The utmost beings have come down, to teach the human evolution with a spiritual teaching that must be followed by all humans, so that they able of ABSOLUTELLY understanding THEIR INNERMOST. But all the words and
notions have been lost and distorted. Even the teaching of those utmost beings
has been counterfeited in such an unbelievable way, that the mind of humans
has been captured. Thus all the teaching has been tailored, according to their
own interest and the whole human kingdom is being led to the darkness, the
disinformation and the trapping.
All the beings having an important mission, at some moment in their life before their enlightenment, they are “activated” (spiritually). The natural parents
get some sign, like a notification, when the time has come for them to bring in
the world such a spiritual being, usually through visions or dreams. What is
definite is the fact that the time and place these great being are coming to
Earth, are not by chance at all. On the contrary, a very specific and particular
arrangement/placement of the planets of our solar system exists on the spot
they are born. Those who have some knowledge in the field of astronomy (the
genuine one, not the one known nowadays), are able to “read” these signs that
presage and reveal the coming of the utmost beings on Earth, through the positions of the planets.
After their naissance, the future masters are of course grown up as all babies,
following the law of the universal determinism. They learn to talk, to walk,
they get taller, etc.
Of course, on can notice on their face, since their childhood, a differentiation in
the way they talk and treat the others. They are expressing an impulsive love
spreading all over. Even if someone harms them, they shall leave but never
seek for revenge.
The age of 13 years old is a special age during which the great spiritual beings are likely to experience something special: either a vision in which the angels are informing them about their mission and this is called “Samadhi” (“Samadhi” means the total connection to the Divine) or a very strange and weird accident (could be a road accident in nowadays). Following this event, they will not start teaching immediately, because, once more according to the universal determinism, they will firstly have to be taught, be trained. Some other Masters will appear into their lives, not by chance of course, with the scope to guide them. Due to the fact that their vibrations exist on a transcendental level, the will be capable – form every word they obtain form the Master – to make a synthesis of the knowledge in such a way, so that by completing their training, each one of them will be exactly aware of his own mission. The mission of all those utmost spiritual beings is virtually one: to help the human kingdom, the beings with intelligence, understand their reason of existence on planet Earth, continue their evolution and get connected to God. The Divine plan has taken care – for a very specific reason – that at first Buddha is incarnated (Buddha means enlightened) and then the enlightened Jesus to become Christ. The reason for this is that the man has to be enlightened and then, being enlightened, to be led to “Christianization”. This very specific reason constitutes a very crucial “key” for the spiritual progression of man. Through this desymbolization of the Coming, of Buddha and then of Jesus Christ, the universe is talking to you in its own way. The enlightenment is the return of the soul of man in unity, following the experiences obtained in the material world and the traps of the Blacksoul one, just as the return of Odysseus to Ithaca symbolizes, after having completed a trip full of obstacles. The enlightenment is followed by the Christianization. There cannot be any christianization, without enlightenment first. Buddha, the Christ or every Enlightened and Christianized possesses a mind that is not influenced by the world power system, like the payment of taxes, the financial growth, the money, the “costs”, the exchange traded derivatives 51 (shares, cds and other similar meaningless notions about the universal causality). The gravediggers of the human evolution, in that training system that they are implementing, don’t make any correlation between the references on the one hand on Buddha 550 years B.C. and on the other hand on Jesus who became Christ 550 after the coming of Buddha. CHRIST The greatest being that ever came down on this planet is JESUS – CHRIST. As far as his name is concerned, it hasn’t intentionally been clarified the fact that “Christ” is not actually a name but a property (His normal name was Jesus – at the time there only existed names, like John, Peter, Paul, etc.). This fact has been withheld, since the entrapping system has no interest in letting people understand what it actually means to be CHRISTIANIZED, that is TO GET THE UNCTION AND TO BE TRANSFORMED FORM SONS OF MAN TO SONS OF GOD, in view of the fact that this system only raises OBEDIENT SERVANTS. JESUS CRHIST never talked about divisiveness, little shops, that is about Orthodoxy, Catholics, Protestants, Pentecostals, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc. He has primarily taught you about what absolute universal love means, without discriminations, without “mine” and “yours”, without MY family, MY religion, MY country. However, the gravediggers of the human kingdom dear to call upon Him, as well, by training people using his distorted teaching! He has spoken about the absolute forgiveness and the love that unifies everything. He said: ‘Love your enemies’. While he was crucified he said the quote: ‘FATHER, FORGIVE THEM, CAUSE THEY DON’T KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING’. He was born with the name ‘Jesus’ and through his acts and his words, he took the name ‘Christ’ because he got CHRISTIANIZED – HE RECEIVED THE UNCTION (ANOINTED). He addressed you as ‘brothers’, since in case you wish to, all of you with no exemption can be Christianized. JESUS CRHIST taught the ‘LIVE BY THE SWORD, DIE BY THE SWORD’.
When the Roman soldiers came to arrest Jesus Christ, Peter, for he wanted to stand up for his Master, took the knife out of its pocket and cut off the ear of the Roman soldier. Then Jesus Christ said the phrase to Peter the Apostle ‘LIVE BY THE SWORD, DIE BY THE SWORD’ and then using His unconceivable for human powers, placed the ear back to the head of the Roman soldier. Christ is the greatest Master that ever stepped his foot on this planet, the incarnation itself of the Triune FATHER – GOD – CREATOR, the Son. Peter at this incarnation died by decapitation, a fact not at all irrelevant with the phrase of Jesus: ‘Live by the sword, die by the sword’. In Satania constellation of the Galaxy Nebadon, Jesus was the spiritual leader, while the one who existed spiritually was the one asking Him to follow him. This is the reason why Jesus replied to him: ‘Get behind me, Satan’. What was meant by this was that the level of spiritual evolution of Jesus was totally different than the one of this negative being that was asking what was asking from Jesus. Jesus himself got opposed to all the priesthoods and to all the scribes and Pharisees of the priesthoods and the official authorities of those years. Because he was aware, as much as nobody else was, of their totally dirty work. THE SYMBOL OF THE CROSS In the symbol of the CROSS +, the edge of the highest part of the vertical line symbolises our start from GOD THE CREATOR. The lowest part of the vertical line symbolises our first appearance in the material world, in the form of an electron, in a stone molecule. The part of the line starting from the lowest point until the point that the vertical line is crossing the horizontal one, symbolises the upgrading of our evolution from the mineral, plant, animal kingdom, performed based on myriads of solar cycles. At this critical nodal point where the collective soul manages to get individualised, it has a unique ally – weapon: the MIND. The MIND helps the soul understand the role of the form, the role of all forms, so that it continues its rising path for the return to the Father Mother in an absolute consciousness, just like ODYSSEUS, who used all possible ways to return to Ithaca, and he actually did – on the contrary to his companions who didn’t. 53 The legend of Odysseus proves what a good knowledgeable you must be in order to manage to get back to the unity, i.e. to where all forms started from. The authorities should guide the persons through their trip to ‘Ithaca’ and help them find the edge of “Ariadne's Thread” (another important legend). In the legend of “Ariadne's Thread”, the labyrinth was symbolising the world of forms, the world of the human kingdom, where the souls are trying to find a way out, that is their way to the highest part of the cross and the truth is that only when you are guided by really enlightened souls you will manage to find the way and not fall on a deadend, like the whole world does nowadays (that is to find an ‘Ariadne’ who will provide you with thread of knowledge, so that you escape from the labyrinth and not get lost inside of it). These extremely important symbolic myths outstandingly demonstrate that the role of our existence in the world of forms is just ONE: OUR RETURN TO THE CREATOR. The desymbolization of those myths has in purpose been altered, in order for not all the people to know about their good and for the manipulating and calculating of the planet to keep on taking advantage of them by sucking their energy. Anyone who manages to return to the base of the Father – Mother, will have to feel COCREATORS and NEVER CREATORS. Some people similar to the BLACKSOUL ONE of this planet, had reached extremely high as far evolution is concerned and there exactly in another very critical point of their evolution, they possessed incredible skills, unconceivable for the common human mind. At that point though, they considered themselves as CREATOR and not COCREATOR. This is right where the falling starts. This is why the Blacksoul one was completely cut off from the connection to the unit, was left with no energy at all and the falling begun. However, he has maintained his skills so that he can easily implement ways of control and destruction of the beings with intelligence, developing in three dimensional planets, like the Earth. He has established a world power system that is being based on transactions so for anything that anyone wishes to assure, starting from the most elementary (food and shelter) this transaction shall be definitely done through the use of money, or supposedly precious metals, which of course are his own invention. Thus, the Blacksoul one has the upsidedown cross as his symbol; some who know how to hold it or illustrate it, are aware of what they are doing. What they don’t know though is what is waiting for them. Some others see it as something trendy and adopt it, without being aware of course of its symbolisation as well as of its power as a symbol. The scope of the Blacksoul one is to keep the human evolution stable at the level of the animal kingdom and to totally disarm it from the utmost organ of man, called MIND. For the achievement of his goal he has the contribution of all the politicalreligious powers that pretend to care about people’ sake, while in practice they hold – on a global level the role of the gravediggers of the human kingdom. And thus, his own symbol has the horizontal line placed lower than the middle of the vertical line, standing for the human evolution adapted to the lowest evolutions, those of the animal kingdom. So, from now on, all of you who use this as a symbol and show off the upsidedown cross, should be clearly aware that you serve the Blacksoul one. But now that you know this, you must take care to change because to serve the Blacksoul one consciously is even worse than to do it without knowing it. BUDDHA Buddha Shakyamuni Mantra was born like a prince in the royal family of the tribe of Shalya in the Kapilavastu kingdom. Buddha achieved something that a few people would have done in their life. The motivation was offered to him when, while he was 29 years old, he noticed outside of the kingdom for the first time helpless and exhausted people and thus his internal voice encouraged him to seek for a deeper explanation over this. So, without something very bad having happened to him (health problem, death of a person close to him, etc.) he abandoned all that he possessed, his very beautiful wife, the kingdom, powers, degrees, money and he got isolated in the forest, where there were also other ascetics monks, in order to dedicate himself into understanding the reasons why such inequalities and differentiations exist among people. As a matter of fact, after 7 whole years, when he was 36 years old, he got all the answers that he needed. He was enlightened but at such levels of enlight- 55 enment that through his teaching he managed to provide incredible benefits for the evolution of the humanity. Buddha means enlightened. Buddha renounced his material possessions, in order to manage having the answer about the pain the humanity is bearing. That is, what exactly is to blame for the impoverishment? Through these queries he had he managed to get to the enlightenment. And this is exactly what he has left for the humanity: he showed the way to get enlightened. The most incredible in all these is that some other people that have joined some religious shoal, whenever they listen to the word alone ‘Buddha’ they get opposed to just the word, because their mind is frozen – still. This means that they are trying to achieve the enlightenment and while someone has shown them the way to the enlightenment, but the leader of the shoal does not approve it, they are opposed to the former. HERMES TRISMEGISTUS (THRICE GREATEST) The word ‘Mystic’ is derived from the verb ‘initiate = Myo in Greek’, that is substantially referring to the closure of the five senses, sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch. Thus, the mystics are beings that have managed to overcome the beguiling information that the 5 senses are offering to them and to now extract information through their hypersenses that is the interhearing, the intersigh, the intuition and the intellect. Hermes Trismegistus was one of the biggest Mystics – Teachers, one of the most important beings that have passed from planet Erath. He was named three times Megistus, since he was three times ‘Christianised’. Hermes Trismegistus offered to humanity the most important of all the spiritual keys. He delivered the ‘Caduceus of Hermes’. It is the symbol of a baton, in the upper right and left parts of which, the heads of two snakes that have climbed over the baton exist and these have ended at the upper part of it. The religion of Christianism uses the snake as the symbol of the evil. Nevertheless, none of the socalled official wise men of the Christian religion ever wondered how could form the one part the snake that crawls and stands for the evil and led the man to falling and form the other part, the two snakes on the ‘Caduceus of Hermes’, moving almost upwards and symbolising the wisdom, be related. Because only through the symbolism, the humanity would had reached much higher levels of spiritual evolution. The analysis of this desymbolization will be performed later. Apart from the Caduceus, Hermes Trismegistus has also taught astronomy, mathematics, the geometry of the universe and of course the existence of the one and only Creator of the Whole. He also taught that ‘whatever is up is also down’ and ‘whatever is down is also up’. So, he referred to the absolute symmetry and proportionality between the microcosm and the macrocosm, the ‘self’ and the life (formation). In analogy, as you have your soul trapped into the world of forms in useless things like the hatred, the malice, the egoism, the criticism, the envy, the arrogance, the conceit, the suspiciousness, the greed, the ingratitude, in the same way, once you leave the world of forms and move to the next invisible dimensions, your psychic carrier, your soul, will be unfortunately trapped in the same way. On the contrary, in case your soul reaches levels of real enlightenment, taking advantage of the chance of your incarnation and the gift of living in a natural body, you shall develop true love without limits and selfishness, love without egoism, life in an absolute altruism and finally sacrifice for the humanity. Thus, as you will be set free from the world of forms, heading to the invisible worlds, your soul will respectively be free from the chains and attachments. MELCHIZEDEK Melchizedek has been another great Master – Mystic, King and Priest. In the Old Testament, it is referred that he was the one who appeared in front of Abraham and advised him. The case of Melchizedek is extremely important for the new era rising on planet Earth. You all are very much aware that the humanity has been split, from all the political and religious authorities in such a way that nobody can suspect where these authorities are leading him. 57 What is more, all of you have been persuaded to accept this differentiation of the political from the religious authorities. In conclusion, you have accepted the fact that the persons that are guiding you politically must be different than the persons guiding you religiously. This means that some political leaders, who have no real and true roots towards God, may exert to your political power and the contrary as well. Some religious leaders, who although they are connected to God, you have accepted them as incapable of guiding you as political leaders (meaning that they have no idea how things should be in order for the humanity not to get involved in wars, not to feel the misery and the suffering). This is another big achievement of the Blacksoul one. To present bullshit, all of which you accept, to you, like if you were hypnotised. Imagine the size of such a leader, being capable and competent for only one of two, how incompetent can he be as a leader. Is it possible that the matter lives without the spirit (political leaders) or the spirit without the matter (religious leaders)? Is it possible that these leaders guide you? This is exactly what Melchizedek means. He has been and still is a great high priest and a great high king. No person can be leader in a status of authority and power, unless he is a perfect knowledgeable of both statuses, the spirit and the matter ones. Without this equilibrium, any result will be at least tragic. This is the reason why, Melchizedek meaning and being both high priest and high king, is fatherless (with no father), motherless (with no mother) and without genealogy (with no origins directly from the absolute spirit – God, to demonstrate to the whole humanity that without these utmost knowledge, you are not allowed to stand in any authority. What is more, we must inform you that the master Jesus Christ was of the class of Melchizedek. This is the reason why the master Jesus Christ, not only did he teach you everything in a priestly way, but he also moved on further and cancelled all the political authorities of the time. In the new era that already rises on your planet, nobody will be the leader of the humanity unless he is a mystic according to the Melchizedek Order (great high priest and great high king).
The Labrys that is the doublebitted axe was the holiest symbol of the Minoan Religion since it symbolized the absolute justice. When the one side of the axe exerts a power (‘action’), then the other side of it will ‘react’ on the same way. This is another symbol of the same law of retributive justice, over which Buddha has spoken about 1000 years later (Karma) and Jesus Christ (Live by the sword, die by the sword), around 1500 years later. The Justice is the first law, after the universal Love, the world of forms is governed by. It consists of a necessary virtue that has to be served, so that every form returns to the Unity, the Creator. PYTHAGORAS CONFUCIUS It was around 550 B.C., when during almost the same time period, three extremely great Masters have been incarnated on Earth: Pythagoras in Greece, Shakyamuni Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) in India and Confucius in China. The almost simultaneous coming of those three Masters in the world of forms was not an accidental incidence, not at all. The expressions ‘it just happened’, ‘it was a coincidence’, ‘it happened by mistake’ in the world of the universe don’t apply in practice, because everything happens for a reason and also moves in an absolute perfection and harmony. Those who have managed to develop their spirit are very well aware of it. Golden verses of Pythagoras “First worship the Immortal Gods, as they are established and ordained by the Law. Reverence the Oath, and next the Heroes, full of goodness and light. Honor likewise the Terrestrial Daemons by rendering them the worship lawfully due to them. Honor likewise your parents, and those most nearly related to you and of all the rest of mankind, make him your friend who distinguishes himself by his virtue. Always give ear to his mild exhortations, and take example from his virtuous and useful actions and avoid as much as possible hating your friend for a slight fault. Power is a near neighbor to necessity. Know that 59 all these things are just as what I have told you; and accustom yourself to overcome and vanquish these passions: First gluttony, sloth, sensuality, and anger and never do nothing evil, neither in the presence of others, nor privately; But above all things respect yourself and in the next place, observe justice in your actions and in your words. And do not accustom yourself to behave yourself in anything without rule, and without reason. But always make this reflection, that it is ordained by destiny that all men shall die, while all the goods of fortune are uncertain; and that just as they may be acquired, they may likewise be lost. Concerning all the calamities that men suffer by divine fortune, support your lot with patience, it is what it may be, and never complain at it. And consider that fate does not send the greatest portion of these misfortunes to good men. There are many sorts of reasoning among men, good and bad; Do not admire them too easily, nor reject them. But if falsehoods are advanced, hear them with mildness, and arm yourself with patience. Consult and deliberate before you act, that you may not commit foolish actions. For it is the part of a miserable man to speak and to act without reflection. But do the thing which will not afflict you afterwards, nor oblige you to repentance. Never do anything which you do not understand. But learn all you ought to know, and by that means you will lead a very pleasant life. In no way neglect the health of your body; but give it drink and food in due measure, and also the exercise of which it needs. Now by measure I mean what will not discomfort you. Accustom yourself to a way of living that is neat and decent. Avoid all things that will occasion envy. Neither be covetous nor stingy; a due measure is excellent in these things. Only do the things that cannot hurt you, and deliberate before you do them. Never allow sleep to close your eyelids, after you went to bed, Until you have examined three times all your actions of the day by your reason. In what have I done wrong? What have I done? What have I omitted that I ought to have done? If in this examination you find that you have done wrong, reprove yourself severely for it; And if you have done any good, rejoice. Practice thoroughly all these things; meditate on them well; It is those that will put you in the way of divine virtue. I swear it by he who has transmitted into our souls the Sacred Quaternion, the source of nature, whose cause is eternal. But never begin to set your hand to any work, until you have first prayed the gods to accomplish what you are going to begin. When you have made this habit familiar to you, You will know the constitution of the Immortal Gods and of men. Even how far the different beings extend, and what contains and binds them together. You shall likewise know that according to Law, the nature of this universe is in all things alike, So that you shall not hope what you ought not to hope; and nothing in this world shall be hidden from you. You will likewise know, that men draw upon themselves their own misfortunes voluntarily, and of their own free choice. Unhappy they are! They neither see nor understand that their good is near them. Few know how to deliver themselves out of their misfortunes. Such is the fate that blinds humankind, and takes away his senses. Like huge cylinders they roll back and forth, and always oppressed with innumerable ills. For fatal strife, natural, pursues them everywhere, tossing them up and down; nor do they perceive it. Instead of provoking and stirring it up, they ought to avoid it by yielding. Oh! Jupiter, our Father! If you would deliver men from all the evils that oppress them, show them of what daemon they make use. But take courage; the race of humans is divine. Sacred nature reveals to them the most hidden mysteries If she imparts to you her secrets, you will easily perform all the things which I have ordained thee. And by the healing of your soul, you will deliver it from all evils, from all afflictions. But you should abstain from the meats, which we have forbidden in the purifications and in the deliverance of the soul; Make a just distinction of them, and examine all things well. And when, after having deprived yourself of your mortal body, you arrived at the most pure Ether you shall be a God, immortal, incorruptible, and Death shall have no more dominion over you” Just in the same way that a picture is worth a thousand words, the “Golden Verses of Pythagoras” are hiding many and deep contents/meanings. Aphorisms of Confucius • The superior man is hard with himself. The inferior man is hard with the others. • Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. 61 • In a country well governed, poverty is something to be ashamed of. In a country badly governed, wealth is something to be ashamed of • To see the right and not to do it is the biggest cowardice • When you complain about the evil, you make it double. When you laugh of it, you counteract it. • When the Red River is flooded, take the muddy path… • Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others • Forget injuries, never forget kindnesses • The superior man feels totally comfortable. The inferior man is always irritated. • When a man is strict on himself, he rarely fails. • There are three sides in a Great Man. When you see him form far, he seems hard and stable. Form close he is pleasant. And once he talks, his words are crystal clear. • The superior man is aware of Righteousness, the inferior man is aware of advantage • Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves • If everybody hates something, this should be examined. If everybody loves something, we should examine it as well. • The best way to get deceived is to pretend that you are smarter than the others. • When Prosperity comes, do not use all of it • He who knows all the answers has not been asked all the questions. • They must often change, who would be constant in happiness or wisdom. • If you make a mistake and do not correct it, this is called a mistake. • The elegant words and the wellgroomed appearance rarely go hand in hand with the virtue. • If rape is inevitable, lie back and enjoy it. • The continuous adaptation with the scope to meet the wishes of others kills Perfection. • He, who is bold, brave, stable, simple, natural and does not hurry, approaches the perfection. • Humility is the solid foundation of all virtues. SOCRATES Socrates was accused of slandering the character of youngsters and thus he was offered the choice of either to drink conium or to be cast (exiled) from where he lived, but he went for the conium on his own will. The reason he did that was that he was aware of the continuity of the soul. He knew what he had been teaching and so in front of those black provocateurs of his era he ignored life and chose the conium. Nevertheless, almost 2,500 years after his death, his name is being engraved on the memory of all those who respect his teaching. A lot of people misinterpret the quote of Socrates “All I know is that I know nothing”. This huge Mystic Teacher possessed an incredibly wide knowledge, in comparison to the knowledge of the humanity in general and of course he knew much more than the wellknown people knew at his era, and this is the reason why his whole teaching refers to the humans only promoting the virtues. This is also the reason why almost 2,500 years after, his name is included in the pantheon of the great teachers. As a matter of fact, the means/method that he was using to teach, which the maieutic method (Socratic Method) was, is still momentous and unique even nowadays. What is mostly important when a mystic (teacher) is teaching is to make his audience in a skilful way to participate in the teaching procedure through questions & answers. The results are unlimited. Moreover, following this method it is much easier for teachers to be born, like in the case of Plato, who was Socrates’ best student. PLATO Plato was a student of Socrates. 2,500 years ago he referred to the Platonic love, the ideal city, the Timeous (dialogue), the “Cave of Plato”, the unification of the whole with the unity. 63 HERACLITUS Let’s talk about Heraclitus, that dark philosopher who said the unbelievable quote “Life is flux”. Thus, did he know since so many years ago, since after 2,500 years the astronomers have found out that everything in the universe is in constant movement and imagine that this heretical, according to the gravediggers, already knew that everything flows. ARISTOTLE Aristotle has been the Teacher of Alexander the Great. You realise what this means. Here are some of his aphorisms: ● To live alone one must be either a beast or a god. ● For what one has to learn to do, we learn by doing... ● All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind. ● The whole is more than the sum of its parts. ● It is a characteristic of the bighearted man not to ask for favors, but to be ready to do good to the others. ● Rivalry is the tension for one to reach the other whom he admires, or to overcome him but without feeling envy if the other overcomes him. ● Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime. ● It is unbecoming for a young man to use maxims. ● Happiness depends upon ourselves. ● The most lost day of all the days in a man’s life, is the one during which he didn’t laugh at all. ● Nature makes nothing incomplete and nothing in vain. ● Don’t keep your rage immortal, since you are mortal. ● The educated differ from the uneducated as much as the living from the dead. ● The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance... ● All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsions, habit, reason, passion, desire ● Those who have studied the art of governing, are persuaded that the fate of the states is mostly dependent on the education of the young people. ● When things don’t turn out to be like we wish them to, then we must like them the way turn out to be. ● It seems that nobody prefers to benefit others, if his act then remains unknown. ● Education needs three things: nature, learning and exercising. ● The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet ● It is our duty to consider God as an omnipotent, immortal and perfect spirit. Because, although invisible in the eyes of humans, he gets revealed through his works. ● Personal beauty is a greater recommendation than any letter of reference PAUL Paul the Apostle or else Apostle of the nations was in the beginning a pursuer of the Christians, due to the wrong training that he had also received and which as today was promoting the discrimination and the hatred among people. So, proceeding with the reference to Paul the Apostle, on a specific day when he was on his way to attack the Christians out of Damaskos, a heavenly column of light came down from the sky and Paul, falling down on the ground and without being able to perceive anything, heard out this phrase “SAUL, why are you CHASING ME?” (Saul was Paul’s name in the Aramaic language). When Paul asked “Who are you Sir?”, he got the answer “I AM JESUS CHRIST WHOM YOU ARE PERSECUTING”. Paul like an old soul and feeling on a mission got activated that very moment. And right afterwards, not only he ceased promoting the divisiveness, but he on the contrary disseminated to the others the teaching of Jesus Christ, that is the absolute love. Although he lived in the years of Christ, he never met Him. Nevertheless, he very well comprehended all the meanings of His teaching. 65 And, since he was one of the reasons why the teaching of Christ was disseminated, he was fairly named after as “Apostle of the nations”. ORIGEN Another important Teacher after the Christ was Origen, who has written around 6,000 books. In his books, he was proving that Jesus Christ himself clearly referred to the reincarnation. This means that the soul will enter into many different bodies, either male or female, to be able, if it achieves that, to proceed to a higher spiritual evolution and not to get trapped into this evolution of the human Kingdom, into pleasures, lust, homosexuality, gambling games, conspiracies, hatred, murders and black magic. ‘The soul has neither beginning nor end…’. Every soul comes to this world strengthened by the victories or weakened by the defeats of the previous lives. Its place in this world, like an instrument that will be realized in order to honour or not to honour this place, is being defined from its previous virtues and flaws. Its work in this world determines the place that it will hold in the world that will follow (nest world) …’ Origen. And while there are specific and absolute references on the reincarnation, the gravediggers of the human evolution arrived not having anything sacred with them, the heretics of the heretics to call Origen after the characterisation ‘heretic’, using the usual catchword! His work was excommunicated by two big servants of the Blacksoul one, Justinian and Theodora, who declared the war against the followers of Origen, for reasons of substantial and ecclesiastic feasibility! More specifically, the scope was that people should not believe in reincarnation anymore so that they are better controlled. Anyone who dared to embrace the preexistence of the soul was officially speaking damned and should be excommunicated. HYPATIA In 400 B.C. there was a great female Teacher, HYPATIA, who suffered a torturing death from the fanatic ‘Christians’, killing her with the worst way in the name of …Jesus Christ who was teaching love! Her death is of course directly related to the fact that Hypatia has been the director of the Library of Alexandria, where the holy books that were contained in the library possessed keys for the FREEDOM OF THE WHOLE HUMANITY. The Blacksoul One and his servants burned down these holy books in order to limit and to control the knowledge of humanity. Every representative of the set up – so called – different religions offers to his ‘herd’ the divisive books so that the herds believe what their ‘shepherd’ supports. CLEMENT In the years of Origen, lived another great Teacher, Clement of Alexandria, who was the manager of the catechetical school of Alexandria, Plotinus, Porphyry, Ammonius Saccas. During the years of the Alchemists, Paracelsus and the German doctor and therapist Mesmer have been very important teachers. For the last 150 years and mainly after 1962, all the great spiritual beings of the antiquity are here to help the humanity on these critical times: Ramakrishna, Vive Lananda, Mpampatzi, Helena Blavaski, Anna Besant, Alice Bailey, Eliphas Levi, Olcut, Krisna Murti, Samael Aun Weor, Marioris, Papastavrou, Dorizas and others. EPILOGUE FOR THE MYSTICS The Blacksoul has taken care of an education, that instead of creating Humans, it does create humans full of malice, hatred, divisiveness, envy, jealousy, revenge. Whoever has flesh and blood on this planet – prison, is since the beginning born in a not favorable for their spirit environment. Thus, you may imagine how important the mission of those Masters, who have come down to sow the spiritual knowledge in a world alienated from the guidance of the Blacksoul one, has been. Their teaching helps the humans understand that everything is interrelated the one to the other and to realize the way this is happening, They have come to teach that in practice there is no death and that the fear of death should not exist. Furthermore, they have come to encourage the man to try and find the ‘know thyself’, his reason of existence in this world, as well as his mission. The missions that these utmost beings will undertake are premeditated, before the former get incarnated in the earthly world. Their mission has been prede- 67 cided based on their own will, but also having the approval of the beings of the Apostolate. Apart from the very known and important spiritual Masters that have come to Earth, like Christ and Buddha, thera are also other beings who have, in their turn, played that role, so that the humans are given the opportunity to comprehend the ‘know thyself’ and to return to the Father [HYPERSPIRIT] from where they began. The Greek philosophers of the classical Greek years, like Plato, Socrates, Pythagoras, Aristotle, Heraclitus, as mentioned before and definitely the 12 Apostles that Jesus Christ has chosen, are included in these beings. Some among the gravediggers of the human evolution will say that these are eretic and that the students of Jesus have nothing to do with the ancient Greek philosophers. Nevertheless, they are absolutely related to them because all of them were serving the truth and the light, contrary to the gravediggers of the human evolution who were always serving the divisiveness and the entrapping. The teaching of the Greek philosophers of the Greek classical years, the teaching of Jesus Christ and the teaching of Shakyamuni Gautama Buddha, are leading the humans to light. Without ‘ours and theirs’. All the rays of the sun are the same. All the rays are light. Anyone puts forward in an egoistic way, what he thinks that light is. The Christians stand up only for Jesus Christ, the nationalists or pagans stand up only for the teaching of the Greek philosophers and the Buddhists only for Buddha. There is the sensitive (fine) point of the entrapping or ‘black’ teaching. The light is diffused everywhere, it enlightens everything and makes the darkness disappear. Put these into your soul and you shall make a huge step to find Ithaca. Of course, we may memorize their names, but all these Masters did what they did not on the purpose to gain glory and posthumous reputation, but because they wished to disseminate the wisdom and the truth, while their motive was their absolute love to the whole creation. The substantial evolution of the humanity has been realised thanks to the real mystics – Masters who have passed by planet Earth. The term evolution is mostly used nowadays to refer often to technology and the technological civilisation, but this perception is like a bait to make people be complacent about their progress while their spirit is far from evolving. It is like the mouse trap and the cheese.
The known history of the 4,0005,000 years has brought out many personalities. These personalities have left their mark to the human race. Unfortunately, though, the personalities that the history has brought up didn’t use their skills for good, but either consciously or unconsciously they served the Blacksoul one. Thus, during the last 100 years we are experiencing the tragic example of the inventors of the massive destruction weapons of the human race. Since even childhood, i.e. in primary schools they are detecting using skilful ways as e.g. the implementation of mathematical Olympiads those persons that possess skills in various sectors, aiming at taking advantage of the talented ones who have some perspective in their life, not for the benefit of humanity, but just as the system imposes them to do. Both the parents and the children themselves, being unwitting, due to the ignorance, of what is going to follow, are proud of their successes. Then, they keep on living their life enjoying the huge annual salaries that they receive, and most possibly being isolated in mansions and surrounded by flatterers reminding them of their so special skills. And thus, under these circumstances it is easier for them to construct weapons, gunpowder, chemical poisons, sprayings, bombs, hydrogen bombs, etc., Kalashnikovs and thinking at the end that the soul can be saved with the Nobel prizes. Nobel invented the gunpowder for the mines while the Blacksoul one uses it to EXTERMINATE THE HUMANITY. In case that these personalities knew the ‘Know Thyself’ and were aware of their divine origin, their divine mission, the reason of their existence, as well as the law of the retributive justice, they probably would not choose to use their skills for the evil. However, the global devious guiding system absorbed the skills of these personalities and through the lack of real education and of the skilful need for money, led them to using their skills for the destruction and not for the development or the creation. So, instead of offering to humanity their creative services, they did offer weapons of extermination, diseases for the decrease of populations, technology that intentionally destroys the environment, etc. But, even in the case that their intention is the providing of a service to the humanity, as for example the energy, the cars, the aeroplanes, in practice they end 69 up indirectly serving a system, mostly based on money transactions, that satisfies the interests of the leaders of the planet, so that the latter play better their role as ‘gravediggers’ of the human evolution and use the technology and the inventions or the discoveries less for progress, yet more for disasters and catastrophes. On the contrary, the sun that has some many planets, planet Earth included, as well as all evolutions that take place there, in its ‘supervision’, offers its ‘existence’, its services and its absolute love, with no reward, since there are no money and rewards in the universe. This is how all humans should offer their services with love, without expecting any recompense or money back.
The age of 13 years old is a special age during which the great spiritual beings are likely to experience something special: either a vision in which the angels are informing them about their mission and this is called “Samadhi” (“Samadhi” means the total connection to the Divine) or a very strange and weird accident (could be a road accident in nowadays). Following this event, they will not start teaching immediately, because, once more according to the universal determinism, they will firstly have to be taught, be trained. Some other Masters will appear into their lives, not by chance of course, with the scope to guide them. Due to the fact that their vibrations exist on a transcendental level, the will be capable – form every word they obtain form the Master – to make a synthesis of the knowledge in such a way, so that by completing their training, each one of them will be exactly aware of his own mission. The mission of all those utmost spiritual beings is virtually one: to help the human kingdom, the beings with intelligence, understand their reason of existence on planet Earth, continue their evolution and get connected to God. The Divine plan has taken care – for a very specific reason – that at first Buddha is incarnated (Buddha means enlightened) and then the enlightened Jesus to become Christ. The reason for this is that the man has to be enlightened and then, being enlightened, to be led to “Christianization”. This very specific reason constitutes a very crucial “key” for the spiritual progression of man. Through this desymbolization of the Coming, of Buddha and then of Jesus Christ, the universe is talking to you in its own way. The enlightenment is the return of the soul of man in unity, following the experiences obtained in the material world and the traps of the Blacksoul one, just as the return of Odysseus to Ithaca symbolizes, after having completed a trip full of obstacles. The enlightenment is followed by the Christianization. There cannot be any christianization, without enlightenment first. Buddha, the Christ or every Enlightened and Christianized possesses a mind that is not influenced by the world power system, like the payment of taxes, the financial growth, the money, the “costs”, the exchange traded derivatives 51 (shares, cds and other similar meaningless notions about the universal causality). The gravediggers of the human evolution, in that training system that they are implementing, don’t make any correlation between the references on the one hand on Buddha 550 years B.C. and on the other hand on Jesus who became Christ 550 after the coming of Buddha. CHRIST The greatest being that ever came down on this planet is JESUS – CHRIST. As far as his name is concerned, it hasn’t intentionally been clarified the fact that “Christ” is not actually a name but a property (His normal name was Jesus – at the time there only existed names, like John, Peter, Paul, etc.). This fact has been withheld, since the entrapping system has no interest in letting people understand what it actually means to be CHRISTIANIZED, that is TO GET THE UNCTION AND TO BE TRANSFORMED FORM SONS OF MAN TO SONS OF GOD, in view of the fact that this system only raises OBEDIENT SERVANTS. JESUS CRHIST never talked about divisiveness, little shops, that is about Orthodoxy, Catholics, Protestants, Pentecostals, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc. He has primarily taught you about what absolute universal love means, without discriminations, without “mine” and “yours”, without MY family, MY religion, MY country. However, the gravediggers of the human kingdom dear to call upon Him, as well, by training people using his distorted teaching! He has spoken about the absolute forgiveness and the love that unifies everything. He said: ‘Love your enemies’. While he was crucified he said the quote: ‘FATHER, FORGIVE THEM, CAUSE THEY DON’T KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING’. He was born with the name ‘Jesus’ and through his acts and his words, he took the name ‘Christ’ because he got CHRISTIANIZED – HE RECEIVED THE UNCTION (ANOINTED). He addressed you as ‘brothers’, since in case you wish to, all of you with no exemption can be Christianized. JESUS CRHIST taught the ‘LIVE BY THE SWORD, DIE BY THE SWORD’.
When the Roman soldiers came to arrest Jesus Christ, Peter, for he wanted to stand up for his Master, took the knife out of its pocket and cut off the ear of the Roman soldier. Then Jesus Christ said the phrase to Peter the Apostle ‘LIVE BY THE SWORD, DIE BY THE SWORD’ and then using His unconceivable for human powers, placed the ear back to the head of the Roman soldier. Christ is the greatest Master that ever stepped his foot on this planet, the incarnation itself of the Triune FATHER – GOD – CREATOR, the Son. Peter at this incarnation died by decapitation, a fact not at all irrelevant with the phrase of Jesus: ‘Live by the sword, die by the sword’. In Satania constellation of the Galaxy Nebadon, Jesus was the spiritual leader, while the one who existed spiritually was the one asking Him to follow him. This is the reason why Jesus replied to him: ‘Get behind me, Satan’. What was meant by this was that the level of spiritual evolution of Jesus was totally different than the one of this negative being that was asking what was asking from Jesus. Jesus himself got opposed to all the priesthoods and to all the scribes and Pharisees of the priesthoods and the official authorities of those years. Because he was aware, as much as nobody else was, of their totally dirty work. THE SYMBOL OF THE CROSS In the symbol of the CROSS +, the edge of the highest part of the vertical line symbolises our start from GOD THE CREATOR. The lowest part of the vertical line symbolises our first appearance in the material world, in the form of an electron, in a stone molecule. The part of the line starting from the lowest point until the point that the vertical line is crossing the horizontal one, symbolises the upgrading of our evolution from the mineral, plant, animal kingdom, performed based on myriads of solar cycles. At this critical nodal point where the collective soul manages to get individualised, it has a unique ally – weapon: the MIND. The MIND helps the soul understand the role of the form, the role of all forms, so that it continues its rising path for the return to the Father Mother in an absolute consciousness, just like ODYSSEUS, who used all possible ways to return to Ithaca, and he actually did – on the contrary to his companions who didn’t. 53 The legend of Odysseus proves what a good knowledgeable you must be in order to manage to get back to the unity, i.e. to where all forms started from. The authorities should guide the persons through their trip to ‘Ithaca’ and help them find the edge of “Ariadne's Thread” (another important legend). In the legend of “Ariadne's Thread”, the labyrinth was symbolising the world of forms, the world of the human kingdom, where the souls are trying to find a way out, that is their way to the highest part of the cross and the truth is that only when you are guided by really enlightened souls you will manage to find the way and not fall on a deadend, like the whole world does nowadays (that is to find an ‘Ariadne’ who will provide you with thread of knowledge, so that you escape from the labyrinth and not get lost inside of it). These extremely important symbolic myths outstandingly demonstrate that the role of our existence in the world of forms is just ONE: OUR RETURN TO THE CREATOR. The desymbolization of those myths has in purpose been altered, in order for not all the people to know about their good and for the manipulating and calculating of the planet to keep on taking advantage of them by sucking their energy. Anyone who manages to return to the base of the Father – Mother, will have to feel COCREATORS and NEVER CREATORS. Some people similar to the BLACKSOUL ONE of this planet, had reached extremely high as far evolution is concerned and there exactly in another very critical point of their evolution, they possessed incredible skills, unconceivable for the common human mind. At that point though, they considered themselves as CREATOR and not COCREATOR. This is right where the falling starts. This is why the Blacksoul one was completely cut off from the connection to the unit, was left with no energy at all and the falling begun. However, he has maintained his skills so that he can easily implement ways of control and destruction of the beings with intelligence, developing in three dimensional planets, like the Earth. He has established a world power system that is being based on transactions so for anything that anyone wishes to assure, starting from the most elementary (food and shelter) this transaction shall be definitely done through the use of money, or supposedly precious metals, which of course are his own invention. Thus, the Blacksoul one has the upsidedown cross as his symbol; some who know how to hold it or illustrate it, are aware of what they are doing. What they don’t know though is what is waiting for them. Some others see it as something trendy and adopt it, without being aware of course of its symbolisation as well as of its power as a symbol. The scope of the Blacksoul one is to keep the human evolution stable at the level of the animal kingdom and to totally disarm it from the utmost organ of man, called MIND. For the achievement of his goal he has the contribution of all the politicalreligious powers that pretend to care about people’ sake, while in practice they hold – on a global level the role of the gravediggers of the human kingdom. And thus, his own symbol has the horizontal line placed lower than the middle of the vertical line, standing for the human evolution adapted to the lowest evolutions, those of the animal kingdom. So, from now on, all of you who use this as a symbol and show off the upsidedown cross, should be clearly aware that you serve the Blacksoul one. But now that you know this, you must take care to change because to serve the Blacksoul one consciously is even worse than to do it without knowing it. BUDDHA Buddha Shakyamuni Mantra was born like a prince in the royal family of the tribe of Shalya in the Kapilavastu kingdom. Buddha achieved something that a few people would have done in their life. The motivation was offered to him when, while he was 29 years old, he noticed outside of the kingdom for the first time helpless and exhausted people and thus his internal voice encouraged him to seek for a deeper explanation over this. So, without something very bad having happened to him (health problem, death of a person close to him, etc.) he abandoned all that he possessed, his very beautiful wife, the kingdom, powers, degrees, money and he got isolated in the forest, where there were also other ascetics monks, in order to dedicate himself into understanding the reasons why such inequalities and differentiations exist among people. As a matter of fact, after 7 whole years, when he was 36 years old, he got all the answers that he needed. He was enlightened but at such levels of enlight- 55 enment that through his teaching he managed to provide incredible benefits for the evolution of the humanity. Buddha means enlightened. Buddha renounced his material possessions, in order to manage having the answer about the pain the humanity is bearing. That is, what exactly is to blame for the impoverishment? Through these queries he had he managed to get to the enlightenment. And this is exactly what he has left for the humanity: he showed the way to get enlightened. The most incredible in all these is that some other people that have joined some religious shoal, whenever they listen to the word alone ‘Buddha’ they get opposed to just the word, because their mind is frozen – still. This means that they are trying to achieve the enlightenment and while someone has shown them the way to the enlightenment, but the leader of the shoal does not approve it, they are opposed to the former. HERMES TRISMEGISTUS (THRICE GREATEST) The word ‘Mystic’ is derived from the verb ‘initiate = Myo in Greek’, that is substantially referring to the closure of the five senses, sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch. Thus, the mystics are beings that have managed to overcome the beguiling information that the 5 senses are offering to them and to now extract information through their hypersenses that is the interhearing, the intersigh, the intuition and the intellect. Hermes Trismegistus was one of the biggest Mystics – Teachers, one of the most important beings that have passed from planet Erath. He was named three times Megistus, since he was three times ‘Christianised’. Hermes Trismegistus offered to humanity the most important of all the spiritual keys. He delivered the ‘Caduceus of Hermes’. It is the symbol of a baton, in the upper right and left parts of which, the heads of two snakes that have climbed over the baton exist and these have ended at the upper part of it. The religion of Christianism uses the snake as the symbol of the evil. Nevertheless, none of the socalled official wise men of the Christian religion ever wondered how could form the one part the snake that crawls and stands for the evil and led the man to falling and form the other part, the two snakes on the ‘Caduceus of Hermes’, moving almost upwards and symbolising the wisdom, be related. Because only through the symbolism, the humanity would had reached much higher levels of spiritual evolution. The analysis of this desymbolization will be performed later. Apart from the Caduceus, Hermes Trismegistus has also taught astronomy, mathematics, the geometry of the universe and of course the existence of the one and only Creator of the Whole. He also taught that ‘whatever is up is also down’ and ‘whatever is down is also up’. So, he referred to the absolute symmetry and proportionality between the microcosm and the macrocosm, the ‘self’ and the life (formation). In analogy, as you have your soul trapped into the world of forms in useless things like the hatred, the malice, the egoism, the criticism, the envy, the arrogance, the conceit, the suspiciousness, the greed, the ingratitude, in the same way, once you leave the world of forms and move to the next invisible dimensions, your psychic carrier, your soul, will be unfortunately trapped in the same way. On the contrary, in case your soul reaches levels of real enlightenment, taking advantage of the chance of your incarnation and the gift of living in a natural body, you shall develop true love without limits and selfishness, love without egoism, life in an absolute altruism and finally sacrifice for the humanity. Thus, as you will be set free from the world of forms, heading to the invisible worlds, your soul will respectively be free from the chains and attachments. MELCHIZEDEK Melchizedek has been another great Master – Mystic, King and Priest. In the Old Testament, it is referred that he was the one who appeared in front of Abraham and advised him. The case of Melchizedek is extremely important for the new era rising on planet Earth. You all are very much aware that the humanity has been split, from all the political and religious authorities in such a way that nobody can suspect where these authorities are leading him. 57 What is more, all of you have been persuaded to accept this differentiation of the political from the religious authorities. In conclusion, you have accepted the fact that the persons that are guiding you politically must be different than the persons guiding you religiously. This means that some political leaders, who have no real and true roots towards God, may exert to your political power and the contrary as well. Some religious leaders, who although they are connected to God, you have accepted them as incapable of guiding you as political leaders (meaning that they have no idea how things should be in order for the humanity not to get involved in wars, not to feel the misery and the suffering). This is another big achievement of the Blacksoul one. To present bullshit, all of which you accept, to you, like if you were hypnotised. Imagine the size of such a leader, being capable and competent for only one of two, how incompetent can he be as a leader. Is it possible that the matter lives without the spirit (political leaders) or the spirit without the matter (religious leaders)? Is it possible that these leaders guide you? This is exactly what Melchizedek means. He has been and still is a great high priest and a great high king. No person can be leader in a status of authority and power, unless he is a perfect knowledgeable of both statuses, the spirit and the matter ones. Without this equilibrium, any result will be at least tragic. This is the reason why, Melchizedek meaning and being both high priest and high king, is fatherless (with no father), motherless (with no mother) and without genealogy (with no origins directly from the absolute spirit – God, to demonstrate to the whole humanity that without these utmost knowledge, you are not allowed to stand in any authority. What is more, we must inform you that the master Jesus Christ was of the class of Melchizedek. This is the reason why the master Jesus Christ, not only did he teach you everything in a priestly way, but he also moved on further and cancelled all the political authorities of the time. In the new era that already rises on your planet, nobody will be the leader of the humanity unless he is a mystic according to the Melchizedek Order (great high priest and great high king).
The Labrys that is the doublebitted axe was the holiest symbol of the Minoan Religion since it symbolized the absolute justice. When the one side of the axe exerts a power (‘action’), then the other side of it will ‘react’ on the same way. This is another symbol of the same law of retributive justice, over which Buddha has spoken about 1000 years later (Karma) and Jesus Christ (Live by the sword, die by the sword), around 1500 years later. The Justice is the first law, after the universal Love, the world of forms is governed by. It consists of a necessary virtue that has to be served, so that every form returns to the Unity, the Creator. PYTHAGORAS CONFUCIUS It was around 550 B.C., when during almost the same time period, three extremely great Masters have been incarnated on Earth: Pythagoras in Greece, Shakyamuni Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) in India and Confucius in China. The almost simultaneous coming of those three Masters in the world of forms was not an accidental incidence, not at all. The expressions ‘it just happened’, ‘it was a coincidence’, ‘it happened by mistake’ in the world of the universe don’t apply in practice, because everything happens for a reason and also moves in an absolute perfection and harmony. Those who have managed to develop their spirit are very well aware of it. Golden verses of Pythagoras “First worship the Immortal Gods, as they are established and ordained by the Law. Reverence the Oath, and next the Heroes, full of goodness and light. Honor likewise the Terrestrial Daemons by rendering them the worship lawfully due to them. Honor likewise your parents, and those most nearly related to you and of all the rest of mankind, make him your friend who distinguishes himself by his virtue. Always give ear to his mild exhortations, and take example from his virtuous and useful actions and avoid as much as possible hating your friend for a slight fault. Power is a near neighbor to necessity. Know that 59 all these things are just as what I have told you; and accustom yourself to overcome and vanquish these passions: First gluttony, sloth, sensuality, and anger and never do nothing evil, neither in the presence of others, nor privately; But above all things respect yourself and in the next place, observe justice in your actions and in your words. And do not accustom yourself to behave yourself in anything without rule, and without reason. But always make this reflection, that it is ordained by destiny that all men shall die, while all the goods of fortune are uncertain; and that just as they may be acquired, they may likewise be lost. Concerning all the calamities that men suffer by divine fortune, support your lot with patience, it is what it may be, and never complain at it. And consider that fate does not send the greatest portion of these misfortunes to good men. There are many sorts of reasoning among men, good and bad; Do not admire them too easily, nor reject them. But if falsehoods are advanced, hear them with mildness, and arm yourself with patience. Consult and deliberate before you act, that you may not commit foolish actions. For it is the part of a miserable man to speak and to act without reflection. But do the thing which will not afflict you afterwards, nor oblige you to repentance. Never do anything which you do not understand. But learn all you ought to know, and by that means you will lead a very pleasant life. In no way neglect the health of your body; but give it drink and food in due measure, and also the exercise of which it needs. Now by measure I mean what will not discomfort you. Accustom yourself to a way of living that is neat and decent. Avoid all things that will occasion envy. Neither be covetous nor stingy; a due measure is excellent in these things. Only do the things that cannot hurt you, and deliberate before you do them. Never allow sleep to close your eyelids, after you went to bed, Until you have examined three times all your actions of the day by your reason. In what have I done wrong? What have I done? What have I omitted that I ought to have done? If in this examination you find that you have done wrong, reprove yourself severely for it; And if you have done any good, rejoice. Practice thoroughly all these things; meditate on them well; It is those that will put you in the way of divine virtue. I swear it by he who has transmitted into our souls the Sacred Quaternion, the source of nature, whose cause is eternal. But never begin to set your hand to any work, until you have first prayed the gods to accomplish what you are going to begin. When you have made this habit familiar to you, You will know the constitution of the Immortal Gods and of men. Even how far the different beings extend, and what contains and binds them together. You shall likewise know that according to Law, the nature of this universe is in all things alike, So that you shall not hope what you ought not to hope; and nothing in this world shall be hidden from you. You will likewise know, that men draw upon themselves their own misfortunes voluntarily, and of their own free choice. Unhappy they are! They neither see nor understand that their good is near them. Few know how to deliver themselves out of their misfortunes. Such is the fate that blinds humankind, and takes away his senses. Like huge cylinders they roll back and forth, and always oppressed with innumerable ills. For fatal strife, natural, pursues them everywhere, tossing them up and down; nor do they perceive it. Instead of provoking and stirring it up, they ought to avoid it by yielding. Oh! Jupiter, our Father! If you would deliver men from all the evils that oppress them, show them of what daemon they make use. But take courage; the race of humans is divine. Sacred nature reveals to them the most hidden mysteries If she imparts to you her secrets, you will easily perform all the things which I have ordained thee. And by the healing of your soul, you will deliver it from all evils, from all afflictions. But you should abstain from the meats, which we have forbidden in the purifications and in the deliverance of the soul; Make a just distinction of them, and examine all things well. And when, after having deprived yourself of your mortal body, you arrived at the most pure Ether you shall be a God, immortal, incorruptible, and Death shall have no more dominion over you” Just in the same way that a picture is worth a thousand words, the “Golden Verses of Pythagoras” are hiding many and deep contents/meanings. Aphorisms of Confucius • The superior man is hard with himself. The inferior man is hard with the others. • Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. 61 • In a country well governed, poverty is something to be ashamed of. In a country badly governed, wealth is something to be ashamed of • To see the right and not to do it is the biggest cowardice • When you complain about the evil, you make it double. When you laugh of it, you counteract it. • When the Red River is flooded, take the muddy path… • Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others • Forget injuries, never forget kindnesses • The superior man feels totally comfortable. The inferior man is always irritated. • When a man is strict on himself, he rarely fails. • There are three sides in a Great Man. When you see him form far, he seems hard and stable. Form close he is pleasant. And once he talks, his words are crystal clear. • The superior man is aware of Righteousness, the inferior man is aware of advantage • Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves • If everybody hates something, this should be examined. If everybody loves something, we should examine it as well. • The best way to get deceived is to pretend that you are smarter than the others. • When Prosperity comes, do not use all of it • He who knows all the answers has not been asked all the questions. • They must often change, who would be constant in happiness or wisdom. • If you make a mistake and do not correct it, this is called a mistake. • The elegant words and the wellgroomed appearance rarely go hand in hand with the virtue. • If rape is inevitable, lie back and enjoy it. • The continuous adaptation with the scope to meet the wishes of others kills Perfection. • He, who is bold, brave, stable, simple, natural and does not hurry, approaches the perfection. • Humility is the solid foundation of all virtues. SOCRATES Socrates was accused of slandering the character of youngsters and thus he was offered the choice of either to drink conium or to be cast (exiled) from where he lived, but he went for the conium on his own will. The reason he did that was that he was aware of the continuity of the soul. He knew what he had been teaching and so in front of those black provocateurs of his era he ignored life and chose the conium. Nevertheless, almost 2,500 years after his death, his name is being engraved on the memory of all those who respect his teaching. A lot of people misinterpret the quote of Socrates “All I know is that I know nothing”. This huge Mystic Teacher possessed an incredibly wide knowledge, in comparison to the knowledge of the humanity in general and of course he knew much more than the wellknown people knew at his era, and this is the reason why his whole teaching refers to the humans only promoting the virtues. This is also the reason why almost 2,500 years after, his name is included in the pantheon of the great teachers. As a matter of fact, the means/method that he was using to teach, which the maieutic method (Socratic Method) was, is still momentous and unique even nowadays. What is mostly important when a mystic (teacher) is teaching is to make his audience in a skilful way to participate in the teaching procedure through questions & answers. The results are unlimited. Moreover, following this method it is much easier for teachers to be born, like in the case of Plato, who was Socrates’ best student. PLATO Plato was a student of Socrates. 2,500 years ago he referred to the Platonic love, the ideal city, the Timeous (dialogue), the “Cave of Plato”, the unification of the whole with the unity. 63 HERACLITUS Let’s talk about Heraclitus, that dark philosopher who said the unbelievable quote “Life is flux”. Thus, did he know since so many years ago, since after 2,500 years the astronomers have found out that everything in the universe is in constant movement and imagine that this heretical, according to the gravediggers, already knew that everything flows. ARISTOTLE Aristotle has been the Teacher of Alexander the Great. You realise what this means. Here are some of his aphorisms: ● To live alone one must be either a beast or a god. ● For what one has to learn to do, we learn by doing... ● All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind. ● The whole is more than the sum of its parts. ● It is a characteristic of the bighearted man not to ask for favors, but to be ready to do good to the others. ● Rivalry is the tension for one to reach the other whom he admires, or to overcome him but without feeling envy if the other overcomes him. ● Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime. ● It is unbecoming for a young man to use maxims. ● Happiness depends upon ourselves. ● The most lost day of all the days in a man’s life, is the one during which he didn’t laugh at all. ● Nature makes nothing incomplete and nothing in vain. ● Don’t keep your rage immortal, since you are mortal. ● The educated differ from the uneducated as much as the living from the dead. ● The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance... ● All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsions, habit, reason, passion, desire ● Those who have studied the art of governing, are persuaded that the fate of the states is mostly dependent on the education of the young people. ● When things don’t turn out to be like we wish them to, then we must like them the way turn out to be. ● It seems that nobody prefers to benefit others, if his act then remains unknown. ● Education needs three things: nature, learning and exercising. ● The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet ● It is our duty to consider God as an omnipotent, immortal and perfect spirit. Because, although invisible in the eyes of humans, he gets revealed through his works. ● Personal beauty is a greater recommendation than any letter of reference PAUL Paul the Apostle or else Apostle of the nations was in the beginning a pursuer of the Christians, due to the wrong training that he had also received and which as today was promoting the discrimination and the hatred among people. So, proceeding with the reference to Paul the Apostle, on a specific day when he was on his way to attack the Christians out of Damaskos, a heavenly column of light came down from the sky and Paul, falling down on the ground and without being able to perceive anything, heard out this phrase “SAUL, why are you CHASING ME?” (Saul was Paul’s name in the Aramaic language). When Paul asked “Who are you Sir?”, he got the answer “I AM JESUS CHRIST WHOM YOU ARE PERSECUTING”. Paul like an old soul and feeling on a mission got activated that very moment. And right afterwards, not only he ceased promoting the divisiveness, but he on the contrary disseminated to the others the teaching of Jesus Christ, that is the absolute love. Although he lived in the years of Christ, he never met Him. Nevertheless, he very well comprehended all the meanings of His teaching. 65 And, since he was one of the reasons why the teaching of Christ was disseminated, he was fairly named after as “Apostle of the nations”. ORIGEN Another important Teacher after the Christ was Origen, who has written around 6,000 books. In his books, he was proving that Jesus Christ himself clearly referred to the reincarnation. This means that the soul will enter into many different bodies, either male or female, to be able, if it achieves that, to proceed to a higher spiritual evolution and not to get trapped into this evolution of the human Kingdom, into pleasures, lust, homosexuality, gambling games, conspiracies, hatred, murders and black magic. ‘The soul has neither beginning nor end…’. Every soul comes to this world strengthened by the victories or weakened by the defeats of the previous lives. Its place in this world, like an instrument that will be realized in order to honour or not to honour this place, is being defined from its previous virtues and flaws. Its work in this world determines the place that it will hold in the world that will follow (nest world) …’ Origen. And while there are specific and absolute references on the reincarnation, the gravediggers of the human evolution arrived not having anything sacred with them, the heretics of the heretics to call Origen after the characterisation ‘heretic’, using the usual catchword! His work was excommunicated by two big servants of the Blacksoul one, Justinian and Theodora, who declared the war against the followers of Origen, for reasons of substantial and ecclesiastic feasibility! More specifically, the scope was that people should not believe in reincarnation anymore so that they are better controlled. Anyone who dared to embrace the preexistence of the soul was officially speaking damned and should be excommunicated. HYPATIA In 400 B.C. there was a great female Teacher, HYPATIA, who suffered a torturing death from the fanatic ‘Christians’, killing her with the worst way in the name of …Jesus Christ who was teaching love! Her death is of course directly related to the fact that Hypatia has been the director of the Library of Alexandria, where the holy books that were contained in the library possessed keys for the FREEDOM OF THE WHOLE HUMANITY. The Blacksoul One and his servants burned down these holy books in order to limit and to control the knowledge of humanity. Every representative of the set up – so called – different religions offers to his ‘herd’ the divisive books so that the herds believe what their ‘shepherd’ supports. CLEMENT In the years of Origen, lived another great Teacher, Clement of Alexandria, who was the manager of the catechetical school of Alexandria, Plotinus, Porphyry, Ammonius Saccas. During the years of the Alchemists, Paracelsus and the German doctor and therapist Mesmer have been very important teachers. For the last 150 years and mainly after 1962, all the great spiritual beings of the antiquity are here to help the humanity on these critical times: Ramakrishna, Vive Lananda, Mpampatzi, Helena Blavaski, Anna Besant, Alice Bailey, Eliphas Levi, Olcut, Krisna Murti, Samael Aun Weor, Marioris, Papastavrou, Dorizas and others. EPILOGUE FOR THE MYSTICS The Blacksoul has taken care of an education, that instead of creating Humans, it does create humans full of malice, hatred, divisiveness, envy, jealousy, revenge. Whoever has flesh and blood on this planet – prison, is since the beginning born in a not favorable for their spirit environment. Thus, you may imagine how important the mission of those Masters, who have come down to sow the spiritual knowledge in a world alienated from the guidance of the Blacksoul one, has been. Their teaching helps the humans understand that everything is interrelated the one to the other and to realize the way this is happening, They have come to teach that in practice there is no death and that the fear of death should not exist. Furthermore, they have come to encourage the man to try and find the ‘know thyself’, his reason of existence in this world, as well as his mission. The missions that these utmost beings will undertake are premeditated, before the former get incarnated in the earthly world. Their mission has been prede- 67 cided based on their own will, but also having the approval of the beings of the Apostolate. Apart from the very known and important spiritual Masters that have come to Earth, like Christ and Buddha, thera are also other beings who have, in their turn, played that role, so that the humans are given the opportunity to comprehend the ‘know thyself’ and to return to the Father [HYPERSPIRIT] from where they began. The Greek philosophers of the classical Greek years, like Plato, Socrates, Pythagoras, Aristotle, Heraclitus, as mentioned before and definitely the 12 Apostles that Jesus Christ has chosen, are included in these beings. Some among the gravediggers of the human evolution will say that these are eretic and that the students of Jesus have nothing to do with the ancient Greek philosophers. Nevertheless, they are absolutely related to them because all of them were serving the truth and the light, contrary to the gravediggers of the human evolution who were always serving the divisiveness and the entrapping. The teaching of the Greek philosophers of the Greek classical years, the teaching of Jesus Christ and the teaching of Shakyamuni Gautama Buddha, are leading the humans to light. Without ‘ours and theirs’. All the rays of the sun are the same. All the rays are light. Anyone puts forward in an egoistic way, what he thinks that light is. The Christians stand up only for Jesus Christ, the nationalists or pagans stand up only for the teaching of the Greek philosophers and the Buddhists only for Buddha. There is the sensitive (fine) point of the entrapping or ‘black’ teaching. The light is diffused everywhere, it enlightens everything and makes the darkness disappear. Put these into your soul and you shall make a huge step to find Ithaca. Of course, we may memorize their names, but all these Masters did what they did not on the purpose to gain glory and posthumous reputation, but because they wished to disseminate the wisdom and the truth, while their motive was their absolute love to the whole creation. The substantial evolution of the humanity has been realised thanks to the real mystics – Masters who have passed by planet Earth. The term evolution is mostly used nowadays to refer often to technology and the technological civilisation, but this perception is like a bait to make people be complacent about their progress while their spirit is far from evolving. It is like the mouse trap and the cheese.
The known history of the 4,0005,000 years has brought out many personalities. These personalities have left their mark to the human race. Unfortunately, though, the personalities that the history has brought up didn’t use their skills for good, but either consciously or unconsciously they served the Blacksoul one. Thus, during the last 100 years we are experiencing the tragic example of the inventors of the massive destruction weapons of the human race. Since even childhood, i.e. in primary schools they are detecting using skilful ways as e.g. the implementation of mathematical Olympiads those persons that possess skills in various sectors, aiming at taking advantage of the talented ones who have some perspective in their life, not for the benefit of humanity, but just as the system imposes them to do. Both the parents and the children themselves, being unwitting, due to the ignorance, of what is going to follow, are proud of their successes. Then, they keep on living their life enjoying the huge annual salaries that they receive, and most possibly being isolated in mansions and surrounded by flatterers reminding them of their so special skills. And thus, under these circumstances it is easier for them to construct weapons, gunpowder, chemical poisons, sprayings, bombs, hydrogen bombs, etc., Kalashnikovs and thinking at the end that the soul can be saved with the Nobel prizes. Nobel invented the gunpowder for the mines while the Blacksoul one uses it to EXTERMINATE THE HUMANITY. In case that these personalities knew the ‘Know Thyself’ and were aware of their divine origin, their divine mission, the reason of their existence, as well as the law of the retributive justice, they probably would not choose to use their skills for the evil. However, the global devious guiding system absorbed the skills of these personalities and through the lack of real education and of the skilful need for money, led them to using their skills for the destruction and not for the development or the creation. So, instead of offering to humanity their creative services, they did offer weapons of extermination, diseases for the decrease of populations, technology that intentionally destroys the environment, etc. But, even in the case that their intention is the providing of a service to the humanity, as for example the energy, the cars, the aeroplanes, in practice they end 69 up indirectly serving a system, mostly based on money transactions, that satisfies the interests of the leaders of the planet, so that the latter play better their role as ‘gravediggers’ of the human evolution and use the technology and the inventions or the discoveries less for progress, yet more for disasters and catastrophes. On the contrary, the sun that has some many planets, planet Earth included, as well as all evolutions that take place there, in its ‘supervision’, offers its ‘existence’, its services and its absolute love, with no reward, since there are no money and rewards in the universe. This is how all humans should offer their services with love, without expecting any recompense or money back.