The answer to a question posed to the great master Jesus about the punishment
of a homicide who hasn’t sinned
except for the homicide, once he comes out his body is:
"When the bullet is revolving around itself it is that which orders to be spilled
into the outer darkness until the moment comes that the darkness of the means
are up high. This is how the soul will be destroyed and dispersed..."
This is the punishment of the homicide.
Once you are incarnated in a human body you know very well that you have
started from the Creator, you have entered the world of the matter and of the
shape, you have as far as evolution is concerned reached a level where the be-
ings with intelligence are and now it is your mind the one that shall help you
set your soul free from the reincarnations or sink you in the darkness.
Through this unsealing you have realised the unconceivable importance of a
mind in a human being.
You have also realised that this until now imprisoned by the Blacksoul one and
his authority’s planet, has as its sole intention to keep you entrapped in any
kind of low level desires, attachments, egoisms, hatred and passions.
The time has come though that everything is being known to you. There are no
more excuses.
The entire knowledge has been provided to you in detail.
Everything that was trapping and disorienting you, leaving you with the im-
pression of doing the right thing, was the exact opposite and even if you are not
aware of it, everything has been revealed to you.
So, we are experiencing this unbelievable status where the system is skilfully
encouraging you to remove human lives either through set up wars or through
tensions in the human relationships and paid death warrants.
You poor people, once you dare to proceed to a similar act, it will be too bad
for you. The question that was posed to your great master Jesus Christ a little
while before his ascension was followed by a very specific answer.
We, due to the unconceivable moments your planet is experiencing and also
due to the unbelievable ascension and evolution reaching its peak, are going to
provide you with a more specific way so that you manage to understand what it
means to remove a human life for any reason.
You inhabit a human body for a short time period. Concerning all those fairy
tales fed to you by the Blacskoul one that this body is yours, you should sit
down and think about what we are writing to you. How could this be your
body? What have you done to obtain it?
Did you use clay (soil) to build the shape and the internal organs and then you
breathed life into it?
You did nothing of course, nothing is yours and all those things that the
Blacksoul one is mentioning only have one scope. To put to to sleep, hypnotize
you, misinform you, trap you and at the end as you will then be his victims,
you will be led to any kind of act that drives you to the absolute destruction of
your real self that is only the soul (registry of previous lives).
This is what all the story tellers of the authorities do. They are making you be-
lieve that the rented body is yours and that you are a big shot man or a big shot
woman. You are trapped into this lie – fairy tale, you develop an egoism, you
have believed it is yours and then the one mistake follows the other and you
end up to mistakes with no return like the homosexuality, the homicide and the
black magic.
We have also written earlier that even a drop of the water you are drinking fall-
ing into what the story tellers say is your own body, you cannot even imagine
where this drop may be found is in your supposedly body.
We are not referring to the creation of the water, the air, the land, the sun, the
solar systems, the galaxies, these are far away from you, because what you are
convinced about is that the body is yours and that it belongs to you.
You understand how funny but also a lie this is.
And while this is the only truth and it is the reason why you received the incar-
nation, you are confused into the games of the authorities and of the human
relationships on the planet and into all those jokes that you experience that you
come to a point of removing even other people’s (sometimes you own) lives.
So, another soul which was incarnated like your soul did, both of them starting
from the unity, the Creator to gain experiences into the world of the matter and
having as only scope (for both of them) to return back to the Creator, because
practically and literally you are a part of the Creator.
And although you are exactly the same and you both have the exact mission,
out of a sudden the devil inferior Dias (mind) proceeds to an outrageous act,
using any excuse (anger, death warrants, soldiers) to remove the incarnation of
the same soul as yours, which in your eyes seems as different, while practically
and literally it isn’t.
Do you understand the size of your act? Your outrageous act has no limits. We
are telling you once more that you must never remove the life that you can’t
bring back, in fact not to even think about it.
You shouldn’t even think of intending to remove a human life. As you can per-
ceive and witness on this planet, there is nothing that belongs to you, nothing
that you have created yourself.
It has all started from a totally perfect Creator – God and at the end of the times
everything will end up to the same Creator – God.
Anything that you destroy and whichever disharmony you may bring, it will be
you alone who will be invited to make it up for. Only that in the case of the
removal of the human life, the karma will be endlessly heavy.
All the authorities on their way are driving you to wearing uniforms of soldiers
and to defend the homelands although you know that after death you possess
no homeland. Because you were born in no homeland and no homeland has
created you.
The authorities also through the egoisms and the money are skilfully creating
passions and hatred as to lead you occasionally to the removal of human lives.
Even the authorities using as motive the supposedly money are driving some
among you to execute death warrants. If you only knew how tragic are the con-
sequences of those death warrants and of the removal of human lives for all of
you! You wouldn’t even consider, not even making a thought of removing a
human life.
This is the reason why, humans of this evolution on planet earth, in the short
time that remains for your planet, and unless you haven’t been destroyed, do
help yourself not to be destroyed by removing a human life.
18. Then a certain ruler asked Him, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit
eternal life?”
19. “Why do you call Me good?” Jesus replied. “No one is good except God
20. You know the commandments: ‘Do not commit adultery, do not murder,
do not steal, do not bear false witness, honor your father and mother.’”
21. “All these have I kept from my youth,” he said.
22. On hearing this, Jesus told him, “You still lack one thing: Sell everything
you own and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then
come, follow Me.”
23. But when the ruler heard this, he became very sad, because he was ex-
tremely wealthy.
24. Seeing the man’s sorrow, Jesus said, “How hard it is for the rich to enter
the kingdom of God.
25. Indeed, it is easier for a camel to pass through an eye of a needle than for a
rich man to enter the kingdom of God.
All the material possessions that belong to a person on your planet once incar-
nated – in a physical dense body, when the natural death arrives don’t go along
with the deceased (houses, money, yachts, etc).
So, during the life of a human, and having the entire humanity following the
same laws, some are categorized in the class of the poor – the majority we
would say – and a few among them in the category of the rich. The figures that
follow are only indicative: more than 3 billion of humans live under the limit
of the poverty and only 10 million persons in the entire humanity possess more
than 1 million dollars in cash.
In the present letter, we are addressing those few millions of humans that have
the financial ability to belong to the rich ones, either by their own belongings
or by assets transferred to them by their parents, etc.; No matter which is the
case things are totally clear.
Ladies and gentlemen belonging to the plutocrats of your planet are very much
aware of the fact that no matter how much money you own, they have an expi-
ry date as far as your management is concerned (others will be managing them
after your death).
When during your lifetime you have managed to possess a lot of money, you
had the feeling until now that they were intended to help you obtain any mate-
rial good you actually wished. And of course you indeed perform this since
you have the possibility to. Through this management of your money you are
differentiated from the rest of the humanity living in the poverty but either you
are not at all interested in their poverty or you sometimes make minor in view
of your affordability donations in charitable foundations.
So, you have the feeling that you are helping people through this kind of con-
tribution. However, your contribution by any means of help towards the hu-
manity is in reality extremely limited taking into account your affordability and
you can fool neither the Creator nor the universe over this.
By the moment the universe offers you in any possible way the possibility to
own a lot or extremely lot of money, the reason for this is merely one: to test
you. In the same way that the poor as tested concerning the management of
their poverty, you are also tested in the way that you are going to handle your
No matter what you claim to your environment, or even talking to yourself and
believing that you are good persons, nothing can really illustrate what you
should had actually done.
The great Master who stepped foot on your planet, Jesus Christ, said it clearly
to you using the scripts of the Gospel by Lukas. You may claim to be decent
people, never having hurt anyone, never having stolen anything, committed a
murder, having honored your father or your mother and all those things that
being a decent person mean.
But in the same time that you managed to possess a lot or extremely lot of
money, some other persons die out of hunger and thirst, they may be sick and
bedridden, or even unemployed or out of work or bearing any other suffering
of the global system.
Is it possible that since you could feed let’s say 1,000 persons, you – in the best
scenario – just offer food to 1020 or a hundred, to be expecting to experience
the kingdom of the heavens after you pass away?
You rich ones, why don’t you feed a thousand persons since you can afford
that? You should even settle for 999; can’t you see that for even that one per-
son left to be hungry you are to blame for not wanting to do so?
Of course we are referring to sick, weak persons and not to lazy persons or
This is exactly what Jesus Christ replied to the rich man he is referring to.
Some rich person might remain totally indifferent to this approach because
their unbelievable egoism has sealed the eyes of their soul, so whenever the
fund becomes for them after death, that is, the longest duration in a few earth
years. However concerning others who might make efforts to justify their self,
presenting any kind of excuses, e.g. saving money for their future, here abso-
lutely fits what we have written to you about the way the authority of the hu-
manity should have been established.
Because in case that some rich person are selfmade, meaning that their inferior
mind is much capable, they are smart, by the moment that they managed to
become rich, this instantly means that they have succeeded.
There is a difference here though. They have become rich to satisfy their ego.
And in the same timing that others not having the possibility or the flexibility
without being neither lazy nor spongers, don’t even have the chance to get a
job not even to meet their elementary needs (food and shelter).
You can witness the vicious cycle of the global gravediggers once more. They
keep on dividing you as humanity and once some smart guys manage to escape
the poverty in comparison to the rest, they only care about themselves.
In this case we are advising you rich ones, especially the selfmade ones, and
based on all those things you have read during this unsealing of the knowledge,
but also taking into consideration the fact that the procedure of your natural
death is a matter of earthly time and nothing more nothing less, to try and use
your quick wits, your skills and your cleverness for the sake of the entire hu-
As far as what we have already mentioned about the entire humanity working
under the umbrella of the public sector, of course you can take advantage of
your own skills and most probably you will be offered leading positions due to
your wit and cleverness; so you will in the same time serve the entire humanity
by cancelling the Blacksoul one, the money and the global gravediggers on
your planet.
We have just made known to you the means to do that and you sure have in
mind which direction to follow. Unless you move on towards this direction and
this only to set the humanity free holding a leading position, anything else you
may proceed with using the old method is just excuses.
Not any other excuse is accepted. Both the entire humanity and each one of
you separately has to realize that, being poor or rich; of course in this letter we
are addressing the rich ones.
You rich ones, you shall either work for the sake of the entire humanity feeling
the unity of the whole or you shall go on using any excuse to invoke serving
your own ego, your own sake.
You have been instantly eliminated from the source, the unity, the Father –
God, you only serve your ego and the divisiveness and this is equal to the kar-
ma (law of the retributive justice). If you think that your cleverness is sufficient
to last until the end of your natural life (death), then you may continue using
the old methods. But in case your cleverness is unlimited and can be converted
to wit, it goes beyond life and death and beyond any limit, you would better
change since now for the sake of the entire humanity regardless of colors, rac-
es, states and “egos”.
What we are personally suggesting is crystal clear: leave apart your ephemeral
egoistic wealth and get connected to the humanity and to the universe. And of
course with the unity being the whole of everything.
Good luck.