Τρίτη 25 Αυγούστου 2015


"Ignorance" means not knowing. Not to know is not something abnormal. It is both reasonable and natural. THE UNBELIEVABLE is though NOT TO KNOW THAT YOU DON’T KNOW. THIS IS THE BIGGETS TRAP AND THE BIGGETS PROBLEM OF THE HUMANITY. All the persons no matter where they grow up, meaning where they are educated, will be trained in a way that will leave them the sense of knowing, while in practice all kind of training that they have received in any country of this planet is aiming at only one scope. And this scope is not for them to know anything, while you, instead, have the feeling that you do know. 157 On this planet that until nowadays was imprisoned by the Blacksoul one and all the evident or undercover authorities that have served him, any kind of real knowledge has been strangulated, but also all the official knowledge that is disseminated in this imprisoned planet as well as some unofficial provocative knowledge have totally cancelled the human mind. Since of course, once the human mind is being cancelled, the human evolution that is a characteristic of the beings with intelligence is instantly transferred to another kind of evolution that has nothing to do with any evolution or advancement towards the Creator. All the religions – gravediggers have been based on the socalled original sin, that is when the snake tempted Eve with eating an apple, which was forbidden by God; Eve (the woman) after the exhortation of the serpent (snake) influenced Adam (man) as well, so after this God chased both of them out of Heaven and what is more He cursed them; He gave to Eve the curse to give birth and to raise her children painstakingly, while to Adam to struggle very hard in order to gain food. Thus the humanity has been prepared that every incarnated human on this planet will come against dire straits according to the original sin, for women to raise their children and for men to find food. This fairy tale implies on the one hand knowledge that this is an order of God, while on the other hand the truth is that it brings ignorance. By ignorance we mean that these difficulties do not arise from the creation. The difficulties of raising your children and finding food only come from the authorities’ systems. The authority systems on the entire planet are the causes that have led the humanity on a permanent and constant basis until nowadays to all these sufferings. The sun, for billions of years now performs its task, that is make the land fructify assuring food for the kingdoms that are evolving on this planet, the human kingdom involved of course. All the authorities are to blame for not giving to the human evolution the possibility to enjoy all the tangible goods that earth is producing and the sun is supervising. No God, creator of the universes and in this case real Father curses his children and leaves them be hungry and in pain. These are the games of the Blacksoul one and of his authorities. And of course ‘bearing the stamp’ of the religions. Next, as we already mentioned also above, he made the man and taking a piece of his rib he made the woman also. You are trained over this and you know it. It is a big ignorance though. None of these beings evolving on this planet and to be more specific in the human kingdom that means MAN AND WOMAN, none is superior to the other, but they are literally equal between each other. This fairy tale is as well set up by the religions and the Blacksoul one, in order to serve the divisiveness of the inferior and the superior. Since, through this divisiveness that starts with your birth, your ‘ego’ instantly starts to be exalted. Everything that is provided as education to this imprisoned planet is only the cheese. But unfortunately, as far as the humanity is concerned, until nowadays it has been the cheese of the bait, because this piece of cheese is permanently and always in a trap. So those who know what they claim to know don’t literally know anything and what is most serious and unbelievable is that they are persuaded that they do know. Scientific results of any kind are presented to you through the infinite divisiveness by which you have been trained and of course the largest percentage of the humanity invokes the expression ‘whatever the science says’. Even in this case you may be aware of the expression but your ignorance starts and ends to the fact that the word science is derived from the verb ‘epistamai’ in Greek (science = epistimi in Greek) and ‘epistamai’ means I am above of anything else. The case is that someone is a scientist, that is he is above anything else in his sector, physics, chemistry, medicine, technology or anything else that science may be, but we are sorry to inform you that what is above all sciences is that you must know everything about yourself. In case this doesn’t happen which of course is the case, you shall be a scientist – robot, meaning a scientist who doesn’t care who he really is, why he entered a healthy body or not, find out whether he was by chance born in a specific country or not, whether he had an inclination for the science he has chosen or if he is just doing this for money and not for helping the humanity, in other words you are capable of knowing why you are born, why you get old and why you die. Of course as far as all these are concerned, all the scientists know what you know. This is the reason why they also are scientists – robots. They don’t care about you because they don’t care about themselves. What they care about is a fake disguise of a scientist. In the new era that will rise on the planet, the entire humanity and all the scientists will possess a fundamental knowledge over these queries. It is then and 159 then only when you shall say and mean it deep down inside that ‘this is a scientist’. Another example is the scientists working in the labs and participating to the production of weapons for the devastation of the humanity. Do you believe that they would participate in such a procedure if they were real scientists? It is their ignorance that is leading to such results. The most tragic on this planet is that even if you possess the title of the scientist and you do consider that you know, you are led and lead in your turn in the same time the humanity to the total destruction, since from your side you know nothing. When one loses his health (the health of his body) he is agonising and running to the doctor scientists to treat him and gain his health back. A blur over blur and dizziness over dizziness. An unbelievable example of what we mentioned is taking place in medicine. No one can doubt that there are doctors with heart and soul and good for them! However, let’s go and take a look at the medicine – robot, the doctors robots, the medicaments – robots and the hospitals – robots. The official medicine knows that it is taking the Hippocratic Oath. (the medication is my food and my food shall be my medication) ..do the doctors obtain official knowledge about which food are for treatment and which are not? Not at all. The science of medicine is only dealing with pharmaceutical substances. Has ever the official medicine been interested in finding out the real cause that is to blame for a disease? Nor in the least of course.

It has created specialities over specialities, it has separated the human body in organs that are visible and it has created the corresponding specialities. But to reach the division, you have to know the whole. And the whole is naissance – human body in the following stages: infant – young – middle aged – elderly – death. All this perishability of the matter has the sole scope to teach. The demonstration of the disease is the result. Prior to this demonstration the man has treated something in the wrong way. And if his mistake has the perspective of being corrected, then the disease or illness is demonstrated so that he sits down and thinks about what he has to change. But in case there is no such perspective of a change, then we have a short withdrawal – death. Of course the official medicine that serves the Blacksoul one hardly intends to provide you with such knowledge and this is why the doctors are trying to use pharmaceutical substances to cure the human tissue after the demonstration of the disease. What is more, we have reached such eschatological years that the Blacksoul one and his ravens don’t know how to hold on, since until now any experiment that was repeated with the same results was considered as scientific. Thus, everything that I can perceive with my own eyes and that has the same results is considered as scientific. The same stands for the medicine, where all the specialities are named after a human tissue, a function of the human body that is visible (e.g. cardiologist, pulmonologist, orthopaedic, otorhinolaryngologist, gastroenterologist, etc.). But based on the fact that you experience eschatological days during the recent years, the Blacksoul one has added to the medicine a speciality to be able to control everything on the planet and this speciality is the ‘psychiatrist’ or the ‘psychologist’. That is, until now whatever you could perceive with your eyes was characterised by a scientific capstone. But now the Blacskoul one exactly because he is going to say farewell immediately to this planet, he is trying to hold on to the invisible and the psychiatrist or the psychologist is an invisible speciality. But notice this: it is another thing to be a neurologist or an anaesthesiologist and to offer to someone substances to keep his nervous system under full or partly depression, and another thing to have the medicine provide you with 161 doctors for the treatment of the soul (psychiatrist) or for having the floor over the soul (psychologist). These are humorous, funny and unacceptable. We have mentioned that he has mixed the lies into the truth. And although he has in a skilful way – abused everything on earth, he has taken the privileges of the sun over your food and turned them into trading with money and cost, he has made disappear every real knowledge that has to do with your spirit, has gifted you (through his servants) with infinite egos, now all out of a sudden this uglylooking Blacksoul one wants to also treat your soul. You may ask the psychiatrists and the psychologists to give you a specific answer about where the soul is and what is stands for in a person. We are providing you since now with their answers…gibberish...they will answer you with baloney, they will talk to you using words that will give no precise answer at all about where the soul is and what it represents for the human. Because as simple as that, once you touch this knowledge and you slowly enter the real knowledge drawing the curtains of the oblivion that the official medicine has applied so far on this planet, you will never again get sick. And once at some specific time an illness makes its appearance, you will instantly run inside of you, you will get addressed to yourself “which negative thought did I make that I shouldn’t have made?” “What did I say that I shouldn’t have said?”, “which negative act did I perform, that not only I shouldn’t have done but which I wouldn’t wish for others to do to me?” FOLLOWING THIS ANALYSIS AND THE ALLOCATION OF ANYTHING NEGATIVE THAT HAS BEEN CAUSED BY YOURSELVES, YOU WILL INSTANTLY HAVE THE CURE AS WELL. OF COURSE WE ARE TALKING ABOUT YOU HAVING REACHED SPECIAL LEVELS OF SELFAWARENESS AND NOT SUPERFICIAL ONES; THAT IS TO WISH FOR A CURE WITHOUT HAVING REACHED THE REAL KNOWLEDGE OF THE FACT THAT YOU, YOURSELF, HAVE BROUGHT DISHARMONY IN THE HARMONY OF THE UNIVERSE. What is for sure is that the intention of many students when they start studying medicine is neither devious nor cunning. Nevertheless, to be able to deal with the unconceivable traps of the Blacksoul one that are hiding behind the political financial systems, the religious issues and of course behind the consolidated cold knowledge that the cure can only be achieved with the help of pharmaceutical chemical substances and not of the food, they are slowly being blending in the system and they are converted from scientists doctors to dealers. They are trading the drugs, the hospitals, the operations, the diagnoses. The offer of any service of the doctors towards the patients is based initially on the money of the patient and then depending on the money that the latter can afford, he will also have a respective treatment. The Blacksoul one managed to transform the calling of treating a fellow man – all through the unconceivable traps he has set up on this planet into trading and dealing, even in the medicine sector. So the doctors, now being robots, have totally lost the way of what they wish to study and in a skillful way they have been swallowed by the global system that alternates and swallows everything. But here there is a difference. The offer of a treatment from a human to another person is something extremely sacred. Unfortunately for humanity, until nowadays, even this sacred role has been transformed as provided now to people through the medicine, to a PREDICAMENT. Of course, all the above the system has managed to easily pass it to the humanity since no person on this planet has studied the science of the sciences. The one that has to do with getting to know yourself. Unless a person gets to know who he really is, no matter what he studies, no matter what he deals with, whichever particularity he may follow, it is absolutely definite that he has followed a wrong path. Here is the simplest example for you to understand this. You all feel different the one from the other. This is because you have been divided by the infinite labels you shall choose on this planet. Homeland – religion – political and financial systems – football team, sexual particularities and so many others. However, unfortunately for all of you, the time has come from the universe to learn that you are no different at all of any man, either in the distant past, in the present or in the future. No matter where you were born, whichever labels you have adopted, you all have been born from the uterus of a mother and wherever you may live and die your flesh will be disintegrated in the same way. DOESN’T THAT SAY IT ALL? 163 Do you need proof? Don’t you understand what kind of traps you have fallen into? So, nowadays, the humanity without having studied the “know thyself” has completely lost its way and its goal, due to the Blacksoul one and to all the gravediggers of the human evolution that have served him and still do. We will mention once more, since it is of a major importance that all those dogs of the human evolution care and agonize nowadays about the creation of a global government and religion on earth. The truth is that this will happen after the Cataclysm of Noah but not by these black dogs. The souls that shall lead the humanity to the next day on this planet will be souls like the sun. The souls that will follow will have previously given 100% a sample of intending to become suns. All the remaining dogs of the authorities will no longer have any place on this planet and instead they will move to another planet to continue bringing the disharmony they have brought on planet earth. You should be sure that this is going to take place extremely soon. In exactly the same way, all the ignorance of the humanity has followed the same methodology. All the authorities have created all the problems in a skillful and disorienting way, while then they come for your own sake (as they pretend) to solve the problems they have produced themselves. They have given to you for hundreds of years the cancer in your lungs, called cigarette. It’s not you who created the cigarette; it’s the global system of the Blacksoul one that did it. Now they care about your sake. After having sent you ignorant to other dimensions they have now – out of the blue – thought of mentioning on the cigarettes’ packages that smoking can kill. They did that early but with one difference. That the “shops” of the Blacksoul one that produce smoke and cigarettes, keep on functioning and providing the humanity with cigarettes. One of the capacities of the Blacksoul one until nowadays was to persuade the humanity that he doesn’t exit. But not anymore.

 Do you know the story with Pontius Pilate? He took a bowl full of water and said to Jesus Christ prior to his crucifixion that he is washing his hands and has none responsibility for his crucifixion. And believe me he had no participation at all to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It is similar to nowadays, when the mockery only changes colors, names and pictures, while they are allegedly warning you about the destructive consequences of the cigarette and of course it is not their responsibility if you choose to keep on smoking. Of course they have turned you into addicts from smoking but they still keep on producing cigarettes. The peak of mockery that is… That is exactly how the entire planet works to date. Greece knew dozens of years ago that it possessed hydrocarbons, that is, oil. The sellout masons politicians of the Blacksoul one and who served him rather than Greece, have been saying publicly that Greece has no hydrocarbons, that is, no oil. Since in a skillful way the economy of Greece has been presented as destroyed and the gravediggers of the Greek political and religious scene have – with minor exceptions – accepted that Greece should be taken over in order to be saved by the bigger ‘shops’ of the Blacksoul one, being the European Union and the International Monetary Fund, now suddenly, the thieves and muggers, the fraud and the traitors, the blacksoul gravediggers with no limit, that is the politicians of this country have concluded that Greece does possess oil. These inconceivable things have been and are still being done throughout the world. All the powers of the planet are stinking stink, stench, mold and sepsis. In their faces, we may tell you very clearly, you see socalled people, but we inform you that they are the transformations that the Blacksoul one himself can take. They are the only causes your planet is constantly fighting, being unfairly treated, spills its blood, feels hunger and is suffering. All your sufferings are arising from the way your leadership is ruling and from the absolute rise of your socalled "ego". Here come the human scientists, lock themselves inside the research labs, and are constantly building guns, warplanes and ships, sophisticated bombs, some of them indeed very smart and thus called smart bombs. And these scientists are going to obtain their salary at the end of the month from the Blacksoul one, for the services they are providing to him. 165 Do you understand what services he is offered? So these great and big high scientists, after being picked by the Blacksoul one out of the global devshirm, through the socalled mathematical Olympiads all over the world, have been locked up in the universities of terror. They were given the tools, that is, the sterile knowledge about how to kill how to destroy the man himself. And on the other hand, all these scientists, wearing white skirts and gloves in the masonic lodges, and in the absolute bewilderment, do consider that they are indeed scientists too. They're locked up in their own world and the Blacksoul one has made sure that these scientists live in ideal conditions. Their minds are so stuck, that they could only be compared to those who say they have the "non compos mentis", and they don't know what they're doing. But with just one difference. One who doesn't know what he's doing can only get to perform a malicious action to only a few persons. However, a scientist like those is capable of wiping out the entire earth. This ‘merrygoround’ has no beginning and no end. The chemical scientists who create suffocating gases or heavy metal gases that are now used for aerial spraying planesenter as well. And these are scientists, too. The Blacskoul one has managed until now, in the same way that he has altered everything, and that he has amazingly mixed all the lies in some truths, to also make – in this specific case the scientists not being able to know what they are doing. That is why we are telling you once again A scientist who hasn’t studied the science of the sciences, that is the ‘know thyself’, is void and his name implies an expert in what he is dealing with, but he is not a scientist. The word ‘epistamai’ and ‘scientist’ (= epistimonas in Greek) is a master title and is only assigned to those who are capable of making a synthesis of the invisible with the visible, of life with death and who of course have already reached Ithaca, like Odysseus. They are humans – puppets, they are cartoons, they are MickeyMouse cartoons and in fact some have worn short aprons and white gloves in the lodges of fear and they are now ready to wipe out the earth. All of these are scientists until nowadays on planet earth who haven’t studied anywhere the know thyself. In order to achieve this total ignorance in humanity, every time and even nowadays, 2000 years after the naissance of Jesus Christ, and another 23 thousand years before his birth, the authorities are asking from their nationals to live according to laws that, of course, while established by the authorities themselves, these laws are supposed to objectively be for the good of the people. But the whole story has totally denied them. The results for the people of the earth, whichever time period they had been living on this planet, absolutely affirms that it may seems that any kind of authority is for the good of the people, but literally speaking, based on the results of their authority, we are only led to one conclusion: that all the authorities have played a really ugly game at the expense of humanity. This is what all the authorities, either political or religious ones have served. You have now understood that the money behind which the Balcksoul one exists is the bait so that his game at the expense of the humanity is being played, since with this money all the political and religious authorities and all the paraauthorities were created. Their scope is exactly the one that has already been achieved: that is people to be on a continuous basis absolutely under control and dependent on these authorities. In this game, it is easy for the provocateurs of the authorities to say that powers have been created where people are ruled by laws, where they have security through the law enforcement agencies or the army, and justice through justice. Nevertheless, this is the cheese in the trap. This is the ‘how it looks’. In no case does it really apply. The reality is quite different. Throughout all the time periods, even nowadays, the empire that the Blacksoul one was choosing was holding the role of the bogeyman and it always prevailed either with direct wars or by side provocative wars. In the beginning it seemed like the world’s policeman would interfere to assign justice, but which HAD LITERALLY ONE SCOPE THOUGH. THE ABSOLUTE CONTROL OF THE HUMANITY. They always invent socalled causes, which of course were created by the world's policeman or the sideauthorities, which are exactly the same (all of them have the same boss) and then the official policeman, after he created the problem himself, he now activates his military power to supposedly restore the order. Always the same script, always the same scene. 167 This control has the scope of not leaving anything to chance. Everything and everyone are controlled. In this prison that the Blacksoul one with his authorities have so far created, whoever dared to stand up against the system would be disappeared from the face of the earth in short notice. The Blacksoul one always invented a way to become completely corrupted through his authorities in spite of even the teaching of the great and utmost masters and mystics, or of the divine incarnations that have come down to help humanity. From the smallest perspective of a person whom the system doesn’t at all care of providing a shelter with, until any state that possesses no natural resources or geographical position, and to which the system is completely indifferent also. But once a person starts to experience an economic prosperity, then he has to be instantly strangulated by taxes, because through the socalled taxes the Blacksoul one intends to have the absolute control of humans. The Blacksoul one cares neither about the money nor about the political and religious systems or anything on planet earth. What the Blacskoul one is being using, that is the state, the laws, the justice, the religions, the sports teams and anything else, only have one intention: to have the absolute control of the humanity, nothing more, nothing less. He wants to have the control of each one of you, who possibly might escape from the background or the mediocrity and ruin his “store” that controls it all. Thus you have been incarnated with an inherent energy (the temperature of the body that is 36.6 degrees in life, declares energy) and this is the scope of the Blacskoul one, that is to suck all the energy through the unbelievable inventions, trips and abnormities, absolutely covered by the phrases law of the state, national problem, financial crisis and with all these bullshit to have completely lost his way. What he has achieved for thousand years through the priesthoods, that is the control of the humanity with the infallible of the Pope, the fear of God, the set up game of the original sin, the divisiveness that Adam was supposedly completely made while for Eve he took a part of Adam’s rib, with the set up wars and revolutions so that the old authorities leave and the socalled new ones arrive, but also the absolute control of the humanity in this unstoppable trick – game – trap of the Blacksoul one, have been tied up during the last two hundred years with the word ‘science’. What implies nowadays but also during the last ten thousand years is that anything that is scientific is acceptable. As we also mentioned above, a scientist that has no absolute ‘know thyself’, cannot be called a ‘scientist’. A scientist in a research centre (of terror) and who will participate in the production of weapons for the wipe out of the humanity, weapons for the destruction of planet earth, will be forever deprived from the word ‘scientist’. This is why, addressed to all of you, to all the human race, to the supposedly beings with intelligence that are inhabiting planet earth, you are provided with an absolute forgiveness for all that you have so far done. 2014 years after the coming of Jesus Christ. Whatever you may have been dealing with, to whichever ugly situations you may have trapped your psychic carrier into, wherever your own mind had been trapped into the leghold traps of the Blacksoul one, you are not to blame at all. The divisiveness that all the authorities on this planet have applied, the absolute defence of the egoism (ego) and the ignorance with no limits that has been imposed on you, is the only cause for which, each one of you does what he does. So that each one of you deals with and defences what he deals with and defences. You are persuaded that you are different, that you have different customs and habits, that there are different homelands (of course in the same planet…). That there are properties (naturally until your natural death), original sins (frivolity of the frivolities), that you must have fear for God because his punishment is unlimited, that your human body is your creation and that you can do whatever you like with it (when did you create it?). And in view of all these there are also, every hundred years, the world policemen, that is these nations that through the war and the violence impose their own power. 169 All of these are taking place for just one reason. Because each one of all of you don’t know who you really are. This entire totally filthy result in only based on your absolute ignorance. Your planet is experiencing a new era as never before in its history and the Blacksoul one with his authorities is openly making efforts using new tricks as the “global government and the global religion”, while he is also changing his face once more and keeps on torturing and controlling the humanity that all it is producing is servants. The Blacksoul one has been notified since 1962 that any kind of authority over your tortured planet is being removed from him. And since he is practically losing an entire planet that through the set up “servants’ conservatory” established by him was sucking the energy of the entire human kingdom, now out of a sudden he has to be transferred to other planets of low vibrations. This is the reason why your planet is currently experiencing a huge agitation. We will make you understand who you really are using an absolute direction and a very simple logic and comprehensive speech. During those most historical days of your planet, the Blacksoul one, apart from the inconceivably black official authorities that are serving him, has also been filed up – not by chance of course – with too many unofficial teaching coming from the selfcalled masters of the internal knowledge, energies’ management, opening of the energy centers of the human body (tsakra), visits to energetic places, etc. You do understand of course whose game this is and why all these persons who have to do with the word “psychologist” or “psychic disease” are abounding nowadays.

The reason is simple. Through the official ignorance the external authorities offer you, the same ignorance is offered through the teaching of these persons and these schools. You have proved too lazy to work with yourself. You are always looking for teachers. Unless you take everything in your hands, unless you manage everything on your own, the results will be painful for you as it has always been the case for millions of years now on your imprisoned planet.