When a person is born in a baby body, there exists a status of epiphany, like
the one of Buddha. They have nothing at all to split.
Later on, when the same persons grow up and finally arrive to death, a serenity
and soberness is drawn on their faces. Naturally, dead as they are they have
nothing to split either.
Nevertheless, the same human bodies starting from childhood until the older
years, no matter where they have been born, develop incredible differences,
tensions, hatred, conspiracies, accusations, criticism, while sometimes they end
up also removing human lives.
The one to blame for all the evils, in the mind of each person, might be anything or anyone, like the companion, the friend, the relatives, the acquaintances, the partner, the supervisor, the politicians, the banks, etc.
Thus, he has the confidence that he would solve his personal problem this way,
the one that he perceives as a problem and then he would be fine. Most of the
times he does not even care about the global problems. He always struggles
“for his own sake”. Trying to be well by himself alone.
Unfortunately, the conditions in the frame of which a human person is growing
up are not at all favorable for him to spiritually evolve and seek for the truth.
The evil starts from the parents, who give the baton to the wrong education in
schools and it is finally completed with the stupefaction caused by the mass
media and the divisiveness of the politics and the religions.
More analytically
The parents are the first educational level for a person. The parents are the ones
who take care of usually without realizing it teaching to their children, every
single moment, the EGOISM. This is what happens in the best scenario, because in the worst scenario they leave their babies in their fate, without knowing anything about the universal law of the karma [law of the retributive justice].
Living themselves also in the absolute ignorance, the parents instead of realizing the ultimate service that they have undertaken, that is to raise children, they
limit their tasks to just providing to them food, home and the most of it, some
specific encyclopedic studies.
Since already the first days of their life, when the babies start to walk, to talk,
the parents keep on feeding their ego.
They encourage them towards the concept of ‘when you grow up you will become great and important’. The parents of course are caring about the success
only of their own child. They don’t bother to wish anything for the rest of the
children on this planet.
This is the case everywhere and this is how it has always been. During this
sensitive age of the childhood, when you are introduced first of all from your
own parents, to the egoism, the competition, the divergence from the rest of the
children, then this egoism of yours will most possibly follow you until your
Since the first months of the human life, the religions take over, and they are
one of the most powerful weapons of the Blacksoul one. The reason is that in
view of the fear of death, the humans passively accept everything that the religion that exists in the country they are born imposes to them and first of all the
procedure of the christening in such an early age.
And of course, he who created this whole system of ‘buy and sell’, the
Blacksoul one, took care to also include the money in the religious sacred mysteries.
The hierarchs have been, for thousand years now, totally accepting the transaction of goods with the use of money. Never have they officially mentioned that they are against the existence of money and that money is the biggest mouse trap for the humanity. In other words, all the religious authorities play it like a fool. However, Jesus had clearly mentioned that ‘you shall be either with Mammon either with God’ (Mammon is the money). So, haven’t the priests and the hierarchs actually realized that through the existence of money – precious metals starts the slavery of the humanity and that this way it loses its orientation? So, the christening (baptism) of a baby is followed by three evils: first the transaction with money with the priests, secondly the baptism in a religious postshop, like Catholic, Orthodox, etc., and third the baptism in such an early age. Jesus though has been baptized by John the Forerunner at his 30 years of age and of course this was not by chance. Because once he turned out 30 his consciousness had opened up and he had acquired the self awareness.
The hierarchs have been, for thousand years now, totally accepting the transaction of goods with the use of money. Never have they officially mentioned that they are against the existence of money and that money is the biggest mouse trap for the humanity. In other words, all the religious authorities play it like a fool. However, Jesus had clearly mentioned that ‘you shall be either with Mammon either with God’ (Mammon is the money). So, haven’t the priests and the hierarchs actually realized that through the existence of money – precious metals starts the slavery of the humanity and that this way it loses its orientation? So, the christening (baptism) of a baby is followed by three evils: first the transaction with money with the priests, secondly the baptism in a religious postshop, like Catholic, Orthodox, etc., and third the baptism in such an early age. Jesus though has been baptized by John the Forerunner at his 30 years of age and of course this was not by chance. Because once he turned out 30 his consciousness had opened up and he had acquired the self awareness.
The school undertakes to grab the “baton” of the education from the parents’
hands. During studying in school, the children are experiencing a tremendous
spiritual and psychological pressure.
"Sit down and study not to become a garbage man or a cleaning lady, study,
study, study…”
The serious education that a person should be offered in this age in order to be
able to realize his/her mission in this world, has been converted into a race, a
hard competition between students and sometimes it ends up in some kind of
“hell”, due to both the stress and the pressure that the parents themselves but
also the school teachers and educators, exert on the children.
And all of the above happens in combination with the continuous exams. Exams over exams and then again exams. As a matter of fact, the students instead
of being taught what goes without saying, LOVE, UNITY, BROTHERHOOD
and FRATERNITY, they are being taught the EGOISM and mainly the COMPETITION that leads to divisiveness, in a skillfully established educational
During this beautiful age, the children are desperately trying to make friendships. Friendship is the first reaction that is imposed on the soul like a reflex,
and which shows the way to brotherhood. For example, in the case that some
students fail in their exams, their friends sympathize with them because at this
tender age, the persons are not yet turned into “animals”.
The children throughout this sensitive age grow up totally naked from real
knowledge that could make their souls lose its orientation. The educational system is on purpose structured in such a way and in a fraudulent manner to serve
this lack of essential education. All that it provides are either plain encyclopedic knowledge, or specialized and not global ones, that disorientate the soul
from the selfawareness and the return to the Creator.
In the best of the cases, the biggest benefit for the students that attend the university for longtime exhausting studies, might be their future ability to earn
more colored little pieces of paper (money) compared to other young people
that have proceeded that far with their studies.
So, having received insufficient knowledge both from their parents and from
school, when reaching adolescence, the children have become absolutely vulnerable to any kind of negative influence.
The parents have the habit to let their children stand in front of the TV, for many hours, since their early age, in order to leave them quiet and in piece. The cartoons that most children watch on TV are far from being innocent, though. Instead of presenting cartoons expressing joy and love, the majority of them are monster figures, screaming from pain, fear and aggressiveness. The cartoons are full of violence, war, weapons and blood. The Blacksoul one takes care to fill up the mind and soul of the young kids, since their early age, with such pictures and forms so that they gradually and systematically familiarize themselves with any kind of violence and divisiveness and what is worst take those for granted. In the following years of their life it won’t then seem irrational to them to embody the same roles that they used to watch during their childhood as “entertaining” shows. This besides is the scope of the Blacksoul one through another one of his filthy plans. Another example that has to do once more with the ‘boob tube’ and its impressing power to stupefy the consciousness of people is the different series, the gossip shows and the lowlevel debates. The TV is a place where the confusion between the male and the female energy is being promoted by the representatives of the two sexes. In the mind of the children the concept that homosexuality is something that is normal is welcomed. The one showman has that one man as a sexual partner, the other show woman has that other woman as a partner and since the “boob tube” always launches new styles, the passive TV audience in order to stay in style doesn’t feel many restraints to turn to homosexuality. The phrase “personal data” functions as a defense to any negative comments over any abnormal behavior. In other words, the television promotes the violence (gangs, gangsters, gun ownership), the contradictions, the gossip, the low-level entertainment, the stupefaction, the homosexuality. When they reach the age of 1213 years old, the humans start to have sexual instincts. As they are still children, in the worst case their parents don’t bother to guide them in the love sector and in the best case, they don’t guide them properly, because the latter in their turn did not get the suitable training by their own parents. In the same time, the children receive an incredible pressure from their teachers, who have transformed the children’s world as something totally different from the rest of the world. As a result, the teenagers, both boys and girls, adopt an erroneously absolute and arrogant behavior, they ‘take no shit’ and they believe in their own God. But this way, they can easily fall in the traps of the Blacksoul one, like smoking, or even drags, in case they happen to experience more serious traumatic experiences in their family or in another familiar environment. The system has foreseen, for those being between the ages of 25 to 35 years old, and who are starting to become more persons, to become hemmed in numerous and complex problems. During this decade that certainly is educative and creative, all persons have adopted some patterns of behavior and thus they are totally guided to what the Blacksoul one imposes. 95 They have accepted all the distorted knowledge. They have learned that they have to become rich, believing that the word rich (= ploussios in Greek, pl + oussios, oussia meaning the essential part) has to do with money and not with the essential part of things. They have been persuaded that they must build a property to be set fot life, believing that the word property (= perioussia in Greek) is related to houses and precious metals and not to the essence of their human existence. Such a brainwashing has been performed on them that they vote for any authority (= eksoussia in Greek), only because they don’t have any better option, without knowing the real concept of the ‘authority’. In other words, they totally missed the essence of their life. You are exactly what you have been trained to be, because the education is that means to give form, There are examples of people who have grown up in stables, never went you to come to contact with other persons, and even in the age of 20 years old, they were still walking on their four feet and making screams alike the animals in the stable. At the age of 25 to 35 years old, humans possess a settled behavior that has been shaped by the following: 1st the increased egoism due to the wrong education their parents gave them 2nd the setup divisiveness of religions 3rd whether their parents had money (or belonged to the masonry), so that they would be able to attend the universities and to graduate and most possibly to become the bosses of those who had grown up with poorer parents 4th – the lack of sexual training and the promotion of sexual perversions 5th – the trend in the addiction to consuming alcohol drinks, cigarettes, drugs. 6th – the absolute divisiveness and the competition in most activities, politics, professional life, etc.
All the humans have accepted to love only through the transactions with money and precious metals, without ever sitting down to analyze and work out the
reason why you have always acted based on money that is not a creation of the
one God, just like the seeds in the land that offer you food, are. Jesus Christ said “you will be either with Mammon or with God”. What other
kind of proof does one need to get awaken and to realize that the game here on
earth is set up? The picture above is presenting this exact ugly and well set up
game: the gene is set up in such a way that it constantly guides you into gathering money and through it be led to possess power, to be able to exert your
power wherever this is possible, either on a family level or on a social level as
political or religious leaders, world leaders…
But can’t you see that the time you possess over this rented body is funny?
Can’t you see that obtaining money is the chees in the mousetrap? Because this
way you are literally entrapped into zero. You are living in an infinite universe
and although you are given the chance to get connected with this infinity, you
bite the cheese in the Blacksoul one’s mousetrap, his bait and end up losing it
And it is you losing everything. The incarnation is yours and the struggle to
selfawareness is clearly a personal case. It isn’t neither your companion’s nor
your kids’, nor your nation’s. Because when a man dies, he has no nation, no
country. The flags are imposed by the Blacksoul one since he wants the human
kingdom to be divided and ignorant.
During the set up – from the Blacksoul on – wars, you get killed by thousands
or even millions. But for each one of you, your death is personal. It isn’t common. That is, you had an incarnation on an individual level, you fell in the trap
of the setup wars and you shall die individually at the end.
The sole reason is for you to become masters and guru of your own self. If you
don’t achieve that, the Blacksoul one is so skillful that he will continuously
present to you either set up liberators, on the one hand so that you expect from
the others to set you free, either any kind of set up crisis, on the other hand.
So, there is no other case that you get saved than if you get yourself enlightened. In case that this is achieved, then the Blacksoul one will have nowhere to
hide anymore. Once the light of real knowledge is diffused inside of you, the
Blacksoul one will no more be able to mislead you or the humanity because the
humans will then know very well the methods that he is using (money, set up
authorities, guided education, set up wars, set up financial crises, different religion, different political parties and divisiveness between humans).
It is not easy for a man to accept all this knowledge and to renounce all this
notion that had become an indispensable part of his everyday life: money, pre-
cious metals, labor cost, economy, development, budget deficits, stock markets, shares, multinational companies, financial derivatives, labor market. Queries like “who is going to pay?” are heard constantly and the craziest query of
all, the all the imprisoned inhabitants of this planet come across with is “where
to find the money?”
What you see is the money and not the Blacksoul one. What is for sure though,
it has not been invented on its own, neither produced by zero. It only takes
some simple logic to understand that the game is set up by somebody. Unless
you think that money has come down from the universe.
Even these answers that you would give, your delusions are so practical to you.
Because this way you have the feeling that you are settled with yourself, in the
same way as when you light up a candle in the church every Easter and then
you fall into devouring all lambs, in the name of he who as clearly mentioned
in the Apocalypse – is the “slaughtered lamb”.
You struggle to make your houses bigger, more modern, and more comfortable, to acquire more technological equipment, and all these in the middle of the
daily routine that drive you though to scream out of bad temper, argue, fight
because even if you achieve all these material goals, you will never be satisfied. You will always need something more.
The one thing you miss is the most important: it is that knowledge that will
connect you to the universe, the Divine and that will set you free (= Eleytheros
in Greek, elether). You all are children of the Ether. An all paths in the world
of forms is for you to return back to Ether. The ether is neither the human bodies, nor the money, the airplanes, the rockets, the TV sets and the houses. It is
the divine sparks that have absorbed the soul (= psychi in Greek and psychos
=cold in Greek) and these divine sparks now come back to the unity as triumphant. This is the reason why when the Blacksoul one prepares the long line
with the infinite fishhooks, he is aiming at you never locating your goal.
Once you take the bait in any of the fishhooks, then illnesses are created in
your natural body as a reaction of the soul due to the wrong path that you have
taken and the death comes closer and closer. A little while before your death,
you desperately make efforts to understand the deeper substance of your existence. However, it is already late and you pass away ignorant.
The universe needs neither money nor financial development. Because, since
the first day of the big Bang and to be more punctual since the first second of
it, the universe is related to the ABSOLUTE PERFECTION. Your body itself is being perfectly made, as in the case of all the heavenly bodies, the planets,
the suns, the galaxies that move in orbits for billions of years.
You men, like the sheep, accept the different regimes or political systems that
each time are imposed to you, and which have been named either as democracy, monarchy, fascism, capitalism, communism or socialism and that without
any exemption are all set up games of authorities suited for the blacksoul ones.
Because there is nobody in the political positions even of the socalled “Democracy” who would escape from the control of the Blacksoul one. And all of them
have taken care to assure the vote of the humans – sheep, by impressing them
with beautiful speeches full of promises and love, possibly embraced by a nice
figure and an undoubtedly way with words. You simple people of course you
do trust them and believe in them because you have no idea of how set up the
system is as well of what is hidden behind this scenery.
The dictatorships are also embraced with beautiful words, like, e.g. “People’s
Republic of China”. From the word “people” it is obvious that the authority is
being held by the people. However, on the contrary, the real situation is that in
China the 95% at least of the population is holding on the one hand a cup of
rice and on the other hand the atheism. Thus, the whole imprisoned yellow race
that has gone through hell for millions of years now, is accepting whatever is
sent as an order from its blacksoul leaders.
All the regimes, all the rulers and all the parties are bought by the Blacksoul
himself and even if they are not, they are converted later on in traitors of the
human evolution and dynasts of the human race.
The numerous and various agents and provocateurs keep on creating different
demonstrations and events, on an almost daily basis, with the intention to occupy the mind of humans with meaningless staff and thus entrap it. You, simple citizens use to comment every day, every week and every month everything
that is taking place in the political current affairs, since there is a variety of
events and changes in figures but the essence of things always remains the
same; and this is what happens on a constant basis, with the simple goal that
people no matter in which country they live, never manage to reach the source
of the evil, the “house” of the Backsoul one
Whichever is your problem, whatever you may think that is to blame, you believe that the unemployment or the lack of money is depriving you of the solu-
tions. For example, in case of any possible illness, you in vain look for the solution in the marketable medicine.
All the handicapped are thrown out of the society, the elderly are “eating” the
fairy tale of the pensions, the helpless mothers are struggling to raise their children, the new technological inventions are in their majority targeted for destructions and not for any creative solutions. The existing different models of
cars, PCs and other equipment consist of the bait offered to humans so that
they keep on dealing with useless issues and not with their spiritual evolution.
And all of these in the frame of an incarnation that starts and finishes in the
blink of an eye. You may wonder or even ask your fellow men, no matter how
old you are, even 100 years old, if you have realized how quickly time has
passed by in your life.
However, when a man is enlightened and becomes like Buddha or Christ, these
problems are disappearing in the sense that he doesn’t care anymore. He
doesn’t care about the good relationship with his children, nor his parents, his
friends, his/her companion, the supervisor, he doesn’t care about the political
or religious leaders, neither about who is legitimate or not.
Whatever we may testify has nothing to do with souls that have been enlightened and that through their lives or the martyrdoms they have suffered from the
systems, have passed away. These souls have definitely evolved and they are
saint and their effort while incarnated was that you meet the real love and that
you find your way to the creator.
As far as these souls are concerned, no matter where they were born and
whether they stood up for the holy or not, the following mentioning does not
include them. What shall be mentioned below about the authorities have to do
with the ways that the Blacsksoul one used to skillfully distort the words of the
sent masters, but also to create the fear of death for humans, to put his agents
perform the tasks he wished for, the religious hierarchies and finally they have
to do with the fact of how easily can some enlightened person be characterized
as heretical, this way avoiding to influence humans by telling the truth. Usually once a heretical die due to the chasing of the authorities, they call him
a saint, but for as long as he is incarnated, they still consider him as heretical
and chase him to death.
What is more, the same persons who served the absolute divisiveness through
the different religions received the order from their boss the Blacksoul one to
create a world authority and a global government. That is, while for thousand
years now, they had divided the herd into individual herds, they now had this
order from their boss to combine all herds in a single one.
The Blacksoul one is aware of the fact that he won’t be able to govern earth in
a little while. And as always, he is using a trick to be able to hold on to this
planet. He knows that the planet is now experiencing another kind of evolution.
It is a matter of time that all of you find this out.
This is the reason why he is also trying on his side, using the totally paranoid
way that the authorities are performing their work, in order to trouble you, to
misinform you and to sell the “fairy tale” that they somehow care about your
own sake, and thousand years after the unstoppable blood that has been shed
on this planet, only due to their guidance, and to persuade you that as a matter
of fact and all out of the blue they care about all of you and that it is imperative
that this planet has a global government and religion.
The absolute responsible for the disharmony the human evolution emits out of
this imprisoned – until nowadays planet, is all the authorities that have until
today passed by, religious and political ones, evident and undercover ones. All
that you have been taught is coming from these global gravediggers.
The Blacksoul one and his henchmen are perfect connoisseurs until nowadays
of how to entrap you so that the whole humanity has lost its orientation, except
for the sent masters.
All of you, except for the ones serving the Blacksoul one (there will be a special reference to them) are Divine beings. You all possess the divine spark inside of you.
We are running out of time and Noah is too much close. He is warning you for
the last time. Because those who will remain, shall be the children of the light
and real knowledge. Away from any kind of divisiveness, egoism, ignorance,
arrogance, malice, ulterior motive and colored little pieces of paper and precious metals for buying goods.
An order has been given that planet Earth is upgraded to other vibrations, that
is to a higher evolution and the other kingdoms that exist on this planet (mineral, plants, animals, human) will necessarily follow.
So, in order for your own human evolution to be achieved on your own free
will, there is only one known way: that the huge and full of knowledge sent
masters come down.
These masters, due to this evolution, have been given the license to transfer to
you all the until now revealing knowledge that you are already reading and
which will reach to a peak until the end of this unsealed book, so that if you
also wish to be among those who will constitute the new golden era of the humanity, you shall be able to.
Until the end of the book, you will be provided with absolute details about how
you should manage your thought, your words and your acts, in the short time
period that is still remaining. In the frame of your own human body that is literally your temple.
Your body is a temple. Your thoughts, words, acts, are a temple as well. When
you left the invisible world and received a form in the matter, each one of the
forms having a divine spark inside of it, is an extension – ray of the creator.
Since you have well understood until now that the kingdoms that haven’t
reached your evolution yet – that is to be gifted with mind – intelligence –
creative thinking, in these forms, have their temple to be the sacrifice they do
based on the solar cycles and they jump from the one kingdom to the other,
participating to the perfection of the creation and in everything that moves,
they are offering to you their church and this for you is your food.
This means that the mineral kingdom has received a compact form through the
solar radiation and for billions of years the sacrifice of the stones is that you are
offered a compacted soil/land.
In the next kingdom, that is the plants kingdom, their sacrifice is that the exseeds are converted with the help of the land, the water, the air and as natural
of the sun, to food for you; or to trees, to plants which create conditions of natural living (oxygen, rain, flowers, colors, smells…).
In the next evolution in the animal kingdom, their sacrifice is to provide you
with the derivatives, i.e., the milk, the cheese, etc., as well as numerous lessons, of how an elephant that weighs five tones or a gorilla possessing tremen- dous physical power, are only fed by the plant’s kingdom. And it is not an accidental fact that these specific animals are so calm, while the carnivore ones,
fed with fleshes are living too few years in comparison to the elephant. Nevertheless, the world gravediggers, wishing all the time to turn you similar to the
carnivore animals, do forget to mention this difference between the food of
both elephants and gorillas.
Thus, now that you have reached the human evolution in the so far imprisoned
planet, your world gravediggers with the set up religious leaders of theirs, have
neglected to mention to you, and not unintentionally, that the church is only
your body, your thoughts, your words and your acts.
A big part of the humanity knows that the wisest king who ever passed was
Solomon the wise. He lived around 900 A.D. Although he was the second born
son of King David, the latter following the order of the creator, anointed as
king – in his place Solomon and not his firstborn son Absalom.
Solomon during the era of Atlantis has been the prince of fire. Through the life
of Solomon, you may get answers over the nonsense of the things you are dealing with. That is, to chase after an incarnation, or tangible goods without receiving any serious spiritual knowledge or no spiritual knowledge at all.
Solomon during his life and due to its great wisdom, without making any wars,
has been married to around 700 different women and the expansion of Israel
through this strategy has been the biggest ever.
What is paradoxical though is that he has been both the king of Israel in such a
young age and as wise as no one else had been before (except for the spiritual
beings that have taught the truth Christ, Buddha) and also literally a world
leader in all tangible goods, money and power.
Solomon has written three books. The first one was written in his youth and it
is the “Song of the Songs”. You can understand what it refers to, only by the
The second book is the “Proverbs of Solomon” and it has been written almost
in his middle age, while it contains proverbs/sayings from his wisdoms. Moreover, Solomon apart from being too wise was also too fair. Once, two women
were claiming the same child as their own, so they were addressed to Solomon
to serve the justice.
Using his incomparable wisdom and knowledge and since they could not conclude whose the child was, he suggested to cut the child in two pieces and to let
each woman have one piece. Then suddenly, the one of the two “mothers” with
a desperate voice asked to the king to give the child to the other woman.
Of course, the wise Solomon understood that only the real mother of the child
would rather lose it than see it killed. And thus, he offers the child to her. So, in
his second book, the incomparable wisdom of Solomon is demonstrated.
The wise man is the one who knows. And the philosopher is the one who is the
friend of knowledge. So, don’t misjudge the expression “he is saying philosophies”; the philosophies are just knowledge and the real knowledge is the
unique power that will follow you forever. Without knowledge you are just a
little toy for the system.
The third book is the “Ecclesiastes”, where it is mentioned “Vanity of vanities,
all is vanity”. He who had everything plus wisdom and knowledge, at the end
of his life notices that anything you may do is vain. That is, he who had everything as far as the matter is concerned, plus the knowledge that you don’t possess for specific reasons, said that everything is vain. So, what do you actually
try to do? Find a decent man or a decent woman to marry, have children or
build houses, be legal with your taxes, and possess airplanes or yachts?
Since Solomon was indeed a great master and mystic, it was no allowed until
nowadays to offer all the knowledge to the humanity, so that each one of you
reached the absolute freedom.
What has happened actually had to take place. Buddha had to come down to
show what enlightenment means, Jesus had to come down to show the way to
Christianization and the Blacksoul one had to take action once more to distort
with his priesthoods all this knowledge. On the one hand, to divide the teaching of Jesus Christ to “branches” and on the other hand to remove an unbelievable knowledge, the reincarnation, in 553 A.D. during the 5th Ecumenical
Council in Constantinople, where the head was the blacksoul Justinian who
afterwards was converted to saint by the Blacksoul one (this was always the
However, when they brought to Jesus – down from the roof a sick and tired
baby lying on a bed, he said: “what are you carrying my child?” He was clearly
referring to the karma and the reincarnation. Because, since still a child where
could he be carrying the sickness and the disability? Of course he was carrying
it from a previous life, the same soul, the specific ray of the father, of course in combination to the parents, who along with raising their child, each one of
them is paying back his/her own karma, his/her own “live by the sword, die by
the sword”, his/her own disharmony brought in the harmony of the universe.
It doesn’t take to be a genius for someone to realize what goes without saying:
all this circularity of births and rebirths at some moment offer to the soul
knowledge through the management of the different experiences (thoughts,
words, acts). Thus, through the constant struggle of your soul to become free
something that is only achieved through a natural body you have reached that
evolution, that kingdom where you are gifted with the MIND.
So, they assured that the blacksoul, so called Christian, Justinian makes the
reincarnation disappear. Thus, 1,500 years later, all the faithful Christians like
a herd don’t want to believe in reincarnation. The slandering of their mind is
such that it has deleted any logical, analytical and creative thinking. To stand
up for what they believe, the appeal to the expression “it is written in the HOLY BOOKS”.
However, if the books that were provided to the humanity were the proper
ones, if what the humans were taught were the right ones, if somebody wished
for the best of the humanity and really loved it, they would have made disappear in just one day the hunger, the misery, the injustice and the continuous
Even the smallest “branch” of religions, is aiming at confusing the minds of
people and the Jehovah’s Witnesses are such an example. You have now realized where they get the money from…From he, for whom money doesn’t cost
since it is its own invention and who is funding everything and everyone, so
that this absurd status against humanity keeps on existing. They are funded by
the “master” of the invention of money and they recruit some herds that believe
they are serving God by handing out leaflets and giving lectures.
They also talk about the Day of Reckoning when the dead will rise. Is it possible to believe that the bodies that have turned into dust, that have no nerves,
tendons, blood, bones and have been diffused as dust in all over planet earth,
will become humans again and what is more they will resemble as before?
If the problem was for us to have our body, don’t you believe the Christ would
choose to exist on earth with the same body? The Christ’s ascension clearly
declares that the next level is upwards and not in your bodies. As the highest
master, if there was some point for Him to stay on earth, he wouldn’t have es-
caped from his natural body. On the contrary, this is exactly what he showed
through the ascension: he came down, he taught the truths, he made them real
through his life and by sacrificing his natural body, and he ascended.
And referring to the Day of Reckoning, he mentioned the most simple thing:
That you also have to follow his example, take the truth he has taught you,
without crusades, wars, yours and mine, love everybody, love your enemies
and in case you achieve all these, you follow with the ascension to be absorbed
as souls from God (meaning move fast) since you are parts of Him and nothing
more. Thus, these parts – humans, once reaching the evolution and possess a
mind – intelligence, the realize that they are not parts, but that they are inside
the unity, inside God.
But these truths were taken and transferred by the Jehovah’s Witnesses to the
following lie: that originating from the diffused dusts of the earth, the cell of
the ex natural bodies will be put together and these bodies will form again, the
bodies of the king, of the slave, of the cleaning lady, of the warrior, and all
these during the Day of Reckoning.
What is more, they do insist spreading these nonsenses to people, from the various formal “branches” that serve this ignorance.
Like if it wasn’t enough that the blacksoul Justinian cancelled the reincarnation. In no part of the teaching of Jesus Christ this funny and unconceivable
confusion exists. The time has come for the heads of all those “branches” to
apologize over the lies they are serving and over whether they spread the divisiveness or the unity that Jesus has taught. Jesus has come to teach the peace.
In the frame of this divisiveness, they have reached a point of having committees over committees making decisions over who are the heretics and who
aren’t. While the herds of people believe them, since they trust the official
books, at the same time that the servants of the Blacksoul one themselves, offer
their services through the division (=diheresy in Greek, diheresy) that fills up
the heads of their herds – faithful ones, although the former themselves are an
unstoppable heresy functioning in a way that no sheep leaves the herd.
The Quran is the creation of the Blacksoul one and what is more it has been
named after “holy”. The notions of love and equality have nothing to do with
this book.
For 1,300 years it was strictly forbidden that the Quran was translated in any language of the planet. It is not accidental that its translation has been permitted recently. Its content is being taught to children of 45 years old, intentionally so that their soul in being infected with hatred. These kids are becoming the future murderers that will kill and take the head of everyone that comes their way, in the name of the Almighty God and with the excuse of the different religion. But then how is it possible that God who in the Quran is described as Almighty, and whose creation is unlimited, to be in need of using persons (corruptible bodies) so that other persons – their fellow men (also corruptible bodies) get out of the way, as if God wouldn’t have the power to make disappear anyone he would wish to. The God is one, the creation is uniform, and everything starts and ends up in the creator – God who is totally perfect and infinite, so how can it be that so many mistakes have taken place that the Quran is encouraging mortal humans to amend them by exterminating and killing others who aren’t Muslims? All of this is characterized by just one word: insanity. When you remove other humans’ lives just for fun, behead the human bodies with no limit, frequent crowded places with explosives strapped around you and blow yourselves up together with innocent people, of course you believe – since taught so through the Quran – that you are offering a service to the great God. And what is more, when you proceed with such killings, you make prayers by gospelling as offering to the creator of the universe the ultimate service. The time has come for you to read all these, since in case after your naissance in a Muslim country you were adopted by some parents living in a nonMuslim country, e.g. a country where the religion is Christianity, wouldn’t you have been taught different things? In such country at least it is not officially written that you must kill or take heads of humans off to serve God. You see, the divisiveness on this planet is unlimited and has gone beyond any sick imagination. Everything that the humans are performing on this planet under the political, religious, financial, personal aspect is only what they have been trained about to do. So, even for you, who are serving and participating in this unbelievable cruelty of removing human lives based on the training that you have received through the socalled holy book, and believing that it is your 107 sacred obligation to kill people and cut off their heads if heathens, this is an unlimited set up game. Until this unsealing is being completed, you will be provided with detailed information about who you are, how you reached the human evolution and what you should do during your natural life. Everything shall be provided to you with details. You will be able to realize without much effort that any kind of use of violence is creating to you alone a huge karma. Each one of you is charged and then paid back individually. By the moment that you will also reach a point of removing human lives, you cannot imagine what you have done to yourself. Your sufferings due to this abominable behavior will be literally endless. Once you remove a life that you are not able of creating yourself, not even your life, it is shocking what a big burden falls upon your own evolution. Of course, we do know very well that you have bitten bait among the infinite hooks that the Blacksoul one has set up on this planet. And you have definitely been persuaded that all these filthy acts you have committed until today, offer a service to God. However, during the short period that is left for this planet to maintain its present form (land and seas) and analyzing all that is mentioned in the supposedly sacred book, take care – for your own sake – not to ever consider again of – and only not to act such – removing any kind of life, because you were ignorant of the so far set up game and believe me, the moment you shall leave your natural body, although your karma will be unbearably heavy, you will be judged under mitigating circumstances thanks to your ignorance. Nevertheless, now that all the sealed knowledge on this desert planet is being unsealed, in case you keep on doing the same things, that is removing human lives in the name of the supposedly Almighty God, we must inform you that there will be no return from where you will find yourselves. There won’t be any other chance available for you, not anymore. Not any other chance to try again any form of evolution. The only continuation for you until the end of times, that is until the end of the visible universe perceived until today who are following the guidelines of the Quran and thus keep on removing human lives, is to end up to fossilized stones. The fossilized stones are those that are no more submitted to any sort of evolution, just expecting the end of times.
In contrast with the active stones (petrification) which are still undergoing an evolution procedure. Therefore, you should very well consider – for your own selves – what it means to remove human lives so easily and what is more to believe that what you do is in the name of the Creator – God – Allah. Let’s go know flick through this holy book that all the children where Muslimism prevails do read again and again almost since the age of 45 years old. That is right, while they have hardly learned to talk and express themselves the hatred about the part of the humanity that isn’t embracing the Muslimism as a religion, and that has been infused into their hearts is unlimited. At this point you shall connect very well in your mind and in the same time perceive this unconceivable setting up that has been performed on this imprisoned planet through the religions. Since the old times, and following the sinking of Atlantis, the 12 Gods have prevailed in the Greek territory for which all the spiritual evolutions shall happen through the desymbolizations of the legends about the 12 Gods, since what each one of the12 Gods is representing for the human will have been clarified. Of course, for their own reasons, the priesthoods have not revealed this desymbolization and this resulted to the degradation of every evolution and spiritual ascension for the man. Thus, it is now way too easy for the global system of the Blacksoul one to lead the humanity to permanent and durable wars, to permanent and constant slaves. In the heart of Asia, the Hinduism existed, similarly. In this case it took way too many explanations, through the sacred scriptures of Μανταβατ Γκίτα and of the holy Beda, so that people manage to best comprehend that once you have been formed in flesh and blood in a human body, the only way and the only reason why you exist in that body is to absolutely understand who you really are and to continue your path towards higher evolutions, in order to return at some time back to where you started from, that is into the same Father – Mother – Creator God. 109 All at the same time, in the area of Mesopotamia, the Jewish area, there were great prophets that prophesied sacred things, but all of them were chased away by the authorities of these times. And then, following this chasing away, the result was that just a little while before the coming of Jesus Christ, the only way to approach the Deity was to pass through the priesthoods. Another enslavement, another degradation of the spiritual teaching and lectures. In the humanity, the only one who can set you free and guide you higher is your own self. But unfortunately, until nowadays, even the great beings that have come down to teach the humanity, have seen all their teaching being incredibly distorted. It is around 550 B.C. that the appearance of Buddha Shakyamuni Mantra took place. Through his enlightenment, he has left some very serious spiritual guidance as heritage and this can happen only when a man can master and control his mind. This means when a man manages to have his mind serve him and not the other way around. Nevertheless, we are going to refer to his teaching later on, since now we want to make a reference to a river, Ganges which is considered as sacred but which is filled up with very dirty water and sometimes even animal carcasses and nevertheless we see that the faithful enter these waters so as to be sanctified. You realize that the spiritual ascension of the man cannot be based on this fact, but on the contrary, some other people who have received some other kind of education or consider things more rationally cannot accept such situations and thus they don’t even bother to step into reading and understanding the huge truths of this sent spiritual being. That is exactly what has happened also in the case of Jesus Christ teaching; Jesus Christ was incarnated 500 years after the incarnation of Buddha and has spoken about the absolute love and forgiveness, without involving any “branches”. Of course, he clearly taught about the reincarnation, meaning the coming and then coming again until reaching the Deity and all the content of His teaching has been very effectively and totally distorted by the global system. In the case of Jesus Christ, everyone appealed to His name and also established a “branch” on His name. Who gave to humanity all those individual words (Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, Pagan, Pentecostal, church of the Christ, etc.)? All those impostor heads, divisors of His Teaching, should be aware that they will apologize. The One they are invoking, i.e. Jesus Christ, has come to unify the humanity and not to divide it. Τhe crimes of the divisiveness that until nowadays have been faithfully served by them as well as the responsibilities that fall on each one of them, will be undivided attributed to them. You the leaders have taught the faithful – herds to be Orthodox, Catholic, etc. And the humans are using these words in the course of conversations. You should know that as far as you – having taught to them all these, having guided them in all these – are concerned, you have obtained an unlimited karma due to your intentionally wrong teaching. In a similar way, as far as the teaching of Jesus is concerned, since the global system couldn’t block it by means of persecutions, beheadings and killing in general of the first Christians, it decided to use one of the usual ‘dribbles’ it always uses, that is it established the Christianity as a formal religion during the Byzantine years through the wellknown Ecumenical Council in 553 A.D., during which the reincarnation has been cancelled by the appointed of the Blacksoul one, Justinian. Thus, the operation ended up successfully. The herd is remaining in the pen. The priesthoods served the Blacksoul one, once more; once more in a faithful way that nobody leaves the pen. If you were born sick, it is God who decided that at the moment of your birth. If you were born as quadriplegic, it is God who, once more, decided over it. You don’t have any possibility of choice regarding anything that takes place in your life, since you didn’t exist before your present incarnation. Nevertheless, since the moment you were born, you must do kind deeds because afterwards you will wait for the train to pass by (Second Coming, Day of Reckoning). My most profound congratulations! You have also used the covering ”save your servants” (the Creator made servants..) so you let them all know. You have offered them such ignorance that you gone far beyond the Blacksoul one himself. You have cancelled any kind of research for them and you have totally trapped their creative mind. You have made them think only just as you wish they think. And instead of humans (meaning going upwards) they have become worse than animals. Take into account that animals have the ability to sense the danger, due to their instincts and leave, while the herds that you have 111 created can’t even act similarly; instead they have always been faithfully following you everywhere. You don’t give answers to them over anything. You don’t teach them anything. Even the word “Repent” that you are using to guide them is on purpose wrongly used. Because “repent” means ‘metanow’ in Greek (metanow means after the cognition). Which cognition, which repent? Since their mind has been disabled? So, what shall they repent about? The things that you don’t actually teach them? The trees and stones can conceive more even with no mind. You filthy gravediggers are actually asking them to repent over what? You have totally disarmed their mind. You have interfered with either the infallible of the Pope or “what is mentioned in the scripts” and you have cancelled any kind of research for them. They will either lead an immoral life, away from any spiritual and divine teaching, or once turned to God – most of the times due to fatal bites in order to find the courage to confront any of their sufferings (illnesses, death of beloved ones, etc.), they shall have to 100% accept anything that you provide them with in the form of teaching, or else anything different is heretical. So, once they are trapped in your nets, they – as a faithful herd – “beat a dead horse” and they always start with the wellknown song, the wellknown vein: whatever is written in the script, in the Gospels and what is most incredible…that life starts on this planet from Abraham. Haven’t you been informed about million year’s skeletons? Have these skeletons fallen out of any meteorite? But of course, these are not “touched” by you because then you will have to modify the whole “act”. And since no ‘act’ has been changed until nowadays, you keep on transferring to the herds that the human kind exists on this planet just 23 thousand years before the naissance of Jesus Christ. You have served your boss, who enslaved this planet with money, really fine. And you, as faithful servants have offered your services. Of course, in order to proceed with your services, you have adopted and accepted the nonexistent money that assured you a life not lacking any tangible goods, but on the other hand you totally imprisoned the minds of the humanity.
Prior to your naissance in a human body you were nothing, you were wherever you were born by coincidence, you are healthy or sick by coincidence, you have a specific nationality by coincidence, so whatever it takes go find your everyday food (since those who control the planet take care that you miss the food as well). You shall define in the herds of humans what and when we celebrate, what we regret for and when, etc. The only times that we had some pauses until the same things were repeated again were during the years of the unconceivable disaster of continents due to floods. So, we are warning you for the last time that this will very soon take place on this planet again. And based on the fact that the time that remains is extremely limited we are addressed to the whole humanity, but mainly to the sick and poor, to the wronged, to the helpless elderly, to the mothers who try to raise their children all alone, to the whole persecuted humanity. You shall understand what you have so far read but also what is mentioned until the end of this book. This unsealing is for you. All the others, the gravediggers of the human evolution through the official and unofficial authorities, have consciously selected the path that they have selected. Of course, they also have the chance to change things; but karma is karma and the ‘live by the sword, die by the sword” is still valid. But then, since during the era of the Aquarius there will be a hell of a water on the planet, and we have entered this period since February the 3rd 1962, this is exactly the reason why the population on the planet has reached the 7,200,000,000 souls. The souls that have received incarnation know very well before even coming down why they requested for a reincarnation at this specific moment. What is actually taking place on planet earth right now, is literally a unique chance for the evolution of the whole humanity Through the comprehending of what you actually read and will read, in only one incarnation, the one you are actually experiencing, you should set yourself free, that is make your real self, your real existence return back to ether. Get back to ether, to what you have always been. 113 In case you don’t remain indifferent for the last time to what you are actually reading but instead you take care of yourself, we can promise you that you will literally become the Masters of yourself. You will become Masters, you will become light and you will be transformed from sons of the man to sons of God, that is to Godmen. Now, through the fear that all the priesthoods have caused to you and through the distortion of every truth, the only thing that exists inside of you is fear. The fear of Christians over God, or the hatred of the Muslims for all the henchmen. Thus, you once more have to choose between the two set up facts. Either the Christian fear or the Muslim hatred. Both your enlightenment and your freedom (=el eytheria in Greek, elether) are your own business. It is your task. Until now, you were extremely slightly to blame, since you weren’t able to believe that the persons who you thought of being your leader, were set by the world authority center of the Blacksoul one and that their only concern was to keep you in herds. Thus, you as human beings having rays of light inside of you, have trusted them without a second thought. But unfortunately, the results are the ones you are aware of. However now all the keys are offered to you, so that you find out what is happening on this planet but most important you are given the keys to comprehend with accuracy what you alone should do and how to count on YOUR OWN STRENGTHS AND YOURS ALONE.
For 1,300 years it was strictly forbidden that the Quran was translated in any language of the planet. It is not accidental that its translation has been permitted recently. Its content is being taught to children of 45 years old, intentionally so that their soul in being infected with hatred. These kids are becoming the future murderers that will kill and take the head of everyone that comes their way, in the name of the Almighty God and with the excuse of the different religion. But then how is it possible that God who in the Quran is described as Almighty, and whose creation is unlimited, to be in need of using persons (corruptible bodies) so that other persons – their fellow men (also corruptible bodies) get out of the way, as if God wouldn’t have the power to make disappear anyone he would wish to. The God is one, the creation is uniform, and everything starts and ends up in the creator – God who is totally perfect and infinite, so how can it be that so many mistakes have taken place that the Quran is encouraging mortal humans to amend them by exterminating and killing others who aren’t Muslims? All of this is characterized by just one word: insanity. When you remove other humans’ lives just for fun, behead the human bodies with no limit, frequent crowded places with explosives strapped around you and blow yourselves up together with innocent people, of course you believe – since taught so through the Quran – that you are offering a service to the great God. And what is more, when you proceed with such killings, you make prayers by gospelling as offering to the creator of the universe the ultimate service. The time has come for you to read all these, since in case after your naissance in a Muslim country you were adopted by some parents living in a nonMuslim country, e.g. a country where the religion is Christianity, wouldn’t you have been taught different things? In such country at least it is not officially written that you must kill or take heads of humans off to serve God. You see, the divisiveness on this planet is unlimited and has gone beyond any sick imagination. Everything that the humans are performing on this planet under the political, religious, financial, personal aspect is only what they have been trained about to do. So, even for you, who are serving and participating in this unbelievable cruelty of removing human lives based on the training that you have received through the socalled holy book, and believing that it is your 107 sacred obligation to kill people and cut off their heads if heathens, this is an unlimited set up game. Until this unsealing is being completed, you will be provided with detailed information about who you are, how you reached the human evolution and what you should do during your natural life. Everything shall be provided to you with details. You will be able to realize without much effort that any kind of use of violence is creating to you alone a huge karma. Each one of you is charged and then paid back individually. By the moment that you will also reach a point of removing human lives, you cannot imagine what you have done to yourself. Your sufferings due to this abominable behavior will be literally endless. Once you remove a life that you are not able of creating yourself, not even your life, it is shocking what a big burden falls upon your own evolution. Of course, we do know very well that you have bitten bait among the infinite hooks that the Blacksoul one has set up on this planet. And you have definitely been persuaded that all these filthy acts you have committed until today, offer a service to God. However, during the short period that is left for this planet to maintain its present form (land and seas) and analyzing all that is mentioned in the supposedly sacred book, take care – for your own sake – not to ever consider again of – and only not to act such – removing any kind of life, because you were ignorant of the so far set up game and believe me, the moment you shall leave your natural body, although your karma will be unbearably heavy, you will be judged under mitigating circumstances thanks to your ignorance. Nevertheless, now that all the sealed knowledge on this desert planet is being unsealed, in case you keep on doing the same things, that is removing human lives in the name of the supposedly Almighty God, we must inform you that there will be no return from where you will find yourselves. There won’t be any other chance available for you, not anymore. Not any other chance to try again any form of evolution. The only continuation for you until the end of times, that is until the end of the visible universe perceived until today who are following the guidelines of the Quran and thus keep on removing human lives, is to end up to fossilized stones. The fossilized stones are those that are no more submitted to any sort of evolution, just expecting the end of times.
In contrast with the active stones (petrification) which are still undergoing an evolution procedure. Therefore, you should very well consider – for your own selves – what it means to remove human lives so easily and what is more to believe that what you do is in the name of the Creator – God – Allah. Let’s go know flick through this holy book that all the children where Muslimism prevails do read again and again almost since the age of 45 years old. That is right, while they have hardly learned to talk and express themselves the hatred about the part of the humanity that isn’t embracing the Muslimism as a religion, and that has been infused into their hearts is unlimited. At this point you shall connect very well in your mind and in the same time perceive this unconceivable setting up that has been performed on this imprisoned planet through the religions. Since the old times, and following the sinking of Atlantis, the 12 Gods have prevailed in the Greek territory for which all the spiritual evolutions shall happen through the desymbolizations of the legends about the 12 Gods, since what each one of the12 Gods is representing for the human will have been clarified. Of course, for their own reasons, the priesthoods have not revealed this desymbolization and this resulted to the degradation of every evolution and spiritual ascension for the man. Thus, it is now way too easy for the global system of the Blacksoul one to lead the humanity to permanent and durable wars, to permanent and constant slaves. In the heart of Asia, the Hinduism existed, similarly. In this case it took way too many explanations, through the sacred scriptures of Μανταβατ Γκίτα and of the holy Beda, so that people manage to best comprehend that once you have been formed in flesh and blood in a human body, the only way and the only reason why you exist in that body is to absolutely understand who you really are and to continue your path towards higher evolutions, in order to return at some time back to where you started from, that is into the same Father – Mother – Creator God. 109 All at the same time, in the area of Mesopotamia, the Jewish area, there were great prophets that prophesied sacred things, but all of them were chased away by the authorities of these times. And then, following this chasing away, the result was that just a little while before the coming of Jesus Christ, the only way to approach the Deity was to pass through the priesthoods. Another enslavement, another degradation of the spiritual teaching and lectures. In the humanity, the only one who can set you free and guide you higher is your own self. But unfortunately, until nowadays, even the great beings that have come down to teach the humanity, have seen all their teaching being incredibly distorted. It is around 550 B.C. that the appearance of Buddha Shakyamuni Mantra took place. Through his enlightenment, he has left some very serious spiritual guidance as heritage and this can happen only when a man can master and control his mind. This means when a man manages to have his mind serve him and not the other way around. Nevertheless, we are going to refer to his teaching later on, since now we want to make a reference to a river, Ganges which is considered as sacred but which is filled up with very dirty water and sometimes even animal carcasses and nevertheless we see that the faithful enter these waters so as to be sanctified. You realize that the spiritual ascension of the man cannot be based on this fact, but on the contrary, some other people who have received some other kind of education or consider things more rationally cannot accept such situations and thus they don’t even bother to step into reading and understanding the huge truths of this sent spiritual being. That is exactly what has happened also in the case of Jesus Christ teaching; Jesus Christ was incarnated 500 years after the incarnation of Buddha and has spoken about the absolute love and forgiveness, without involving any “branches”. Of course, he clearly taught about the reincarnation, meaning the coming and then coming again until reaching the Deity and all the content of His teaching has been very effectively and totally distorted by the global system. In the case of Jesus Christ, everyone appealed to His name and also established a “branch” on His name. Who gave to humanity all those individual words (Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, Pagan, Pentecostal, church of the Christ, etc.)? All those impostor heads, divisors of His Teaching, should be aware that they will apologize. The One they are invoking, i.e. Jesus Christ, has come to unify the humanity and not to divide it. Τhe crimes of the divisiveness that until nowadays have been faithfully served by them as well as the responsibilities that fall on each one of them, will be undivided attributed to them. You the leaders have taught the faithful – herds to be Orthodox, Catholic, etc. And the humans are using these words in the course of conversations. You should know that as far as you – having taught to them all these, having guided them in all these – are concerned, you have obtained an unlimited karma due to your intentionally wrong teaching. In a similar way, as far as the teaching of Jesus is concerned, since the global system couldn’t block it by means of persecutions, beheadings and killing in general of the first Christians, it decided to use one of the usual ‘dribbles’ it always uses, that is it established the Christianity as a formal religion during the Byzantine years through the wellknown Ecumenical Council in 553 A.D., during which the reincarnation has been cancelled by the appointed of the Blacksoul one, Justinian. Thus, the operation ended up successfully. The herd is remaining in the pen. The priesthoods served the Blacksoul one, once more; once more in a faithful way that nobody leaves the pen. If you were born sick, it is God who decided that at the moment of your birth. If you were born as quadriplegic, it is God who, once more, decided over it. You don’t have any possibility of choice regarding anything that takes place in your life, since you didn’t exist before your present incarnation. Nevertheless, since the moment you were born, you must do kind deeds because afterwards you will wait for the train to pass by (Second Coming, Day of Reckoning). My most profound congratulations! You have also used the covering ”save your servants” (the Creator made servants..) so you let them all know. You have offered them such ignorance that you gone far beyond the Blacksoul one himself. You have cancelled any kind of research for them and you have totally trapped their creative mind. You have made them think only just as you wish they think. And instead of humans (meaning going upwards) they have become worse than animals. Take into account that animals have the ability to sense the danger, due to their instincts and leave, while the herds that you have 111 created can’t even act similarly; instead they have always been faithfully following you everywhere. You don’t give answers to them over anything. You don’t teach them anything. Even the word “Repent” that you are using to guide them is on purpose wrongly used. Because “repent” means ‘metanow’ in Greek (metanow means after the cognition). Which cognition, which repent? Since their mind has been disabled? So, what shall they repent about? The things that you don’t actually teach them? The trees and stones can conceive more even with no mind. You filthy gravediggers are actually asking them to repent over what? You have totally disarmed their mind. You have interfered with either the infallible of the Pope or “what is mentioned in the scripts” and you have cancelled any kind of research for them. They will either lead an immoral life, away from any spiritual and divine teaching, or once turned to God – most of the times due to fatal bites in order to find the courage to confront any of their sufferings (illnesses, death of beloved ones, etc.), they shall have to 100% accept anything that you provide them with in the form of teaching, or else anything different is heretical. So, once they are trapped in your nets, they – as a faithful herd – “beat a dead horse” and they always start with the wellknown song, the wellknown vein: whatever is written in the script, in the Gospels and what is most incredible…that life starts on this planet from Abraham. Haven’t you been informed about million year’s skeletons? Have these skeletons fallen out of any meteorite? But of course, these are not “touched” by you because then you will have to modify the whole “act”. And since no ‘act’ has been changed until nowadays, you keep on transferring to the herds that the human kind exists on this planet just 23 thousand years before the naissance of Jesus Christ. You have served your boss, who enslaved this planet with money, really fine. And you, as faithful servants have offered your services. Of course, in order to proceed with your services, you have adopted and accepted the nonexistent money that assured you a life not lacking any tangible goods, but on the other hand you totally imprisoned the minds of the humanity.
Prior to your naissance in a human body you were nothing, you were wherever you were born by coincidence, you are healthy or sick by coincidence, you have a specific nationality by coincidence, so whatever it takes go find your everyday food (since those who control the planet take care that you miss the food as well). You shall define in the herds of humans what and when we celebrate, what we regret for and when, etc. The only times that we had some pauses until the same things were repeated again were during the years of the unconceivable disaster of continents due to floods. So, we are warning you for the last time that this will very soon take place on this planet again. And based on the fact that the time that remains is extremely limited we are addressed to the whole humanity, but mainly to the sick and poor, to the wronged, to the helpless elderly, to the mothers who try to raise their children all alone, to the whole persecuted humanity. You shall understand what you have so far read but also what is mentioned until the end of this book. This unsealing is for you. All the others, the gravediggers of the human evolution through the official and unofficial authorities, have consciously selected the path that they have selected. Of course, they also have the chance to change things; but karma is karma and the ‘live by the sword, die by the sword” is still valid. But then, since during the era of the Aquarius there will be a hell of a water on the planet, and we have entered this period since February the 3rd 1962, this is exactly the reason why the population on the planet has reached the 7,200,000,000 souls. The souls that have received incarnation know very well before even coming down why they requested for a reincarnation at this specific moment. What is actually taking place on planet earth right now, is literally a unique chance for the evolution of the whole humanity Through the comprehending of what you actually read and will read, in only one incarnation, the one you are actually experiencing, you should set yourself free, that is make your real self, your real existence return back to ether. Get back to ether, to what you have always been. 113 In case you don’t remain indifferent for the last time to what you are actually reading but instead you take care of yourself, we can promise you that you will literally become the Masters of yourself. You will become Masters, you will become light and you will be transformed from sons of the man to sons of God, that is to Godmen. Now, through the fear that all the priesthoods have caused to you and through the distortion of every truth, the only thing that exists inside of you is fear. The fear of Christians over God, or the hatred of the Muslims for all the henchmen. Thus, you once more have to choose between the two set up facts. Either the Christian fear or the Muslim hatred. Both your enlightenment and your freedom (=el eytheria in Greek, elether) are your own business. It is your task. Until now, you were extremely slightly to blame, since you weren’t able to believe that the persons who you thought of being your leader, were set by the world authority center of the Blacksoul one and that their only concern was to keep you in herds. Thus, you as human beings having rays of light inside of you, have trusted them without a second thought. But unfortunately, the results are the ones you are aware of. However now all the keys are offered to you, so that you find out what is happening on this planet but most important you are given the keys to comprehend with accuracy what you alone should do and how to count on YOUR OWN STRENGTHS AND YOURS ALONE.