Concerning all those things that have been until now revealed to you and unsealed, we shall show to you with one more proof how the Blacksoul one is
planning all the situations that will be delivered to you and that you will of course follow either a religion or a new political status or any other kind of
new fairy tale offered to you.
We are presenting here four personalities born ‘accidentally’ almost at the
same period:
Karl Marx: 5 May - 1818 14 March1883
Lenin: 22 April 1870 - 21 January 1924
Stalin: 18 December 1878 - 5 March 1953
Mao Tse Tung: 26 December 1893 - 9 September 1976
The naming ‘Communism’ is as far as etymology is concerned related to the
word "common". This means that all the humans who will join a communist
society will have everything in common. There is no need to mention that the
teaching of the great master Jesus Christ was exactly the same.
Jesus Christ hasn’t made any discrimination among humans, races, his own
believers or strangers, but he just came to teach love and in the peak of his sacrifice he offered to the humanity his own body to be crucified by the – at the
times – infernal and filthy authorities – representatives of the Blacksoul one.
Marx in his turn, submitted his philosophic thoughts concerning the divisiveness that inevitably arises in the hands of individual humans or nations, his
thought was directed exactly in the same way that the entire lifetime of the
great master Jesus Christ demonstrated.
In fact, we wished for a change in both the world itself and the conscience of
humans over the world. So, is there any person on planet earth who should be
deprived of his most fundamental tangible goods, like the food and shelter? Of
course not.
However the only reason for which the same status is repeated for thousands of
years now is the fact that it is supported exclusively by the authorities. And in
this case the capitalism is equivalent to cannibalism; watch out what the
Blacksoul one has done to the communism.
The Blacksoul one is not a creator but a devastator of the Creation. He possesses no energy of his own but he used the branches of the communism (communism means an equal splitting/sharing out of goods) to penetrate to the
thought of certain philosophic movements that were supposed to release the
humanity free from the sufferings of the authorities and the enslavement of the
entire humanity and he imposed supposedly in the name of that thought,
through the transmitters of these movements, i.e. Marx, mainly Lenin, Stalin
and Mao, the atheism.
So, they identified that the capitalism is equal to atrocity, rawfoodism, cannibalism. The big servants of this filthy system are all the religions as well..
Thus, the genitors of communism have realized that a way out of the capitalism
can only be achieved through the communism that suggests that we don’t collect houses and tangible goods but we definitely care for food and shelter, so
where does the atheism come from?.
This means that it seems and it is clearly proved that this can be nothing more
than a finger of this filthy entity that eats your guts for millions of years now.
We are saying this because while they easily realised how the capitalism is
confronted – something that Jesus Christ himself also demonstrated it is not
possible to have forbidden and characterise as a crime the religion, not permitting in practice the connection to the divine.
They could easily cancel the religions and claim that the heads of the religious
authorities are the black servants of the Blacksoul one and that respectively not
only not to allow to people to be atheist but also through the assuring of food
and shelter to offer to them spiritual values and then literally speaking an earthly heaven would exist where the communism along with spiritual guidance
would prevail.
Besides, through the philosophic thought of Marx and then the delivery of the
power to Lenin, to Stalin and then to Mao Tse Tung who imposed the communism together with the absolute atheism, to be able to make this political
placement prevail, millions of people were slaughtered and wiped out.
So, one can easily understand that on the one hand you had the capitalism with
all its cannibalistic moods, either between people or between countries and on
the other hand the communism with the absolute atheism. So, people embracing communism only believe in a loath of bread and some oil!
This way, the divisiveness and the absolute ignorance have been very conveniently set up once more on your planet.
Ignorance without limit, roads that lead nowhere and through this supposedly refutation of the communism, at least in the ex Soviet Union with the individual set up differentiations where everybody was involved, they intend to present to you (but they won’t make it) the “KARL MARX – LENIN – STALIN – MAO TSE TUNG” of those earlier years, as well as the –of the current years – Illuminate (“enlightened”) as well as the chief cheating bastard sucking your blood and your energy along with the other batsrards serving him; it crossed their mind to get you united, after of course not having anything left in place – on the pretext that the planet needs a new global religion and government. In reality all of you should not only feel communists but also be / live like such (not to seek for obtaining or gathering tangible goods, while other humans are lacking even the water), because as we have already mentioned to you the death of your natural body may happen at any minute of your natural life. Besides this is the meaning of death. Those not even for fun should you go after the accumulation of material goods. On the contrary, you should feel more than complete as a human person knowing that on this wonderful planet there are no homeless, hungry, thirsty, wronged, mothers struggling to raise their children, elderly seeking for food and abandoned. And all the above cannot only be offered through the equality of communism. You can also have them through your understanding over the creation and the Divine. This means that the communism on its own is tragically deficient if lacking this huge contribution that is interpreted as a spiritual awareness and effort for unification while you are still incarnated with the Divine. Since you have accepted all the set up political authorities and you have until nowadays joined any political “colouring”, even where the communism is implemented, so you can perceive what a large setting up is characterizing it. By removing from the communism any spiritual guidance and path it is like you have instantly approved of exactly what the cannibalism of the capitalism implies. In fact, making a short review at the last then to twenty years focusing at different events, this is an indisputable evidence that the Blacksoul one is in a hurry to exert on you an absolute and authoritarian power that treats you as servants / slaves. 247 Until a few years ago he was leading you to everlasting wars using a very masterful and skillful way, by presenting to the humanity certain – supposedly bloodthirsty leaders, like Hitler, Mussolini, etc. The thing is that you were confused at such a degree in your mind that while some among you were considering that by fighting against Hitler you were protecting your country, or on the contrary, fighting with him you were struggling if only you knew! – to make a better world (Aryan tribe), you have actually reached such a level of absolute control of your mind, that some among you named as “kamikaze” are willing to commit suicide and get killed in the name of the Emperor. The insanity of the insanities, oh insanity! How come to get killed, to murder others in the name of any emperor or king or whoever leader that may be?? This is exactly what the expression “absolute control of the mind” reflects; it can be either on these forms or on other similar forms and in any case the cancelling of the mind is unlimited. While for hundreds of years you were experiencing these setup wars either by the countries holding the role of the empire from time to time or by supposedly set up enemies (Hilte, Mussolini) two methods have been implemented during the last 20 years: 1. Creation of devious madeup facts 2. Overt wars with no limit, arising from the setup devious problems. In the first case, you are aware of the fact that the agents, the provocateurs, the moles have always acted in a way of creating set up situations... But in this case, what took place on the 11th of September 2001, has been supposedly caused by a terrorist Bin Landen who there is no case that does not belong to the system, as all terrorists besides do. This means that the system is funding them with nonexistent money that always exists, no matter how much money is needed, so as to control the masses and then they have to play their role. Either as leaders of the planet, or religious leaders, terrorists, multinational companies, big shark businessmen, etc.
Some of them happened to escape form the system like Hugo Chavez in Coombia, Tassos Papadopoulos in Cyprus, Archbishop Christodoulos in Greece…They climbed higher to authorities with the intention to serve the system, but the reached a pint where their soul could not bear this filthiness and dirt they were witnessing and having no other choice, and using their human body as a vehicle, they talked about all this filthiness existing on the planet. Whereas in the older years, like in the case of John Kennedy or Abraham Lincoln, the system was always taking care that there would be some socalled “crazy” ones that would kill such: voices”, in the current years this “method / approach” has been converted to a “madeup” cancer. Thus, the system has actually taken advantage of the technological development in order to “create” cancer, to bring down towers, to enter and intrude any country it likes, Serbia, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Ukraine, or wherever else needed. It pleads for example the intention to locate the chemicals of Saddam Hussein, in order to enter the country of Iraq, when thirteen years after nothing is yet found. The Iraqi people are suffering for twelve consecutive years, yet no world ruler or leader of one of the “whorehouse” of the earth called “NATO” ever and nowhere was on jury over all these facts. Thisis the exact same way according to which the Blacksoul one is behaving and acting. He doesn’t “see” you, he doesn’t even count you. He traps and imprisons your mind. Yu are struggling over a breath of freedom. You are working your ass out for one bite of bread. Some of you don’t wish the harm of your fellow humans, yet he finds a way to exasperate and trap you, because his goal is that all of you are serving him. And paying service to him means causing harm, anywhere. Until today we used to always fall through the net. He was creating new leaderships, new situations and events. You in your turn, submissive as you are, you were following. You were easily trapped. No one could ever imagine who your enemy is. However, nowadays, since – and we are telling you for sure – the Blacksoul one is totally aware of all those things that are going to take place on your planet, and having lost his covered face, has unleashed all his faithful “dogs” who are implementing the most paranoid ever status through the authorities. These authorities have led all the countries of this planet in a status of owing endless money, I guess to extraterrestrials…They have brought you to the im- 249 poverishment, the fear, the uncertainty, the despair. They are making up fire hazards, at any location of the planet that is convenient, invoking funny set up excuses. The religious leaders, being totally compatible with the boss, are functioning as the “Mickey mouse”. Of course they are very well aware of the example of the ex Archbishop Christodoulos, and since they only have a few years left to live, they wouldn’t dare to become a “Christodoulos”. At most, they would share some loaf of bread or a tin, they would perform a “ThriceHoly” (Trisagion), give their blessing to some bombs so that they bring the desired results, or they would whip up the faithful Muslim to encourage them to wipeout all the faithless. All these, unfortunately for you, my imprisoned humans are the results of your tortures and entrapping. Literally speaking, and with no intention of exaggeration, you have received this incarnation for one and only one reason: to be able to escape form the prison of your planet and believe us this can only be achieved through the absolute selfawareness.
Ignorance without limit, roads that lead nowhere and through this supposedly refutation of the communism, at least in the ex Soviet Union with the individual set up differentiations where everybody was involved, they intend to present to you (but they won’t make it) the “KARL MARX – LENIN – STALIN – MAO TSE TUNG” of those earlier years, as well as the –of the current years – Illuminate (“enlightened”) as well as the chief cheating bastard sucking your blood and your energy along with the other batsrards serving him; it crossed their mind to get you united, after of course not having anything left in place – on the pretext that the planet needs a new global religion and government. In reality all of you should not only feel communists but also be / live like such (not to seek for obtaining or gathering tangible goods, while other humans are lacking even the water), because as we have already mentioned to you the death of your natural body may happen at any minute of your natural life. Besides this is the meaning of death. Those not even for fun should you go after the accumulation of material goods. On the contrary, you should feel more than complete as a human person knowing that on this wonderful planet there are no homeless, hungry, thirsty, wronged, mothers struggling to raise their children, elderly seeking for food and abandoned. And all the above cannot only be offered through the equality of communism. You can also have them through your understanding over the creation and the Divine. This means that the communism on its own is tragically deficient if lacking this huge contribution that is interpreted as a spiritual awareness and effort for unification while you are still incarnated with the Divine. Since you have accepted all the set up political authorities and you have until nowadays joined any political “colouring”, even where the communism is implemented, so you can perceive what a large setting up is characterizing it. By removing from the communism any spiritual guidance and path it is like you have instantly approved of exactly what the cannibalism of the capitalism implies. In fact, making a short review at the last then to twenty years focusing at different events, this is an indisputable evidence that the Blacksoul one is in a hurry to exert on you an absolute and authoritarian power that treats you as servants / slaves. 247 Until a few years ago he was leading you to everlasting wars using a very masterful and skillful way, by presenting to the humanity certain – supposedly bloodthirsty leaders, like Hitler, Mussolini, etc. The thing is that you were confused at such a degree in your mind that while some among you were considering that by fighting against Hitler you were protecting your country, or on the contrary, fighting with him you were struggling if only you knew! – to make a better world (Aryan tribe), you have actually reached such a level of absolute control of your mind, that some among you named as “kamikaze” are willing to commit suicide and get killed in the name of the Emperor. The insanity of the insanities, oh insanity! How come to get killed, to murder others in the name of any emperor or king or whoever leader that may be?? This is exactly what the expression “absolute control of the mind” reflects; it can be either on these forms or on other similar forms and in any case the cancelling of the mind is unlimited. While for hundreds of years you were experiencing these setup wars either by the countries holding the role of the empire from time to time or by supposedly set up enemies (Hilte, Mussolini) two methods have been implemented during the last 20 years: 1. Creation of devious madeup facts 2. Overt wars with no limit, arising from the setup devious problems. In the first case, you are aware of the fact that the agents, the provocateurs, the moles have always acted in a way of creating set up situations... But in this case, what took place on the 11th of September 2001, has been supposedly caused by a terrorist Bin Landen who there is no case that does not belong to the system, as all terrorists besides do. This means that the system is funding them with nonexistent money that always exists, no matter how much money is needed, so as to control the masses and then they have to play their role. Either as leaders of the planet, or religious leaders, terrorists, multinational companies, big shark businessmen, etc.
Some of them happened to escape form the system like Hugo Chavez in Coombia, Tassos Papadopoulos in Cyprus, Archbishop Christodoulos in Greece…They climbed higher to authorities with the intention to serve the system, but the reached a pint where their soul could not bear this filthiness and dirt they were witnessing and having no other choice, and using their human body as a vehicle, they talked about all this filthiness existing on the planet. Whereas in the older years, like in the case of John Kennedy or Abraham Lincoln, the system was always taking care that there would be some socalled “crazy” ones that would kill such: voices”, in the current years this “method / approach” has been converted to a “madeup” cancer. Thus, the system has actually taken advantage of the technological development in order to “create” cancer, to bring down towers, to enter and intrude any country it likes, Serbia, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Ukraine, or wherever else needed. It pleads for example the intention to locate the chemicals of Saddam Hussein, in order to enter the country of Iraq, when thirteen years after nothing is yet found. The Iraqi people are suffering for twelve consecutive years, yet no world ruler or leader of one of the “whorehouse” of the earth called “NATO” ever and nowhere was on jury over all these facts. Thisis the exact same way according to which the Blacksoul one is behaving and acting. He doesn’t “see” you, he doesn’t even count you. He traps and imprisons your mind. Yu are struggling over a breath of freedom. You are working your ass out for one bite of bread. Some of you don’t wish the harm of your fellow humans, yet he finds a way to exasperate and trap you, because his goal is that all of you are serving him. And paying service to him means causing harm, anywhere. Until today we used to always fall through the net. He was creating new leaderships, new situations and events. You in your turn, submissive as you are, you were following. You were easily trapped. No one could ever imagine who your enemy is. However, nowadays, since – and we are telling you for sure – the Blacksoul one is totally aware of all those things that are going to take place on your planet, and having lost his covered face, has unleashed all his faithful “dogs” who are implementing the most paranoid ever status through the authorities. These authorities have led all the countries of this planet in a status of owing endless money, I guess to extraterrestrials…They have brought you to the im- 249 poverishment, the fear, the uncertainty, the despair. They are making up fire hazards, at any location of the planet that is convenient, invoking funny set up excuses. The religious leaders, being totally compatible with the boss, are functioning as the “Mickey mouse”. Of course they are very well aware of the example of the ex Archbishop Christodoulos, and since they only have a few years left to live, they wouldn’t dare to become a “Christodoulos”. At most, they would share some loaf of bread or a tin, they would perform a “ThriceHoly” (Trisagion), give their blessing to some bombs so that they bring the desired results, or they would whip up the faithful Muslim to encourage them to wipeout all the faithless. All these, unfortunately for you, my imprisoned humans are the results of your tortures and entrapping. Literally speaking, and with no intention of exaggeration, you have received this incarnation for one and only one reason: to be able to escape form the prison of your planet and believe us this can only be achieved through the absolute selfawareness.