Τρίτη 25 Αυγούστου 2015


In the same as with the letter to the children, when referring to all of you the

elderly ones, we are addressing all the elderly in the entire humanity, regard-
less of countries, skin colors and continents.

Since you are born and have already walked through the productive age, you
are currently in the age of approaching quite close to what we actually call
You have already, until nowadays, been trained in a divisive way and you have
followed some beliefs that are different from country to country, from race to
race and from continent to continent.
But out of a sudden you notice that the aged people no matter where they are
located – in Africa, in America, in Asia – have something in common, they are
close to the end of their physical life.
All the gravediggers of the human evolution have taken care to train you but

without you having until today analyzed what death of your physical body ac-
tually means.

In fact, you often say to each other while talking privately, “I would like to live
for 5 more years and then die”, or similar.
So, the most crucial moment of your incarnation, following the naissance, is
being discussed between each other like if you were talking about a football
game or the results of the elections, etc.
Your mind has been “castrated” at such an extent that even now that your
physical death is approaching, you still don’t make the simplest thought of
“who am I”, “who has sent me down on this planet”, “what have I come here to
do”, “why does my physical body grow old, why does it die?” and “what is
next, after death?”.
You are very much aware that the story tellers on your planet have talked to
you about the original sin, these silly stories with Adam and Eve, the heaven
and the hell and in some cases, the virgins expecting you in Heaven...
So, the Blacksoul one has taken care to make your mind a place where some
kind of a rattle inhabits inside.
He has removed every kind of creative thinking and he has enriched you with
stupid lies, falsehoods and entrapping situations.
However, since the fullness of time has come for the entire planet and for the
upgrading of the humanity of course and in view of the fact that you belong to
the elderly, this instantly means that you still can count on some earthly time
ahead of you.

The time that remains for the natural life of each one of you is more than pre-
cious “I didn’t come to invite fair people, but sinners in repentance”.

As Jesus Christ has clearly mentioned by using the word “repentance” which is
a compound word (repentance = metanoo in Greek) (meta = after and noo =
understand), you have to change the way that your mind has so far been
Even if you consider that you are religious or that you commit nice acts,
through this unsealing of this activation of your mind and the submission of the
entire knowledge by the Father – God started myriads of years ago and taking
into account that the scope of tis soul is to return back to where it has started
from (of course this applies for the entire humanity and for all the aspects of

the matter), we are also encouraging you – for all the time left in your real nat-
ural life – to totally change the frozen knowledge of the system wherever and

whenever you have been trained.
In the precious pages, everything has been written down much clearly and with
any kind of proofs. Let behind any divisive element between humans, to which
the global system has trained you about.
As long as you are incarnated, even while being elderly, you hold the entire

knowledge in your hands; this specific knowledge that shall help you set your-
selves free.

You really must repent, even if you are not sinners. The way you have been
taught, you have been led to a deadlock.
Even in the case that you haven’t committed any sin, there is an awfully broad
range of knowledge that you definitely have to obtain in order to completely
set yourself free and to then help to the deliverance of as many fellow humans
as possible.
By completing this letter to the elderly of the humanity, we are mentioning to

you that until the end of your natural life, you have the possibility to get con-
nected to the Divine.

You have our best wishes to proceed with that.