Since, as you understand by now, the mind that everyone of you possesses is
the most amazing thing you could own, we would like to provide you with
some particular information so that you can better understand,
1) what is the mind,
2) what does the mind do,
3) how it functions.
As mentioned above, the mind is temporary and perishable (it can only last for
one incarnation), but on the same time it has an incredible advantage, which is
that it can function simultaneously in the invisible and the visible world.
As a matter of fact, the mind is exactly what it has been trained to be, that is it
functions like a sponge that absorbs water. Similarly, in the whole poor human
community, the mirror of the Blacksoul one together with his henchmen
(worldwide gravediggers), takes care in an undercover way that the mind is
being continuously trained with funny knowledge, so keeping on functioning
only in the visible world and completely lose his be associated to
the invisible world (universe – spirit – soul).
You understand that this mind has automatically been trapped. It has been
stuck in the matter and respectively through endless egos, desires and attachments, it also imprisons the spiritsoul as well.
In order to confuse the humanity even more and to hide once more, the Blacskoul one and his setup authorities invented – out of the blue – the word ‘mental disorder’. And just because this cunning has been acting like this for 17,000,000 years now, constantly hiding, we would like to inform you once and for all: there is no such thing as sick soul and sick spirit. Neither the soul ever gets sick, nor has it ever been sick. Of course the same stands for the spirit. The only one that gets sick and trapped is the mind. Of course if you were told to have a “disease of the mind – mental disorder”, that is your mind has lost control, you would automatically know that you have lost the control of your mind, that your mind is sick and who is to blame for all this is all those persons that have trained you; all those persons that are governing you, leading you, teaching you, with no exemption at all (all the political and religious ones or any other kind of authorities, even the set up terroristic ones.) So, the Blacksoul one, has in a more skillful way shifted the problem that he indeed has brought to the humanity, and this is to have made all of you his instruments, by absolutely controlling your mind, characterizing you so convenient – as psychos and also providing you with the suitable doctors as well, he the cunning one. That is, not only did he blame you for this situation, not only is he the cause for the mess in your mind, but also all of a sudden he offered to you the psychiatrists and the psychologists and their funny science. You jerks, do you all know what the soul is, what it stands for, which is its role? You are very well aware of the fact that it belongs to an evident part of the material body, because until now you were only referring to what you could perceive with your own eyes and listen to with your ears, but also to whatever was proved through the experimental repetition (what you were taking for granted was the “scientific result”). Now, all of a sudden you turned to the invisible as well. Unless you let us know to which visible part of the human body the soul belongs to. What is more, the healing that is the remedies you are offering are for granted. They cause you such a feeling of sleepiness that then you are turning to a 197 “plant”, a smaller or a bigger one. And then of course you think that this is how the soul has been “touched”. You realize now what an enormous confusion has been caused to the humanity. We shall present you another example so that you realize what your mind is capable of. The greatest Jesus Christ has mentioned in his teaching that all humans are made in God’s “image and likeness’’. If he didn’t know what he was talking about, don’t take it into consideration; however, we are informing you that he was very much aware of what he was talking about. Your first similarity with the Creator is the thought that is only originating from your mind. The father first of all made the thought concerning the creation of galaxies, solar systems, suns, planets, kingdoms, angel kingdoms, mineral, plants, animals and human kingdom, or to be more specific kingdom of beings with intelligence and right after this thought of his has been implemented. Thus what used to be invisible has now become visible and the same stands for the thoughts that your own mind is bringing, the invisible can be transformed into visible through the thoughts. This is exactly what the utmost Jesus Christ meant. That you, the whole humanity, have been gifted and have reached as far as evolution is concerned to being entities possessing intelligence, and you own a part of mind deriving from the hypermind of the Creator – God – Father. So, this unconceivable weapon of the humans, the connection of the mind with the divine, that in the case of the humanity means the connection of the invisible (spirit – soul) with the visible (matter – human body), has been cleverly cancelled by all the authorities. Thus, although it happens that many times during your sleep you have seen prophetical dreams messages, meaning that before something takes place you have already witnessed it in the invisible world, you indeed feel stuck because you have been taught only about the five senses that are in function once you are not in a status of sleep.
Keeping on analyzing the mind even further we shall mention the following: The visible human body is like a box whose inner and outer parts communicate with each other through 5 senses. You know that these are the five senses. 1) sight 2) hearing 3) smell 4) taste 5) touch These are the senses via which your body is communicating with the outer world. You have the feeling that your eyes can see, that your ears can hear, that your nose can smell, that your mouth can taste or your hands can touch. These senses are in activation only during the time when you are awake and the reason for this is that your mind is the only organ that is capable of activating these 5 senses. You can easily see that in practice if you go to a person that is asleep and open up his eye, or make a noise or leave next to him something to smell, to taste, to touch. Unless his mind is activated, that is unless he wakes up, he shall “feel” none of these. So you actually realize that the mind has another nature, another value for the beings with intelligence. In fact, to help you realize the function of the mind under the aspect of anatomy, we are mentioning these: when the mind is awake (you are not sleeping) the optical nerve and the eyeball are watching a photo. Instantly, this photo is 199 transferred to a needle located at the upper part of a – let’s say glass filled up with water. This water is called “grey matter”. Then the mind that is the needle being also the recipient of the photo and of its transition through the sensory nerve of the eye is being sunk into the glass with the grey matter and instantly the mind knows what it sees. So, the evaluation of what you see, you hear, you smell, you taste, you touch is clearly a matter of the mind through the above described procedure. What is more, while the mind is awake (you are not in a sleep status), then this liquid in the glass is starting to become empty. In case the “liquid” (“grey matter”) is coming towards the bottom of the glass, then what you call “fatigue” prevails and then you definitely need sleep. If it reaches the bottom, maybe some of you have felt that no matter where you are, you must indeed fall to sleep. After some sleeping hours this “liquid” is starting to fill up the glass again and this status is represented by the expression “I took a sleep and I now I feel rested”. In practice what has happened is that the glass has been refilled with the “grey matter”. Before proceeding further, you understand even now that the soul does not get sick at any basis. The five senses are the only info accumulated by the mind and that make it move and react correspondingly. But how does the mind get trapped? The mind, which as we have mentioned many times before is the only organ that can either set your “existence” (spiritsoul) free or else trap it, cannot deal with countless issues at the same time. To make it clearer, you could imagine that the human mind is like a monkey which has also drunk alcohol. You may realize how this monkey will jump up and down… The Blacksoul one and the world gravediggers know this very well. So they take care that your mind is kept always “drunk”. To achieve this on the one hand they encourage you to deal with funny staff (mass media of mental apathy – particularities – fanatical divisive religions – any kind of material goods that you may obtain), while on the other hand you are struggling during your whole life – 95% of the humanity – for the most elementary goods, food and shelter.
So, as simple as that, your mind has been trapped, stuck, imprisoned and become a meek, servile instrument of the Blacksoul one. Your mind is such a crucial organ… There is no chance that you manage to set yourself free, unless you take in hands the control of your mind. You will always be captive and imprisoned and you will consider that you have set some priorities (a, b, c…) but in reality, your mind will be like a “drunk monkey”. Whatever you may do, whatever you may deal with and care about, nothing has anything to do with your real self. All these things are set up frivolities aiming only at trapping your mind and nothing more. The mind is such an important organ. In fact, we should tell you something special here. In the fairy tales provided for the control of the humanity by the global system, the issue of the extraterrestrials is from time to time mentioned. In the same way that you belong to the category of the beings with intelligence, so do the countless extra – terrestrials that possess a natural body, even different than the yours and you all consist part of the evolution of the universe, called beings with intelligence. Some extra terrestrials are much more developed from the technological point of view, in comparison to you. While, if compared to other extraterrestrials, it may be you who are at a higher level of technological evolution. This does not change at all the fact that alike you the extra – terrestrials as well, both being entities with intelligence, have different missions. We told you before and we shall repeat it again. The matter obtained a form through the thought of the father. And believe us that the ulterior motive of the whole matter is that after the big bang, the divine plan or whatever is called after “the big absence”, everything and everyone return into the thought of the father. 201 Do trust us, this exactly is the one and only truth. All the remaining information about us being the divine sowing or any other nonsense, only intend to make the monkey drunk, to make your mind drunk and to enhance your ego (divisiveness). All of us are divine beings. There is nothing outside the divine. Because as simple as that, in case there were, no harmony nor any perfection would exist not even in the universe that you are perceiving. Thus, either you, belonging to the beings with intelligence and evolving on planet earth, either any other beings with intelligence evolving on any other planet of the universe, all of us, all of them have the exact same mission... This mission is to reach through the continuing and unlimited evolution our genitor – creator – hyper mind – father – God. And keeping on with the analysis of the mind this is the biggest and sole present to you that can either help you or destroy your whole earthly life. You should pay some very special attention to what you will read now, to understand with absolute precision what entrapment of the mind means. Since the mind is connected to the five senses of the outer or otherwise natural world, very easily and instantly, whatever is offered to it in the form of pictures, the mind takes a photograph of it, freezes it, and in the end comes to a point where it says, "That's it”, “This is what I want to do." For example: a child has been raised in a country. After being trained because of any country, having learned the language that is spoken, at the same time, it also embraced the country's religion. It also got acquainted with the country's customs at the same time. And then it obtained everything it was taught about. For example, that it is not bad to be homosexual, it's not bad to steal if you don't get caught, and in general it is not bad to act like an imitative monkey. You must turn towards inside yourself and make the two most simple thoughts: since I am going to die, who has brought me in this world and have I come to do here? And in a perfect combination, the inevitable ageing of your own human body is literally coming to scold you, to attract your interest, to make you turn your attention elsewhere and in this case, inside of you, meaning to make an introspection inside of you and what is sure if you seek for it you shall get the most accurate information and answers.
The Blacksoul one and the global gravediggers are very much aware of the way that the mind is hooked on the pictures that the authority systems are providing it with. This is why they have presented a limitless blackness, including all the supposedly problems and crises that the humanity is flooded with, for an endless time now. Literally speaking, with all these crap and hogwash that they have forced the humanity to follow, they have managed to totally disabled, trapped and imprisoned the human thought. It is very important, although already mentioned earlier in this book, to present to you a very simple example once more. In the socalled civilized states, the citizens are talking about tax evasion. Of course, all of you, considering that you are doing good, you are against the tax evasion and this is a huge example corresponding to what we have already mentioned, i.e. that your mind has been cancelled. Because if your mind would get broadly activated, it would proceed with the following simple reasoning thoughts: All the states of this planet have debts of trillions. Due to the currently high technological level you should answer– with no second thought, with not any other skillful avoidance of this query – to whom do the states owe money? At the same time you would have uncovered everything just by such a simple request. You would have honored your mind as being active by your own self and that it is not functioning as an imitative monkey as mentioned before. In fact, when you reach these levels of activation of your mind, nobody will have the ability to fool you. The activated mind, the mind that knows the truth, the mind that has connected the inner with the outer world is literally the absolute fear of the Blacksoul one. So, instead of making you being afraid using all his filthy tricks, the exact opposite would happen. There would be no one from the humanity to serve him. That is no human person would feel fear, regret, injustice, hatred, jealousy, war and any kind of negative thoughts and acts, since the Blacksoul one is only fed 203 by these. And in order to be able to get fed he literally sucks your energy and has presented to you a power system full of countless skillful tripping, so that all of you and each one of you are flooded with negative thoughts and acts. . He gains his food through this procedure.
In order to confuse the humanity even more and to hide once more, the Blacskoul one and his setup authorities invented – out of the blue – the word ‘mental disorder’. And just because this cunning has been acting like this for 17,000,000 years now, constantly hiding, we would like to inform you once and for all: there is no such thing as sick soul and sick spirit. Neither the soul ever gets sick, nor has it ever been sick. Of course the same stands for the spirit. The only one that gets sick and trapped is the mind. Of course if you were told to have a “disease of the mind – mental disorder”, that is your mind has lost control, you would automatically know that you have lost the control of your mind, that your mind is sick and who is to blame for all this is all those persons that have trained you; all those persons that are governing you, leading you, teaching you, with no exemption at all (all the political and religious ones or any other kind of authorities, even the set up terroristic ones.) So, the Blacksoul one, has in a more skillful way shifted the problem that he indeed has brought to the humanity, and this is to have made all of you his instruments, by absolutely controlling your mind, characterizing you so convenient – as psychos and also providing you with the suitable doctors as well, he the cunning one. That is, not only did he blame you for this situation, not only is he the cause for the mess in your mind, but also all of a sudden he offered to you the psychiatrists and the psychologists and their funny science. You jerks, do you all know what the soul is, what it stands for, which is its role? You are very well aware of the fact that it belongs to an evident part of the material body, because until now you were only referring to what you could perceive with your own eyes and listen to with your ears, but also to whatever was proved through the experimental repetition (what you were taking for granted was the “scientific result”). Now, all of a sudden you turned to the invisible as well. Unless you let us know to which visible part of the human body the soul belongs to. What is more, the healing that is the remedies you are offering are for granted. They cause you such a feeling of sleepiness that then you are turning to a 197 “plant”, a smaller or a bigger one. And then of course you think that this is how the soul has been “touched”. You realize now what an enormous confusion has been caused to the humanity. We shall present you another example so that you realize what your mind is capable of. The greatest Jesus Christ has mentioned in his teaching that all humans are made in God’s “image and likeness’’. If he didn’t know what he was talking about, don’t take it into consideration; however, we are informing you that he was very much aware of what he was talking about. Your first similarity with the Creator is the thought that is only originating from your mind. The father first of all made the thought concerning the creation of galaxies, solar systems, suns, planets, kingdoms, angel kingdoms, mineral, plants, animals and human kingdom, or to be more specific kingdom of beings with intelligence and right after this thought of his has been implemented. Thus what used to be invisible has now become visible and the same stands for the thoughts that your own mind is bringing, the invisible can be transformed into visible through the thoughts. This is exactly what the utmost Jesus Christ meant. That you, the whole humanity, have been gifted and have reached as far as evolution is concerned to being entities possessing intelligence, and you own a part of mind deriving from the hypermind of the Creator – God – Father. So, this unconceivable weapon of the humans, the connection of the mind with the divine, that in the case of the humanity means the connection of the invisible (spirit – soul) with the visible (matter – human body), has been cleverly cancelled by all the authorities. Thus, although it happens that many times during your sleep you have seen prophetical dreams messages, meaning that before something takes place you have already witnessed it in the invisible world, you indeed feel stuck because you have been taught only about the five senses that are in function once you are not in a status of sleep.
Keeping on analyzing the mind even further we shall mention the following: The visible human body is like a box whose inner and outer parts communicate with each other through 5 senses. You know that these are the five senses. 1) sight 2) hearing 3) smell 4) taste 5) touch These are the senses via which your body is communicating with the outer world. You have the feeling that your eyes can see, that your ears can hear, that your nose can smell, that your mouth can taste or your hands can touch. These senses are in activation only during the time when you are awake and the reason for this is that your mind is the only organ that is capable of activating these 5 senses. You can easily see that in practice if you go to a person that is asleep and open up his eye, or make a noise or leave next to him something to smell, to taste, to touch. Unless his mind is activated, that is unless he wakes up, he shall “feel” none of these. So you actually realize that the mind has another nature, another value for the beings with intelligence. In fact, to help you realize the function of the mind under the aspect of anatomy, we are mentioning these: when the mind is awake (you are not sleeping) the optical nerve and the eyeball are watching a photo. Instantly, this photo is 199 transferred to a needle located at the upper part of a – let’s say glass filled up with water. This water is called “grey matter”. Then the mind that is the needle being also the recipient of the photo and of its transition through the sensory nerve of the eye is being sunk into the glass with the grey matter and instantly the mind knows what it sees. So, the evaluation of what you see, you hear, you smell, you taste, you touch is clearly a matter of the mind through the above described procedure. What is more, while the mind is awake (you are not in a sleep status), then this liquid in the glass is starting to become empty. In case the “liquid” (“grey matter”) is coming towards the bottom of the glass, then what you call “fatigue” prevails and then you definitely need sleep. If it reaches the bottom, maybe some of you have felt that no matter where you are, you must indeed fall to sleep. After some sleeping hours this “liquid” is starting to fill up the glass again and this status is represented by the expression “I took a sleep and I now I feel rested”. In practice what has happened is that the glass has been refilled with the “grey matter”. Before proceeding further, you understand even now that the soul does not get sick at any basis. The five senses are the only info accumulated by the mind and that make it move and react correspondingly. But how does the mind get trapped? The mind, which as we have mentioned many times before is the only organ that can either set your “existence” (spiritsoul) free or else trap it, cannot deal with countless issues at the same time. To make it clearer, you could imagine that the human mind is like a monkey which has also drunk alcohol. You may realize how this monkey will jump up and down… The Blacksoul one and the world gravediggers know this very well. So they take care that your mind is kept always “drunk”. To achieve this on the one hand they encourage you to deal with funny staff (mass media of mental apathy – particularities – fanatical divisive religions – any kind of material goods that you may obtain), while on the other hand you are struggling during your whole life – 95% of the humanity – for the most elementary goods, food and shelter.
So, as simple as that, your mind has been trapped, stuck, imprisoned and become a meek, servile instrument of the Blacksoul one. Your mind is such a crucial organ… There is no chance that you manage to set yourself free, unless you take in hands the control of your mind. You will always be captive and imprisoned and you will consider that you have set some priorities (a, b, c…) but in reality, your mind will be like a “drunk monkey”. Whatever you may do, whatever you may deal with and care about, nothing has anything to do with your real self. All these things are set up frivolities aiming only at trapping your mind and nothing more. The mind is such an important organ. In fact, we should tell you something special here. In the fairy tales provided for the control of the humanity by the global system, the issue of the extraterrestrials is from time to time mentioned. In the same way that you belong to the category of the beings with intelligence, so do the countless extra – terrestrials that possess a natural body, even different than the yours and you all consist part of the evolution of the universe, called beings with intelligence. Some extra terrestrials are much more developed from the technological point of view, in comparison to you. While, if compared to other extraterrestrials, it may be you who are at a higher level of technological evolution. This does not change at all the fact that alike you the extra – terrestrials as well, both being entities with intelligence, have different missions. We told you before and we shall repeat it again. The matter obtained a form through the thought of the father. And believe us that the ulterior motive of the whole matter is that after the big bang, the divine plan or whatever is called after “the big absence”, everything and everyone return into the thought of the father. 201 Do trust us, this exactly is the one and only truth. All the remaining information about us being the divine sowing or any other nonsense, only intend to make the monkey drunk, to make your mind drunk and to enhance your ego (divisiveness). All of us are divine beings. There is nothing outside the divine. Because as simple as that, in case there were, no harmony nor any perfection would exist not even in the universe that you are perceiving. Thus, either you, belonging to the beings with intelligence and evolving on planet earth, either any other beings with intelligence evolving on any other planet of the universe, all of us, all of them have the exact same mission... This mission is to reach through the continuing and unlimited evolution our genitor – creator – hyper mind – father – God. And keeping on with the analysis of the mind this is the biggest and sole present to you that can either help you or destroy your whole earthly life. You should pay some very special attention to what you will read now, to understand with absolute precision what entrapment of the mind means. Since the mind is connected to the five senses of the outer or otherwise natural world, very easily and instantly, whatever is offered to it in the form of pictures, the mind takes a photograph of it, freezes it, and in the end comes to a point where it says, "That's it”, “This is what I want to do." For example: a child has been raised in a country. After being trained because of any country, having learned the language that is spoken, at the same time, it also embraced the country's religion. It also got acquainted with the country's customs at the same time. And then it obtained everything it was taught about. For example, that it is not bad to be homosexual, it's not bad to steal if you don't get caught, and in general it is not bad to act like an imitative monkey. You must turn towards inside yourself and make the two most simple thoughts: since I am going to die, who has brought me in this world and have I come to do here? And in a perfect combination, the inevitable ageing of your own human body is literally coming to scold you, to attract your interest, to make you turn your attention elsewhere and in this case, inside of you, meaning to make an introspection inside of you and what is sure if you seek for it you shall get the most accurate information and answers.
The Blacksoul one and the global gravediggers are very much aware of the way that the mind is hooked on the pictures that the authority systems are providing it with. This is why they have presented a limitless blackness, including all the supposedly problems and crises that the humanity is flooded with, for an endless time now. Literally speaking, with all these crap and hogwash that they have forced the humanity to follow, they have managed to totally disabled, trapped and imprisoned the human thought. It is very important, although already mentioned earlier in this book, to present to you a very simple example once more. In the socalled civilized states, the citizens are talking about tax evasion. Of course, all of you, considering that you are doing good, you are against the tax evasion and this is a huge example corresponding to what we have already mentioned, i.e. that your mind has been cancelled. Because if your mind would get broadly activated, it would proceed with the following simple reasoning thoughts: All the states of this planet have debts of trillions. Due to the currently high technological level you should answer– with no second thought, with not any other skillful avoidance of this query – to whom do the states owe money? At the same time you would have uncovered everything just by such a simple request. You would have honored your mind as being active by your own self and that it is not functioning as an imitative monkey as mentioned before. In fact, when you reach these levels of activation of your mind, nobody will have the ability to fool you. The activated mind, the mind that knows the truth, the mind that has connected the inner with the outer world is literally the absolute fear of the Blacksoul one. So, instead of making you being afraid using all his filthy tricks, the exact opposite would happen. There would be no one from the humanity to serve him. That is no human person would feel fear, regret, injustice, hatred, jealousy, war and any kind of negative thoughts and acts, since the Blacksoul one is only fed 203 by these. And in order to be able to get fed he literally sucks your energy and has presented to you a power system full of countless skillful tripping, so that all of you and each one of you are flooded with negative thoughts and acts. . He gains his food through this procedure.