Τρίτη 25 Αυγούστου 2015


Since you already know what the law of the retributive justice (karma) is and how it is activated, you should get to learn, for your own knowledge, which are these demonic entities, that all they do after all the set up authorities is to lead you astray and to trap you; then you should know who are the ones to take you over in order to complete your ignorance and your mess and thus to charge you with an endless karma. First of all the authorities have trained you to deal with nothing, that is with completely pointless occupations, so they have trapped your superior mind to only have the inferior mind activated and to easily accept the fairy tales of the original sin – according to which the woman was created from the rib of the man and so many other ridiculous stories, as the fact that after you pass away you go either to heaven or to hell.

Then came these demonic entities not to just trap you like the authorities did, but to do something much more serious. Whichever desire you may express, whichever egoistic behaviour you may demonstrate, it is not you literally who acts this way but you have been completely overwhelmed with the demonic entity of your specific weakness – desire. To make it clearer with an example. Let’s take the case of a gambler, someone who likes to spend his money at playing lucky games (gambling). He believes that this tendency or inclination is a personal characteristic but he is making a big mistake. In this specific case he has been practically captured by the demon of the gambling. In fact, there exist myriads of such demons on your planet. The specific demons are fed by your own inclination to gambling. The same status stands for all the sufferings that each one of you is carrying. All these demons are negative entities, exincarnated human spiritsouls, which, alike you, have totally lost their way and in a nonflesh form they have never moved upwards at spiritual levels but on the contrary they remained wandering close to earth and this is why they are named after “grounded souls”. Their unique task is to constantly find humans and capture them depending on the inclination that this specific person has (deceit, stealing, criticism, lust, sexual particularities, murders, abuse of any kind, beating and use of any kind of violence, drugs or guns dealing, arrogance, greed, gluttony, etc.). To conclude, these close to earth souls have as their sole task to capture incarnated persons and negatively influence them through their human body. Since you realize that all these negative entities are the creation of the Blacksoul one due to the way that he has trapped you on this planet, the influence they have on humans is respectively quite serious. Since first the authorities have led you through the ignorance to any suffering, you are instantly captured by these grounded souls. Another naming for these souls is ‘mourmoulikia’. In fact, some of you may have obtained knowledge by the exorcism of some persons who are suffering of being taken over by such demons in a superlative level. 221 Of course, the master Jesus Christ himself had removed such demons when he came down to earth to teach you. If you understand what you have to do, you shall have absolutely nothing to fear. The more you shall move towards the light and come that close to start touching it, the more these entities shall disappear from you or from your environment. Maybe on your way towards the light you might get attacked by a group of these entities. Believe me though that once you really want to become light, they won’t be able to hurt not even a hair out of your head. A typical example you all may know is that once the light of day appears (the sun is rising), then the vampires disappear. All that it takes from your side is just one thing: to have faith in the sun, in the light, in the creation, in God. As far as the cases of the demons are concerned, we have a big answer of what ignorance means. The entire devastation of the humanity is 100% due to the absolute collaboration between the Blacksoul one, the money and all the authorities (political, religious), the transmission of news (mass media or media of mass ‘mental apathy’), the training and the guidance of the human race, the demons. That is, there is an endless merrygoround, an endless circular train, having as unique scope that what the humanity is experiencing, each one of you also experiences but only for your natural body and for just a funny as far as duration is concerned earthly time. We will talk to you with accuracy about the demons although we should clarify to you something very special and this is what the word ‘demon’ used to mean but also what the word ‘demons’ means after the absolute fragmentation that the gravediggers have caused at the name of Jesus Christ. As far as the word ‘demon’ is concerned, the truth is mixed with lies and the opposite. Before the gravediggers of the Christianity appeared, the word ‘Demon’ meant ‘divine existence’, divine angel. However, after the establishment of the teaching of Jesus Christ and due to the unbelievable divisive way that his teaching has been disseminated, the word demon has been converted to demons having the meaning of the negative entities that may conquer each one of you. As we have already mentioned earlier, after the global set up authorities took care to entrap you financially, religiously and politically, all of you have instantly formed an ‘ego’ that you support and carry along until the end of your life. These egos of yours for which you believe to be yourself, are actually not yourself but your capture by these negative entities. Of course this has not been accidental at all, because the Blacskoul one who is behind all these, is requesting of you and of the entire humanity your energy. All the souls until nowadays on the planet, and taking into account the unconceivable cataclysms that have taken place this is why you also know the history of a few only millenniums (45) backwards, you do understand that all washing out, just like the one that is going to quite soon happen on your planet, have happened for reasons of absolute DISTORTION OF YOUR ORIENTATION AND ABSOLUTE DIRT BLACKNESS THAT ARE EMITTED BY YOUR PLANET BECAUSE OF YOU. Of course, we have mentioned a thousand times before that you are not to blame. You are just following everything you have been trained to do. They have inserted you in a ‘matrix’, in virtual reality, in the cave of Plato and you naturally followed what you have been taught, whatever these were. How could you imagine, when looking at human faces placed at any kind of political, religious or other leading positions that they have been placed there by the Blacskoul one who intended to achieve his goal, meaning to take off all your energy. So, you are wandering from Ana to Caiaphas, from the one to the other, form the one religion to the other, from the one political party to the other, you are actually desperately struggling to find the point of your natural existence on this planet. HOW COULD YOU IMAGINE, THAT EVERYTHING THAT PREVAILS ON YOUR PLANET AS FAR AS LEADERSHIP IS CONCERNED, FROM THE NONEXISTENT MONEY TO ALL THE AUTHORITIES OF THE LEAST SMALL STATE OR NATION, WERE UNTIL TODAY ABSOLUTELLY CONTROLLED BY THE BLACKSOUL ONE. 223 All this revelation that we are providing to you through the guiding we are offering without teachers and set up authorities is aiming at achieving the revealing of God that is inside of you and at you being able to escape that school called human race on planet earth, characterised by the repetitive reincarnations due to the set up ignorance. You standing on your own feet is not just an encouragement or a wish we are giving you. It actually is a oneway. Following this sorting out and this large harvest [that has already begun] that will take place and the upgrading of the planet to higher vibrations, you shall conceive the reason why we are that much insisting on you relying on your own strength. Thus, going further with the issue of the demons, it is something that is not you, not your real self. It is about an egoistic desire which instantly appeared and conquered you, and although you think that you want to act this way or the other, or even you judge or comment over the behaviour of others, it is not you acting like this. You have been taken by the demons of the criticism and while you have been incarnated in order to accurately find out who you really are (know thyself or else absolute selfawareness), you are tempted into the procedure of making comments on your fellow humans (whether they are tall or short, rich or poor), instead of dealing with yourself and trying to understand why you are here on this planet. Through these comments you are losing your way, your orientation and you are literally caught as hostages (homer = hostage) into the matter (Iliad, yli = matter). And for reason of mental apathy the letter ‘y’ has been changed to ‘I’ in the word ‘Iliad’. All the demons, all the negative entities are functioning in the exactly same way as their boss the Blacksoul one, due to the fact that at some time in the past they have also passed by the same evolution as yours, they have been also trapped, imprisoned, disoriented from their mission. But through this attachment of theirs, they were transformed to demons. They are with no energy just like their boss. So the only way for these negative entities – demons is that they do their best to be able to – after having captured you – express themselves in your world and to continue their destructive task using your natural bodies as vehicle.

 Of course, they don’t have the possibility to get inside of you unless you first open the door to them. There is no case that EVER and for no reason at all that these demons manage to capture you if you take care not to let the door open for them. The temptations and the challenges that you are dealing with are naturally arising from all the setup authorities. The authorities are practically one stage before the demons, since they are trying to divide you, to highlight the divisiveness and the ego in each one of you. You in your turn, either hungry or wronged are following the set up by the authorities sufferings and so you are making the huge mistake to open the door, your body, yourself and to experience a status of being captured. When we were mentioning to you that all the incarnated persons right now on this planet are small or bigger devils this is exactly what we meant. To make it easier for you to better understand, if you weren’t at least small devils, you wouldn’t need to attend this school. Thus, what we are talking about contains proofs. Little devils mean to possess some egos which you must totally eliminate in order to be able to obtain the diploma after having attended the school of your planet called human evolution – and to continue to higher levels of evolution. Big devils means that you have managed to create yourself such a karma that we are literally informing you that you will be the next demons to get connected with the current ones and after the end of your present incarnation, you shall try to conquer human bodies and by sucking energies you will express your own demon the one you have been related to. And thus you are continuing something that was left when others before you had lost their path. Of course, you should never believe that to have been transformed into a demon or a negative entity is something simple or light, because above all you do carry some desires that you won’t change for the world. These egoistic desires that you won’t change, after they have tortured you through the incarnations, they are leading you to becoming a demon (negative entity) and you have instantly assured your second death. We have also mentioned earlier that the second death is equal to a petrified rock. 225 The petrified rock is equal to the status “out of evolution”, “out of creation”. What does this mean? You cannot even imagine so… So, these demons that have transformed you to either small or bigger devils and that are following the entire human evolution, with the exemption of the great spiritual beings in a mission (the greatest of whom was Jesus Christ), are actually the door that you only have left open to one egoistic desire of yours. Let’s examine some cases. You know that you are all tortured by the Blacksoul one to gain your food and shelter until nowadays. On the other hand, you are aware now of how the demons and the negative entities are functioning. The Blacksoul one keeps taking care to underline and highlight any ‘ego’ of yours. The authorities are faithfully serving him. You are watching the communicating vessels that are unbelievably connected to each other. In the frame of your dizziness, you are trying to form your personal identity. You long for money, glory, recognition, power. And all this is due to the demons that have captured you and guide you, instead of you having control of your own self. Do you happen to be a gun or drugs dealer? You have the avarice inside of you because you have been captured by the respective demon. Do you forget about the pieces of silver of Judas who betrayed Jesus Christ? In the same way you are betraying your own self. There comes the demon of the avarice, with you having opened the door to it and then you try to collect pieces of silver…To do what with these and for how long indeed? Have you noticed any wealthy tycoon who lived 12, 50 or 100 years ago and who now isn’t incarnated anymore, having made any use of his wealth? We don’t need to provide you with the answer, since you already know it. No matter if you possess all the pieces of silver in the world, the death of your natural body is there to remind you of the vanity of the tangible goods. So, you, with your mind been trapped and your inferior mind attached, you are avaricious, miser and trying to collect the pieces of silver. Then, let go of these for just a few seconds or minutes of earthly time. Think about not possessing your in the Human Mind & the Return to GOD 226 body anymore, or think about some persons that you knew in the past but have now passed away. In case these people had the same with you (avarice), consider about what did they actually take along once dead? Absolutely nothing. The universe comes and talks to you using proofs, while you are acting differently and move in other directions. You close your ears, open the door to the demons and remain captured to achieve nothing. You lose yourself and you have all your energy sucked up by the Blacksoul one and in this case the demon of the avarice. Through all the weapons that you are distributing or manufacture you are aspiring at money and power. You lose control of yourself, the demon has entered inside of you and you cannot even consider that the natural death of your natural body that is certainly going to follow is just a matter of procedure. Instead of seeking to find out why this is happening, you have opened the door of yourself to the demon of the money, of the glory, of the greed, of the direct or indirect murder. Proceeding with the reference to the demons – negative entities, you can see how important it is for you that your mind is trapped. If your mind weren’t trapped, if you didn’t open the door to the demons, NO SLANDERING COULD BE CAUSED. A bad thing for all you whose natural body has been captured by demons, after the entrapping – imprisonment of your mind is that in just a few cases you are only overtaken by just one demon. The majority of you have been trapped by numerous and different demons. Of course all of these are happening because all those who have trained you on planet earth have taken care that you are deprived of the truth (truth = alithia in Greek) (lithi = oblivion in Greek). All your sufferings are due to the oblivion, the deletion from the memory, the inability to recall. The oblivion is that status in which one has lost his ability to recall his memories. Actually, the fact that the humanity has lost its way is due to the oblivion. Of course we have now revealed to you who is to blame for this oblivion. However, you were offered the ignorance in order for you to be led to the oblivion. Each one of you, wherever he/she is, whatever he/she may know, has been covered by a veil covering the entire planet and the result of this is that you 227 have totally lost your way and your place in the creation. That is, which is your role, which is your mission and where do you go after your natural death. Even through these incomplete and insufficient knowledge skillfully provided to you by the set up authorities using the political and religious paths, we could give you an example of where you are actually standing. You are actually in the middle of an ocean with huge waves and it is practically a matter of time that these waves will swallow you (your natural death), and instead of you trying to get united to understand where the land is so that you are saved, and having the waves coming closer and closer, on the contrary and following your training, you only care about eating each other, about who is earning more money, and so all these demons that have captured you, but also your own selves keep on acting similarly until nowadays. Your natural death, for each one of you separately and with no exemption at all is a matter of a minimum earthly time. And then instead of getting together with all the other castaways (humanity) you are constantly trying to find out who is the strongest and to impose yourself to the others.. You have now realized that the demons which will make efforts to get on you shall be of two kinds. Those according to which the natural body is under a status of complete capture and those that are struggling any way they can and supported by the authorities to totally conquer you (you are partly captured by them). In the first case the status is characterized as hard. Other manipulations are needed. We are talking about the big devil here. Of course there is the perspective of salvation even in this case. In the second case, while not being totally captured, you are experiencing the status where through your ignorance and your oblivion you are both opening and closing the door to these negative entities – demons. Of course in this case the salvation is much easier. Before talking to you about your salvation from these demons we are presenting you their naming Laziness (acedia): Belphegor is the demon Arrogance (superbia): Azazel is the demon Gluttony (gula): Beelzebub is the demon Lust (lussuria): Asmodeus is the demon Greed (avaritia): Mammon is the demon Wrath (ira): Satan/Amon is the demon Envy (invidia): Leviathan is the demon The arrogance is considered as the mother of all sins Sloth = truancy, laziness Arrogance = to consider that you are superior to others Gluttony = the status in which a person is eating a lot, without stopping and very quickly Lust = the status in which a person does not control his/her sexual Greed = the status in which a person keeps on longing for more and more Wrath = rage, resentment Envy= when a person is disturbed by the success of the others. PRIDE Insubordination, Contempt, Hypocrisy, Obstinacy, Vanity, Arrogance, Boasting, Egotism ENVY Backbiting, Sadness for the good things of the one you envy, Gloating, Treachery, Fraud, Hatred, Contention, Ingratitude, Murder. WRATH Contention Insult Blasphemy Perjury Curse Hatred Resentment Revenge Argument Battle Murder. AVARICE Avidity – No mercy Cruelty Stealing Capture Injustice Loansharking – Lie Perjury Treachery Simony Sacrilege Disloyalty. 229 ABUSE Impudence Masturbation Defloration (taking of virginity) Prostitution Adultery Child molester Homosexuality Incest Bestiality Blindness of mind Ungodliness. DESPONDENCY Effeminacy – Pettiness – Excuses in sins Sloth – Lack of nice acts – Despair Cheating GASTRIMARGY Gluttony Drunkenness Drowsiness Listlessness Extravagance – Lust. All these situations that are following you characterized by one or more of these demons consist of the weights due to which each one of you is imprisoned and trapped on this planet. Since we have mentioned to you that your responsibilities are the minimum ones, while the responsibilities of all the authorities that have led you to the mouth of the demons are unlimited, we are giving you herein a simple example: This is the cigarette. Do you believe that: 1. It was given to the humanity by chance? 2. The moment they offered to you the cigarette, weren’t they aware of the harm it would bring to your human body? 3. Now that the phrase ‘smoking can kill’ is written on the cigarette packages is it by chance? (of course not, they are doing it to throw the responsibility over this on you) 4. Although they are mentioning that smoking can kill, they keep on freely sell it? Of course it is our duty to describe you in detail which ones among these demons are the most serious ones as far as hierarchy is concerned and which ones are those that through your selfawareness and reading now the guidelines that are written in the unsealing of this book can be confronted by you and forbidden to not only conquer you but not to even approach you (the black dark negative entities can never get close to the sun). The demons that once caught in their nets, a very heavy karma is created for you are the following: 1. The demons that are encouraging you to exert black magic against your fellow humans and whatever (human body – tangible goods) follows them or any damage you may cause to the rest of the kingdoms. 2. Any kind of participation of yours to murders. Once you get captured by the demon of murder and you cause the removal of lives of others or even your life, your karma shall be unlimited (those who will kill or torture animals create a very serious karma but the cases of the karma vary – it is one thing to kill for food and another thing to kill for hobby or fun). 3. Anyone who trains or gets trained to use the black magic, since the only reason of such training is to consciously bring disharmony to the universe. The three above mentioned cases are the ones according to which when you get captured by the respective demons you are led to a very hard karma. You can understand now taking into consideration all those writings intended for you that the key to all your sufferings, and this is something that the Blacksoul one knows perfectly well of course, is the entrapment, the imprisonment and the cancelling of your mind. The keypoint for all your sufferings through the setup authorities and your entrapment and capture by the demons, is first of all your thought. What you have just read, do read it again and again. The key of the keys so that all your problems and your karma start is above all your thought. This is exactly the point where you need to possess a perfect diamind and at any cost convert it to zeus (connection of the inferior to the superior mind). We are presenting here an example to explain this: you happen to be married or in a relationship (the teaching of Islam is out of the universal evolution – all that this teaching serves is to serve the Blacksoul himself: it teaches you how 231 to function as the animal herds) and then you witness a beautiful woman passing by you. If you leave the demon of the adultery or the lust create the first thought for you that it would be nice if you came closer and slept with this woman, then the first capture has been automatically done. Either you proceed with your plan to meet this beautiful woman, either you don’t for reasons of ethics, only by just making a first thought of sleeping with her, you have received the first capture (of course the same stands for the opposite case, i.e., if you were a woman who would go for a man other than hers). This is exactly what happens at any kind of capture and by any kid of demon. This is exactly what we mean by saying that you have let the door open. Even the first thought that you make is the opening up of yourself, of your natural body to the demon that attacked your own thought. Everything starts and ends with your thoughts. Your karma, your sufferings, all of them starts and ends at your thought. Anything you have thought about, whether it comes out of your mouth or you make it real, is just a matter of procedure. When we keep on telling you again and again to count on yourself, because you are proved to be divine beings, this is proved by your thought. Your thought is the one that has opened the door to the demons with anything implied by this or that has been connected to the divine harmony with anything implied by this as well. We could not make it clearer and simpler for you to understand. When the great master Jesus Christ told you 1. You are in the image and likeness of God 2. You believe in me 3. He has called you “brothers”, so as he was god – son of God, you are correspondingly the same... What else could make you gods or devils apart from the thought? You make a thought and you have the illusion that nobody sees you or listens to you and what is most important is that you can hide. Since the current moment you are provided with the following information – knowledge: 

 At any part of the planet, any thought that is created from any incarnated person on your planet, is automatically registered in his personal registry. What you are actually reading are exactly as you read it. Even in a status of anger or reaction of yours against any situation, just by considering that someone might get hurt, this ugly thought has automatically and instantly been registered in the personal registry of your real self. Your own spiritsoul is instantly charged with the same things that you would like to happen to your fellow man. And here is where the first karmic obligation of yours is starting. If you proceed to more hard and heavy ugly acts like the removal of a human life. Either by yourself or by hiring someone else to do it (there really is no difference) then you cannot imagine what is going to happen to you; you would rather had disappeared from the face of the earth. Through this detailed analysis the time has come for your planet so that you finally realize the unconceivable value of the mind but also of the thought (ability to think). The Blacksoul one with his global gravediggers (all the authorities governing you) have hit you there exactly for years now. They have trapped, imprisoned, and guided your mind and your thoughts. Even as far as his strong efforts nowadays no to permit the entire knowledge to reach you, he has provided you with another word circulating among you and this is the word MATRIX. Using this word as a tool this cunning one is struggling to achieve two things: 1. Either that you don’t show any interest to the matrix and to keep on dealing with the bullshit you are already dealing with 2. Either to believe that since matrix means that whatever you experience and witness is just a virtual reality, so there is no point for you in bothering for the authority systems that have been implemented on your planet. This wonderful planet along with the harmonic cohabitation with the sun and the kingdoms (mineral, plants, animals, human) that is being evolving on your 233 planet has nether been created by the divine plan, nor as a virtual reality, nor for fun, nor for no reason at all. There are individual (human kingdom) or group (mineral, plants, animals) souls that are evolving on your planet. The three first group souls following the solar cycles are ending up evolving to individual human souls. At that huge crossroad that we have mentioned earlier, where the horizontal line meets the vertical line of the cross, it is where you are gifted with the mind. At this unconceivable level of evolution for all of you, and which is totally beautiful, totally perfect, totally infinite, you should perceive and understand your unity with everything, with the father and also to comprehend that the father and yourself do not constitute two different statuses but just one. In fact, how could you actually be two different statuses? However, all this unconceivable reality can only be provided to you by your activated superior mind, the thought that is originating from your superior mind and which has made you identify yourself with the universe and thus with the creator. How far can you reach through this thought? Even we, being your brothers, being your own self, we cannot tell you more about this unbelievable creation. Since it is a matter of a really minor remaining earthly time for your planet, those who will remain following the unconceivable cataclysm shall be such minds. The cataclysm of Noah that will soon take place since there is no alternative in view of the filthiness that this infamous entity and all its servants have brought you to, will offer to the brand new humanity that shall evolve since then, the possibility to be consisted by totally bright minds overwhelmed with divine universal love. By completing the reading of this unsealed book, either you have been captured by demons which have led you to a serious karma, either you have been captured by demons to which you once open and then close the door of your own self, you shall become capable of on your own now – and with a 100% success getting totally disengaged from their bonds and capturing. This way, each one of you will be transformed to a spiritual gigantic teacher and in just one incarnation you will set yourself free, meaning that you will not be reincarnated again for karmic obligations (debts) on this planet, you will teach those who haven’t understood the reality, you will reach the next evolution following the human evolution, that is you will approach the status of the spiritual man, conquer the nirvana or in case you wish to do so, you shall join the masters of wisdom and teach over the knowledge of the universe…