Muhammad, the
Quran and the Islam and has made you believe that by removing human lives
in the name of the Creator, a place in heaven is reserved for you.
For whoever removes a human life, the next stage is in the 7th subfield of the
astral world, or else hell, unlimited darkness, unfinished blackness.
As we have already mentioned before, you shall never remove a life that you
can’t bring back. This involves deaths, crimes, removal of animals’ lives some-
times even for fun or as a hobby. But moreover, even the removal of a human
life in the heat of anger.
By bringing such disharmony to the harmony of the universe and such dark-
ness in the light of the universe, is there even a chance that the darkness you
have caused doesn’t return back to you?
You may use whichever excuse you like, you may invoke any cause, but you
would better be absolutely sure that by the time that it crosses your mind to
remove a life – if you haven’t already done it, you will be instantly locked up
for myriads of earthly years into unlimited darkness, in the seventh subdimen-
sion of the astral world, what you actually call hell.
That whole astral body, even if you move higher where good people exist, you
are climbing to higher subdimensions, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Especially when you join
the first subdimension of your astral body, after your natural death you are
100% evolved humans and souls but still you haven’t escaped the reincarnation
because there are yet some things that you have to understand and to work on.
Thus, you can realize that the persons who are reincarnated from the 7th sub-
dimension of the astral body are big devils, which means that they are entering
a sick body being in pair with a corresponding couple of natural parents whose
karmic responsibilities are quite compatible, and then, respectively, those who
are reincarnated from the first dimension of the astral body are little devils in a
much more higher level of course as far as physical and mental evolution is
concerned, in comparison to the previous category, but yet they also need to
complete some additional lessons.
So you understand now more than clearly why your astral body is called both
thymic and emotional.
You will be able to overcome all these once you enter your next body, being
the fifth one, and which is called spiritual body.
5) Spiritual body
Brothers on earth, as we are approaching to help you during these ultimate
moments of your planet, in view of the ultimate moments your civilization is
experiencing and of the unconceivable geological overturns that will soon take
place, you should sit down quite attentively and activate your spiritual body
since it is the only key that could lead you to the light. If you don’t proceed
with this activation, each one of you is contributing on his own strength to the
darkness that exists on your planet.
Since you have joined the human evolution, all of you have been gifted with a
mind – except for the cloned ones.
Your mind, similar to the previous bodies, has 7 dimensions.
The first four, 7th, 6th, 5th and 4th are the inferior mind. It is the divisive Dias
that for millions of years now has been forced by the Blacksoul one and his set
up authorities to be used (in use). It is the mind of all your sufferings and dev-
astations. It is the Mind of the egoism, of the desires, of the divisiveness and of
the cataclysms. It is that mind that has brought the humanity to a limitless dis-
harmony, in comparison to the harmony of the universe.
If you manage to activate though the first three subfields or the first subdimen-
sions of the spiritual body, then you have achieved everything. You have been
converted from sons of man, to sons of God. At this case you are returning
back to ether forever. You have been totally set free from the chains of the re-
incarnations due to karmic responsibilities or even small or minor slandering.
As long as you manage to activate your mind on all these unbelievable levels,
you are instantly starting to comprehend all the frivolities of any kind that exist
on earth. All those that the authorities have forced you to deal with are not
worth writing not even in fairy tales. They are talking to you about flags,
homelands, political parties, religious affairs, personal data, financial crises,
taxes, tax evasion, shares, stock market, multinational companies, cost of eve-
rything, payments, fashion, personal demonstrations of power (financial or na-
tional), etc.
At this point when the superior mind is activated, your ex divisive, inferior Di-
as mind has become a superior Mind or else Olympian Zeus.
This is the unique key that may lead you to your entire freedom and may offer
you the possibility to completely escape from the circular lives of the human
evolution including the suffering of the reincarnations; sicknesses, deaths, suf-
fering, sorrows, grieves, etc.
Following the 100% activation of your superior mind, the next body that exists
is called Buddhic body. You ought to know though that during the activation of
your superior Mind and because of the fact that you have conceived things that
are unbelievable, you will be taunted, mocked and the others will set a strange
eye on you, so this shall be a point where the test you will go through will be
quite particular.
At the moment that you arrive to renounce this form of the matter, the way that
this fairy tale was so far structured on your planet, all the servants of this fairy
tale shall come and do their best to throw you down from Olympus.
Certainly, this challenge is necessary. You will be offered the chance to filter
all those faketeachers that exist among you, calling themselves as sacred spir-
itual beings and who haven’t left anything out of the entire fairy tale of the au-
thorities without arrogating it: wealth, material goods, houses, money, deposits,
not any clear direction for the deliverance of the humanity, not any specific
claiming concerning the suffering of humanity. They are just wearing religious
clothes (petrachilia in Greek) and crosses and invoke the Buddha and the
Christ, just to impress the herd.
So the real activated mind which has been converted to Olympian Zeus, is very
much aware of what it is doing, never returns back to the inferior mind and
continues its trip undisturbed, without paying any attention to critics or criti-
cisms, with the aim to be led to the Nirvana or, if wishing so, to go down for
some appearances to certain imprisoned planets like yours in order to teach you
like a real master should.
It will be that easy to judge what spiritual teacher means. Buddha has abdicated
the entire matter to get enlightened and Jesus after having taught the christiani-
zation, was crucified by all the authorities since he was ruining the ‘shop’ for
You can understand of course at this point that these two huge beings have
willingly come down to enlighten your captured planet.
Following the superior Mind, which is activated in the spiritual and your deliv-
erance by any sort of reincarnation on your planet or on another planet having
the same evolution, the next body and fourth one is the Buddhic.
4) Buddhic body
At this status now when your own evolution has achieved the unbelievable, to
have conquered the Buddhic body, it is in a place to know that much that you
shall know much more than what we are going to mention here once you man-
age to reach that high, you can bet on that.
Those who will achieve to activate the Buddhic body – which many times is
also called as ‘Nirvana’, are experiencing a status of permanent bliss.
In view of the fact that the heights and the consciousness, the horizons and the
knowledge are much more than what you could imagine and since you have
dedicated a lot of work and efforts to reach that high, only keep in mind that
the Buddhic body is equal to a status of absolute bliss (= Nirvana) and for
which you could also use the word used on earth, i.e. ‘Heaven’. Only as com-
plementary information we are telling you that whoever among you achieves
that, whichever skill you had evolved during your incarnations, shall always
follow you.
3) Divine body
After the Buddhic status, the next body is the Divine body. We are referring to
a status where you are escaping from the bliss, you have worked on different
levels of evolution, you have obtained the Unction, you are christianized,
The great teacher of yours has named you as his brothers and he also per-
formed many miracles (he walked on the sea, resurrected a dead man, cured
blind and handicapped people, managed to feed a crowd without possessing
that much food). So he quite clearly mentioned to you that there is a way for
you to act similarly. He neither was distant from you, nor ever claimed that he
was the only one to be able to perform such acts and mainly he didn’t live in
wealth and luxury or got ever attached to anything material. And in all this,
Magdalene, his mother the Virgin and his students are also included.
The activation of the divine body is an evolution for the humanity beyond any
understanding. This key was delivered to you by Jesus Christ and in the frame
of this unsealing of this Book it will come in your hands and you will realize
why it is the last key for your own evolution. All the distorted truth will be of-
fered to you, regarding that being that was certainly born as Jesus Christ but
made it glaringly clear to you what christanization (Chrits) means. Of course
all the gravediggers of the human evolution have hidden from you the entire
knowledge and truth as well.
The oblivion that exists in your mind concerning this (Jesus – Christ) is beyond
any description.
2) Mental
At such status we may only make simple references. The reason is that follow-
ing the superior spiritual – Buddhic – and of course Divine body, and having
activated incredible understandings and knowledge as well as possessing now
an unbelievable consciousness, you are at a level higher of the divine body in
activation, thus you have obtained the title of the Master of Wisdom.
All of you can become Masters of Wisdom. By proceeding with the simple
reference to the mental body, we must say that it is that body on which the
whole matter is structured. It possesses a nucleus with positive charge being
the Father and the electron with a negative charge always rotating around the
This specific structure has to do with the entire matter. This is the primordial
body after the monadic one. So, once you reach that high, you have understood
1) Monadic
Coming to the last body, the Monadic one, else called ‘Atman’ in the Sanskrit
language, it is actually the one that can be identified as the connection to the
Creator, the identification with Him.
We are definitely talking about situations that are hard to describe and not on-
ly. There lies the absolute reconnection with the Father. At that level you just
stop having anything to do with the word energy (energy, ergo = work in
Greek) since the part of the Divine spark that you had been carrying for some
earthly years with no limit has come together again; we are talking about the
exact point where from being a spirit you entered the energy – matter and then
at the end of the trip from being an energy you returned back to the spirit.
We would like to help all of you (men and women) comprehend something
very important. The fact that you may belong to either a male or a female body
has nothing to do with the bullshit they are talking to you about: the fair
(weaker) sex, the strong sex, or the even more humiliating staff included in the
book that the Blacksoul one teaches about (the Quran) (a man married to many
women, women that are only permitted to uncover their eyes).
A man is equal to energy. A woman is equal to energy. In order to be able to
reach higher, in the spiritual world, these energies have to get polarized in a
specific way, just like the two poles of a common battery.
Never a positive pole of a battery could turn towards the negative pole (I am
more worth it than you are, or the opposite).
The reason is much too simple. There is no such thing as a battery with only
negative or only positive pole.
The polarization of the two poles, i.e. the connection of the two energies, leads
to the existence of a battery which in turn can be used to supply e.g. a machine
with energy.
This exact same thing also applies to the case of the couple (man and woman)
in the human kind. None between the two deserves even a grain more than the
other. This whole dispraise of the woman has been performed by the Blacksoul
one and those serving him and, this, for obvious reasons...
No man is capable of achieving anything without the woman and no woman
can achieve anything without the man.
With no doubt, this polarization has to be completely monogamous.
In no battery do you ever change just the one of the two poles.
So, you can understand now that the matter that is equal to energy is female, it
is the mother.
The entire matter indeed.
At least on your own planet, throughout the evolution, beginning from the ab-
solute monogamous polarization of the male and female energies, and coming
to a point to activate the spiritual body, then the Buddhic, next together with
your couple you activate the Divine body, you comprehend the divine body
(the whole visible matter is quanta: protons, electrons, neutrons) and finally
you end up to where you started from and obtained all the forms and experi-
ences, not to be in need any more of the word energy, since your divine spark
(spirit) has returned to the absolute spirit