More than 3 billion of the inhabitants of this planet officially belong to the in-
habitants living below the poverty limit.
1.5 billions of people have no access to the electricity supply, 800 million hu-
mans have no access to clean drinking water...
These are some indicative figures which are tragic as far the contemporary
humanity is concerned, taking into consideration that currently the humanity is
experiencing the best ever level of technological development of the last 5000
years at least.
The figures we mentioned above outstandingly demonstrate that all the authori-
ties of the planet, each one of them with its own share of responsibility, see that
these results exist and this is how those percentages of poor inhabitants on your
planet are shaped up.
We have demonstrated to you in detail that when a soul is about to be incarnat-
ed, this is happening so that it is able of gaining experiences and by activating
the superior mind, to be able to finish the school called human evolution.
Furthermore, you have very well understood the “live by the sword, die by the
sword” of Jesus Christ and the karma of Buddha (law of the retributive justice).
Since everything in the universe is circular, even your thought is starting and
ending to you and there is nothing in the universe that is linear, meaning to
start from a line that ends somewhere. So, your reincarnations constitute parts
of the cycle and in this case of your own cycle. Until the moment that you
comprehend in this path all those things we have mentioned before.
This entire circular path of yours in the creation, every time that you reincar-
nate, is also a hint of the degree which your evolution has reached, but also
which lessons you still have to go through during the human evolution.
You have already realized now that if your soul is incarnated in a very sick or
sick human body during the naissance, this instantly is equal to a heavy karmic
This heavy karmic past is due to the removal of human lives, to the participa-
tion to black magic rituals and to homosexual particularities, but mainly to
But in case that during your incarnation you have entered a body that is not
sick since the moment of your naissance, this instantly means that the lessons
you must receive during this incarnation or else your karma are much lighter
than the one of those who are seriously ill since birth.
Through this upward and downward movement of the matter and until now in
this imprisoned planet, they have taken care that you live in a constant pain,
fear, thirst, ignorance and of course divisiveness.
By experiencing this status and since you have been incarnated and realized
mainly after your childhood that you have been categorized in the “poor”, then
you make efforts for abandoning this category (of the poor). In the frame of
this attempt you are sometimes led to performing acts that are against the uni-
versal causality and this instantly means that you are loading some karma to
your psychic carrier.
In the frame of this delinquency against the universal causality, to escape from
the category of the “poor”, it is possible that you even go until removing hu-
man lives.
We really seek for your absolute attention. In case you got that far to such ex-
treme acts, the karma you have created is much heavier than you could ever
A soul that during its incarnation has removed a human life or even its own life
(suicide), shall be incarnated 7 times in a totally sick body. In addition to the
time intervals between the incarnations and also taking into account that it shall
start from the beginning again to be able to understand through the mind (intel-
ligence) to role of its existence in the creation.
We would like to stay particularly at this part, because the Blacksoul one may
be able through his authorities to eliminate even the most elementary from you,
as the food, the shelter, the electricity or the drinking water, but thanks to the
ability / integrity of your physical body after your birth, you have reached such
high levels of evolution, much higher than the corresponding levels of the sick
– since birth bodies.
In case you are led to the removal of human lives struggling to escape the class
of the poor using such delinquent means according to the universal causality, it
is the worst you could do for your soul.
Since you are born and in view of the circumstances you are experiencing in
the class of the poor and as long as this greedy system still exists, you would
better try to escape the class of the poor, but you should never do it by violat-
ing the universal causality.
You may escape the class of the poor, even the system by choosing to live your
life in some village either in the mountain or by the sea, along with your com-
panion as well as the entire knowledge that has been provided to you so that
you graduate from the “school” of the human evolution.
This path or else alternative is also suggested for the middle class of the hu-
The Blacksoul one, being aware that he has lost the power game on the planet,
has already begun to tear apart the middle class as well, with the upper goal of
shaping a planet of “poor”, only keeping some persons in the elite, either religious
or political one and with the contribution of both the army and the police,
he intends to implement on a global level his black authority.
So, seeking refuge in the villages either in the mountains or by the sea seems to
be the solution for the humanity to find a way to escape from the wheels of the
Blacksoul one, but mainly to avoid proceeding in any kind of delinquency
against the universal causality.
This is the reason why, in the already existing class of the poor amounting to
more than 3 billion, and also counting the rest that is going to be added in view
of the current and future happenings, for the first time in the history of the
planet, the consciousness of the humanity will totally change.
The only thing you have to do is work only for your soul.
You already know the way to benefit your soul. The means for you to be lifted
out of the poverty is the living in the villages, mostly in the mountains. You
must currently work on the salvation of the soul since this is going to follow
you eternally and try not to commit any delinquency against the universal cau-
sality because such behavior would lead your individual carrier to unbelievable
Good luck.
habitants living below the poverty limit.
1.5 billions of people have no access to the electricity supply, 800 million hu-
mans have no access to clean drinking water...
These are some indicative figures which are tragic as far the contemporary
humanity is concerned, taking into consideration that currently the humanity is
experiencing the best ever level of technological development of the last 5000
years at least.
The figures we mentioned above outstandingly demonstrate that all the authori-
ties of the planet, each one of them with its own share of responsibility, see that
these results exist and this is how those percentages of poor inhabitants on your
planet are shaped up.
We have demonstrated to you in detail that when a soul is about to be incarnat-
ed, this is happening so that it is able of gaining experiences and by activating
the superior mind, to be able to finish the school called human evolution.
Furthermore, you have very well understood the “live by the sword, die by the
sword” of Jesus Christ and the karma of Buddha (law of the retributive justice).
Since everything in the universe is circular, even your thought is starting and
ending to you and there is nothing in the universe that is linear, meaning to
start from a line that ends somewhere. So, your reincarnations constitute parts
of the cycle and in this case of your own cycle. Until the moment that you
comprehend in this path all those things we have mentioned before.
This entire circular path of yours in the creation, every time that you reincar-
nate, is also a hint of the degree which your evolution has reached, but also
which lessons you still have to go through during the human evolution.
You have already realized now that if your soul is incarnated in a very sick or
sick human body during the naissance, this instantly is equal to a heavy karmic
This heavy karmic past is due to the removal of human lives, to the participa-
tion to black magic rituals and to homosexual particularities, but mainly to
But in case that during your incarnation you have entered a body that is not
sick since the moment of your naissance, this instantly means that the lessons
you must receive during this incarnation or else your karma are much lighter
than the one of those who are seriously ill since birth.
Through this upward and downward movement of the matter and until now in
this imprisoned planet, they have taken care that you live in a constant pain,
fear, thirst, ignorance and of course divisiveness.
By experiencing this status and since you have been incarnated and realized
mainly after your childhood that you have been categorized in the “poor”, then
you make efforts for abandoning this category (of the poor). In the frame of
this attempt you are sometimes led to performing acts that are against the uni-
versal causality and this instantly means that you are loading some karma to
your psychic carrier.
In the frame of this delinquency against the universal causality, to escape from
the category of the “poor”, it is possible that you even go until removing hu-
man lives.
We really seek for your absolute attention. In case you got that far to such ex-
treme acts, the karma you have created is much heavier than you could ever
A soul that during its incarnation has removed a human life or even its own life
(suicide), shall be incarnated 7 times in a totally sick body. In addition to the
time intervals between the incarnations and also taking into account that it shall
start from the beginning again to be able to understand through the mind (intel-
ligence) to role of its existence in the creation.
We would like to stay particularly at this part, because the Blacksoul one may
be able through his authorities to eliminate even the most elementary from you,
as the food, the shelter, the electricity or the drinking water, but thanks to the
ability / integrity of your physical body after your birth, you have reached such
high levels of evolution, much higher than the corresponding levels of the sick
– since birth bodies.
In case you are led to the removal of human lives struggling to escape the class
of the poor using such delinquent means according to the universal causality, it
is the worst you could do for your soul.
Since you are born and in view of the circumstances you are experiencing in
the class of the poor and as long as this greedy system still exists, you would
better try to escape the class of the poor, but you should never do it by violat-
ing the universal causality.
You may escape the class of the poor, even the system by choosing to live your
life in some village either in the mountain or by the sea, along with your com-
panion as well as the entire knowledge that has been provided to you so that
you graduate from the “school” of the human evolution.
This path or else alternative is also suggested for the middle class of the hu-
The Blacksoul one, being aware that he has lost the power game on the planet,
has already begun to tear apart the middle class as well, with the upper goal of
shaping a planet of “poor”, only keeping some persons in the elite, either religious
or political one and with the contribution of both the army and the police,
he intends to implement on a global level his black authority.
So, seeking refuge in the villages either in the mountains or by the sea seems to
be the solution for the humanity to find a way to escape from the wheels of the
Blacksoul one, but mainly to avoid proceeding in any kind of delinquency
against the universal causality.
This is the reason why, in the already existing class of the poor amounting to
more than 3 billion, and also counting the rest that is going to be added in view
of the current and future happenings, for the first time in the history of the
planet, the consciousness of the humanity will totally change.
The only thing you have to do is work only for your soul.
You already know the way to benefit your soul. The means for you to be lifted
out of the poverty is the living in the villages, mostly in the mountains. You
must currently work on the salvation of the soul since this is going to follow
you eternally and try not to commit any delinquency against the universal cau-
sality because such behavior would lead your individual carrier to unbelievable
Good luck.