We have written to you many times before about the unconceivable cataclysm
that will soon take place on your planet. Of course, we do know also the city
where this is going to start from. However, what is of crucial importance to
you is not the cataclysm, but just one thing. To comprehend the knowledge that
has been provided to you, to start implementing all this knowledge and not to
let go of your church (temlple) ever again and for no reason at all, since we
explained to you in detail and accuracy that this is your own body – you should
not even for an earthly second not be connected to God.
Of course as we have mentioned before and this has nothing to do with any
God (Allah) seeking for human blood, just like in the case of the Mayas and
the Inkas, this fake civilization of yours will soon and instantly disappear, like
the Mayas and the Inkas civilization did.
In fact, once a man is born, he is definitely followed by a death of his natural
rented body. Thus, as far as the upcoming cataclysm is concerned, it is not that
much the wash out of the planet from the unbelievable dirt that is emitted due
to the authorities and to the Blacksoul one that matters, but what is most im-
portant for you is to be able to save yourself taking advantage of this unique
extraordinary crossroad for your planet.
As far as the cataclysm is concerned, we have already mentioned to you that a
little while before its sinking, the scientists (...) had lost any sense or reality
entrapped in the word “science”.
We have also explained that a scientist lacking this entire internal knowledge
[selfawareness] is not considered as a scientist but just a specialized or high-
lyskilled person.
And likewise now, back then also they had manufactured in the labs of the ab-
surd certain beings beyond the limits of the schizophrenia, and which were
used either for food or any other kind of debaucheries.
So, you can now on your own explain to them what ‘science’ means and be-
yond the air spraying, the HAARP, the CERN [inventing the particle of God,
mercy!] , the hunger and the suffering of your planet, the set up financial cri-
ses, the skilfully set up wars, the set up divisiveness of the entire humanity (po-
litical and religious unfairness of any kind, rich – poor, elite and slaves), you
witness certain achievements of the specialised killers of the humanity.
that will soon take place on your planet. Of course, we do know also the city
where this is going to start from. However, what is of crucial importance to
you is not the cataclysm, but just one thing. To comprehend the knowledge that
has been provided to you, to start implementing all this knowledge and not to
let go of your church (temlple) ever again and for no reason at all, since we
explained to you in detail and accuracy that this is your own body – you should
not even for an earthly second not be connected to God.
Of course as we have mentioned before and this has nothing to do with any
God (Allah) seeking for human blood, just like in the case of the Mayas and
the Inkas, this fake civilization of yours will soon and instantly disappear, like
the Mayas and the Inkas civilization did.
In fact, once a man is born, he is definitely followed by a death of his natural
rented body. Thus, as far as the upcoming cataclysm is concerned, it is not that
much the wash out of the planet from the unbelievable dirt that is emitted due
to the authorities and to the Blacksoul one that matters, but what is most im-
portant for you is to be able to save yourself taking advantage of this unique
extraordinary crossroad for your planet.
As far as the cataclysm is concerned, we have already mentioned to you that a
little while before its sinking, the scientists (...) had lost any sense or reality
entrapped in the word “science”.
We have also explained that a scientist lacking this entire internal knowledge
[selfawareness] is not considered as a scientist but just a specialized or high-
lyskilled person.
And likewise now, back then also they had manufactured in the labs of the ab-
surd certain beings beyond the limits of the schizophrenia, and which were
used either for food or any other kind of debaucheries.
So, you can now on your own explain to them what ‘science’ means and be-
yond the air spraying, the HAARP, the CERN [inventing the particle of God,
mercy!] , the hunger and the suffering of your planet, the set up financial cri-
ses, the skilfully set up wars, the set up divisiveness of the entire humanity (po-
litical and religious unfairness of any kind, rich – poor, elite and slaves), you
witness certain achievements of the specialised killers of the humanity.
The specialised into helping to the devastation of the humanity at all levels sci-
entists continue with offering weapons for killing, even to children younger
than 10 years old.
entists continue with offering weapons for killing, even to children younger
than 10 years old.
Coldblooded homicides in the name of the Quran, since the Blacksoul one and
his authorities have skilfully convinced the socalled faithful of Islam that God
himself needs poor faithful ones to murder the socalled unfaithful.
his authorities have skilfully convinced the socalled faithful of Islam that God
himself needs poor faithful ones to murder the socalled unfaithful.
Since the cycle hasn’t been completed yet, we still witness the mess caused by
the specialised (scientists) and by the official socalled authorities, both political
and religious ones, which exist only to serve the worldwide blackness and the
misinformation (humanity) of being governed by authorities.
We can only see pictures of horror caused by the starving, imposed by those
who are supposed to care about you.
the specialised (scientists) and by the official socalled authorities, both political
and religious ones, which exist only to serve the worldwide blackness and the
misinformation (humanity) of being governed by authorities.
We can only see pictures of horror caused by the starving, imposed by those
who are supposed to care about you.
But also pictures of thirst, while desalination technologies exist (production of
drinking water out of sea water); what is left is complemented by mutant seeds,
controlled by the Blacksoul one and totally modified from the natural seeds
and of course this whole picture is completed by the air spraying and the
drinking water out of sea water); what is left is complemented by mutant seeds,
controlled by the Blacksoul one and totally modified from the natural seeds
and of course this whole picture is completed by the air spraying and the
Of course, since your mind has been frozen in such a degree, there is a large
percentage of the humanity that even though witnessing those facts, they still
don’t believe them. This means that they are experiencing an unlimited confu-
sion and stupefaction.
What is more, while the air spraying is already been discussed between hu-
mans, the stupefaction they are experiencing is such that they don’t even care
to witness in their own eyes what they must see, and definitely not to look
deeper into them.
This is one of the achievements of the Blacksoul one against the humanity. He
has penned you, cancelled your mind (creative thinking) and he has imposed to
you an animal discipline.
Of course there also exist some persons who perceive all these and are aware
of them. But you see, as far as all the official global authorities of the grave-
diggers of the humanity are concerned, these don’t cut any ice with them. They
don’t even care about answering whether what they are witnessing is spraying
for cockroaches, mice, or mosquitos.
What is for sure is that this is not happening by chance, because their boss the
Blacskoul one has ordered them to just execute their mission and that’s all.
They have received orders to claim to people that they supposedly care about
them, but in practice all they do is just one thing. They devastate and make dis-
appear any kind of human evolution.
For no reason should you believe that the human evolution is equal to the tech-
nology ‘of sorts’. The human evolution is equal only to the spiritual evolution.
After your physical death you take nothing along. All that is following you is
just one thing:
The degree to which your individual psychic carrier was either trapped or set
free. This is the unique and real human evolution. Everything else is just baits
and traps.
This entire creepiness and gag concerning your planet is complete with the
HAARP and the CERN.
percentage of the humanity that even though witnessing those facts, they still
don’t believe them. This means that they are experiencing an unlimited confu-
sion and stupefaction.
What is more, while the air spraying is already been discussed between hu-
mans, the stupefaction they are experiencing is such that they don’t even care
to witness in their own eyes what they must see, and definitely not to look
deeper into them.
This is one of the achievements of the Blacksoul one against the humanity. He
has penned you, cancelled your mind (creative thinking) and he has imposed to
you an animal discipline.
Of course there also exist some persons who perceive all these and are aware
of them. But you see, as far as all the official global authorities of the grave-
diggers of the humanity are concerned, these don’t cut any ice with them. They
don’t even care about answering whether what they are witnessing is spraying
for cockroaches, mice, or mosquitos.
What is for sure is that this is not happening by chance, because their boss the
Blacskoul one has ordered them to just execute their mission and that’s all.
They have received orders to claim to people that they supposedly care about
them, but in practice all they do is just one thing. They devastate and make dis-
appear any kind of human evolution.
For no reason should you believe that the human evolution is equal to the tech-
nology ‘of sorts’. The human evolution is equal only to the spiritual evolution.
After your physical death you take nothing along. All that is following you is
just one thing:
The degree to which your individual psychic carrier was either trapped or set
free. This is the unique and real human evolution. Everything else is just baits
and traps.
This entire creepiness and gag concerning your planet is complete with the
HAARP and the CERN.
They have finally reached a point of playing with the sun. Playing with the
universe, and with all the invisible and visible powers that govern it.
These specialists handling all these equipment and machineries have started to
be scared...they have missed in a strange way and not through the ordinary
path, the north magnetic pole.
The north magnetic pole of the earth is now moving in the unbelievable veloci-
ty of 5560 km/year, while on the opposite the south pole does not follow this
unbelievable velocity; it is moving with the velocity of 10 15 km/year.
These big shot specialists (scientists) of the Blacksoul one with their stupidity,
their irresponsibility and their creepiness, are attending the universities of fear
and once completing their incredible studies they are offered by the Blacksoul
one and his authorities some very huge tempting packages of salaries and bo-
nuses. Thus, isolated by any sense of space and time, isolated by the humanity,
they are working in the labs of fear and all they finally do is serve only the
blackness, the misinformation and whenever needed, either they know it or not,
they contribute to the devastation of the humanity.
They can witness the results of their acts now. In 2013 the temperatures that
were demonstrated in the American continent were almost unprecedented.
Earthquakes, floods, volcanic explosions, violent intensity tornados, constitute
nowadays some of the most common phenomena on your planet.
Thus, all of these are evidential and their continuation during an unconceivable
cataclysm won’t be strange at all.
But since for each one of you, what counts most is that you understand this
entire and tremendous truth, don’t you let this unique chance be wasted.
Throughout this effort of yours, we ought to make a reference to one of the
most ancient creatures lost in the depth of the known history of your planet, the
They have finally reached a point of playing with the sun. Playing with the
universe, and with all the invisible and visible powers that govern it.
These specialists handling all these equipment and machineries have started to
be scared...they have missed in a strange way and not through the ordinary
path, the north magnetic pole.
The north magnetic pole of the earth is now moving in the unbelievable veloci-
ty of 5560 km/year, while on the opposite the south pole does not follow this
unbelievable velocity; it is moving with the velocity of 10 15 km/year.
These big shot specialists (scientists) of the Blacksoul one with their stupidity,
their irresponsibility and their creepiness, are attending the universities of fear
and once completing their incredible studies they are offered by the Blacksoul
one and his authorities some very huge tempting packages of salaries and bo-
nuses. Thus, isolated by any sense of space and time, isolated by the humanity,
they are working in the labs of fear and all they finally do is serve only the
blackness, the misinformation and whenever needed, either they know it or not,
they contribute to the devastation of the humanity.
They can witness the results of their acts now. In 2013 the temperatures that
were demonstrated in the American continent were almost unprecedented.
Earthquakes, floods, volcanic explosions, violent intensity tornados, constitute
nowadays some of the most common phenomena on your planet.
Thus, all of these are evidential and their continuation during an unconceivable
cataclysm won’t be strange at all.
But since for each one of you, what counts most is that you understand this
entire and tremendous truth, don’t you let this unique chance be wasted.
Throughout this effort of yours, we ought to make a reference to one of the
most ancient creatures lost in the depth of the known history of your planet, the