Τρίτη 25 Αυγούστου 2015


All it takes for you to reach the enlightenment and the Christianisation has now
been revealed to you. The only thing we will mention in the epilogue of this

unsealing, since your planet is now prepared for the next day without any post-
ponement is the overview of this entire unsealing.

The central sun of your solar system which is the Alkyone together with the
entire constellation called Pleiades, has already started to emit on your planet
an unbelievable number of additional photons.
This definitely and with no further interpretations means upgrade. The reason
why they are air spraying the inhabited cities and cultivations and oblige you to
eat the genetically modified food, and at last they are supposedly looking for
the particle of God in the labs of fear – CERN, is only one: for the Blacksoul

one and his authorities not to allow you to penetrate into the much more nu-
merous photons (light).

More photons – light is equal to upgrading, it means evolution and ascension.
You who belong to the human kingdom and to the beings with intelligence,
called humanity/mankind, are consisted by spirit, which is equal to a part of the
absolute hyper – mind or else called Divine spark and by the soul (psychi in
Greek, psychos = cold in greek), which chills the divine spark in your form; the
soul, being now individual for each person (except for clones and mutants) is
an indicator of the degree of evolution of all your previous lives, either on your

planet or on other planets that are evolving similarly to the yours (three dimen-

Furthermore, you are consisted by the visible, which you witness on your own
eyes and which is called human body.
Your human body is communicating with the invisible spirit and soul, via just
one organ, the mind.
In antiquity (Ancient Greece – 12 gods) it was called "Dias".


This mind, who’s a part is identified and connected with your natural brain,

what you use to call ‘mind’, as well as the rest of the 6 fields, are in the invisi-
ble world.

Your Dias, the divisive mind, in order to be able to connect the visible with the
invisible (human body, spirit and soul) has to be converted to ‘Zeus’.
This means that your inferior divisive Dias has to reify his connection with the
invisible and this can only be performed once your superior mind is activated.
In case this doesn’t happen, you will forever remain in the animal evolution or
even lower, because the animals possess developed senses (sense of self
preservation, sense of danger, etc.).
However, the tragic for the entire humanity until today starts with the one who

is currently named after ‘Blacksoul one’; your great master has named him af-
ter ‘Satan’ because his origin is from the constellation ‘Satania’ of the galaxy

‘Nevadon’ (this is why the desert Nevada also exists). All the authorities are

serving him because of the totally nonexistent money of the supposedly pre-
cious metals for the acquisition of any product on earth and mostly for the cov-
ering of the basic needs (food and shelter).

You have invented unbelievable words, like deficits, taxes, tax evasion, devel-
opment and all the authorities of your planet are serving these lies.

He has transferred the production procedure of all the products of the planet, or
the handling of money and precious metals, the production and handling of any
kind of energy or science and of any new technology, to absolutely dependent

and controlled slaves, that is to specific countries whose authorities are ‘pio-
neers’ as far as this monstrosity that is taking place on your planet is con-

In the older years these countries were the Egyptians, the Persians, the Ro-
mans, the Byzantine, the Ottomans, while in the contemporary years these are

the USA, England, Germany, Israel and China.
It goes without saying of course that all the authorities are his pawns.
The entire mankind has instantly been enslaved. Due to your material needs in

food and shelter and to the enforcement of weapons (army and police) and tak-
ing also into consideration the funny justice existing on your planet and the

even funnier religions, the humanity has completely lost its orientation.

The Noah’s flood in the Human Mind & the Return to GOD


You have been that much confused and even the teaching of the huge spiritual

Masters have been distorted at such a degree, that the result is the total stupe-
faction of humans and their transformation to obedient instruments or even to

official killers, supposedly in the name of God.
The impact from all these skilful tripping to the human minds, is the literal
cancelling of the minds.
Mind means creative thinking. Creative thinking means Creator, God. From the
moment that your creative thinking is skilfully cancelled and then you are
guided to structures perfectly fitted to the scopes of all the authorities, your
mind has been instantly cancelled.
They have transformed you from persons with a creative thinking and of
course who have found the answer to the ultimate and fundamental question
‘who are you, who gave birth to you, what did you come to do on the planet,
what about your physical death’, to absolutely controlled animals living into

absolutely controlled herds. They have created quite many herds for you: polit-
ical, religious, sexual, terroristic ones and herds of any kind of stupidity and

stupefaction. Even the fact that you consider you belong in a nation is a stupe-
faction alone. You belong where you used to belong before you were born and

where you shall belong after your physical death.
And while you are definite that you are expecting your physical death, i.e. the
separation of your real self from your rented for a few decades – body, you
forget about all these, as they have forced you to continuously grow hatred,
egoism and to seek for the human blood of the other herds.
In all this befuddlement and lies you are experiencing, you only have a choice.
And your choice is to go for the herd.
And although you think that the herd you have selected is suitable for you,
flooded by stress as you are struggling even over your elementary needs – as

skilfully arranged so by the authorities – you weren’t able until today to per-
ceive and to realise what a set up and fake game all the authorities – without

any exception – have played at your expense.

They have even convinced you through this fake game you are forced to partic-
ipate in along with the agents, the provocateurs and the mass media of mental

apathy, that the humans are to blame for the predicament of mankind.
And of course, too many of you accept this.


So, all of you simple people who haven’t been involved in any of the lodges of
the Blacksoul one, who haven’t established any set up political party that needs
to be funded by the Blacksoul one to stay in the surface, who haven’t distorted

the speech of Jesus Christ or of Siddhārtha Gautama Buddha, who haven’t in-
vented any set up religious books encouraging you to remove human lives in

return of virgins waiting for you in paradise, and to keep God pleased since
you will be killing faithless people.
All you simple people who haven’t been involved in set up financial crises, in
set up wars, who aren’t to blame neither for the hunger nor for the misery and

who haven’t participated in the global affairs, have been convinced that hu-
mans are to blame for all these.

You sure have your share of responsibility in the degree that you should at
least consider about trying to find out why you are born and die, which is your
relation with the God you invoke; this definitely is your own responsibility.
Nevertheless, only one bears the huge responsibility over your predicament,
the wars, the hunger and all the sufferings of the humanity.
The Blacskoul one and all the authorities of the planet with no exception at all.
Egoist and full of vanity little people enter the cogs and the lodges of the
Blacskoul one and at a certain moment they carry out their mission against the
entire mankind and in favour of the Blacksoul one, who is literally sucking the
energy of the humanity until nowadays, this besides being his sole scope.
He is naturally achieving this into the matrix, the lie he has forced you to live

The most striking evidence that the time has finally come for the unsealing of

this knowledge and the revelations to be made to the humanity, is the agoniz-
ing efforts of the Blacksoul one and of his authorities so that soon in the planet

a global government and religion are established, as the ideal solution for man-

What is more, they have modified the food, they have created epidemics, they
are air spraying you from the skies, they are poisoning the land and all these,

The Noah’s flood in the Human Mind & the Return to GOD


too simply since they know quite well that they cannot control anymore what is
approaching from the Creation.
They have lost their ability to hold the humanity in the obscurantism, not any

They cannot control you anymore like they used to control you until now, they
cannot cancel the era of the Aquarius which your planet has entered since the
4th February 1962 and thus they are desperately seeking ways to lead you to
the devastation, above any suspicion from your part.
The figure of the 7,200,000,000 souls already living on the planet is too high
for expendable slaves as you; so they will try to decrease you down to
500,000.,000 at most.
We are declaring to you clearly enough. The scope of all the authorities of the
planet is to devastate you, make you disappear. All that you could count upon
is only yourself and nothing/nobody else.
Take this entire knowledge provided now to you and implement it on your
rented body.
They are talking to you about churches, temples, mosques and a bunch of other

crap supposedly in the name of ‘nice’ words like holy places , but yet they in-
tentionally skip about mentioning the most basic: the church, the temple, the

mosque is above anything your own human body.
You keep your body in the dirt, the stink, the cunning thoughts, the gluttony,

the lust, the paedophilia, the homosexuality, the meanness, the hatred, the mur-
ders and any kind of negativism emanating from this filthy creature whose

name is Blacksoul one; with all these suffering arising from you and your own
human body, do you actually think that there might be a church, a temple or a
mosque where you could be purified?
But in case they had informed you that your body is the temple and then
through the control of your mind you had started to activate your superior mind
and what is more your superior self, if you had been converted from divisive
Dias to Olympian Zeus, if you had connected the visible with the nonvisible,
your body with your spirit and soul, then you would instantly become suns,
anointed and would emit light. And this is something that the conmen serving
the Blacksoul one don’t wish for. Because all they actually wish for you is to


see you crawling, hurt, be starving, live in misery, be selfish with a lot of at-
tachments, so that they can confuse you using any kind of set up actions.

For example, they are talking to you about charities and holy causes, that is
their intention to gather money for the sick, the elderly, the helpless and other
similar weak categories.
Who has told you, you black jerks that the divine beings like the human souls
have been created by God to receive the alms of the black sneaky bastards of
the Blacskoul one?
Who told you that the divine beings have come to your planet for you to bless

You black jerks, the divine beings, that is the humanity, has come to planet

earth just to get taught from you the whole truth, so that they are able of con-
tinuing their evolution in the universe, but yet instead of teaching to them the

entire truth, you have filed them up with lies. You have on purpose led them
and trapped them in the dirt, the stink, the blackness and the entrapping.
'So, you members of the entire mankind, take this whole unsealing of the
knowledge and since now just rely on you alone.
Don’t you even waste an earthly second.

Clean up your thoughts, perceive the perishability of your human body, con-
nect your mind with the Creator (connection of your mind with the Hyper

mind), understand that there is no difference between you and God, the only
difference being that you haven’t realised (if this is the case of course) that He

is you and you are Him. And all of you are the same one self, without absolute-
ly any difference between each other.

As long as you immediately understand all these, you will bless your physical
body, being your church, your temple, the most sacred thing you possess on
this planet.
Your holy place is your own physical body since through your body you can
express yourself, walk and talk on your planet. If it weren’t for your physical
body, would there be a holy place so that you could perceive it?

What we are saying to you is clear and it goes without saying. Everything be-
gins and ends inside of you. Either the godliness or the slandering are inside of

In case you wish to embrace the slandering, you shall become devils. In case
you wish to embrace the godliness it’s up to you to reach the godliness.
You possess the keys, you possess the knowledge.

You must first become enlightened Buddha; we are telling this to even you
who resent our advice, that this is literally your only chance. It is the only path
you may follow. If you don’t, every kind of dirt arising for your own body,
being your temple, will function at your expense more than in comparison to
the past when you had ignorance.

In the past you didn’t know, but now everything is made known to you. So, for
every dirt coming out of your physical body, your church, you are now starting
to consider things quite differently.
The universe has come to talk to you about the rise of the era of the Aquarius

on your planet. You have been precisely informed about how to become Bud-
dha and then to get Christianised, become anointed (Christ).

In case you don’t go for this, it will be your decision alone and yours only.
But you have to believe us that you cannot even imagine the price of such a

On the contrary, as far as all the rest of you is concerned – and we know that
there are many of you who will follow our advice – the benefits will be end-

All that we assure you is that through this entire knowledge you are literally
converted from sons of man to sons of God.
Of course in this case the word ‘sons’ is a figure of speech, because literally
you started form the absolute hyper spirit, entered the mother, being the matter
flooded with energy, and through this unbelievable titanic and grandiose effort
of yours, following your evolution to the category of the beings with intelli-
gence, you managed, as a triumphant, to get reunited with the spirit (Father).

Another element that is provided to you in such accuracy is that soon on your
planet, the lands and the oceans are going to change their locations, following
the fore comnig cataclysm.

Furthermore, we also submitted to you that a lot of christs have been incarnat-
ed among you and these gifts from God (Theodoroi) exist among you and each
one of them has a mission to completely carry out.
At last, we have also submitted this herein: the change that is going to take
place on your planet, that is the Blacskoul one will no longer be allowed to
govern you and the humanity will return back to the light, the golden era, will
simultaneously happen in 153 planets characterised by the same evolution as
the earth’s.

And for you to avoid too much of a brainstorming, your great master Jesus
Christ suggested to his students to count the fish at the place he had indicated

to them; then he asked them to throw the fishing nets where they hadn’t man-
aged to catch any fish at all. The fish were indeed 153 and the secret behind

this is the following:
At first the sum from 1 to 17 is equal to 153, the same figure as the number of
the planets that are going to be freed.
Next, all these Teodoroi (Theodoroi = gifts from God in Greek) are 17...
And closing this we have two last important notices to make,
First of all, some of the souls that are already incarnated on your planet have
assisted the full this unsealing of the knowledge.
These souls know who they are. Nevertheless, we have to make this known to
you and we are also telling you that
These are the souls that have been set free.

Secondly, just a last remark to the entire mankind. Don’t you push aside, dur-
ing the day, to remain connected if not constantly, at least too many times with
the unity, that is with God, until you reach a moment when you will be con-
stantly connected with the Creator (God). This is the best meditation, the best

prayer. No requests, no whimpering, no personal aspirations. Just united –
identified. What we would like to add here is that at your last breath you do the

Your thought and your existence to be connected with Him. What will come up
from this will be just benefits and this alone.
And here is the last we would like to submit to you. The naissance of your real
self (spiritsoul) in your rented body as well as the death of your rented body

and the continuation of your real self through the permanent trip of the univer-
sal evolution, either in a visible or invisible form, belongs to you alone and this

we can assure you from the bottom of our heart.
So, both the naissance and the death belong to you only. Don’t you allow from
now on any plan aiming at sucking your energy.
You have unsealed all the keys of the knowledge. You only have to do one
thing: read these lines as many times as it takes to fully understand them and
most certainly don’t you waste a single second, without working for your real
self (spirit – soul).
We would like to thank you for everything, our mission on your planet has
been completed; It is possible that we might need to meet again with some of
you in other planets, which could use this intervention – likewise in your case –