Τρίτη 25 Αυγούστου 2015


We have arrived at the last part that you represent in the material world and this is your human body. 187 You have received a male or female body, you have been born in any place on the planet, you have grown up in the frame of any political system, you have embraced any religion or even the atheism, and you may have some athletic preferences or even some sexual particularities. You may even do some dangerous sports, or risk your life every second and you may be addicted to substances believing that these may help you set yourself free. Whatever you do, what actually matters right now and it is serious, is your human body. By the completion of this book you will never again say that you didn’t know, since all you had to know will be transferred to you and thus in case you keep on doing the same things, then the problem will be yours alone. Until today, you could easily claim that you didn’t know, that you were trapped, confused and so many others, using some very persuasive and serious excuses. We are telling you clearly that this is exactly how the story goes. You are absolutely right whatever you claim. You were both confused and misinformed and trapped, and whichever rubbish the Blacksoul one was presenting to you in the “mirror”, he was doing it in such a way that you couldn't even imagine. Nevertheless, during these eschatological years the time has come for everything to be revealed to you and for all the curtains to be drawn. So, you brothers, the human body that you are renting for a few earthly years, the human ‘mummy’ that you are wearing neither is yourself but most important – nor your real ‘existence’. You are talking about your human body when it shines. And once it stops shinning and you are being trapped in your body, which as we are clearly mentioning to you is not your real ‘self’, you are whimpering. You are addressed at the medicine of the Blacksoul one to treat you and cure you with money and things in return. As if when you were born, it was the Blacksoul one who took care whether you would be healthy or sick, and not the karma or the law of retributive justice, or else "live by the sword, die by the sword". And after the first great oblivion (forgetfulness) entered into knowing who you are, while the universe teaches you every single hour and every single moment, there comes the mirror of the Blacksoul one, feeding you in an incredibly filthy way, generously offering the cigarettes in a skillful way, cutting you off from the universe (etheric energy), so that the fact that your natural body might get sick is a literally procedural issue. Then, out of the blue, being astonished like if you didn’t expect so, you are running to the mirror of the Blacksoul one, so that it offers you the medical predicament. I don’t think that you share a different opinion about the whole status that is currently existing on the planet as far as the medicine is concerned, not being a predicament. So, then your body which naturally is neither yours, nor your own self, is provided to you by the universe for only and only reason: for you to evolve. Having very well comprehended now the concept of the Divine spark – Spirit, of the individual evolution that the soul demonstrates, of your mind that connects your spiritsoul with the human body and your human body that is the divine present for you to activate the superior Mind and to return to where you started from countless years ago, that is to the Father – Mother – Creator – Hyper mind – God. 'Thus, we are clearly mentioning to you that your human body is a ‘Divine Gift’. This is in fact the best thing that could happen to you so to return to where you have started from. But…. What can we say now about the human body? What have you been trained about here on earth? That it is yours, that you can do whatever you wish with it and that it belongs to you. This fairy tale though that the Blacksoul one’ mirror has offered to you is not at all the case. It is neither yours, nor it belongs to you; neither can you do whatever you wish with it. Before we proceed with particular analyses, think with your heart. 189 You are watching your own body been born, grow up, reach its biggest beauty, then starting to wear out, to grow old, you to make endless efforts to maintain its youth, but no matter how hard you try, even if you do achieve this on a certain degree, then at some moment the ageing that comes and follows your own body can’t be described. So, you are watching now your aged body, your aged cells, your aged tissues and you keep on wondering: ‘is it me that mess?’ No brothers, what you have received as corrosion on your own body is just instructive. But how could you realize that so far through the ‘mirror’ of the Blacksoul telling you all the time that it is yours, that it belongs to you and that – of course you may do whatever you wish with it. On the contrary, this whole corrosion has one and only scope from the universe. To distant yourself from the attachment to the matter, even to your own body since the latter is not you. And that this body that has been provided to you and that of course is just a divine gift and nothing more, has as its sole scope to train you. To activate your superior mind, to see and understand the perishability of the matter, to feel that the body is just a vehicle that will transfer you to higher fields of evolution through the management of experiences that you will gain in this material world, and this vehicle is called ‘human body’ and in this case it is ‘your body’. Thus, as simple as that but the most important much with evidence, we are telling you that this body that you have rented for some specific earthly time, wherever you may live on this planet, whichever language you may speak, in whichever homeland you may belong to (and not by chance of course), we are mentioning to you seriously now (no more jokes) that as far as the ‘mirror’ of the Blacksoul one – the big liar is concerned, your body is yours and it belongs to you to do whatever you want with it. Because your body is your temple, the church that connects you to the divine or the Blacksoul one – Satan. Things like personal data, ‘the body is mine and I can do whatever I want with it’, forget about them…The church is not a place where the priests of the Blacksoul’s mirror give the mass. The church churches is/are for each one of you your own body. Your body has thoughts, words and acts.

On each earthly second you make endless thoughts. To kill, to steal, to slander, to rape, to envy or be jealous, to hate. etc… Do you understand what you are actually doing in this church? Who did you invite to drive you and where? You have invited the Blacskoul one himself to live with his servants and followers in your own church, being your natural body. You have heard so many times that he has killed somebody and you didn’t expect that. Have you realized who killed who? The one who is inside your own church, with so many negative thoughts attached on him and having captured your body. The things that you actually call ‘demons’ and so the body, the church is captured by negative beings that are leading it wherever they want to, even to the most extreme expressions, as murder is. Thus, once and for all we are making it crystal clear that the human body that you are renting for a number of years is your church. No matter what kind of management you make with thoughts, words and acts, this and only this, is going to follow you. There is no chance, not one in a million to be followed by something that you and you only have not activated – set in function. Everything that is following you is yours. On this planet, you have been led to infinite distortions of the truth due to incredible authorities of the Blackoul one’s mirror. Up to now you are completely justified not to know and thus you fell into mistakes and made so many ugly acts because in a certain degree you were into ignorance. This is the reason then, the time has come, a little while before the unconceivable cataclysm that will take place on the planet and in view of the golden era that shall follow, for those who have worked out somehow with their selves and are sensitive to these knowledges. 191 All these authorities on your planet through the mirror of the Blacksoul one has miserably failed. They have brought to your minds and thus to your bodies such an unlimited disharmony. You are born, you die, you are young, you grow old and you expect from the mass media of mental apathy and the finished high priests and politicians and any opportunist each one of whom is representing his own stupidity, to guide you. Guide you where though? If you only look at and read their faces, these are something between total idiots and chiefzombies, something like a marionette each one of which has his own ‘cassette’ or ‘cd’ with his own poem written inside. In case you ask the one about the cd of the other, he won’t know what is inside. Once you pose some questions that are not included in their ‘cd’, they instantly fall into a status of mental apathy. They either leave not to give any answer or they are waiting for their hangaround ones to provide them with some note so that they are able to answer to the queries posed. These funny ridiculous guys have been your authorities for thousand years until nowadays. These are the ones who have led you to wars, hunger, impoverishment, ignorance, and who have trapped your mind and as a consequence your body as well. Now start to try and save whatever you can. The most serious that you could do first, would be to save yourself. What is already taking place to you is the Second Coming (the Day of Reckoning). These enormous truths of the teaching of Jesus Christ that have been skilfully hidden and which you have been reading about and understanding until the end of this unsealing, this is literally the Day of Reckoning and this of course can be done only through your own selves and nobody else, meaning through your church being your own body and which your real self is inhabiting.

 The storytellers of the religious authorities, once more through the mirror have made you prepare yourselves that Jesus Christ will come down for a second time. He shall come down to do what? To tell you what? To talk to you about love when the humanity is drenched in war? To explain to you who gave the right to all the leaders of the ‘branches’ (Orthodox – Catholic – Protestants – Pagans – Pentecostals church of Christ – Jehovah’s witnesses, etc.) to use the word Jesus Christ, as well as when they took this right, when was the split. done and by whom? To talk to you about the perishability of the matter? In case he believed that to maintain our human body is everything and that nothing exists if not for it, wouldn’t he have maintained it until nowadays? Wouldn’t he have kept his human body so to be able to wander around on earth every day and talk and teach the humans the same things again and again? Don’t you understand that the Day of Reckoning is for each one of you separately and that is starts and ends inside of you, which instantly means that you should learn with accuracy who you are and which is your mission? Your body alone is your church and your temple, so you must first put in practice what you have learned about who you are and what you have come to do on this planet, and once of course you manage to become ‘suns’ you should enlighten as many as possible of your fellow humans. That is you should offer light wherever you can, just like Jesus Christ was doing, or like your sun is doing and every enlightened man as well. There is no other Second Coming than this alone. The Second Coming is in your hands. Only through the absolute knowledge of who you really are and of course with the –with evidence certification of your body, do speak and act into virtues. This clearly is the Second Coming. We have mentioned to you that the human evolution is a very big school. In a school there are lower and higher grades and of course there is the last grade as 193 well. Once you complete your studies at the last grade, there is nothing more to learn from that school. The same applies for the human evolution and the reincarnations: to be born as ‘man eater’ and end up as a ‘Saint’ is exactly the same classification. During your first incarnation you were born in the human kingdom as a man eater – murderer – Muslim and at some time you become shiny, totally shiny, totally saint. At your last status you have understood everything, the second Coming has taken place inside of you and thus you are ready to attend other schools of so much higher level than that of the human evolution. We are telling you that at these specific superior schools there is no thing as a divisive mind with ‘mine’ and ‘yours’, with ‘us’ and ‘you’, but only the Olympian zeus – mind that has been connected with everything and exists everywhere and this is the unity. And in view of the fact that you are now provided with the whole knowledge, you must accurately know that the mind – each time that an individual spirit – soul enters a human body, is 100% identical with the level of the last incarnation that the spiritsoul has reached. As you can realize, your real self is now your spiritsoul, which is struggling to achieve those levels of evolution so that at some moment the soul becomes absorbed by the spirit, meaning that the individual spark of each one of you (spirit) does not need to appear in the material field you are living in, with the soul – cold as the wrapping. Then we are saying that this is the spiritual person who has reached such an evolutionary level that in the earthly field – or else as far as the human evolution is concerned, he has not yet anything else to learn. In fact, you have also been told about the very characteristic case of Paul the Apostle, who, before his activation – enlightenment, was named (exname) as Saul, and of course once he got activated to execute his mission, he had clearly mentioned in one of his letters ‘I live in spirit’, that is he said what we have already mentioned, that he was a very old soul that came down with a specific mission and which of course was living in spirit, since it had ‘graduated’ from the human evolution with the grade A!

 What is more, due to the specific paragraph we are mentioning to you that the so called then Paul the apostle, or apostle of the nations, or else first after the first, that is first after Jesus Christ, is nowadays an ascended teacher who is extremely close to you and to all that is happening on planet earth and that soon is going to evolve, and his name after his last incarnation is Illarion. It is such a huge pleasure for all of you that such a master is still close to you during those critical times. So, we intend for you to clearly understand that each mind endowing the spiritsoul once incarnated, stands for just one incarnation and one only. Following your natural death, the spiritsoul is the one that continues its trip and not the mind. This means that the mind is incorporating and unifies your natural body with your spiritsoul only as far as one incarnation is concerned and once it works divisionally (dias – inferior mind), then the evolution for your spiritsoul / self is tragic. But once the superior mind is activated, that is dias is converted to Olympian Zeus, then you are above the ‘me’, ‘mine’ and ‘yours’ as well as of any kind and form of divisiveness. This instantly means that you are flooded with virtues and the dowry of the spiritsoul is maximized. The most important for you, which literally is important, is that in case you have understood what you have read about and what is going to follow, you shall be able to set yourself free (elether) even in just one incarnation. What you are reading is real. It is neither a figure of speech nor an exaggeration. The greatest gift that you can offer to yourself (spiritsoul), the greatest gift that you can offer to your real ‘existence’ is just one: To upgrade your mind so that since now it never again functions as dias (divisive), but on the contrary, having realized all the vanity of the possession of matter, to activate the Olympian Zeus, meaning that you will be able to in just one incarnation, having achieved the connection (=zeyxis) of the invisible spiritsoul with the visible matter – human body achieve what has until quite recently been impossible. 195 It is you alone who, through the freedom of your will which is a divine present, are capable of proceeding with your evolution – personal development, from now on. (Notice: Stick to these revelations because your benefits will be limitless.)