The INFINITE universe KEEPS ON VIBRATING, MOVING AND FLOWING (Heraclitus: everything flows), while the gravediggers of the global evolution keep on training people in the filthiest way!
In case that a body is born healthy or is followed by any kind of illness, they
leave everything unanswered and in chance or at the end, if a serious health
problem arises, their answer is that “This is the will of God”.
Could it be possible that the GOD FATHER whose love has no beginning,
middle and end had in mind to offer to some persons selectively His love by
providing them with a healthy body, while regarding others, to have forgotten
that he is the father of love, perfection and harmony, providing them with a
sick body?
The gravediggers of the human souls, of the human evolution, the black souls
assure the ignorance for the human kingdom, both as far as the before the birth
(there is nothing before) and after death: you shall be judged by only one incarnation of yours, waiting “somewhere”.
The universe though, on the contrary, is teaching that everything is moving,
vibrating in circular orbits, spinning around the centre, from the electron which
is spinning around the cell’s atom of the molecule, until the satellites orbiting
the planets and the galaxies spinning around their centre.
A universe, that at least during the big bang that you can understand counts
14,500,000,000 of life, is still expanding. In the frame of this infinity, with no
beginning, middle and end, all those who serve the Blacksoul one will live (if
they make it until that) to the funny age of 100120 years old, the maximum
duration of an incarnation and then they shall wait to be judged. They should
The Noah’s flood in the Human Mind & the Return to GOD
ask for forgiveness in case they are capable of doing something for their own
soul, since the karma (law of retributive justice) they have created is unlimited.
The difference between the forms only lies to what each form perceives, understands, knows. The total of the matter, the stones, the plants, the animals, the
humans, the meteorites, have structured their synthesis following the same pattern and they do function under similar conditions. By observing a microscopic
piece of matter, e.g. the molecule of a human cell, we can notice that there is a
positively charged nucleus together with negatively charged electron or electrons spinning around it. We can notice amazing circular motions in a totally
symmetrical and harmonic weigh between each other, while the most staggering thing is their spinning around the nucleus (= Pyrinas in Greek, pyr = fire)
that holds them as they are revolving around it. Moreover, this phenomenon is
met from the microscopic molecule of the matter, until the suns holding close
to them the planets, and so on, in the whole visible universe. As a conclusion
we could say that there is a spinning of everything around a centre, leading to
an incredible perfection.
Even the galaxies are spinning around the center and every galaxy has billions
of solar systems, while in every solar system planet, kingdoms (fossil, plant,
animal – being with intelligence – called humans on this planet) are evolving.
So, we notice that everything is similar in function.
And now starts the exploration of forms. The exploration of life. The exploration of the existence in this natural world.
Even now, as always, the universe, his One and only Creator, master, God,
who is unborn and with no beginning, talks – teaches, explains:
The word GOD (THEOS in Greek) comes from the verb THEO, which in
Greek means I move fast. Similarly, the universe is constantly moving, by all
its forms. Everything starts from the creator both before and after the big bang.
All the forms are moving – developing, gathering experiences starting from the
lower form (stone – molecule of the matter of the stone) until the highest form
(galaxies, planets, suns, solar systems, constellations), with a unique scope: to
understand the role of their existence and to return back to unity from where
they have started having obtained all the experiences, all the knowledge to
reach the ultimate point of consciousness that everything is unified, undivided,
full of light and unlimited perfection.
Having all these in mind, you are starting to realize the huge destruction that
this planet has experienced due to all the distorted powers and authorities. The
forms are permanently interchanging, starting from the smallest form of matter,
like the molecule of a stone and reaching to the evolved form of the human
body that is being followed by the intelligence the mind. The previous evolvements (petrification, plant and animal kingdom) are linked to the solar cycles.
The stones after myriads of years have gained the knowledge of the solar radiation and thus from a soft soil it is transformed into a hard stone, that is of a
higher advancement than the simple soil. The hardness of the stones is indicative as far as their evolution is concerned. During a last form of development,
these molecules of the matter have been transformed to gold. This is the reason
why the gold has the colour of the sun.
During the transformation phase of the properties of the molecules of a stone,
the molecule of the matter continuously perceives for myriads of years, the
properties that it had been receiving form the sun. Reaching the peak of this
perception, the soul is moving to the next evolution, the plant kingdom. So, the
exmatter molecule that only had a perception now has another property as well,
the “sense”. The bloom of a flower is sensing the seasons of the year and the
solar radiation, and through a series of unconceivable, incomprehensible until
now to humans, procedures, the bloom of a flower is being born and this bloom
is blossoming with the help of the sun, but lost without it.
The soul that has been incarnated into a plant, having performed the same task
for myriads of times and having completed this training, keeps on its training
on the next level of evolution, to the next kingdom, being the one of the animals. There, it is no more trained through perception and sense, but also
through something more: now it has also gained the instincts of selfpreservation, fear, attack, finding of food and of the perpetuation of the species. From
the moment that the soul has gathered experiences by the whole animal kingdom, the last incarnations in this kingdom are found mainly in the following
• Horse.
• Dog, a pet being almost ready to talk communicate) with the man.
• Dolphin, of the ultimate intelligence.
The Noah’s flood in the Human Mind & the Return to GOD
The soul makes the next huge step to proceed with the development of its
knowledge through the changes in the world of forms, based on the solar cycles and to move on to something unique. Something unconceivable: it acquires a mind and tries through it and its personalized soul to understand the
truth, the unity of everything and finally the Creator.
Until the stage of the animal kingdom, all the forms have a collective soul and
this is the reason why they also have the same form. Every kind of rock in any
place on the planet (e.g. iron, marble, copper, silver, gold), every kind of plant
in any place on the planet (e.g. tomatoes, fruit trees, aromatic plants, etc.), every kind of animal (e.g. sheep, horses, dolphins) have the same form. And the
reason for this is just unique. The fact that these souls have only a collective
soul. And after having obtained the experiences – knowledge from these kingdoms, they reach the highest stage of understanding of the creation, the stage of
the evolution for the beings with intelligence, that is the gifted ones (from the
CREATOR) with a MIND (individual souls now).
It is very crucial to clarify that the “mind” of a man is not his “brain”. The
mammals also do possess a brain. However, what we mean by the word
“mind” seems like a totally different concept and just one part of it is connected to the natural mind brain. The rest of the “mind” is connected to the universe in an invisible way. And this is the reason why, as simple as that, the
man who has a mind is able of creating something that he has “thought of”,
This means that the man has the ability to create a thought over something that
did not exist in the material world. He created the glasses so that he can more
easily drink water, not the way that the animals quench their thirst, by leaning
their head to the spring. He created the telephone to be able to communicate.
He created the car and the aeroplane to travel more in ease and faster. He took
advantage of the invisible electromagnetic waves, no one is able to perceive,
yet we can enjoy through them the TV and the radio, etc.
All the above and much more, the human mind creates, after having performed
the necessary thinking procedure. The implementation of the thought into anything that can be expressed in the form of the matter is just a procedural task. Is
there any case that a human make, constructs anything, e.g. a car, an aeroplane,
a telephone, without having in prior thought about it? There is no such case.
This is exactly the reason why Jesus Christ clearly said to his students:” you
are made in God’s image and likeness”.
But even in this case, the global gravediggers of the human evolution have taken a very good care, with a total precaution and submission to their boss, the
Blacksoul one, not to explain to the ‘slaves’ of this planet in detail what the
phrase ”you are made in God’s image and likeness” mean.
Similarly to the Creator who firstly ‘thought’ and then caused the big bang,
including anything that the universe we perceive is consisted of, we also, come
to think at first and then express and implement our thoughts.
However, while the Father is Unique, the creation is perfect and uniform, the
global gravediggers serving the Blacksoul one have arrived to catch in cage the
human kingdom, some 17,000,000 years ago, using the differences, the divisiveness, the diversity in nationalities, the origin, the family and finally promoting your infinite ego, leading to the human evolution fighting for nothing.
The natural death and the continuous change of everything are there to remind
you every time and every minute that you shall look inside yourself, because
even the suns die – lose their form. By virtue of these facts, you will find the
answers to everything.
The word soul (= psyhi in Greek) is referring to the cold (=‘psyhos’ in Greek)
that surrounds the divine spark existing in any kind of form, as of course in the
human kingdom as well. Once a human becomes saint, the soul manages to be
absorbed by the DIVINE SPARK – SPIRIT, obtaining all the experience from
the human evolution and continuing the trip to higher fields of development.
Masters of Wisdom, planetary hierarchy, planetary speech, solar hierarchy,
solar speech, galactic hierarchy, galactic speech, black holes (the black holes
constitute the absorption of the matter due to the fulfilment of the knowledge
of all forms and to the return to the genitor Father – Mother).
The disseminator of the teaching of Jesus, Paul the Apostle used to say ‘I LIVE
IN SPIRIT’. By this quote he clearly meant that he had reached such levels of
evolution that since that time and beyond, the soulcold did not need to have the
divine spark inside of it.
This is the reason why, the global gravediggers have, instead of driving you to
knowledge and light, intentionally driven you to the ignorance and the dark.
The reason for this is very specific. In case you all arrive to a point of becom-
The Noah’s flood in the Human Mind & the Return to GOD
ing enlightened – Buddha (Buddha means enlightened one), and christs (meaning to receive the anointing), the Blacksoul one with the global gravediggers
shall have no reason, nor possibility of existence on this planet. The exignorant
servants will not be able to be obedient, to remove human lives and to use their
body according to lectures of the type ‘the body is mine, it belongs to me and I
do whatever I want with it’.
The cosmic existences that you perceive through your eyes, the galaxies, the
suns or to be more punctual the galactic, solar planetary speech, before some
big bangs, before some divine plans, they had passed from the evolution of
beings with intelligence, from different constellations, to keep on their work
with other forms and missions of a bigger range. On the other hand, the ‘gravediggers’ of the human race are presenting your life to you as the one and only incarnation of your soul, to subtly discourage you from struggling for your
spiritual evolution, since everything is supposed to end with the death of the
body, without having taught anything to you at all.
In the endless past, the creatures of the one God have entered the world of
forms and shapes, the world of the matter. They have come from the order with
no shape to the order with shape. They have intentionally disseminated the
wrong knowledge that the chaos originated from the order. The universe as we
know it, and with proofs, is surrounded by laws full of order. The natural satellites, the planets, the suns, the planetary systems, the galaxies are in an absolute
order. How could there not exist any order, but just chaos, before the appearance of the visible forms of the stars, the planets, etc, and how could it be that
this powerful God is not full of order and in a nonvisible form, like the universe we are perceiving?